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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1906)
X' 'V". j&pyfm4mX ?- $& m.T v ii . ( vv V1 f f aV . lFW'& ' X jMajsj- W. BM y Ijfe 4 ! ffc By aW t - Hi ..'! ) 1 1 1 I djSl ... . r . t PC . ' BfiaUUtx aTtt&nv'i Ail Mak. am am Ml JHUlinrVl ffr .fpv iww-; was MM ? OWI WllfG UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, XINOOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 24, J906.' TO RAIN PROQ GIVEN IN MEMORIAL HALU. V i E. M.jJMarvin, Ivy Day Orator, Qivs an Harnett Talk to Classmates-i :-'- - v ,rV Theftinclemencyqf the weathar pre? 1 vented' the Ivy Day. celeraUoflafrom taking! place outside. But a very fair crowd? of Seniors and Juniors assem bled 1m Memorial Hall where. the ex erclse were given. President- Crite's of thaV Senior class, presided during the afternoon,, and with him on the stage sat MJss JCeta Stetter, E. M. -Marvla., and Wm. .'Whilen. At three o'clock? the first selection on the pro gram was given by 'the' y. H. C. A. ' t Quartette, and so highly appreciated was this that they wefer encored. , B. M; Marvin,, gavej the Seniors more of a heart-tcwieart talkthanan oration. Hia tallc was , shorthand "to the poijnt( his. very convincing. This was .followedby the classsongsungby the entire class. "- -nille the sflrit.offtheong wan strong "'(' 'Mj "'" i v 00( &U&CIOR-SE&CIOR E(:EPTt08K ' 4 Saturday, May 26 OPEN TQ JUNIORS AND SENIORS tProgramme and Vance at 8:30 P. cM. 000 A fragrance sweet to gladden till 'the " endv , ' ' . -After the' reading of ,the poem the quartette sang three more selections, two being encores. The presentation speech of Mr. "Whalen's In giving the circular cement seat to the University, was one of the strongest features of the program.- On behalf of .Chancellor Andrews, then, Dean Bessey gave the response., eurged for colIeg&Joyal ty and" spirit on the partrot the out going class; Owing to the weather- It .was imposslbje to -plant the ivy, and In this way President. Crltes' presenta tion bf th. trowel speech, and H. Bv Myers', tiresldOHfrof the' 'Junior class vvr:" -r-;-r: "T?cr ?t r n ,? ..w.."? h v ytrit lacked Awea.t ''deal In vjDhjmtf.wesppase-were'iomlttedr . Mtes Jbeta A. .tetter hen'Treadrjthe j . ;A, Liindliiflnen-tGadt c i n .Wu 7 ,. t. . Xt -!. --"?i ." "" class poem, it Is a very proxty piece ofpoetry; five iefses in length. i & .Class; fp.ern. . 0e thinks when' some dear,, gladsome ' a lime Is done, ' '" "WhatMf thro all. ihe rounds and" rounds of years, TlM bart should lose it I" and the k sudden -tears v ' , ' airing hurting to the, eyes. WeH, V U" in uuo lv , Ofyallthose" times of whicn an ena M , I; How shall Its life be kept for you ana r. tOA ' lV OhV' never weep -with him of bitter ' ;u IsSpnce pausing where white roses 1 dfe l And hidolhe, eaBili in fragrance ,whero '' theylle.y vVlth darkenedeyes- be looked, then rt Z """-TF ;,- '.m- j. ... r Ani murmunnghopjelessohlmsoir, ' i- he said. r ?The thorns stlll sharpen when the . ' flowers, are dead." . t , ,t . ., Aaother 'Came and stood' within the t Dlace A . 1- where softly breathing lay tne living -. xt snow. i . " ?' '. '. . And 'looked upon the", waste and bend- i ing low V ' gfopped as he loved It. Then I saw A his face! "He 'gathered all tho -petals (.at his feet -Aad thro'' lils life they, gave himrira- '" grance-sweetr Wf" 8o we may know what wisdom is, we read i ,IU mighty meaning n the brow 'and J eyes ' : -' Of him who knows to keep his para-: la fragraace whea the living, thlnglls , t dead. . ;!fi-, ' He looxea so caim, ior iao nis, yws ,"v were .wet ; ' JVl Hkj'face was placid and without re ' - ret. the names of the newly elected tnnocentu. and introduced the men to. the classHo bespoke for the incoming members as. loyal support from the class- of, '07 as the class of '06 had given to "thopres ent bunch. ,-Tho hew members of the Innocents are; Butler, Lloyd Denslow, C. B. Duer, D. D. Drain, E. O. Eager, It. H. PIndlay, X.. A. Hlggins C. M. Kearney, E. L. Lindquest, A. Lott, C. C; McWilllams, H. Q. Myers, C. d: Slaughter. , The May pole dance was given in the Armory, and a short informal dance followed in the chapel. ,. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. I ''.'K ,, ' 1 ' . ' l Fourth Annual Commencement In Omaha Tonight. The University of Nebraska College of Medicine will hold their fourth an nual commencement tonight-inr Oma ha. Thev exercises are to be held at the Congregational church, Nineteenth' and Daveaport, streets. Dean Ward of the2cbobl of Medicine went to Qmaha.yesterdaytQ attend, the alumnli dayexerclses and It is quite likely a number of Lincoln alumni will go up today for't&e exercises to be held to - The program for "tonight is'as fol- W ' ..;'. 'V " " Muslo--GrandChoru8. . T.. .tSalome PccSCcnts F KANSAS SATURDAY VARSITY' TRACK TEAM TO MEET , JAYHAWKERtr "N, Meet te le icld en Athletic Flelrf '" Fair Grounds Cannot tecured .. .. hould a Close Contest. "''! f rl '...,. .. ; v 'V"v Band Concert. i The University Cadet band will give an open air concert on Friday morning during chapel hour. This will be the last opportunity the student will have of hearing the band this year, as next week they go -to Cadet encampment, and then 'all Is over The selections to be played 'are of the same nature as the ones played- in the Convocation, exercises the fore part of the year. . iMlsa Emma Wilhelmson, for the last twoyears superintendent at Broken Bow, will have"cfiarge of thenbrmal $enartmentaT Beatrice iext year. ' Miss Jtua L. Sheppard will, return to tho Plorencehlgh school' as prin cipal pext year. v, Invocation - -. " Jey; J. "yConlpy; D.'D. Muscpphjant- PastorAf:. . v ...DuBois Administer Ing ot Hlppqcratlc Oath and Presentation of Candidates Deafi iHenry Baldwin" Ward. The Conferrlng-qt Degrees Chancellor EllshaBenjamln Andrews The Awarding of Prises Dean Henry Baldwin Ward. Commencement Address . by Jatties Carroll, MD,f Curator of the -Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. ?The Microscope in Medicine." Music Festival March Dunster Informal Rpceptlon for the speaker, aiumni, -raauates, ana invitea '' guests, in tho church parlors. " '- There are seven members of tha graduating class, Edward Lewis Brush, Nora May Falrchild, John Andre Fuller!-4 Jr., Leslie William Morsman, Claude Palmer, Edwin Norrla Robert son and Claude Leroy Wills. Those who were fortunate, enough' to receive prises and honors"for tKelr work're? Class 'Honors Nora May Falrchild. Honorable' "Mention First, Claude Palmer; second, Edwin Norrls Rob ertson. "" Clifford Prize tin Ophthalmology Olau'de Palmer. ' The second and Jast try-out for tho Kansas track, meet will be held bri. the field this afternoon when the quar- ' . ki tor-mile men will be picked and the "v relay team wllfbo chosen. Last Mod- '..,. day -evening, May lBt, the half and . two-mile try-outs were ifon. by Kuns 7 and Alden, respectively. Kunsx ran the best half that has been run on the T)1r1 thtm venr Tniif fVio Hmn .i-. - vrf .., wuv ww viiiiu noa uui. taken. Alden finished strong in the two-mile with Cable a close second and Dr. Clapp prophesies that this evept Saturday will be brought down close to the 10 minute. mark. tfThe teamrds;a wnole Is exceptional ly strong this year. Winters can be depended on to .easily win three events'. the hundred yard dash, the. two-tweh'tlj '$ yard dash and the broad jump; Kat;J9 -iy sas will' need to do a great deal better-' than twenty feet Jtf thevbroadjump if they hope to make even a second place, for Winters does', twenty-three feet and Hagonslck has .Jumped twenty- tiH-fij'i one. Wihters did the hundred in . 10 1-5 iri thn flrcif trvnr nt tha Oo.nm and dldh't seenf to be working hard A V: -t nf ti, " - .iCr r r V MM.. - '1 - . - '. lf .- fn the two hurdle events the Miih" Jsourl record looks 'big when comp'are, ' ? with Hauser's. He runs the high, ones in 16 and the low onesrin 2,vand.the Jt bothrJiagensIck 4and-PeckjrunJrfaW, . close second. ' 'J As forthe shptput, both Calupka ,;- . and Collins "hover around the forty- f-,J w- " m uracuc-. ana witn tae4, discus both Collins and Calupka, but vf-r especially CoHlns, are , doing ,good " ; work making it drop at and around ; . Jzu reet, -. event to , Kansas as far as first "piace Is concerned, but expects Hauserriqf land second, Inhe.pole vault last year Hagensick went over. it the Western Iaterc6l legiate meet at 11: 6 and at Chicago made 11:3. ThIs event will no doubt be "one of the most interesting entries on the-Program since rumor has it that the Kansas vaulter goes over at ' r f ax;i.. in tne Missouri meet on Mar v,vr 'k: r& KXW. . -At ijS Willford I. King, class of 'OS, will teach science in the high school at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. " ...-. i. . ;;.,. This storyrkas'Iti sweet and tender , For always KatfUkvivc reses'die t ,f. And: all about us fragrant petals, He" , - 'iWifca, come .aad. pass. Bat mem'ry ''l. T akUl may lea , i .a - ; ay KMaMiiBBaapBaamBaaMamaMaammMW ;: , TpjTH ANNUAL " ,KA N W&i L;E;NI pViOp. X i, iw A TTFVTTTomT TUT f X . - ' "-a.. ni'iii m. arm. j avi t i MAY 25 $Z0Q t VAtT 7 HECTS " i 3OOOOO6O00t0t0gOOa)OOOOOOO0t0i0tg I - I 1 . 'r-', ,,' !, 12, Kansas had no need for their vaulter, since Missouri had ao entry' ' : foe the stunt aad Kansas took first ' , at 8 feet 2 laches', ' trX If th.e MiMourl meet is any;' crlterloa thiwlgh Jump Is cinched for Nebraska, for Parker paly jumped 5 ' feetS Inches, and Meyer has doae 5 , feet 10 3-4 iachee, and Kaode makes i feet 9 inches,. , . The department S very muck dis- ?-r;J-' anoointad ovar Itm InahHItv tn kld tka ' . y9' At. at thA .fair arrAunda u tuf Mli .. ' - - -- v.v.. r -, - .i Mil inamniuaiUBt Tha TUnl mAv .'t- :. " " wmnrwt, - !-. t,y? un coiaDiDV. win' nnr. na tnu to mvu .. . - . . - f. t 1-? .-T..7 7' v i mm earst,aM.jrei.Uwi gred, so the aaeet will be hld on the emp aext .Saturday, May 2, at! p. . TJitf ! time Is set. early In efder to havVtlus. v V I f i r "f " v A, X'' ' , . 1 P , "Sv. '' .--. v. w " ifl r ' - -' j, i k It - '- - A ' ' . '. -ft c . NK. t aWBtStit j-a