The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1906, Image 4
r 'jBiHaaw.. iwtohsMBjwwh W'-&-MmRfm- t iw m 1 ?& v i- V" . y "iW.n '1jj 4" - W '" o.. ' THE DAILY. NEBRASKAN. a .' V w-.Fi2J?n " .' VAiOT j -J-ftJUb -:' "'. . -V NT , 35 ; 5H .'V r rv, r ! r-" k'? V l p :l ki'. FS pA -&" 5 ; & t - ti' 1 r m. rvv. ' : S-f" . I- raft V'A" ' . ?. , s-i p'Kii' K, ; tf'i ' 4, 'if-. Sam Wester field ,i Proprietor ot s Gate U7-121 H. 13th Little Gem Hot Waffles V "SMn's-Cbty Corners" WEBfSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY! IT IS UP TO DATE, AND RELIABLE. RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 New Words and Phrases ALSO ADDED New Gazetteer of the World Nw Blographloal Dictionary MltoHaCliUf,W.T.nrrt,Pli.D.,LID., - ' UnlttJ Btktet Commlutoatr of Educfttloa. 2380 Quirfo Pices. 5000 Illustrations. IT IS A rACKlO ITOMHOgSX Or AOCUOATS INrOHMATIOK Orano Pmxt(lltcbft AwarO)Wonto'B pair Ot.Louis Also WebsUr' Collegiate Dictionary: " Jlierci. UOOIUutnLtloai. Regular EditIon7sl0xlHlncho, JbWInf. DeLuxeJEdltlonBWxSjixlIJIn. rrlnloafram araopUlu, on bltilo paper. ,Xlutlfultlndli. FREE.-Dlctlociry WrUUei." lltiutniUd pjnph!.u. . G. d C. ME.KKIAM CO. PuVUsfaer, Springfield, Maw., U. S. A. OET-THEBEST -- p-r 3E lT- W'h-cthfcr Speech Sermon or4 Essay If jrou've a roorsl to point, if too would enforce jroursncumeutorenllreuyuur (jrlo liy procept nr oiirm. tret and krcn at lour .elbow yMmmi't M.(;sntoier.,.',Over4nopKKesbrl4tllnKvtrnhi,HXni" f or everr sort nf written or oral "effort" Aloha. batteal indkx to ereryoueof hunOred of'teraelr statMt choraotcMratia, toxts, topics,' preccpta. ci1'' art si. . "' 20 ditCQunl to Uaeheri . VarBHm'aCbaracltrt K Mora(Txitook..i.M I.SO ' Fwao'a Science and Art of Eloctitloo. ,..,,... , l.tfi (HfaHowTo UsetbeVotco l. JHt's How To Oeatura 1.00 Tea aaa Cobs (complete debate) : IM :otnmf BCCiBetit fiaru (alt otber occatlons),,, l.M axiiwu Parliamentary Guide., ., SO HINDS NOBLG. WWera 3 1. 33-31 W, tsh St. New.YorkCItT 8ck&G$wkt gU pubtithm at ens stor4 . SJBBBBP: 1 , I W -U I " . r J y SLr H - bLV V HtLj-l w Bv bbbbm I Tfi(ll(rerpt'tlwcciillllOniT.'nJMIliit;Utlie(llf.'M Ccrctvelc'.vcfnn A'ci'rteaiiJ t liucriirtliAfiii, I fcte1)-llrliitiiitel Cct SIHVUNHI I I lfity vest of ectlncclt tieliltnl ir IrUJ mil I frtyrfll.iouf 1U1n I'utiMM'oitna. T.lo. O--. iAUj'oriieB?cfnmlliiVt eii.Uliiuuiir..M4i I -.. " Jryou f,fen,MSfRVit!iW. 1 iaiimitJ.iln.w"liliulU ffrllWyiu,wiWie.l,ii.l 1 i tvLl,txi-tilrtfatJ,an n.ntalniK.liiHon Slioot- ' ' 'licautlfn tKrecttnr Atumlntim limber vrfll be for I .- -- rurocl (tif loifnti li Uii. I " J. 8TBVBN8 ARMS AND TOOL CO., I j-.y.lio4ti I "" ', J ClllCOfKKl'AUJI. MA53..U.B.A. M HiHiBMi , I I lSBPP1 . , c;10laud 15 cent ratals in the city. PPjej JtRvvRlX. vu ' A. Spirited Institution. This 1b the way thby do tHlngs down 'In Now England. Tho other day the BtuiiehtH- at '"The Tech" in Boston 'de cided 'to vary the general run of exist ence and hero la what their organ anye thoy did: "f ho rush for tho 1907 Techniques was tho most successful rush yet hold. At 11:45 six sturdy minors of 1906, dressed In the togs of their inferno, mndo a-dnh for tho window. Imme diately tho move was resented by sev eral faithfuls from 1909, who rushed at tho window only to be ground Into tho dust by tho minors. When the ftvemlnuto gun went off the rush was going at blood heat. Allen, '07, after a bravo flglit, emerged from tho crowd absolutely nude, to tho horror of tho female spcctatorer Whon tho three- minute gun went off Munoz-Zcrtuche, 'OS, thought time was Up and made a beautiful flying leap over the crowd, only to strlko his head against tho closed window. Just before the onc- mlnuto gun wns flrod three Freshmen woro pulled from tho crowd In a'n un conscious condition. It Is vory prob ablo that all three will recover. At 12 o'clock three shots were flrod and flvo hundred Stout warrior's, whrf woro try ing to savo tholr strength and their faces for tho Prom, made a desperate dash for tho coveted books. Words cannot describe the scene enacted In tho next twonty seconds: The long re membered fight with the "cops" on Rogers stops .was but a ping pong match compared with this. Bleeding but cmlllngrtho proud possessors of tho flrst" flvo books broke from the crowd." . . i SOPHOMORES TO JOLLIFY. Will Do the Legendary 8tunts at the State Farm Two Weeks Hence. Doflnlto arrangements for tho an nual Sophomqro outing" httvo been made by tho commlttco ontrustod with tho affair. It will bo hold at the Stato Farm Saturday evening, May -19th, anil from all Indications will bo tho crown ing ovent of J3pjhomorlc endeavor,. Tho feed will be copious, the enter tainment spicy awl tho beverages manv A mora detailed account of the menu and ltd accessories will bo given later, but In the meantime it behooves ovory member or the class or '08 to see that tho above mentioned Satur day night Is resorved for "Soph Fool ishness.'" f Remaining Baseball Games. Tho Eastern schedule Is: Mar 5 Purdue at Lafayette, Ind. May 7 Indiana State at Bloomjng ton. J . May 8 James Minikin, University aV DOCaTur, 111. , L May 9IllInoIs State University- Champagne, 111. . . -- ; lay 10 Wabash College at Craw fdrds, Ind. T ' May 11 Notro Damo at' South Bend, Ind. " r ' May 12 Crclghton University at Omaha. ' . . , . , Thcso garnet on tho homo diamond will close tho regular season: Kansas University, May 18 and 19, and Crolgli ton Collego, Juno 2. AVnlter Arands, a student In the' Uni versity, last year, recently' died In "Los Angeles, California.' Arenda' , death was 'due to poritonltus,, and he had gone tq; California In hopo of 'recolv-; Ing'somoljonoflt,. ' '. ' '" , Next Tuesday at chapel tlmo, , Senior: Book. .. "r. Haffari, 212-211 XUkxti Wk. PSmeah5m Eat at tho lint. Music Cafo.'t PrintlnK Georgo' Brds.. 13th ic N. .. Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Rich ards Blk. , Next Book. uesday n't chapql time. Senior Albert Helmrod has gorio to Wyom ing with a B, & M. surveying party, Don Cameron's now lunch counter; quick service.. 119 So. 12th St. Union Shining Parlor-rShine, .five cents; chaira for ladles. 1018 O St. Thoso wishing to avoid the' rush may havo their Senior Book resorved by applying to any member of the board. Prlco, 76 conts. . - ' J. W. Ritchie, '03,. law '05, Is In Lin coin this week taking medical treat ment. Mr. Ritchie has been practicing law slnco his graduation from the Uni versity; Miss Vera Upton," formerly of tho School of Music, but for tho past year a student of music in Now York, has returned to Lincoln to spend the sum mer. , Summer School.. Tho Registrar, Mr. Clarke, has is sued tho calendar for tho Summor School at tho University. Tho list of lecturers and their subjects represent one of tho strongest features of this school. Tho different ovents of the six wooks are as follows: Jrine 10-14, Sunday-Thursday Com mencement: week, University of, Ne braska. Juno 11-12, Mondiiy-Tuosday-T Regis tration. Sluno 13, Wednesday Session be gins. . '. ; Juno 14, Thursday Thlrty-JUth an nual Commoncoment day, University of Nebraska. v- Juno 1G, Saturday, 8 p. in. Oponlng rocoplion. Juno U2, Friday, 8 p. m. Lecturer Prof. Wm. F. Dann. Juno 2tt, Saturday morning Lec ture; Prof. Charles E. Bessoy. Juno 29, Friday, 8 p. m. Lecture: Mr. H. R. Falrchlld. Juno 30, Saturday morning Loc turo: Prof. Harry K. Wolfe, July A, Wodnesday Holiday. July. C, Prlday, 8 p. in. Lecture: Prof. William E. Jilison. I July 7, Saturday morning Lecture: President O. W. Wadsworth. July 13, Frldayr-8 p. m. Reception, WosleyniTUnlvorsity. July J.4, Saturday morning Lec ture: Prof. Howard W. Caldwell. ' July 17, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Exhibi tion by Gymnasium classes. July 19, Thursday, 8 p., m. Closing reception. July 20,Frlday Session closes. CXJOCX5COOCOCXXXXXXXXXX)C06 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ELECTMC. 1 VA(Hkl AND SCALP MASSAfiE' mST6 BAiaED SBflfe, J204 p STWffiT, 1U-W mjKX JjHH!Hf HrH!r'WHS' 9IC IflCIH jH W JJK Jn OLIVER .fijEATREl fci t V jW i U to V y f f lit il JiV.MtjfejifcjitJii TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY.8 IW, 0O(KSTAMR and - , HIS GREAT' IVl'lNSTRELS . Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c WEDNESDAY, MAT. AND NIGHT VIRGINIA DREW TRESCOTT WHEN KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER Hew Century Printers 12 41 N 8TBEBT-1.241 Especially solicits tho trade of thoso" who wish, it well printed. We have always been known asvfhe STUDENTS LAUNDRY We want your business. YUL.K DROB. HAND LAUNDRY 1514 O Street. Auto 3754, DsQ 374 N" FIRST NATIONAL BANK: X Capital f 303,'000.00 Surjilaamud proftta s3!200,OOO.nO Deposits 3,0,10,000.00 VVAITERS BUREAU V. D. GRANT, Manager First class sorvlco (rnarnntod at all re captions, parties, eolations and banquets. For Information rinu up Antoplioac U383 120 No. lOtli St. xiiimiriiiiixiinzziria BICYGLfi SALE ..-" , , , M 1 - atslaughterjarjces' to mak- K room for &, new stock of 2 aA new 1 RACYCLES $50 Eagle Bicycles:.... $25.00 Siipliy -Specials. . : 17.50, HURRY! LAWLOR CYCLE COMPANY, Ssccmih la A. I. iUtri Cjtls C. 1324 ''O" STREET il minniiruiTTTTxrrm X , J . I'm", . 8 i COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK ?i 8'-'! OF MCOLH, NESMSKA Jj 'H : CAfrtAi,. m&X M , 2 -y.'i s M..I Al t m ft2r ; i '. , v. , '1 & r".' ,K- & ,. j - .-r " T' '- ,'X -It .'Xl' j ... l-Ufl,T4 " r i . .. L 0 2& , ,.A , .1 '. j-y. A yi & r "j.:.r. .. vi P ,'i iz2m&aLi lis a' 1 ., r(J- .iiiitWU j.- 7 1 WiMUXaty& &i L- IMSWJHMa