r THOAILY NEBRASKAN. - V k tbc Daily Utbraskan A consolidation .of The Hesperian, Vol. fl, The Nebraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream. Vol, 4. , Published dallyi except Sunday and Monday, at the, University of obraaka, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hesperian Fubllsh 1ns Co. Entered as socohii class matter, March 14, 1906, at tho Post Offlco at" Lincoln, Nob,, under tho Act of Con gress, March 8, 1879. Manager ,?. Fred Naughton Asst. Manager.'... '...W. E. 8tandeven STAFF. EdItor-lmChlef R. A. Van Orsdel Assistant Editor Fred Ballard Athletic Editor. ,..;.rr..;Harry Swan Rejjpjrtsrs. E. P. Hubo. Qoilo Sago. Joalo Frazlor. Telephone Automatlo 1528 . Night Telephone Automatic 2365 SubsorlptUn Price, 1 2 poc year In advance "I'm not a chronic kicker, as you Know," said a professor, "but I do want to kick hard In regard to tho treat ment of tho campus by peoplo who ought to know bettor. Horo somebody has put In several unBlghtly Binder Vacks over by Nebraska Hall, and what Is worso, loft tho unusod cinders and screen right by tho sldo of tho .walk where hundreds of people pas3 every day. It dooBn't look nlco at all, and It lBn't nlco either." Influences and protection of tho mothers, and should bo thus thrown on the cold, cold world to get their educa? tion, certainly reflects on the judg ment of tho "folks at home." If tho" conduct, of the co-eds is so much dlf foront hero than when at homo, that tho rules are necessary, wo hope that they may bo rigidly enforced, and the boys well there Is nothing for, tho boys to do but to "go. Into tho garden and eat worms." Considerable comment has been causod by tho rumors of now rules governing tho conduct of tho co-eds. The lateat rumor has It that next year r no co-ed can room In a houso which keeps gentlemen roomers, except In the case of a private family Another de parture will bo tho limitation of tlmo for entertaining their callers. Wod- , To Give Recital. MIbs Howell is arranging two ro citals for May 16th and 23rd. Tho first ono is to bo given by her first year class and tho second by advanced students. These programs will begin at 8 o'clock in the evening of tho days mentioned. Besides the reading, tho students of the School of Music will give some lnstumental and vocal se lections. Those on tho first program are the ol es selected from tho first year's class by tho voteB of the members, tfhoy compose tho best studonts of theae classes, and a fine program is assured. Misses Cull, Boose, Adams, Butlor, Tully, Hartley, Day and Ageo and Messrs. Ellsworth Davis and Rutledgo are the ones taking part Queen's University. Assistant professor of Classics; sal ory, $1,200. Applications for tho posi tion will bo received until June 1st. Professor of Latin; salary, $2,000. Applications for tho position will bo received until September 1st. Assistant professor of History; sal ary, $1,200. Applications will bo re ceived until September 1st. All appointments are provisional for two years. GEO. "V. CHOWN, Registrar. School of Mining. Professor of Physics; salary, $2,000. Tho Board of Governors will receive IWWlllllI'VllVi HOLDERS OF STOCK in the Hesperian Publishing Company are requested to turn in their certificates to J. S. Dales, room J01 U. Hall, or to Fred Naughton, Nebraskan office. t.1." AllWVllWVlgg3E ooo A New -Shipment-of Gray v Kensington" Suits . Yesterday's express brought us several pat terns of the very best and latest patterns of gray suits worth coming to see. $15;00 to $25.00 Plenty of now bluo serges - '. Magee & Deemer "Kensington" Suits thoy fit 8oOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCOCOGOOOOOOCCXXDOOCOCOOOCXX)OOOOOOQO A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in tho World of Official Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNI8 FOOT BALL ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF QUOIT8. CRICKET LACR08SE CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOR ALL, SPORTS 8palding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad wick. Tho most complete and up-to date book ever published bntEe" subject. Fully illustrated' .... Price 10 Cents. Spalding's Official League Ball is the adopted ball of the National League, and must bo used in all match games. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. MA For over a quarter of a century Spalding's Trade Mark on Base Ball Im plements has marked the advancement of this particular sport. 8paldlng'8 Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantage over the other play er, as you have a better article, lasts longer, gives more satisfaction. Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPAfcDINQ & BROS. Now York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis, Now Orleans 0 nesday and Friday evenings have been designated as tho proper evenlng-for social stunts- and the limit placed, at " 10 o'clock, ' Slnco-tho advent of the (present ' dean of women In tjio Unlvqrslty many J . ,now departures have been made.but this last tho co-eds seem to think will interfere too much with their personal rights. Were wo fortunate en,owgh to v have a dormitory system, such rules '.. . ailght bo easily enforced, but under the present system it looks to .the ; , casual observer as though someoue would be working overtime to see that ""tho front stops were cleared on time. That such rules should be necessary ir an institution where $men fcnd women attend Is certainly surprising. That young ladles should be .allowed to leave their homes and the uplifting applications up to August 1st. Candi dates must have standing as experi enced and successful teachers. Lecturer on Mechanical Engineer ing; salary, $1,000. Applications will bo received up to August 1st Experi ence in teaching is a desirable qualifi cation. For particulars apply to tho secretary, School ofJMJnlng, Kingston, Ontario. Get through your correspondence by using the Underwood Typewriter LllnrterwoociTu. o G.I Harvard Reinstates Football. Harvard University will play football as usual this fall. At a recent meet ing of the overseers of the college it vms voted to rescind the action of the board last year when it abolished ,tho game and to reinstate it under tho reformed rules 'Bystem. With this action on the part of Har vard toward football, it Is quite likely that the game will be re-Inaugurated in most, if not all, of the eastern schools. rTre3JriiMi.oiwocn V""""' rvnwntm It saves 25 per cent of the operators timewhichis Your time Underwood Typewriter Co., 1617 farnam St., Omaha, Neb. ooo cxxxxxvvxxvvxxxxDncoconocooc Ice Cream and XCES.t JDaked (joexfe and-T Vonfections Pristine Gr Bra.. I3tk fc N. 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