The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 09, 1906, Image 2
f i-- . K -,n T y 4 THE IDAILY NEBRA8KAN. ? ,r .r V fr I ls- t v V V N S L Sf Cc Daily Ilebraskm " A consolidation of The Hesperian, Vol. tl( The Nobraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and -Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hesperian Publish ing Co, i i. ." , Entered as socond class matter, March 14 1908, at-'tho Post Office at Lincoln,' Nb., uridor tho Act of Con gress, March 8, 1879. Manager. .'. ,u Fred Naughton Astt. Manager. ? W. E. Standeven 8TAFF. Edltor-ln-Chlef ...,.. R. A. Van Oradel Assistant Editor Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry 8Wan Reporters. B. F. Huso. Qono Sago. Josio Prazier. i ww mmm .y w Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 programs.'' This, is an untruth,, for tho master of coremonlos gave out no programs before, tho march. It is ovi dont that tho author of tho article wob after cheap notoriety by writing false hoods. . C. M. L, ACADEMY NOTE8. Tho Academy beat the Sigma Alpha in a base ball gamo last week. Tho Girl's Basket Ball team had pictures taken before they disbanded. Ono is now hung on tho walls of tho Academy. Subscrletlen Price, $1 per year la adranoe Why is thoro no glrlB' tennis club at tho Unlvorslty? Iowa's girls have tholr tennis organization, as have the daughters of Wisconsin, Minnesota and many other western universities, to say nothing of thoso in oaBtorn in stitutions. Suroly Nebraska ought to make as good a showing in this branch of athlotics as hor sister in stitutions. Or is it that the Nebraska girl has not tho Inclination? Tho numbor of Senior Annuals dis posed of yosterday jirovos that the Unlvorslty still has the spirit to sup port tiny enterprise which merits sup port. Thoro is no bettor judge of tho real value of a thing than the student body, nor is there any place whero sham is more readily detected. Tho prosont-traneactlon is a case of tho Senior class delivering tho goodB and Prof. ThoB. F. Davis will give an illustrated lantern lecture on "Mex ico" tonight beforo the engineering society. Professor Robs delivered a very in teresting lecture on "Tho Graduates of Sin" nt Trinity church Monday evening. It was well attended. Quito a numbor of dur students took advantage of tho "May Morning Breakfast" to got a squaro meal and they are unanimous in saying they got It. The last issue of the Academy News is Just out The staff is certainly to bo congratulated on tho high stand ards maintained in tho management of this paper. It is a paper of which any school could bo Justly proud. Tho moBt Important event last week was tho celebration of tho an nual "Skip Day" A fow of tho stu dents took this opportunity of going homo over Sunday, while tho majority spent a pleasant day at Epworth Park. The kidnapping of the teach ers was not quite as general as. was fearod. I, Ernest E. Sprague, do hereby an nounce niyself as candidate for stu dent member of tho Athletic Board of v S. NOTICE All Cadets who have paid up- their subscrip tion before May 27th will have their paper delivered daily at camp. . H SSXXSSSXSS&X3 3SBBSSSCSSECCCC SEEK A. Q. SPALDING & BROS, Largest Manufacturers in tho World of Official Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNI8 FOOT BA.LL ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF QU0IT8 CRICKET ' LACR088E CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOR ALL SPOUTS Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide tor 1905. Edited by Hohry Chad-:: wick. The. most complete and up-to dato book ever published on tho subject. Fully illustrated Price 10 Cents. J Spalding's Offlclal League , For over a quarter of a L18 1th0., adPd bal1 Sv century Spalding's Trade of the National League, sl"! m.-l. n,.. n,n i, and must bo used in all HWalSSlClrl Mrk n B"C Ba" Im match "games. VSl PlemGnts has marked Every requisite for Lawn S?A tne advancement of this Tennis and Golf. ii2l particular sport Spalding's Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantage over the othepplay or, as you have a better article, lasts longer, gives more satisfaction. Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copv,of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDING cVBROS. New York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis, "New Orleans tho University gladly paying the price. Mr. Earl F. Denny, editor-in-chief, and S. Don Skeen, business manager of the Annual of '06, deservo all tho praise lKattho otfcollence of tholr book "will bring thorn. Tp the other members of the staff who havo workod so -valiantly mucn. crodlt must be given, for all who, havo a hand in such a commendable piece of- work are deserving of much praiBo. In an editorial of yesterday's .. edi tion concerning Company B. hop, it was stated that "a fow of the- '400' who happened to 'stand in' with tho mastor of ceremonies of the dance had peen provided with programs, qp that they were shared tho disagree able task of lining up llko ordinary mortals and taking their turn at tho the Unlveralty of Nebraska, for the ensuing term and further declare that it is my intention to be in school for said term. ERNEST ,E. SPRAGUE. May 8, 1906. To Whom-1. May Concern: I, An tqno Lott, a 'member of tho class of 1907, intending to be in tho Univer sity tho coming year; hereby an nounce myself as a candidate for stu dent member on the Athletic Board of tho University of "Nebraska. ' ANTONE LOTT. To Whom It May Concern: ' I, Lloyd Denslow, a member of tho class of 1907, Intending to bo in the Univer sity the coming year, hereby announce myself as a candidate for student member on the Athletic Board of tho University of Nebraska. LLOYD DENSLOW. FrifttlacCtor Ires.. lstk fc'N.I ERWIN A PE&KIN8, PROPRIETORS KKTAILOBS AND JOBBERS OJT TOBACCO - CIGARS - NEWS We earry all the leading brands of Cigars and Tobacoo. Special attention gives to box trade. Wi knllitlR ill Liign. ud Uilnnltjf Bast Ball and Foot Ball Bans 118No. 11th. Ball 888; Auto 4672. GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of IM. '01. ' 99 V A I M - M f 0O00O000COOOOOOOOOOO0OOOO I Get through your correspondence by using the 8 Underwood Typewriter . 1 ' i I k raft jaifcst ijU'v ' zm1 ?ii!3 v s.' - JPy) fcSKscJsSy!) I- s f I Lit IAJ x 1 It saves 25 per cent of the operators time; which is Your time S- Sk llndefwoodTjpewrltcr Co., 1617 fafnam St., Omaha, Ncl. I X 1 L1NDSEYS PLACE! - BOTH PHONES, 1044 O STREET M i&AE- Artistic v Photography Tlio Kind tLat Plcosoa ...Kennedy STUDIO 130 SO. TWELFTH Subscribe for the Nebraskan K u rma&m A" ,'jji j.,