mu tup a'y j trM e . m .- VV7VT ! ,' s p S.--V ..1. "."! wtf. jr Tf ,-ai . ,;; y '!. v " ' ," ,t J. ? ,.. c w '"- it '. THE ,,, ;, , . , M ' 1 . .vtV '-. ' 4 A refv- . a "' fiyr, .:.' r ' - ?.'.-"'ft? . '' Phi Gamma Delta - . Oi . JEr, d zi rT'vr Tif. .i-: ;."W' ' Tkehl Gams defeated fknlahtby S a 111 WSlCVMMJg I Taus In- agood'game'fasfcvnlghtvbya, i l K.-l .1-v-l & . .K. ?.' The Lincoln Local Bxpreaa, 134$ 0 Sir PrlatlnK 3tor;e Brwi., 13th' tc NT 8fcy "JL iVI V"i K'V -I H7 . ST'w . 1 Sk itV y' r! wTi.mrtV! '' '. "1 . . . t ' MMMMIMiMIHHi ; v?iiAWWAw-r .1 -f- .HT1 ' -f H- - " ' " ; ..CAMPUS GLEA!HGS.. g M M M. ' i b: '! -if l" r.;1 V .-! Ji! . . i fc" I'-' ' fch. ' , v u K "v ;' &tS ffS-S . iSkr &'.;' r"- . . r.-.- t &:- 'lit L-r v'' a-! , ., . '' ' , rv. sr'r; Biv-' - sK(' UK. -j M RL ' -"' The Grand. ?rlMWh-tlrt"t St " lleuls oyer? all ' ceropetjtpra--;the, only -wheel that puts the pull ,o,f thechaln . between, the bearings, making the wheel run easier and ,-last .longer.. See the NeW 1906 "RAcVcL.ES before you buy a wheel. ? , i : Baseball, Tennis Goods and Athletic , Goods of all kinds, y UWLOft CYCLE td. - . V.,u 132I,O.Str,W.HVWjrrtSrfrf Successors to A. L.iGlrard Cycle Co. ,JI t- .., c jSouVenir !? ifist Vfecbl'vedr'n l&rgbllno of-' -"UnU spoouB.wlth tho different . bulWIaga In. tho bowl. . Library, Grant Senior) til, Hall Nobi-aaka. Hali; Main Uuildlng, blrda-oyo vlow o camjiua, etc., wltji CoJ; lejse ,Glrl , liandlg;, also state, corn and goldon-rod handles. Hallett, "1143 0 iruri rD.ABririiM' h V V"J'.K Blue Serge v Suits -w :x: One of tho most refine look- Mng' suite 'for sumraor wear Is a blue serge. Our display In eludes tho highest class weaves In both two-piece and full suits. Wodlrect your attention td bur lines of $12.50. $15.00, $8.00 and $20;o6 ' Magee&Deemer -1. 1103 O "Kensington" Sultsthey-flt V. J STUDENTS 11 !. ,for.first-cljt3S"TaHoring r-.sllowprictSt'sts Union-" ; ; Oollige Student' tailor j. 1 nyimxqyOj oop... T-r I llnlon Col lege Tailors J . pst oFriCK nt,Da; nmnfKVKKWKXvjixKxx) ; We save alwaye heea aeewa as the" STUDENTS LAUNDRY t We wMlyiHir'hwiMJJ. K4 O Street. AUte"a7S4.'Ml 4 i i CW.UWWA NATIONAL BANK ii krr JtfaKfard, U 2-211 Riokards Dlk' i . Chapin Bros., Florists.' 127 So. 13ia. '" -' Mablo Stpvonaon, '6i, i visiting her sorority sstora this wcok. Best 10 and 15 cent meals, In the city. The hoonlx, k . i Miss Jesslo Albers, of. Fremont la Visiting Lincoln friends. . . , i. ifyDOwrlting, J. wrBreWsterJ Rich ards fllk. Deoh Illnger, '03j law .'06,. 'was : a campus visuor yjeHioi;uttj'i : See tho new line of pennants of all ' . a wk 1 colleges at tne uni. uook Htoro. - t ' Miss 'Jennlo 'Ayer of Omaha ls the guest 'oi'Mlss Donna Wlthe'y. ' Union Shining Parlor "Shine nye ceata; chairs for ladlds. 1018 O St. The Acacia will glvo a dance In tio Masonic Temple Wednesday evening. Don" Cameron's new lunch counter; quick service -ii&-So. 12tbT St. Canipduesto the amount- of S375 per yero paldby;tbo- Cadets -'Monday Vv na T-w 4 -, . ":- Ferbea , Btables,; ilvery, :ee,b" justyias gage 1125 k St: Bell 560,AuferlS5t. .-.v. 4 IW, V. Allen, '95, and manager of the baseball team for - that; year, yjslted wtlth University friends yesterday: ' The Unl. Boole Store has bn Bale a now line of- pennants of- al colfpges. Ypu oUght to have one. " ( . ' Eugonb . Delatour, '05, Is visiting University friends this week. JMr. Del-atour-.-was elected county clerk- of Duol county lapt fall. . . FOR SALE A now ?30. dross suit for $2Q. Inquire at Nebraskan ofllco Thursday at chapel :tIrao. " - ., Engineering Notes. I Pat Day has loi-sohbpl to accfept, a position with the Trl' State ILand'. com pany. O. N. lIunn baa left scbool to accept a p'osltloh as lnstruhent man" on an lfrlgatloniproJecWin Richardson coun tyr : 1 m t Professor; Morse has been elected to full membership 'In tho AmeHcah In stitute oLJEoctrlcal Engineers. Here tofore ho'haaheld an associate inem- ,,b8htp in .thOyiio.clQty. The, granting of this membership- is , considered a high honor' as it Is based entirely on a Mhnlci aniwiM. aO n tiaAttnBl Anflp!ri et limn o duvcbi no o y..nvw ijuiu- eer and the membership e extremely limited, , N- Graduate, Thesis. ''Mr. Perslnger's thesis for the7 doc tor's degree is now' In Die Chancellor's office lor the' inspection of" members of . the graduate faculty. . Subject: Daniel Webater; Theory p,f the .State," The' thesis' will remain for iaspeetlon - ' ' ' UttUl TMt4y. My II. . . , . i.'tiV wt ijki wrajm OTKt ini MKAWEU. CO; .1 , OCOOOOQ " " H..W. OALDWiK .'. FAtU,. .p.iothnd,B. 1M,-"lii'MJi;tw...' : ; score of C-5.- Both teams Jilt thetball pretty freely, but errors were, .the, moet prominent feature of the game This game places Phi Gam' .up .to th top notch' on tho West slde Vlth 760 per cent. ., fraternity Garnet . 4 , Games. W. L. ... P.C. Phi Kappa Psl.. 3 3 0 1000 Deta TaM ...... 2 2 0 1000 pJil Gamma? Delta 4 3 1 .750 Kappa Sigma ... 3 2 1 .606 'Alpha Thote Chi. 3 2 1 .660 Delta Unsllon ... 4 2 2 .500 AloWlTanV.T... 4 '-2.. 2 .500: Sigma Chi ...r.. 3 .A t Z .333 BeU Theta Pi.".. 4 1' 3 f 260 Phi DeltaThetaw 1 0 1 .000 Sigma Alphas.,, 4 0 A ,.000 , :.-- II -.. y YA'UE PROVES EASY WINNER - Little Trouble; Defeating Princeton Jn t" '''' Athletic .Meet. ' ' Yalo had ah easier time than was anticipated In winning tho dual ath .letlc. meet with 'Princeton, the final 'scbre being 78 3-4 to 251-4 points. iPrlncoton proved to fee, weak In field events,, but she bad a, good hurdler In Armstrong, who won bo,th the; high Two records yiorS lowered , this' af- ternoon, these. Doing tne poio vauu and the running' broad"" jump,-"and Yalo took both. x '" iHkrry KcyVer to Read. , Mr. "Harry Koyser h"aa consehted to give a reading beftir.o the 9 o'clbcft dlvlslbnof Elocution. onWednosday mornings His ability along thlsHno Is thoroughly known by tlio; students, and a, good crowd Is .expected to hear him inU-jl.OO., "K ' . - -Hl,., . -. 1 - Notice. T: -7-The Hawkeye, Club moots Friday .1 nvnnlnr AfnV'OK nMi Whn'rin'n 54fl4 ...n, ., -, v .. ...----, --W aoucnHovenieenm aireec, ah aowa studon8 invited. Graduate Faculty Notice. . Mrs. Mlnnlo Thrpop EnglandLthesls as candidate for the degree of, doctor of philosophy In Political Economy and Sociology is deposited In tho Chancel lor's office for Inspection and will re main until Jung 2nd. The title is:" "The Influence of .Gharch Government Ubon Religious and Social-Progress.' W, G: L. TAYLOR. School of Mining.! - Professor of. Physics salary,, $2,000. Tho Board of Governors will receive applications up to August ,1st.. Candi dates must 'have standing as experi enced and successful teachers. """ Lecturer on Mechanical Engineer ing; Balary, $l,0'OO." -Applications will bo received up to Augustrlst Exporl- I ence In teaching Is a desirable qualifi cation, For particulars apply to toe secretary, School of Mining, Kingston, Ontario. '" vrnnm t ,titii 'rnr ' KANSAS CITY -AND-" ST. KOUIS . , JHbmeseekers 'Excursion to the South 01! June 5,andll9. Trains leave Lincoln at 9jl5 a'nv and 10:15 p. m with through PuIIhur aleper every night to'KaHsasrdiSy.- 5 JHtliilsMP . - .. I .riXfvifASi-h ' 'Cv,a:n r 117-121 iciauir' -.-. .,', 1' - I -IT . I I I I i.l . it HM..II M I Ji, i k i i ' i i'i .' . i zsr-iK vu KJ.TrrA -it - '" -T-r. ."-,- "- .tt.-1: f r fci "".i. "fjflf. it it t. it it it it Jt it 11 - .it it m it . it' it : fl -.J L. d t. : i;?.' , sc jwi " iev " 1 13A1VLK J3KUS r . J C ' r- i' dOMMSff' r'iX .. . - p- . -jiiv ; ;f -e t Jfii?? . i.. . ?)t '( '! v fJt BSJRKERBL5CK: ipwg', i)t it "r1i?J' x-iy I'T't". 'i: If vWlieHsW A Telk m W L Wlf -H'Mlsli I rBHH OBBri HHpB 8 1' mmmm l'"' , --H" it it it LCd. it .it it VWVWWU t. I i. -i i i-' . v wi.-'iri' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmi - ' . ..-., -.(, ,,;,. I f. . - , H Jn :JA V .. -.&.'V BM' .14 fc ( tr . C . 'V High Grade Confections .. ,HclWxCrtiytf6ii ; , ' 30 le 75c pcrjK)va4 t ,, ThOfympfa CdfyCoT i ' v" . 1131: O AHte 3 f sA . . ., . .,.:.-". ;V 1. t - I1 . - .' - fi-"r" - J&ci-i C ySswK- j. I 5 eOTRELL&; LEOlUtD;, : ALBANY,'N:Y, Makers rf .-.. -v . . ')', , t -..Y. ,"' - f U..t!.'i.- GOWNS and' HOODS -i .- - To Uke Amerlcea CoUt.wid Ualree- .. title. ,ClMf. eoatraota ,jpu, saeeUHy. f llFRilyfgRY, DAT! v3 rjzijuvr- r' wriT,"rs. . , 'S. -"MasaHHBMH I. ' ; i V i i "5- T fl .ls'.. ' .Tf . ?c, ' il tuv'v , "V. .X' 'i .. ' 1 tLL "7 ; U ' I L , 1J .ii iir 'Sfl il ?4 'fnnir.M . . i. " " -, --A w '. ri i . 1 " " : i.i .. v , ' 1 t v-- . ,1 .-" 'l ?.' - - )f ....1. ' "!.. ... .. .11 - irri'M 1 M ... -!; .k. .. '- -ja .. v-"; . 't ' " . 1 - S OSr ..', -! ' '& J.. -'m 8 !i m 7 ,-- 'T . y f "Jifl .4. N T ' Ufi' n 4 i,s, 4 , . .-. (:1M"HS '' . '" f wl , tt. "'i(L2, . . v:iHQBvii2ia