l . a i.w.jw1 .') tT. wr - r l ft jj i j i . '" , ''" v. ' ' THE DAILYNEBRASKAN. 5 ' 'X K ' f ' r iK" k- v . Z' ' r i ', ', p r the Daily nebraskan vl A consolidation of The tifespMUn'Vol.sr.l, Ther.Nebrakan, ' Vol. tif Scarlet Rnd.Cream. ,V6l.v4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University .of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by tho Hesperian Publish ing; Co. : : i : Entered as - aocond class matter, March', 14, 1000, at tho Post Office at Lincoln, Nob., under the Act of Con gress, March 3j 1870. , j v , ' "Manager Fred -Nauflhton Astt. Manafler......W. E. 8tandeven STAFf. Edltor-ln-Chleff. R. A. Van Oradel Assistant Editor... Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry Swan Reporters. e. F, Huso. Geno Sage. Josio Frazjer. Telephone Automatic 152S Night Telephone Automatic 23C5 SubscrlpUon price $2.00 per year in advance. In stating tho surpluTPturned ovor ly the-managoment .of tho Senior An nual to the class we made a mistake. The amount should have-beon sixty eight dollars instead of thirty. v Today practically marks tho close of .Captain "Worklzer's first year's work at tho Unlvorslty. His work as com mandants is so far absolutely without criticism. Tho military department? is 6h n basis now that makes it ono of the strongest in tho University. Per feet harmony exists bqtween this and other departments, and student sentl mont which ono year ago seemed to bo against military science is now he'artjly In favor of it. And lastly, tho greatest advancement has been the; co-operation of- tho military de partment with -athletics, and vice ijvorsa. This has always seemed to be Electricians In Navyr -i Tho navy recrpltlng-pfflco received. Wednesday morninejristructibns f rbm tho Navy Department that, will -prove of interest toyourig men whoare anr bltlous 4ioiecome electricians and' electrical engineers. Many young men hayo"applied for enlistment in the electrical branchof the navy, but have booh rejected on account of their not being electricians by trade, which re-, quires an apprenticeship of several years in electrical work. The Navy Department - has decided to try tho plan of enlisting as landsmen for elec tricians -young men who aro skilled mechanics, having borne knowledge of eloctriclty, and also students of elec tricity who show aptitude for the naval service., Theso men wllPbo given & fqur months special practical train ing in electricity at New York, at the end of which time they will be rated electricians, If qualified for the navy work, or discharged, if not so qualified) This plan will be given a .three months trial. An electrical training never ends. The electricians of the navy aro just as much students as are the candi dates, ho great has been the develop ment of electrical machinery in -the past few years; and at present there are few machines on shipboard that cannot be operated by electrical power, to say nothing of tho wireless telgoraph, tho telephones, the range transmitters, the battle indicators, helm Indicators, automatic alarms, search lights, automatic whistles, etc. One form of motor controller is used1 for training turrets that is not found elsewhere. In order to vary at will and with great delicacy the speed of the motor, bo that tho guns may be kept constantly bearing on tho enemy, a Boparntc dynamo Is used for each .large turret and tho controller regu lates tho current in the field of the dynamo. The pay of tho landsman for elec trician is $1G a month. When rated electrician the pay is $30 or $40, ac cording to qualification, and good men 1 0 MB' .?' A. k ' "i. t t. T -!' " p 1 i .. . S3 V.' jjjj-l tt'. I 4 .. "l -...- 1 , X . PAN HELLENIC HOP i V V I ' 'i IS NOT COMPLETE "WITHOUT -LUNCH AT THE LINDELL CAiFE -' ' """" "- , I . ! II , I. I -, -l.' , .., ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE AUDITORIUM- OPEN UNTIL TWO A.M. -i --.. . . 'I f" t. . THE COZIEST PLACE-IN TH&.CITV: A fo li.i . i. v. 4 ft it I. J". c I -M OOOPOQOCXX)COCOOOOCpCOOOOCOOOOCOOOCOC NJECKLAEA.R SALE 200 dozen tripe 50c Silk Neck wear cleanup of spring silks of a big factory ". On sale Saturday ' OCOOOOCOCXXXXXXXX)OOOOOOCOO .50 Hatter ,tho point of greatest dlfflculty horoto '' fore, but our present commandant seems to havo solved the question. t . But hero Is also muoh credit duo each captain and? lieutenant at ,tho. close of, every year7Those mon havo worked, hard during their University courses to attain this end and all is not glory after, they havo reached It. For to the officers come tho worry and responsibilities of their companies. Faithful work must bo performed ror tho cadets will lack the thorough training that is to make them officers in tho future. It matters not which 0 ' company wins" tho- cup today, for if every riSan has pprformed Is work well he will' have a knowledge that will to rnoro lasting than thls'tem' ' porary symbol of proficiency. r. Haggard, 212213 Richards Blk "s Ri . v C -. ' r.- I - X . The National Highway To California - Is via ''THE OVERLAND ROUTED '- " If you contemplate alrip to this pleaK , ' " v ' V' -. - 1 l . .t 1LI . X uiu Hucner a puruuisc, mis rouie oners i - - you the Highest degree of comfort and luxury with no additional ocst and a great saving of tlmo and expense. Be sure your ticket reads' over thoi r ' UNION PACIFIC Inquire at E. B. 8L0380N, Gen. Agent. i.-ma ' I dt - I , i"M !' are advanced to chief electricians at $G0 and $70 a month. It takes seven years to' become a wa'rrant officer under thp most favor- able circumstances, and eleven to be come a commissioner offlcer in the regular lino of promotion, -Tho new battleships have " from twenty-nve to thirty electricians 'in their crews, out of 4 total of about 800 men. Tho recruiting offlcer states that In his opinion no more fa vorable opportunity oxlsts In this country for training In practical electricity. Of course, only tho best class of young men will bo accepted and they must strictly conform to tho requirements, viz., "Skilled mechanics. possessing somo knowledge of elec tricity and students of electricity, who show aptltudq for" tho naval service."' Enlistfonts are for four years, during which time a young man should bo abld to fit himself for the work of electrical engineer. ' M. H. SIGNA. t Lieut Com. II. S. N, , , " Recruiting Officers. U, S. Navy Recruiting Station, Omaha. Neb,, May 23, 1906. v r J PLEASE PAY UP! If-ou have not'jaidi your subscription, please let the matter .have your early attention 75c for second semester Office open'daily I to J:30. Room 2J U2 University Hall, V fi V: ' I M I V mmmJ - 'Artistic 'PKotogfaphy The i Kind, that Plcssea ...Keiinedy lit TUDIO l . , f 130 ao. tWblftm y! t .N." tK - l '.V1 'i i-" S-t ft lk f I. i Lai f H 5 l y 2 - r .xl Be .' & -, -T 4 A n & - Mi.!, . , .1 ;w"'V-xg -- TT . IK t ' - 'Vjtp'n 1 .... -v " V7TM"'L'gii mw