F& . "JS i". -V " ,' ," "W r. '; "tsT ' t' " " 1 ' V . 'J ', u -f ' . . i PrkrSCenii :$ ? CAMES ARRANOCD xxjwuettuutttxxttK vfc;. ' ,c9 v. ' ' ' ' - . He .! a ii T ,i a MEET ON DIAMOND KANSAS WILL MEET 'VARSITY ON u r 0" I'W ; 'I'- ' X - w. ij. TTD PLAY MINNEf9TAAP 9BAKE :.- --.v flXT FALL.' -,. r.r. .',AjhUJIp.oj:aiJfi ,Ds for F.ppt ball Games as Arranged by Manager Morrison At a special meeting of the Athletic 'Board called yesterday morning, two, .dates were ratified for football games "-next falL Tho gtime with Minnesota " Jfor November 3rd was the one of most . importance. The other one was with Drake on October 13tn to be playedl in Lincoln." The Minnesota game as usual will be Vayed in Minneapolis. "ThoKga!me-withthe "Gopherij" la two weeks earlier this year than last, yhicV should .be a great advantage to the men. By this, arrangement theyvwHl not toe crippled jip Tfar the "Thanksgiving game. Drake nhs Ho been played for the 4 past few years, but .their success on the gridlro'h has been extremely 'pleas ing to the oyal supporters pf that in- " institution. Hestbn, the old. Michigan - star, who coached the Iowa school last year was very successful, but Drake Wll 'not be able to have him during the coming year. The same old struggle will be expected, .with Minnesota, and if Nebraska has as good a team as the present signs in dicate there Bh'buld be an exception airynard contest next ' fall in the northern metropolis. The one plogan' THEODORE THOJVIAS ORCHESTRA, SOLOISTS Ajffi) C&ORtiS . . THREE GRATfD CdtfCETS, MAY 21 AND 22, 1906 Scats on sale at G. A Cranqer Co. Season tickets $3.Q0; Single admission $1.56 antf $J.b6 ' " w ' ' ---- opaoooocooooooooooooooooopo THE A8ESALL' DIAMOND .J L - LI- .1.1 JUNIOR-SENIOR - ....., RECEPTION Will o te Given in Memorial Hall May 26 Double Header. The Junlor-Sonidr reception commits tec announced yesterday that the date of the reception .had been fixed fori May 26. An entertainment and dancp Mil be given in Memorial Hall. - The committee , lias taken up thp ratherdlflwnifak' of tryingxtoxgot up a reception which will not prove & failure as has boon the case with moa such functions in thepiis't. -The at- tendancoat the Junior-Senior recep tion is generally very small. The re sult is that it proves a failure as a re ception and also from a financial stand point An effort will be made to. re move the financial obstacle his year Western League aseball. Lincoln ........' 7 Denver 0 4 Lincoln found its old gait In the first game of the series to be played on the home diamlpnd. Denver came yes- Jayhawksra Will' Corns Up Jot First Time In Three Years,-aames Friday ju Sat., Way 18-19." Kansas, we welcome theo to our Unlyeralty and our.basoball .diamond, and ,jf ,ike ;cripp recuperate, .auf-' flciently by next Friday and Saturday. -May 1 8and 9, ihey -FiU jsiye you a run for your money. Tho fans are .eager to see Morse, Dort or Nillaon in? front of sevea men ;that wilt do tho "Indiana etate" stunt over again a&T leave you with a goose-egg. To be found the genial Mr. "WTiito.for safp drives made the fans' spirits como jumping back tobp top notch after tho, slump occasioned by the bad4uck in which the team baj? beea playjng.vJPop Byler executed for Ducky and hold the Visitors .down to one safe one, while jthe Jteam gave him perfect support noi Ian error being charged against Lincoln. In his Dlace at third Qulllan landed three difiicuitnca thatralded material !y in shaping the score as it stood at tha flnlnVi rtnr ntirn,. flutrh f!nnlr ;h by levying an assessment on the cla -has layed Jn thfi Oor garden for sufficient to pay the expensesqf the r.a noQf ..n Boaanna xc Z,tv lerday and tho "way "Duckey's boyp,rjabre, Morse has been out of it oh ac- of Nebraska roofers for every football 'Season S' "Wo" must defeat iillnne-v sota.1' So will it be next year. The Athletfc Board, also 'elected the. officers for' Athletic Board election to ay. It was decided to keep tho polls . opehsfrom ten to twelve in the fore noon. Qnly those who registered ten days ago vll be allowed to vote. TheelectlbX this year will bo a tame affair compared with those of "the two previous yfears. The number who are eligible to vote in .tomorrow's election is less than one hundred and fifty. Last year and the year before about one thousand votes worO cast by the student body and alumni. But the agitation this year has been re sponsible for limiting the vote to one faction, the fraternityTffpn. Tbifl-.cuts down quite materially 'the revenue coming In to the board from tho elec tion for twenty-five or thirty -dollars Is the income this year as compared. with over two hundred last. Next Monday kevening. .will be the last regular meeting of the oiu Ath- r' feie board. ?Atf that time it is jqulto like the football manager for- "next x y.ear, Vill bo '.elected. The new men i . ill ,tak their: placed at a meting held ? aometlme before the: school is over. t ' ' ' ' - ' Fraternity msa. .4 ..... Games. W. L. t hlMCaona. Psi.v 3 3 -, JCappa, Sigma . .& . J).elta Tau .v Z Phi Gamma. Delta 2 tfJeltal TJpsllon W 2 Sigma Chi .r. Bea Theta PIV. V jfyVXXAt Tnetsi; .1 . Sigma AJplui' ;Ep-. ' silon . . i.. . . . affair. It is also hoped that this- sys tem may enlarge the attendance, glnc admission will bo. fr.ee to Jboi4.jSenipr and Juniors. A further attraction will be oered in the combination .of a hop and enter tainment It is planned to give a short nntertalnmeat nrldr to-the dance in V . z. --,.- xt. U A l oraer to accommouuie uiuou wuu uu uui careNto clance. The entertainment will be glveh,n the chapel and the dance ip. the Armory,. Apcordlhg to the plann of the committee Tho entertainment will consist of 86lectrons by tho YI . ,CA. Quartet. and a number of dra matic shunts by members of the Junior class. QuIckTSr'brchestra willfurniJih the music for the. dancers. Refresh ments will be Borvcd. tho past threp seasons on the varsity, has signed a contract with count of aspraia, NllleoB Mas twto els located ribsFeBlon has a sprained wrist; ' BellamyxAroke his ankle and Bob Hyde discovered lately that his thuBab:na..beeu. dislocated. daring the 1 entire Eastern trip aad still he stayed in the game, but Nebraska is .laying j foirKansas and we hope they will, both bo goose-eggs. Such material does things when Jn good condition. Re member, that "on April 13 Nebraska played a 6 to .game on Kansas Uni versity territory r aad -each team, xnado lit hits; Don't forget that this was" a long' drawn out game; that it took dimes and was seen in professional compahyvye? terday for the first time. Ha playpd i.a nis oia iorm, geumg one nil ana one run, and will undoubtedly hold down a place oh the team. The Unl-J .verslty of Nebraska Is now well repre-. sented in :the "fstern league, having;. Bender and Fonlon with the Omaha team and Cook with Lincoln. that it took Wl v twelve innings, to raise tha3 to 6 scoro of the ninth, which was in Nebraska's favor, to the tie scoro. On the Southern trip at Easter time twOvof the Ave games were clean vie- torlesfpr Nebraska and in oao v'of them Maahattan failed to score while Nebraska 5j?arhani;snp fO, jbwp yfafa, lost and the. ultlkwas tho. tweivp, in TJnlvorsity women 4esirlngposltlons during the summer for the coming col lego yeanjhould register with Mrs. Bar'kley, dean ot women, or Miss VJlb bard, secretary Y. W. C. A. Several good positions for the summer are now available. " rWinifred Chadwlck visited her Trl ' . . ...":.. t Delta sisters from Friday till Sunday, May 15. " . - Glee Clu Meets. Tho Glee. Club met last night and perfected its organization by adopting a permanent constitution. Plans wero .discussed for the coming year and the following oncers were elected: E. H. Johnson, president R. E. Todd, vice-president A. J. Cobb, secretary-treasurer. The election of a manager for next year was deferred until the jaeoting po bp hP.ld Thursday In IT. 207, at chapel time. "Ernest Johnson was appointed toarl range for a concert to be given-, in chapel; also Jor trips to Beatrice, Np braska City and Plattsmo'uth. N. .- TheLinsoln-Local Dtxprees, 1343 0 St Don Cameren's new lunch- counter; Quick service. 119 So.. 12th St ,1' .' ' '. " '" AthlpUc Board elation today. nlng tlo with the Jayftawlkers. As wa remember it, the Southern trip was: , At Manhattan, Kas.j Aprilvll Rums; yarslty 4Q, Mnhatlt$u 0; errors, var sity 1, opponents 1; hits, varsity8, opponentis 2; Nlllson. At Lawrehcey Kas. April 12Ruas, varsity 3, Kansas University 4; errors, varsity 4, oponets 1; Jilts, varsity 8, opponents 7; Morse. At Lawrence, JCas., April 13 Runs, varsity 6, Kansas University 6 errors, Yarsity i, jOpponents. JijjtM,, jyfnlty 13, opponpn .13;; .jDJort, 12 ),nnVngs. At Ftori JEUJejr, Ksijiunsi yarplTZT, -Fort'BJyiey llV prrpJ'Sj-yarpity-,4, op Onents ? hits, Yarpfty 4, opponeuta. m; Nilljjon. - , A.St Marg, as.Jluns, yarslty 4, St. Mary;p 2; -errora, yarsity 8, 'oppo nents "4r-hitsr ,yarslty j, .opponents 2;. Dort '8 2' 2 - 1 1 1 ' 1 0 -2 0 .1 P. .1- 1 1 X P.O. 1000 ,aoooi . .ccc .,600 .600 .5Q0 .250 .000 -MAS. ,v lV4; .PPOJ 6cocopococ)cxx?cx)ppcob ; SATURDAY, MAY NINETEEN ' ' WALSH HAtL . T . . . . . .FRESHMAN P ART v . v! . :. .. fmprs $1.25 . -. . t J Jt i: -.J. Vf'V Mkl fite' " '' M The -Botany Cl .was entertained . most dolljBtfiully by Professor and r jfiirs. JBossey fit Jthejlr home (M'oqday ,0Vniiig. Di Beasey a.v.0 t,.yej7 j?n tfirtlnlng tau: on ur, Asa uray. l6 W.JC. A.urjday service, pome .o -the udayjjerylco of the Y, yv. C. A:.- SoDlTomor.! It is for you. iMif Vjbrd!; Vfl, ,4 b&m SiecIaJ ,a,u(dc 'wjjl-ba urnlihed by Mxp. Enjsifsh and Miss $ayner. Emma Schselbef., who 'elgtfVljat jFalrjmont, was he or ihe JPl itta,. Kappa jtnltiaUoa Tuaday v$f f ; .. . .'& w v n M i 7 i 'I i' i ' Til rcil ii -, ti 'xLd ' i V i',' S 1" x m r.. .r - 7A I If' ' ' ' Mm ' tm V ' ' lM Am' m "xv '. h "3( - , '. -A 'i. - t v..' "i. ' .t V ; ' It ..--h;' fj ' '''' vK"" S.V w Vv :r?n ,. f ?.-:, U :i:j , .Mi ;