ll F!3"J U. PW "1 ,." "JUUi i-PJMUIH a-flaflkAHUkA, IhMrBiiiiBiii i ' i "-- - ? - - - 5 "gpHr5lfHri ' ":.'. a v'ff T.jr- "J vsv j i ..) . r .x VY"- 't -,tr 4 ; 'i4 'V l " ' s THK DAILY INEBRA8KAIN. r -V. ae ' MWBWMMmWMMMiaiMinMMMMHMa 'M N' ?.' V I '" . "!t nip, ,,- jf . . , v. ,- J, rV . &..-. m hr1 . ' t',j, r m. y? ' 5-i.'- i&h tiki- T Ptr i- : ti r Ur. lK I ll K...: f Ii flaiffft nkA4kit Mat" C ''vlElr1 JUwml WYrt '! Aroirtl4Un of Vol. , Sarlt and Cream, Tel. 4. Mtay, at thfUnlvity Muk. LlmJn, Me., jr the Hfrian PuWWi- jffc ftf. . itered as secoad class matter, March 14, 'WW,, at Jthe Fort Qe t TAP . MlioMn-Chl'tf . .... h. A. Van Oradsl AMlUpt Kdltor.,T7..-vrMl Vallatrd AfhTetk fcafitr ,.v.H"V wan .!.;. . i, fa?hm. . f r , deneSaf'a. Josls Frazlr. HJfht Taltphant AUUmatlc 2IM .'W - , - - f.tv"- . ,n 4nvv rr ' t- " ' " ' The person wbo suggested the building ol circular setees about the trees on tho campus deserves the gratitude qt every University student For many yoars the need of such a luxury hRS been sorely felt, thore be- lag npng flf the Wnd on pie camps . except a few decrepit .benches scat tered along the walks. Tfito ohV objection to bo found with the qey Impr9vpmon.t- Is perhaps in tbe ?hape. of 4he setees. Whore, a bench ot this kind circles init makes yX k very enjoyable retreat; but when It circiesouti aa vuohu wmij, ii. 4'w T oy4dpt tbait. in, certain lnatanposr at - leastj fonslderftble, jtacpnYO'nlence. wll be, oxpenenceai 4 , - u. , - (Contlut on.Pat;l)jU m'ent of(the "old system and i(W4 'jiot dpway withts, eyjls; and v , ''WhereasV'lfc has,Den charged V members of the Athletic Board and some students that oiir recent passage of resolutions against the tax- was sim ply a jtolitlcal move- and that the non fraternity elementof the' University fwas not In sympathy;, with the Resolu tions "passed; arid " '"'Whereas, TheVAthletlc Board,-hM recently held an election in spite of pur protest against the system; there fore, be It ' "Resolved, That we reafflrra ' our stand against the system now in vogue; and, be It 4 , A 'Resolv.od,' That wo take" a' further step to convince the Athletic Board that t.he students are behind tho move ment and appoint a committee to cir culate petitions asking tho 'board to remove tho tax; and,bo it further " ''Resolved, That we invite-the-mem-bors of the AtbloticIBoard to prove by the result of tho recent election that the majority of the students favor their system and thai It will eliminate tho corruption, .voto-1)uylng?and,, ques tionable work done in connection with the Athletic Board election." i , ? - Dr. PSfy tp Pellyer dreM. Dean P. P. Bpsgoy will address the men pf the University next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock in lomoVlal Ha)l. lls subject wll be "The Valuo of Bible Study to, College Men." In. tbjs day when so many thousands of college men are .studying the Bible It wjll be' pf lntere'st-to NeSraskt stu dents lohear-jYhat a pian of Dean Bes.soy'sreputatlbnp educational cir cles haQ to say oh this subject The' Y. M. 0. Av Quartet will furnish the special music. ' ' ? "S-' F6r' some "reason or other the. boys, of tho Junior class nro deplorably slow In keeping up their en$, of the - t . . . r- .--- - - - Notice of Candidates' Theses. The thesis of: Mr. W. H;-, England as candidate for the degree of doctor of "philosophy and . entitled "Recent German Tariff Legislation In Relation i mmmmmtmt r TMyTITTT ?iai,EAE PAY up,l If you have not pal4 ypur subscription please Jet the matter have1 jour early attention, 75q for sggqnd semesteh T Of fee' open, Jay I r to 1 1:30. Room 2X1 h2 University Hall : : : : it . ,. 4 4 4 im i -X Junior-Senior reception-' affair. . Ac- to Commercial Crisps," Is deposited for tordlng to tho arrangements, made by inspection In the Chancellor's office iw i i, t..i i-i ,- in in and will remain .there until .June 5. the class, the Juniof girls were to In- uLi c m ir -nrmV , a , T .'.,' Tne thosls of Mr. B. H. Willlsford, yto. te Senior boys and tho Junior, emm ..gomo ABt)ecta of tn0Q,aj -bpys tho, Pftlor girls. ; The girls 'have been vory faithful In 'scratching their side ot the" slate, but !tho boys, a yet; have failed to get .busy. Wethpr this deficiency on the part, of the stronger sex Is due td timidity . 'or excessive ba'shfulness is not known, "but be the excuse what it may, it ,. seems unpatriotic to say the 'least. J, Battalion Attention 1 All jnen Intending tp go to camp shpuld soe to It that the requlslto fee is deposited 'before six, o'clock, this evening. It'-ls Imperative thai all r xnlttancesio. niap by that time. , ' y 'See the new line of pennants of all ttuegea at jhq up . cook wtoro. , r r'v: .i V 4- t- k IS NOT. COMI'LETE WITHOUT , Xrt.:v -UNC9A.T-V u,.,;,.jM5Si.W .' THE LINDELL GAFE .v iHil fTT' -..r.-.TTT17 ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE ITtlDlTORIUM .' If ' H' " " " - , ' ' ! ;; a;- vro. 'VV;""KStJlElL V !.' V " ' V 1 V. !K1- . X Jf- . r-nx's 5Jn,v : . , . - :T.Wm AvM; ' ;. '.Hi.V . jr--" VIV V- ' t . THE GOZffiST PLACE IN THE CITY , -4 . t. oHuTJnTfi7TW(i5yvt!TP!J'SJ!55!!w 3 r c 0( V t ?:- r-. - i a. Get .through your correspondence, by Using' the Underwood Typewriter j rUnderwood . . r-.. . I '' ;v- i ' "-J. , .' V1, J It 3av?. 25 pr Qf nt ofth pptrator time, which it-Yourtim 00000pOKp00000( - - v ' , t ( A , " t r Powpr of Wealth," will he therealso for the samo period.' The following putjor town Kappas attended. thfi-Kappa Kappa Gain,ma banquet, last weok:t Misses Inez,' Ma nard, Bertha ShIdler, jSaboV Stephen", Edith Shedd, Mesdames McTiucas, Rankin', Crooks, McNIsh, and Buck master, v '- i ' ,, C. C. McDowell, '06, at prese'nt' with tho qoneral BJectrlc qpnTpany In Schenectady, N. Y visited University friends Sunday and Monday. Mis'ses Mable Mould and Margaret Burk were welcome visitors at the NebraskanTa 'Homo last evening. f,rtJ5uw,- "vyoab.and bag jNe; JlK'it BeirWAuto -ftiO'.- TAKE THE FFtOm 7 hnVl' - t - -rt. 7 1 1 - - I i RKiHTT? . a i. a r i - i - rlIJ OAD CHICAGO chic -. . tiWSiJfet a- . -f v" t Va a m c-,r - iriftAI- MAPLE LEAF ROUTE VVE5TERN Unequalled equipment oh all trains makesmlingapfasyfeMM Fer Ml information, Writ ie ' F.H.VWLOP, DISTRICT PAS9EHGEK AGB.NT. ii2 Faitani Str Omaha. t 4 .V( l- Zh Vf 1 -3 q '. a - .ft5. i-'-," tiV. y. , ti .V tJ .v' - ;' v4.-.: a . i V v . ". " " ! -: . "r...A Hj"'aaifi,ji1 A 'W2tt .v, i zy ..lKtsa -" 'ii !. it ' t . ij," . WT' ' a -SO-:; . WJ? "" i. 'Jcvu '-rjA':i-'"-; ." ..v. ' W 'v,.-'-'K r 4 - '.'. ,. ', ' " -"t" " r"''-,'i-- -. .,- OBl. t. .. .. ..I. ' i. . ..' 4 w-v . . ' ','. f . i - -. l J- i" T r"T ' ki ' - r,r ". W - A --J tf ' '-f em : T,-'