I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, ;-? the Daily Jlebraskan mi ' ii, I' inn'm "i Aiwwildaloa of The Hepsri4rtV61. f.i, Tho 'Nebwukan, VoL 10, Bcarlat and Cream. Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln,' Neb., m the Hesperian Publish ing Co. Entered as aocond class matter, March 14, 190C, at tho Poet. Office at Lincoln, Nob., under tho Act of Con gress, March 3, 1879. Manager Fred Naughton Atet. Manager, W. E. 8tandeven STAFF. EdItoMn-Chlef R. A. Van Orsdel Assistant Editor.... Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry Swan Reporter. B. F. Huso. Qono Sago. Joslo Frazler. Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription price $2.00 per year In advance. Next fall will find many changes upon the football schedules of many of tho Western universities. Since tho break between Chicago and Michi gan many new possibilities have .opened up. Both these schools will likely play games with Eastern Insti tutions. Cornell has began correspond Ing with Chicago for a game and , Pennsylvania will quite likely meet Michigan. This Is a great, condescension for the Edstern schools. Heretofore they have absolutely refused to meet any school In the West. For this reason much speculation has been Indulged In as to which played the better foot- .ball, east or west. Whichever team of the "Big Eastern Four;" Princeton, Yale, Harvard or Pennsylvania, won possible that the dollar athletic regis tration fee may go Into effect. This seems to ' be the most successful scheme throughout the country, but it has been impossible in the past to suf ficiently Impress upon the student body tho need of loyal support for athletics. The athletic department feels very much indebted to the "Barb Association" for the missionary work it has done among its members in re gard to this support. There will bo no dearth of funds another year If the dollar athletic registration Tee is es tablished. This squash of the for mer system comes in time to give the authorities ample opportunity to for mulate and carry into effect plans by which football, basket-ball, baseball, and track work can be successfully carried on next year and for all time without educating the rising genera tion at the University in the practice of "slush fund," "packed primary," "Btuffed ballot," and "Jerrymandering" politics. PHI BETA KAPPA INITIATION. Eighteen Taken In at the Residence of A. J. Sawyer Tuesday Evening. Tho annual banquet and initiation of Phi Beta. Kappa was held Tuesday evening at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer. Besides the eighteen initiations, twenty of the faculty and alumni (or ae) were present to assist in the initiatory rites and the succeed ing program. The guests assembled promptly at six o'clock and the mem- bers-eloct were promptly put through tho ceremony which made them mem bers of Nebraska "Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa. After the initiation a very enjoyable banquet was given, succeeding which several toasts were responded to. Professor Ross, the tdastmaster, to whom the title "master of the meta- the eastern championship, claimed the,phor" has been given, welcomed the )CXXXXXXX5fcXX50CXXXXXCXDOOC)CO HgAD IN THE HAT STORE! At 1141 O for the kind of a lid you want to wear at a price you can well afford to wear . : . . : : BUDD, $2.50 Hatter WHY PAY MORE? i COCOCOCCKDCOCOOCOCOCOCOCOCO -i ,.. . T-HE PAN HELLENIC HOP JS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT -LUNCH AT THE LINDELL CAFES . t ... t .I,,1 ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE AUDITORIUM OPEN UNTIL TWO A. M. THE COZEST PLACE IN THE CITY J X. &do j Get through your correspondence by using the Underwood Typewriter SiiuBllderwQodLy- lntercolleglato championship. Such assumptions of title have appeared ridiculous to western people, but what could they dot Now the opportunity has come and wlth-tho two strongest western teams meeting the east we can see the rosult. " The Athletic Board ejection yester day failed to kick up the usual dust and only a few votes were cast. For the last two years over a thousand votes have been cast for student mem bers pf tho Athletic Board, while this year Lloyd Denslow got 48, Antone Lott 48, ' Francis Schmidt 48, E. E. Sprague 47, and M. M. Welton 47. ' It Is very fortunate that the slump in voting was as great as it was, since now it will be possible to get some definite action along the line of "elgltl mate" support for athletics, and it is new members and Miss Lota Stetter responded for the class or 1906. Professor M. M. Fogg, in a few firm and decisive words, spoke upon the subject "The Scholar In the Moral Whirlwind:" Professor Daniel Ford read a selection from his book of poems, and Professor E. W. Davis closed the evening's program by a talk upon the topic "Phi Beta Kappa and Culture." It saves 25 per cent of the operators time, which is Your time Underwood Typewriter Co., 1617 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. ooooooooooooo$o Notice. All alumni of Lincoln High School are urged to be present at a meeting of the Alumni Association to be held at Lincoln High School building Sat urday evening, May 19, at 8:15, Im portant business. J. D. RINGER, President. FOR SALE A new $30 dress suit for $20. Inquire at Nebraskan office Thursday at chapel time. Chapln Bros., FlorlBts. 127 So. iStb, A. Q. SPALDING & BROS7 ' Largest Manufacturers in the "World of Official Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNIS FOOT BALL ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF Q00IT8 CRICKET LACROSSE CROQUET -. . IMPLEMENTS FOR ALL, SPORTS 8paldlnga Official Base Ball Guide-for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad-" wick. The jnost complete and up-to date book ever published on the subject. Fullylllustrated. r. ... 4 prlco 10 OenU. Spaldlng'a Official1 League . For over a quarter of a Ball Is the adopted ball J55!SOv -flnH.r flB,wiHv.t4T,.a of the National League, SV . 7 PJ ? d?B- Z J and must bo used in all n$Pufflfl n match games. v5rs!y plemonta has marked Every requisite for Lawn CU5 tne advancement of this Tennis and Golf. Hi&t&S particular sport. Spalding's Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantace over tho othar ni&v. or, as you have a better article, lasts longer, gives more satisfaction, - Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis,, Now Orloans 4 i 3lfl 3