The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1906, Image 3
IU T -l , - rf ---, ,- .. DVkLY NEBRASKAN. t 'J- . I . . ' "V. CLASSIFIED COLUMN What's a'dance without Tommy? BUSINESS DIRECTORY T "Tli" r 1 2' ' v xH 1 1 TT7fcrTwKr8 J LJL ' r - IK mv W fc- W IZ&kC W& ? t J Kimrf JLjrM VnWenlty ttfat to 1 1 r 4 yatrealie tfaM j r ta aasr walla 4ala'g '. tit' i H BARBER SHOPS Arlato, Greon'a Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKERY Mr. Petry. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Ltn coin Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown prut Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. . BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAPE iSam Westorfield. Don Cam eron. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M Conway, Erwln & Perkins. CLEANERS AND DYDRSJ. C. Wood & Co. - - CLOTHING Armstronjr, Unland, Ma see ft Deemer, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol s'om. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol- shelmor, .DRUGGISTS Rlcgs, Brown, Roctor. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. 'FLORISTS Chapin Bros. GROCERS O. J. ICIng ft Son. HABERDASHERY 12.50 Hat Store. HOTELS LIndell. IOB CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LATJNDRIES Yule Bros, OYBLTY MACHINIST Thorp". OCULlSTS-Dr.JDatiB PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. PRINTING--New Century, King & Jossup, Greer Cooper Co., George Bros. v RESTAURANTS-r:Don?B Cafet SHOES Sanderson, Rogers &-. Pbr ' kins. - ' SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. ' "SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. ; TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, LudWIg. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. TYPEWRITING-. W. Brewster. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant All advertisements In this column mutt be paid for in advance. Ilato one cont per word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. BATH8. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow. sulDho-saline. shower, nlnin. 11th and ,p Sts. CLUB RATES Three ulta and O'coat cleaned and pres8edr"l per month. J01 llott's, 1136 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. PAOER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St Bag-cage and parcel. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St, DR. II. A. SHANNON, 113 O. Auto, 2833; Bell, 2126. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and Rents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. SENIOR BOOK COMPLETED. The Annual University Publication Is Almost Ready for Distribution. The Senior .Book, which-fias been' in the process of cpnstruction-lQr the paBt six months, ir nowcompletcd and thoafijwho have been in charge expect to have it ready for' dIstributiorinoxt Tuesday at chapel timer- This, in all probability, will be the lastf Senior Book published at the University of Nebraska, and for that reason, If .for no other, the members " of the board hayedovotodthoir best efforts to make ? It a creditable publication. One 'innovation this year is, a per manent cover made of Japanese wood. Thin hfln been' instituted at a consld- erabie expense. The5 book wlli be sold ins spite of,;thia atUlje ..usual price, ,seventyj:flyo, centsw A.jnembqr of the ,bojpd. stated to a .Npbriskan renorter r yesterday, however, that while' the cover was, wooden, the Jokes wore not: Forbeav8tkslesl llVw& cab and bag ' fafe,'iiieP''8ttf Bell 6S0 Aute, 1I5; ' V Wpiar-.,'FlorlBts. 1ST ie. IIUl LOST On campus, nocketbook containing Jewelry, mileage book and $5.00. Finder return to Nebrasknn of fice and receive liberal reward. WANTED. Four students, ladles or gentlemen, to act as local ngentB, representing a large business house. Gus Sodorbqrg, 1335 N St. .May 6. "An Evening of Proposals." Me morial Hall. Track preliminaries. Y. W. C. A. girls' May morning breakfast. "Junior Doings." tho evening. State Farm. In May. 8. Senior Book distribution. May 11. High School Fete Day. Field moet. May 16. Athletic Board election. Student members. , ' Street Railway Time Card. ' B. & M. Depot, Cnpttol and South 17th Cars lcavo B. & M. depot land South St. at S mln. past the hour and each ton min utes. Flist G:05 a. m., Inst 12:00 p. m. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and. Sumner via Sun., 11 p. m. 14th Cars every 20 mln. First 0:20 a. m., last 11:20 p. m. Union College and Normal via 17th Cars every 40 mln. First G:50 a, m., last 10:50 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. B. & M. Depot, 25th and Sumner via 17th Lcavo P. O. and 25th every 20' mln. First car C:u0 a. m., last 10:00 p. in. Cemetery Cars lcavo P. O. every 18 minutes. First 6:25 u. in., fust 11:25 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. Havelock and Unl. Place Cars lcavo P. O. and Unl. Place 20 unci 50 mln.ast hour. Cars leavo Havelock 6 and 35 mln past the hour. First car leaves P. O. C:0O a. m., last 10:50 p. m. First car leaves Havolock G:35 a. m., lust 11:25 p. m. Ser vice to Unl. Placo every 15 mln., 5, 20, 35 and 50 minutes past the hour. First car 5:50 a. m., last cur 11:05 p. in. N. W. Depot, -Capitol and So. 14th Cars to 14th and A every 10 mln. To 14th and South every 20 mln. First 0:20 a. m., last 11:40 p. m. 14th and South SU cars mako"7. W. depot loop. cPnltontlnry 10th and O every 40 mln. First car leaves G:40,u. m., lust 10:40 p. m. State Farm 10 th and O even hour and every 10 minutes. .B. & M. depot loop. South 10th Cars to 14th and South every 10 mln. First 6:15 a. m.. last 12:00 p. m. Sun. 11:00 p. m. Park every 40 mln. First 7:00 a. m., last 11:00 p. m. South 1,0th street cars make N. V. depot loop. State University, R nnd No. 10th Cars every 15 mln. First 0:23 a. m., last 11:07 p. m. SUNDAY Cars start 1 hour later and stop l nour earner. MY MAOAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll send free) Is worth $10 a copy to any man who intends to In vest any money, however-small; who has money Invested -unprontdbly, or wha can save JO or more per month, but who hasn't learned the art of Investing for profit. " It demonstrates the REAL earning power of money the knowledge financiers and bankers hide from-the masses'. ' It shows how to invest small sums and how to make them grow Into' fortunes the actual possibilities of Intelligent In vestments. It reveals tho-enormous profits bankers make and shows how one can make the .jsamo profits safely. ii explains jiuw hiupgiiuuub iuuuuvi .are made nnd WHY they are made how $1,000 grows to $22,000. To Introduce my magazine write me XOW. mentioning thlspaper and I'Jl send It SIX MONTHS FREE. . ' ' EDITOR GREGORY, j i, 81 Jackson Bvd.f Chicago, ) A New Way to Uo Angeles, ' You can now go direct via- Salt Lakb City to; Southern California by a new 'daily train, the Los 'Angeles LlmlteS, equipped with tall the latest lnnova tioris'ror travercomfort: Dining Cars, Meals, a la Carte, Observation Cars ;rtlth Buffet Lounging "'Rooms and Library, Eleotric Lighted throughput, via' the -UnloHPaclflc and fc Salt, Lake Route.' For sleeping ar reservations and full-information 'inquire of ? b. b. slosson; MayJ9. Freshman party. Walsh Hall. Sophomore party. Stato Farm.' May 21-22. Theodore Thomns Orchestra Auditorium. May 23. Ivy day. Seniors and Juniors dis- miBBeu irom niternoon classes. May 24. College of Medicine Commencement. Omaha. Thos. W. Colemaa, bettor known as "Tommy," at Miller A Pains'. May 25. Annual competitive drill. ' Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 26. Kansas-Nebraska track meet. Stale" Fair grounds, 2:30 p. m. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment. June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 12. Senior Play. Oliver Theatre. June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Convocation. . Monday, May 7 Chancellor An- urewsr-nuuress. Wodncsday, May 9 Hon. Ralph W. Breckenrldge, "Federal Control of Life Insurance.?' DRAjVIATIC CLUB RE8ENTS. Gives Final Performance of the. Year Tonight, at Memorial Hall. Tonight Is the night, remember, and eight tho hour. And hero is the pro gram: Music. ' "A Proposal Under Difficulties." Scene in a New York parlori Cast of Characters. Bob Yardsjey suitor of Dorothy's -and Jack's rival., MrSidney Evans Jack Barlow also Dorothy's-sultor . ..., ...Mr. Georgo Fenlon Dorothy Andrews a "much loved T young woman Miss Charlotte" Haskell Jennie equal to tho occasion ' v Miss Emma Hanlin Music. "A Morning Call." Scene in a fashionable country bouse. Cast of Characters. ' Sir Edward Ardent. .Mr.Hnrry Koyser Mrs. Chilllngton...rMIss May Edholm Music furnished by Y. M. C. A. Quartette. The leaders for tho Y. W. C. A. noon meetings are to be Senior girls from now until tho close of school. .Thoso for the coming week are: .. Monday-" Scena Hansen. ' Tuesday Pearl Staata. , Wodnesday Grace Trigg. Thursday Pearl Archibald. Friday Ethel Wolfenbarger. . 'ii' No expense has been spared in the preparation yof the Senior Book, It. will be ready next Tuesday at chapel time. Rrlee, 7S cti,' ,-V STUDENTS! t For first-clasi Tailoring V , at low prices, see Uhion ," College Student Tailors. . Automatic -Phone 3255. -c Union Col lege Tailors POBT OFJFIOR BLDU. cjucjoaucxjrcicxxxj TIE ITT PRESS NEAT PRINTING LATEST , STYLES ,A, N J IKaaUuSvuaNl UaroUarou uqkuoOuoouSu THEfYTPREXS "V COURTEOUSTRBATM'NT, AT KING & JESSUP'S . . wow fSb Kooob OOto' 126 h. 121b si. mmim 6 n.-im it m3tiJsmym9yJidM!attr Tk yonr-CJcdtea ami go to, J. C. WOOD & CO. Succc-iworB to Koukup & Wood-r Expert-Gleaners and Dyers llclf Telephone 117. Auto 1J40!I l'MO.Ji HT11KKT . QUALITY OUR 60DA TASTES LIKK UOBS Rlgfs, Til Drue Cittw U 1321 O St. &k T.J.TH0RPitCO flHhkcr IhuHp-SlMMllff, $Mlt, Trafe Chtel(S,ICtyt Uck Imlihisi, QMieral MkhDis Wwki, MeM Miktrs, El. 3Q8Sl.lltlUINC0LN 'L 4- ?'J ARGYLE Cluca SfciHik--QMUr Sfoca H M Mek-twe fee tmH. eLuaTrfc' FCABODV A CO.' MAIMM f MUftT JMm MMfcMll 1MMH -. M m -KM - H V ' .1 rt, Ai. -3. , ,JT r , - j w , -r. V 1 ,v 1 r ! v : .1 Li " ity V ... Iff ' M 1 1 .; w .. ..w VJ