The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 18, 1906, Image 4
dh-?jmrm: HP 5-t 4 , K o- - U S na v .''.V . Y THJB DAILY NBBRASKAN. If!, A "" .. ii . F , j , l . KJV r -". r ? LV . . K. v-' V , . .; ,f , ' tK Hf: t4... JX., ' ;!C. ... JV- J'( .- :. i V ,7. "V vi , - 1 W't. mm ' . w . f J '. U l : i &r: .n. y t,t rxr n H n.i"k iVI-. m r." I- 57 .. I-" arVjft i litf'ii h 'JCTiit- livW(T Jti -V t .i23K!r' I "At? v 5 V: -v - Sam Wester Held Froftrfcter ol Sam's Caie 117-121 M. 13tk a UtUc Gem Hot Wattles "Sim's Czy Cercers" ' .mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. -' oc)obobop(X)bcxodooocooooooQ ir 1 1 it it it H it it H U 'I it it it it it -O . it i- '' i i it. it- 11 - If it . it n u " n o t ' 4 1 k' - MKERBRQS MGR5V COMPANY J- it it' it it 4t it it TikRKERBl&CKs HI ' OMAHA. S , it it it THe Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co. Will call and set your trunks and take them to any depot, or will 'move them, to any .part of the city tytJi, tij uiu BU JfUlU U1UU without extra charge and deliver, your bajjgase, We furnish hacks any tltae day qr night . Qur office ,is"never plpsed.' Fine carriages for ifaaeralsV specialty. Both phones? ALLEGRETTI AND LOWNEY'8 CHOCOLATES s AT O RECTORS ioh iNn ft r i C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. . Uakera ot C A P.S ry iv GOWNS and HOODS Ajj.J i- Jl .". ' I ,,te 7M wftoaw'-CollsgW ami Umlver- fy t.a ..t.ix .WSifctil Wt WfWmmJKj. hsiteciato. ReAsoaiaMs) Mteec j! COLUPIA NATIONAL BANK f tf LINCOLN, NEISAIKA , i CAflTAl -. $100,000.00 1 BPvfSiBHWsV' ifw 1 . j. v S I H ii ; i ' AsWfe pTroLri IN TROUBLE AGAIN. Kansas; University at Outs With Mis souri and Iowa. The following aro editorials and nowa Items taken from the Missouri "Independent" and the "Dally Iowan":. "From the stories that are being sont out df Lawronco, Kansas, of late on6 would be led to concludo that Mis souri University students Wero muck ers of the most refined 'typo and that Kansas University men fall little short of being angels. This year there Was. a hitch in tho proceedings incident to the holding of tho ninth annual debate, and why? Tho Kansans aro making use of overy opportunity to toll tho world that it was all. because Missouri was unwilling to do "the square thing. It has been Intimated that. , Missouri wantod to fix tho judges by choosing for jiidges alumni of this institution, or mon who had sons in the "University, or men. who wero married- to corpora tions and honco would be unabloHcr givo an., impartial decision. "Our frionds from Kansas may tell about their desire to do tho square thing, but thoir whole dealings with the Univorstty of Missouri within tho last threo yoars at least disprove any such desire, In that time we have had more trouble' securing Judges and arranging other matters with them than with Texas and Illinois combined. Indeed; wo havo novor had any trouble With the, 4nsthamod' institutions dur ing our rotations with them. We Wore determined this ypar to havo a square deal with Kansas or nemo at all. Since the conduct of the Kansans evidenced adqslre to repodttheir trick of last yearqperefused tobb a party ." "Tho debate which was' to havo been hold between thq Laws of Iowa and Kansas -has been dropped. It was found difficult, to adjust all the details to the satisfaction and .convenience of both toamSj, and so representatives, of tho. two schools will not inept this year." V Chicago to. Meet oCrnell 6n-Grldlron. Chicago will play Cornoll. Although wishing to out down hdr schedule so as to , admit only small colleges,, the M,ldway institution has decided to'tako .on Cornell for football. Shovhos so drawn tho lino, of- distinction, between largo ana smau colleges as to just pxcludo Michigan and admit .Cornell. Tho following, dispatch from Chicago IsC self-explanatory: ' i Chicago, May 14. Chicago will havo at least ono big football" game, 'next fall." .Cornell will play on Marshall field on November 10, , "Arrangements wore completed last night by Director Stagg and word was sent to Ithacan authorities, of his ac ceptance. Cornell, it is stated, pro posed the game. Stagg rocolyed word from the eastern" officials a week ago, but. was unable to work upon it until ho had presented tho proposition to tho Midway senate for consideration. . More . weighty, than anything which. the Chicago ruling body .has had to handle in recent years, it was declared by one of 'tho leading Chicago pro fessors, was tho question of whether the Midway institution should accept! or reject the "offer of Cornell. By de' elding to grant' permission to play the easterners, the senate 'saved Stagg to the university and sayed the ranking of tho institution as an athletic power, and consequently the ranking of the school to a certain otxent Coach Warner 6f Cornoll expects to have oho of the best teams in years at Ithaca, next' fall, while the pros pects at the Midway at present, point to an oven. greater team than the, championship eleven of last tall.'. . '-.' ' The Lincoln Local Express, 1343 0 St 'Mr. Ibtwarc, W 2-013 ftleaards B4k CuaBlm Brw., Florists. 13T IMa. . . Best 10 and 15 cent meats la the city.' The Phoenix. ' -' ' Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Hich ards Blk. , Dsa Camerem's new lunch counter;' quick service; 119 So. 12th St , , Union Shining' Warier SWme,-Ire cents: chairs' for ladles. 1011 O St Forbes Stables, livery, amd bag gage, 1125 P St. Bell 55, AuU 1551., University women desiring positions during the summer for1 the .coming, col- lego year should register1 with ' Mrs., Barkloy, dean of Women, or Miss Vib bard secretary Y.' W. C. A;- Several good positions for tho summer are now available. , Notice. All alumni "of Lincoln High: School are urged to bo present at a meetings of the Alumni Association to be held, at Lincoln High School' building Sat-! urday ovening, May 19, at' 8: 15. im portant business. Jf. D. RINGER, ; President Notice to Graduate Faculty. ' The thesis for the doctor's degree prepared by Miss Elda R. Walker on "The Structure, of the Pistils of Spmo Grasses' is now In, the Chancellor's1 office for tho inspection' of members of lhe graduate faculty, Ijt records, tho discovery "of- a third carpel Jn. the pistils of species of grasses belonging to" ton (of -tho thirteen) tribes fit, the grass family. This' thesis wllKromaln in tho, Chancellor's, office until noon of May 31, CiABLfeS ,E.. BEJSSEY.v Queen's University. Assistant professor of Classics; sal ary, $1,200. Applications for tho posi tion will be received untll June 1st. - Professor of Latin; salary, $2,000 Applications- for the position will bo received - until September 1st 'Assistant professor of History; Bal ttry, $1,200. Applications will be re ceived until September 1st AIL appolntments'aro provisional for two years. . GEO. Y. CHOWN, J -v Registrar. Thomas' Orchestra. MondayXnlght 'tho first of the Thomas' Orchestra concerts wlU be given at the Auditorium. These con certs'" will .be .the' greatest t musical events in the history ofLlncoln and will in all probability" determine whether the capital city is to-bovin-cluded-Jn the Thomas .circuit in fu-. ture years. Tuesday's matinee-musical'-will bo luijiuijf a uutvuimij'1 auuii, uiu eiuuu- atlon committee having arranged for that concert to take, the place of tho customary commencement recital. The united chorus classes, under the direction of Mrs. Raymond, will repre sent th0 University, THINGS ot beauty that appeal to women especially are displayed, in our V Window this- weok. AH, women who are Interested In jewelry and, all men who are. Interested in women 'should see them. m Halletl, -1141 0 JEELEipfetXCJANV ,. i v ; (V .iV '. THE RACYGtE .v - Jy m mm M i B ,m Im- ym. k II mZTX&i iV Ml m -' mm The Grand Prize Wheel first 'at St Uouis over all competitors-the only wheel that puts the pull I of the chain between the bearings, making the wheel run e'aster and last longer.. See the New 1906 RACYCLE8 before you buy awheel. ' ' t Baseball, Tennis .Goods apd. Athletlo 5.0 od s of all kinds.. , LAWLORCVCtE CO. ,v- -1824 O Street1 " -Successors totAt. Glrard -Cycle Co. oorxxxxiona SPECIAL ATTErfTION V TO STUDENTS r FACIAL AND MASSAGE . ' w ARISTO BACDED SHOP, 1204 0 STREET, 1U" tOO" . . ' ' ' ' 4 ,AXXTT- O U If s iioi, tm worn 1321 6 St., , X OR. JOHN Ji DAVII Irainti nfrfnctlHW ANDOPTlfalAK i ,o.s., xjKoour t- i " Um M,. M; rtwaiSfSw mi; Hi MW FRESH EVERY DAYIH Our OandlMand Baked Good ar Always Frath sat Good 0trlD .our, pellty; THE MAXWELL CO. BatkPkMs. 13tlamri. Tak Ur OlstliM .adg ta J. C. WOOD & CO. ;BttocvMortb;86ukup'&'-Wbod ' ' Expert Cleaners and. Dyers Ball. TlapTaH 147. Ant 13MKI 135WH ITRKKT DON'S CAFE mrwt w m K. KW-m JU Mk ' T . -, . . : . t t Dr. Saml S. Shean j ! optician... . jl; ijr 1123 O STREET Ig Ymmry Patranai Sellolted !;! ' '' 'MM, fil 1 - ii ,J$ ihtr ":. r- A N. Jti'H jfj ,M tf v.. '. - m .V V... ", u v $ Sf t'" h .',- y -oi wot-' "- K n r - K-- I . J ' I iy. A. J- t'.- .j.' k, ;P-: fcYf j A,f:f W$'lJ 'O- ". ", t. I' ,'Vw,f, VO. Ik r s-' J mwi ummi. t ."M.VTTLHBr.rv T. TT' ' flKVOBBKBB