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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
' T), ' ftt C , . r- ' X ' 4. j,' V Jt' 1 r. v e THE DAILY ISEBRASKAN. 9 -l. , n .U Rl' y It fc :fT . "V f H.VI' K. ' i -4 im. VI 1 pv &'-. ' m . Wi y &i- 8 L ' 8 6 8 w .. . IS P XfycDaify Qebraskan A. consolidation of The Hesperian, Vol. 1, The NjbrMkan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. t Sunday and Published dally, except Bunaay ana Monday, at the University of Nebraska, SnoolnV Heb., by the Hesperian Publish ing- Co. Bntbrod as socond class matterj March 14, 100?, 'at ttfo Post Offlco at Lincoln, Nob., under Iho Act of Con gress, March 3, 1879. Board of Directors. O, V. P. Stout. Laurence Fowler. II. P. Leavltt. DwJght Cramer. A. O. Schrelber. Manager , Fred Naughton Asst. Manager W. E. 8tandeven 8TAFF. Editor-in-Chief R. A. Van Orsdel Assistant Editor Fred Ballard Athletic Editor Harry 8wan Reporters. B. F. Huso. Qono Sago. Joslo Frazler. Telephone .Automatic 1B28 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 thoughtfulncBS. Tho homcogenous system of books that, has,, hpretofWj cxlBted and tho antagonism they have brought forth "from tho advertisers Is certainly to bo regretted. When tho Idea of a consolidated book was brought forward Bome months ago It wan received kindly by nearly ovory student. Tho Immediate "Steps that were taken wore surely a manifestation' of (his. The consoll dated syBtem adopted gives a vory fair and just distribution of tho edi tors and managers to tho various classes. Nothing but union of tho threo classes should result, and if this Is tho final outcome tho University annual publication Will be one of tho strongest features of tho students' work in tho college year. Jf-st- ' Subscription Price, $2 per year In advance Today is tho last day of registration for Athlotic Board olection. SInc(? thero has been but few registered, wo doom it wiso to urge those who in- tend lo tako part in tho election to get busy today and secure your regis tration ticket. Tho girls of tho Y. W. C. A. have decided to conduct their Sunday after-, noon meetings for the rest of tho year on a vory novel plan. Tho plan is that each academic class have charge of at loast ono program and try to excel In tho oxcollenco of It. Tomor row tho Senior girls will give theirs first. This kind of a contest Is Indeed To Lower Requirements. "The IlUnl" for May 1st says: "Seventy Instead of seventy-five will be tho required passing grade after tho beginning of tho next school year. This change was the result of the ac tion of the University Senate at ono of its recent meetings. The chango was not arrived at by a unanimous vote of all th'o members; some of tho older and more conservative men contend ing that It would tend to lower tho standard of scholarship, while thoso In favor argued that It would allow a grading which would more closely conform to the standards of perfection. Grades from 60 to G9 will condition the student, from 70 to 79 will bo con sldered poor, from 80 to 89 good, while, all above wlll-bo counted as excellent Almost all of the leading universities havo a lower passing average than that required liore, and It is urged that in not a single instance docs tho low ering of the passing grade tend to lower the standard of scholarship." It is interesting to noto that whllo tho Illinois facility Is loworlng the standard of its requirements, Nebras ka is raising horB in most departments. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A A Tt-A. T. T t jl nai i urn ixaui And don't drain tho pocketbook $10.00 my only price Genuine "Crav- nnotto LiHuoiou nroau snouiuers poriect uuiunco. WHY PAY MORE BUDD, $2.50 Hatter, 11410 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQCXXXXX)OOOOOU .worthy of much commendatfBn, and should receive tho most earnest sup port of every girl In tho association. Thq Sunday 'afternoon meetings aro of a kind that will touch that which is most noblo and elevating. In any girl's nature. And when tho academio girls see fit to encourage such a con test as -will make .these meetings stronger then we should all bo liberal with our pralso. erfK 5BT ,4- i T? f .' eMqraved visiting; carps to t,V '' enclose with youV commencement an nouncements. Up-to-date styles. ' 'i1,.i . i i-. f Workmanship and quality of stock the best. Place your orders early as there ' ,ls always an extra large demand just before commencement season. Book ' department, first floor. Miller & Paine A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in tho World of Official Athletic Supplies BA8E BALL LAWN TENNIS FOOT BALL ROQUE, GOLF QlJOITS ARCHERY CRICKET LACROS8E CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOII AXA. SPOUTS Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad wick. Tho most comploto and up-to dato book over published on tho subject. Fully illustrated.. .... Price 10 Cents. Spalding's. Official League Ball is tho adopted ball of tho National League, and must bo used In all match games. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. For over n quarter of a century Spalding's Trade Mark on ..Base Ball im plements has marked tho advancement of this particular sport. Spalding's Trade-Mark . on your Athlotic Implement glvos you an advantage over tho other play er, as you havo a better artlclo, lasts longer, gives moro satisfaction. Evory Base Ball Manager should send at onco for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Preo. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, Kansas City. Donvor, St. Louis, Now Orleans When tho Senior Book is issued on next Tuesday tho students of tho Uni versity vwlll see for Iho last time a ciajs , .publication. With tho Corn-husker- of 1907 Nebraska Inaugurates jtho" system Qf haying' ono-large con solidated class annual. 'And this step Iso'no Jwhjcii.'wb believe will ajways be referred to as one of wisdom 'and . Novel Way of Practicing Football. Dr. Shell, physical director1 of Swarthmoro College! surprised the football men not long ago whon'he posted a notice for nil candidates for tho 190G team to report at tho gym; naslum for Indoor preliminary prac tice. All tho members of last year's squad came out, clad In their regula tion football suits, but Dr. Shell ad vised them to discard them and appear In gymnasium apparel. A now game was then Introduced. Tho squad was divided Into two tennis, and a game not unlike basket-ball was played. In stead of tho regulation ball,.howevor, a football was used, and tho men were allowed to' run threo steRS with the ball, and catch it against their bodies when It lwas passod. Tho game seemed popular, and will bo continued until the Closing of college in June.' Tho sport wns introduced to familiar ize tho men with handling tho ball on long passes.r Tho Tech, CCCO0CO00COO0000COCCCCO0000 Get through your correspondence by using the Underwood Typewriter KL&MllTidervvnocr( pj V-ATrja ill ftr J3 .1 11 . Jin ft -J Pill MTyy V I i W ff 1 fflVHsBHMlL V If 1 It.saves 25 perctnt of the pperators time, which is Your time liiderwM Typewriter o;, 1617 Tariam St., OnifeVNei; 0000000$0$0090090 4 V if 1 1 -. i . w ' K i'j X, l" 'v ' '? tj 44 1 I r I M M - " "v., ', Jt- x i i jJv m . u f , ' ' S. A ?. aA jCIju WfTXBVIH tj&J.i