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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
' It a - Vol. V. No. ti6. XmVR&TY OF itfEBfcASKA, UNOOlH WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, tW. Prictf Cents --- - ' I I I ll I I . Hi hi I .1.11 I I I I II "T " 4 M: V rtv J v. :y& Sfcrfr Ir'"' r SHrr.' Pi: 'iBSSSSSBftw ' ''BSSSSSSlL fOOT BALI GAMES WISCONSIN OR CHICAGO TO BE ON SCHEDULE OF '06. -u Probably Kansas Will Come to Lin 'coin For the Thanksgiving Game Exact Dates Indefinite. )CXX)O0OOOOOOOOOOO0OO0OOOOO0 SATURDAY, WtAY NINETEEN WALSH tiALL .FRESHMAN PARTY;:. ALT The exact make-up of oiir schedule for next fall in. foot ball is a question which 1b causing Manager1 Morrison j, much trouble at tile prosent time. Just when he was finishing tip a schedule which would have been a Very strong, one Chicago and Wiscon sin asked for games,JThls was due to the fact those two schools will not play, with" Michigan, next year. Con aoqudrttiy itt aflklng for gahiefl with Nebraska It throws our' present sched ule all out fot wo want gaftiee with those institutions. Nebraska, shouldbe in a position next year to glVe-Chicago, JWisdonsln and Minnesota a run for their money. The now rules will handicap them just as much as. Nebraska, and with our Bprlng practlco wehould have a very strong team forAoxt year. In asking Nebraska to -Com to the Big .pity Chicago at least dottdoscends to consider Nebraska In her class. The Wisconsin game is practically as -flured and will bo played some time 'during .the early part 'Of the season. othfhest'igaeBeldTpiayejl . before the middle o Novomtyei;. " In "changing thev schedule " Kknsas will in all probability come to Lincoln TICKETS $J.25 BRECKINRIDGE nr, FORMER sJAn ASlOClATlbN PRE DENT TO MAKE ADDREWt Will Speak at Convocation this Mern Ihfl 6n ''The Fidertii Cdnfcrel of Insurance.' 4 . ioOKe SELL FAST. But Forty-five Copies Vet to be DIs bbsed of. The Senior books aro going iiko red lemonade at a cduhty fair1. Of the UNIVER8ITY STUDENT ELECTCd H. T. Holllngsworth Chosen Principal ef Fremont Schools. ' .. H. T( Holllngsworth. '06, has been elected principal of the Fremont High total number published, 426, 380 wore I school. The election of Mr. HoMngs sold yesterday before five o'clock, I worth was reached only after flfteon leAVltig but 'forty-flye volumes on hand. These will undoubtedly bo dis posed of early today, thus exhausting the entire supply.- Seldom in the his-, tofy of thjtf tfniVorsity have the pub lications of a graduating class been sold, out so qulokly as havo those of the present clas. The early exhaust ion of the supply, although due In part to the comparatively small num ber published) speaks well for the merits of the book. ballots had been takon by the board. Among other applicants for 'the posi tion was C. D.Wllburn, '05, who is teaching ,at presont in tho Wahoo schools. " , , Of the five other teachers elected to places in the Fremont schools, two were University graduates Julia Bednar and Agnes. O'Connel. V NEW C0UR8E TO BE GIVEN. Jaught at, tht-Unl' J- veralty Next Year. The Dopartcmnt of Rhetoric will' in all probability, add a new course id r i:,.:Hr s- .iv S Kansas and Missouri cannot agree, the " Jayhawkers Are quite anxious- lb the 'Nebraska-Kansas contest; Missouri and Kansas have always had the 'Thanksgiving date but fdr. some reas on or other it id not to be played that tfaty hext yest.rT ' J.iJ.. .tt.r-.-- ill'-'jiJ tiAjiriliili . Wltn Kansas, ijoiorauu, ntnuuwouia, WjscoBsin and'dhlQagov6ri.our Hbktjl lenext yedf we would have the .hard- r glslsfiedule In .the history, of foot, bali ;in' this institution. It Would mean 'that, Nebraska should -haVO at least thirty, men of 'varsity" caliber, for these" har"d games Would be contests ' herein - trained men would count- The exact schedule as revised by the manager will bo teady for pub- lfcatjon in a few-days, f , Alpha Thetil Ohl Wins. Slgma Alpha Bpsllon were defeated 'hy Alpha Theta Chi yesterday ina dlbso gme. The frat men wasted away six innings of making errors and'. fanning the ball. But when the ,dUsi,hidli; away -and "Jlmmle" McRaehad given his last decision the score stood 10- in favor of the Alpha , iThets". . Study and Structure of the Drama wlll be Its name. A similar c6iirse- was iven some years ago hy tho Depart ment of LitdMUre tiiidorMho direfi tlonof Profosstfr; Sltiffi but "for some reason was discontinued ,at the begin nlnar of the Dresent school year. - N 'Vh nature of thd course will be A critical study of x dramatic master pieces;, both ancient and modern, fol lowed hy. practical MQttkm ' in the art drpiayViilitig. Admission tojhe course ( will b made upon tho consent of the Instructor. Y. M. C A. Meeting,. At hto prayer meeting tonight at 7 o'clock the men will have an oppor tunity to hear Miss Jda B. Vlbbard, General Secretary of thesYoung Wom en's Christians Association. This meeting will take 'Up the usual time, 7 to 7:30, and will no doubt bb full oi interest as these short services al ways are. All University, r men fnJ vlted. "' May -Entertain Agaln - There Is some talk" of the University dlcb and Mandolin Clubs giving an other concert in Lincoln. If such a ckmcert is given it will be of the na ture' of a beneDt for these clubs'.; Tho clubs are sadly In need vof the money that theN concert wouldvbrlng In. . , Hon. R.' W. Bre'ckenrldgo, who wiU address, tho students at convocation, this morning on ''The Federal Con trol of Insurance," Is one of the lead lng authorities on that subject la America;' Although fcOnlparaUveiy. young man Mr. Brdckeiirldio hag1' SerVod as lecthrdr oh Federal Control and IhsufaHce in Yale University. He was president, .of the Nebraska Bar association for the year 1905, Besides this he has beon prominent in the American Bar Association, being a momuer of the executive committed, and chalrrtaa bM the cJOmnilttee on Insurance Law. As a speaker Mr. Breckenrldge can riot bo said to bo fluent but his seech es aro bolld and thoroughly Intellect ual. Ho is ttdtislderSd dtie of the strongest, lawyers, of the state, and is leader of the younger - men. It is through Dean Pound that we aro able, to havd this mkn with us" for conyo cation, as these twd men Ere very tilbse" friends : Vc May Musis' Festival, ' - Subscribers for season tickets to the Thomas Orchestra concerts are given this weekxin Vhlch to reserve their seats'. No single kdmisslons will be sold until May 14, The programs' ar ranged by the cpHactor, -Frederick A: Stock, Bae been received Mad u- elude tho. march and chorus from "Tannhauser," and Beethoven's. "Sym phony, No; 5." The choru under -Mri; Rayirioiid,, "now numbering 230, Will take part in the chorus from "Tana- "Farevyell Conner. : A fapulty farewell dinner was given to Dr.- Palmer Findioy, assistant pToi- fessor of ,. Gynecology and .Obstetrics 6f RifBti Medloal College, oh April 6th, at the Auditorium Annex on tho occa sion ot his departure from Chicago to take the position of professor of Gyne cology at the Omaha Medical depart ment, University of Nebraska. haplm Bree., Flerleti. 137 8e. lttai. hauser" the first evening and "Olav jTrygva'ssoh'' tho second evening. The BUI Johnson Back.X huioibub are; uiianuuu .ataconaa, so prano; uraco Munson, contralto; Glenn BTfili, tenor; Herbert Wither s)oon, bass; -Bruno dteihdel, ylolin cello; Van den Berg, pianist. . ' , Tickets at' G. A.' Crancer company, 1134 O street 'Bill" Johnson,- tho famous warrior a "V. " ik " of the ;grldiron, lsylBlting the Uni versity for a few days. Although BI11" has beon out of school since tho. close of last seniester, It' Is quite.! propaDie mat ne win do on aecK wnen ine iooioaii sea,Boa runa aiouuuy if At the 'collection taken up during The 12th annual relay races of the! the Leland T. Powera lecture for the FrUrnlty Qamee. Games. W. L. Phi Kappa ..Psl.. 2 2 Delta Tau , 2 2 -Alpha Thota Chi. 2 ' 2 . . Kappa Sigma .v.. 1 1- Phi GamBia Delta 1 1 Delta. UpUoa ...2 1 Sigma Chi ...., 2 1 ' Phi Delta Theta. a 0 Alpha tfaOmea 1 SlgYna Alpha Bp- 11e, ..n.,ni o o 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 s 3 Sf . p.C. S 1000 Q ' iooo Q iooo X 1000 o, iooo R .600 i5 .600 O , .000 8 .000 o MM ft I University of Pennsylvania wore held on Franklin Field on April-28 Jefore 12,000 spectators. A new record In the four-mile .college fcbamplonahlp relay race was established by Michi gan. the1 tiriie beVtig 18m. 10 a-Bs". BAND INF'OJRWAL, MEJlORIflL HALL FRipVW MMV EIGHTEieiN ' N San Francisco sufferers, the sum of $126 was raised. This will be tifrned In tcf the interririUonal it, M. a A. fund Which is being "collected among the" unlyersltles of the country for the young men and women who were ren dered destitute by the earthquake and nfe. Mlchlgaa Daily. G FIaa. OroHaitraa. iiftiiiitittiWbtii0yo' nricReti Graduate Club Meetlnf Poetpened. On account of .conflict with other gatherings pie meeting of the Grad uate Club with Mr. and Mrs. J. . Miller ig postponed row Friday to Saturday evening, ttay 12, at I. ' 6'clock tn m. , .. The University f Illinois has re- -chived a1 total 6( iG,m from Ce--greeeniaii ,Wrt. H..Mokuiey-as part -.-M a fusd of $114,00 U fef hm4 U. v erWlag a; Y. M. C. sA.JmlMc; ' . v; .m vmt&i k-i N-if -n M ;a ?T "V . .fo 3! : 4 ' I -t - VA ?. i .- t ij -'-:..