!f jir3 ' , . ; ;e-';; .1 . r t , i , - tKAN. . . , .. . . . , , . jM,n'rHflc.fa;1jt,,.,t. -, j.tsj-r viJkVi ,. Wt,jf ifV f a',j' ,1" .;.. t . - 'VB ft''y "; 5f ' Ift-- s!i - . it SF.. , tl ' lit. jV. : A!;" i w i.. ' fc . 7- be"; i '... .-1 r-.-1 . ,h-..-,W; .f wiiiiiMi DIRECTORY i4 . 4 r 7 " i"T.T ( I BR SHOPJht-Ariaio. Grain's tl' ,-' I!- - ' T' ",! llA "T" IMIIKS . - rwaw, aaogui, jucmtm. BAKBRY Mrs. Petry, coU"ikxk Store, Ual. Book Store, BroWa DrutrCo.i Harry Porter, BOOK HOBPITAL Gillespie. ' 1ANK OolumbU Natkmal. First Na- '.JWIALUOYHDrwceBt. . toa mm s r CAFESam . Weatorfleld, Doa 0 eroa. dARpTiK-Oeo. A. Wikwa. y ATVU'lV9iy,M a , Miller ft raises joi a taia. ,- . ? CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. "f; (kwayt nria 'eV, Perkins. ' - CLBANlApTK8--Ji O.Wood : PLTOlNgfrmfow, Ualaaf , M seejJb Demer: Luawlg. v COWJKrriprfRl-rMa?well.lieFol. DI8BA1M OF " BTB, BAR AND THROAT prl Brie B. Wiwar. ' RK?OODmj Pajlferprt. shelaier, DRWOOISTg Rlgg8, .Brpwnt Rejtor. ' . JBXPRB68 iacola LfCfl. " - ". ijuA-a?mrB 11 t QROCKR8 O. J.JClas V Sea. "". HABBRbABHBRYi2.iO Hat Store. " ICM' CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice .Bt1MPfXl tf? - a-v- ktr ft n I i ' : ,LA.pNPtlBlfTujBr1& : . nNOVBLTY MACHINISTTfcerf. j' PQViasTsDrf Dayi. ,, . -V, JHOTOQRAPHBH-Tewaeea4; s . ;PRTING-ew ' CeatarVr IfW A . viieeeup, Greer Cdeer Oe Qeesge ; ', ;l!BaTApRANTSDoia'a.rc x HUMrjBaiiaersoii,. Jaotrs. jfr? fjSiNINd NPARLOB.frnioa Shlaiag V ;. jipRTmo GOODS-iawlor Cycle , TATLORSrTJalaiidr Ualoa 'CoUece I TTPBWRiOTRStTUiir. T a. .-writer Ce, j -- 0 TYEBWRlMNGrrJ. V- Brewaler . ." ' PBCuiteTS--Dr BrlV B."oei- B Firar:J ' v.. wiiTsnai ' i ' " J t , . ... 3 i (i TVAiiHiivo ounaau unuw v ftflfimanll'ttVTIftvitl - a . uGra h-- . - . , - i 'iM . .' ,'i -' . ""nWliWMfW tauiiw .im.iiiim...i.imtii1 MJ!T". i" lyj - '-wt- -- w y ' I OLIVER THEATRE i W".. .' t J'- , - w.; 'v m,)i)yy(K - fJ9j-li'7B V AaP,B iXt , VA I, W lif M T 1I6HT 8.1 i30 MIO(T 8tl .,, .... A-- "' 4?' WR TIMTMURPHY , fe In tne'.NeWCCemedy . ,, t -. ' - . i:Fj---: MlwAi9 K':." vt:am: ( 5 kihpt a;?ti O-'h: :tt " ifc, -.j : - " 'i.'ifK ritf ton xmck: i o :,., 'mtkfF.. ;..-, r , ( VtilM1 Tr OltlMS 4.pj t' j. c.waoa co ttttJllFin: PtUMH All dvtrtlMmnt In ihte lumn mutt Me aald for In Mvanee. Kate one cent jxtr yyprt eaoh Insertion'; minimum, ten cents. xjmez ATHt. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE THrklah, ealt glow, gulpho-aallne, ahoif er, plala. 11th aad P.Bta. V nUBRATB0Thre' suits and O'eeat clearied arid ifseed, $1 per month El liott's, 1138 X St ' v AQQAQE TRANSFER. FAGBR BR08., Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggaero and parcels. DENTIST BOSTON DentlBta, 1319 O St. D1U H. A. 8HANN0N, 1135 O. Aute, 2823; Bell, 2126, TAILORING JL C. HUBERT, ladles' and rents' tail oring and pressing., 117 No. 12th, Auto, 8771i -," --..-.,. J-P.8T. . LOST rAlnhn. Thflta CM nln. Ha ward-for return of earneto Notiraskan omce. K . FOUND. FOUND-Vlk'ing pin; owner may have same by Identifying property and paying for -this- ad. Neqraskan office. 'vttp i-irwi7rr (i- ' -t jl'j May 23. Recital Advanped students in Elo cution Memorial IhuV 8 "p. m. u Ivy day. Seniors "and Juniors dis missed from afternoon classes. May 24. - Cpllegoqf Medlclae Cpramencemenk vuituia. , -N- ., - My 25. ;i. ;Annual competitive drill. : Pan-Hellenlg Hop. - Audltprlumr May 2fcO'. ; Kansas-Nobraska track meet. State Fair grounds, 2:30 p. "m. "K . Union picnic. Epworth Lake "Park, ? P mt ' . r: r . "v ' - ' May 27. . ' Dean Bessey spenks to University men in Memorial Hall at 4 p. m. Sub ject, "The... Value of .Bible S.tudy to uoiiepe Men." -"' " May 28. anirc-iau paraae. e 7 . , MfYJunf iJL .; Cadet Encawpnient, i-x ' e r1 June 4-9. '. ' Semester examinations. r , Juhc12. . . SenIor;tlay.. Oliver Theatre. , . r Jne 14. . , ... Thirty-fifth Annual Commencemeat; r i - Convocation. - Wednesday, May 23 Y. W. C. A., "Special Program." Friday MajrJMuic. ,t ,"' Tourist Cars Popular. The idea that an' Inferior class of people patronize the tourist sleepers Jg an Qrxpr. On many trlypsr only the beet class pf .travelers are fOHnd. They are merely men and women of good sense who weuld rather travel to Cali fornia In this mahnejr and saye a' gniig sum; of money td be used elsewhere. It Is beglnnincT to be Understood tat It .is,., by no means necessary for 'the Jt'rjtyejer tq:spe4 ITge sum qt nioney ift,prdertoeaJoy"a trip to;the-Paclfl6, Coasb . ' "If you eross th'e-eoutlaent in one sl the. tourist sleepers of the Unlomj Pa cific yw,:wlireJey yoor'trlp aad save 1 IQMA TAU INITIATES. Enilneerlng Fraternity Take In New Men "'..... . .i' .... . . v At tne nnai meeung or tne Sigma, Tau Monday evening the following men were Initiated: J, B. Smith, Roy Battan, C, B. Duer and L, H. Baker. The initiation was held at the Delta Upallon house. Continued-from4)ag6 one book'.' Many cute are presented which" make many of the roasts very clear and in some places ludicrous. On the whole, the outs in the Law Book are much better than those appearing in the Senior Annual. The professors as well as the students are shown no mercy In any of the write-ups or jokes. On the' whole, Ihe book: is a tyery creditable production and reflects' much credit upon its editors', and man agers. k "The Arena" for May. The May rtArena" Is very strong In Its, fine literary and artistic features. "What Our 'Universities Are Doing for, American Literature" is a deeply philosophical and searchlngly thought ful paper by Edwin Davles Schoon- matcer tne taientea autnor or "Tne Saxons." The well-known and popular; author, George Wharton James, con-' tributes a magnificently ilustrated pa'-'! per on Charles Hi Grant, the famous marine painter, and his work. Thisi contribution carries 'a number of ex-i .cellently executed half-tone reproduc tions of Mr, Grant's paintings. Gen eral "Simon Bolivar, the liberator pf northern South America, is the subject of another illustrated paper in this issue, prepared by the eminent student pT South American llstory. Professor Frederic M. Noa. Among subjects of deep Interest , to thoughtful students of American civic, life are the follow ing: "Criminal' Wealth versus Com mon Honesty," by Albert Brandt; ''The Railway's of Colorado by Hon J. Warner Mills; "The British Labor Party: Its Alms and Aspirations- by, WllligmIack;' "TheValue of an lufc migrant' by. Hob. Robert Baker; J'Where the PeopJeT Really Rule,1' a story of Oregon under direct legisla tion, and "Why We Favor Municipal Ownership," two extended ''editorials by Mr. Flower ' ' : , Qiieeri's University. Assistant professor of Classics; saff ary, 1,200. Applications for the . posi tion, will bq.rpcelyed until June 1st. Professor of Latin; salary, 12,0007 Applications for the position will 6e received until September 1st Assistant, professor of History; sal: iry, 11,200. App;icatIons will be re ceived, until September 1st. . , . All appointments are provisional for two years. GEO. Y. CHOWN,J , Registrar, wwiaw)igiwMiwtt r . ... T ! - . When In need of - FRATS-- WHITEBREAST COMPANY M Wc wffl Office 1106 G. fi?;j t- t'V V. ? -? '- v ' ssaaaBsaaBaasaaaaBBsaBBBsasBBBBaBpBBaaBBS , , jixf -,.'. -uTfce ."; . -- " - h. , WhirtVaee wttKet TewwyT . SJSJBJBHBJBMSjSJBJSjiSJSJBJBjBaSJSjip bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Lbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ' x bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH.'' "-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI s ' sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI j Thot. W. Grteaaaa, better kaown as Toamy' at Miller A Maine's. " 1 v V wniv7K i r" - i ', i,'i 1 ' ,, , ..A.iJ C... Ntw Ctntury s BBtf ' HBaSBBBBBBBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Printers smmammmmmmamtmmmmmmmmm ' -. J.l lHUSBB'T-i;q vv-.. - I J II- J i 'i . L1 ( Inpeclaly olidte;the trade of those jrhq wish l well prtftted. IasBBBBlBBBBBEC . f. (.M -' ' " -'"''' F n -j - uun :mj. TASTM UKK M . ' i ' tz 'Jtm KT - r , t Rial, TN In Cutttf U '1321 6xSt. v ' v - U - DON'S CAFE 114 Srli ! FRESH EVERY PAY! ' - ,- -.; -..;.. ,.v. v'.. '.-' '" ,A' H Oar CabUm wad BM -fltoeds are Always Fresh asd Qopdv. Ceierlit oar spfify. 1 - THE MAXWELL CO. J WhMIMMMMtaMlh k -Mrtt ft 'J -t w'.''-'.-"1 b .' t 'c i i f '" . COAL call and si ' ? ' '- -it''v --tht - H'ixi' . ' . 'd 1 treat ytxi rifht F PkoMM, Bll 234; Auto 161A I ZJ ii xl! if tv't !nmtT'lfWlm W ''NsH.Sij : 0. J.KING SOWjl I " J !lf W BWBUsTjB' ( SCMBUTj 'j' , - - - . ,? .- '' i . Kf -! s. N.w. 4 -rTX ' . '13 -!? ?i?g ATI m H a .- .'i: 4 M ' ' 'M T c)iiidewuHemoaey., Iaa.Mlreof . i' . j BvB,5,fc9WWiynGeierai Afeat,' PeiiiUrTJ-tl.-Blc 1 . v, , " .1 v " '.?; : f' 7 - 's m M.i . c - :-Tv't T ,j- , j -j- a- ; f i. .' ' u. f . m.imMW b. ?i -' " B'- II - - 5T'' Br i fc, SB L wnmogmpnyi " ,..-.': -w,. - :.,:. ; i Ji " BBBBSBBBBSBBSaBBBsaBSBBBaJBBBsaBBBBSaaBBBBlBBaVBB r - ." . ? '- - . . . , ..,...' '-. t. e - , "