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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1906)
Hl Y 'A- , gVoI. V No. '4. university of Nebraska, lMgoln Saturday, may st 90 ..I Price 5 Ohts . k ' ' ...... ,- .. , . v jy ;1 'v -- f-., ir V 1 n. yv i . H. , v- 'A , L- k- -. TAM BREAKS EVEN 4 ; VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM HAS WON TWO AND LOST' TWO. t S Dort Has Pitched Tvtfo games, Morse One, Nillson One Play Purdue 4r. at uaTayeuc. ma., joaay. f .. . . -n. ' i i 1 5O0OOC)00OOOPCXX2b000O0P0 THISJS THE WAY HE FELT WHEN HE READ . -THE SENIOR BOOK S, The first third of the varsity's" KE3astern schedule hns been .covered, if but the Second game, which should $' have-been played wltli Iowa S&Ue A- frrlcullural College at Ames, Iowa, was called, .oflLon account of rain. Of the four games played Nebraska jFwon two' and lost two. The first jvgame, with the Agricultural School at & Ames, wad a victory for the Cornhusk liors by a score of 4 to 1. Bach team ;mado three errors, but the Llncolnites f-'mado twelve hits to the Agricultural Joists' five. Dort pitched this game and jufc-pjie. following it-bn April-let; which also- proved to be a victory tbf tho f. UnUlwnltnnWJtu iIVVciM-n ftt-JZ. itn O JftV jftjlhls gamp the .varsity ojily made-three Sjerrorsnn5 Gfcinnoll madofour. In rSba'ttlng Grlrineil fojrimf Dort' only four j$tlme8'r4Mwhilp Eagor's bunch put nine jiof them: ,t9, tho, 'good. j. $& The Iowa- State, University game, gbeavs a different story, and .Judging . ji.from the score was a -cldsei&cdjitested, k ;rfgame. vTle Iowa City team tqoliT the ' iVsamc1 2to. onlymatlo one error and. touched Morse jTdr eight "biffs" 'that Bom'dKow 'found tliciv wny through, the I'seveniTuen behind hlnn. Tho varsity , E.'onlyr tJrrejVi four times, howover, and 3H pukthr!eoibalto into the lot, so. taking ':? itsa.lKJntall ,tho pitcher did well and -rhirnipport-hot badly to. hold then to a 5loscore . ij?; Last Thursday, May 3, Knox got Irl8kyftop,and crowded In eight scores j;to Nebraska's six, and Jt is an lnter IBtinc,' coincidence that each team made five orrovs and still more sti'ange fcV Jl . I .- I tl 6 tm'rmm hi ima mm HKHi tTl tlWAH 11VI rMV UlTtBLU1.1B.H M'lW UVFWKWX PVMW Ti Q-'-WMBMMfMmf wKSOkM&ywSmm o k'.' .. w .iuiiv- tk iiviviiiii m t v - wx - :rBte.kivi vc ' wt - .. ..... - flv"iit' ui 8MftM v J m VTO5M MWVT,MM "ON" SALE TUESPAy1ORNING I . . .-rA CHAfEL TIME . . ; 1 " . k. " :......-,., : f " - - : - v. CORNHUSKER -STAFF.'- Vl i -.... . - TRACKMEETTODAY TRACK MEN ARE GIVEN A TEST TODAY IN EVENTS. Home Athletic Meet Held on Field This Afternoon" at 2:15 p. 'rn. - Large Nu.mber.'of Entries. lArt Wthat each pitcher allowed himself tq S fib hit eiglit times. Nillson .pitched for C Nebraska. . . T. ' Of the fifteen gamesjos. the schedule ? f6ur haye boon P(layedr one was ,qaHed " .oufon account of xaln and nothing has r1 y&-A, . ...... , , ,.z . in, me iour garnes niaven xneprasKa ';! scored "17 wfuhs and opponbnt 14. No- btaska riiade 15 erors, opponents 13. tj -Nebraska made 32 hits, .opponents 25. o Port pitched tw,o of the gamos. Morse: Tone and Nillson one. - .: According to schedule tho gamp to day is-to bo,pldyod atfJCafayette, Ind.t ?!'wlth Purdue. " " v. FullBoard of Editors to Bo Announced - j- - r J Soon; The presidents, of he -Jftmior and Sophomore class have been working with the editor of theCqrnhuskerfor somo on thoselcctlon of the i remainder of: the isaff. An! attempt Is being made by them to canvass tho entire ,roll of the two classes nnd if possible secure the .most .desirable, :materlal Chi G. "Frat Games. Two-fraternity baseball 'games wqro pulled off yesterday on the campus. The: Sigma Chis scalped tho Phi Delts to the tunp of 10 to 4, while tho Phi Phis played horse with the Betas, win ning in six innings by a scoro of il tp.l,' ' . - First gamo: :t Phi Delta Thota...M 10 0 2 0 04 Sigma Chi- ,v, 1 2 0 2-4-T"? 10 HitsPhi Delta'.Theta 3. Sigma Chi 12: -.Errors Phi DeltaThota 5, Sigmo- DeYoung Leaves forEurope. D, P. DeYoung, president of 'iV-.'Junlor class last semester, left. .-.jNevTYork late this weok, fromwh the for whenco ''he will sail in a few days for. Russia. .vMr. DeYoung has been appointed for- '; ; .oign collector for. the; international - tar,vesier company, wivn iiaanrB ;Xor the time bplng In Hamburg, Ger- tmany. It is lii sintentlon to return "?'to Anierlca'in tlmoUb enter tho ;Unl- Verslty next fall. they -afford. They desire to place tho oloqtlorion n merit basis and are put ting forth every effort to find Uioso deserving, of recognition. The question., representation ,must of necessity play a large part. -The staff ,must be .rppresentatlyo as well as strong in point of literary ability. An attempt is jeing made-to have every prganlzation in the University repre sented' and at the same time not have the staff larger than it should bo. To' thus secure a 'comblnatlonbf repre sentation and merit is a difficult propo sition and they express tho fear that they must, to a certain extent, sacri fice merit for representation. They hope to Announce the staff tho last of next week. Anyone who desires a placo or has a friend lhat they can strongly recommend should see elttyr thoir presidents or the editor within tho next few days. The Junior Jand Freshman classes pt the College of Law will hold meetings next' week io tako somo action vrela- tlve o Joining In the publication of theWkV" Batteries Noely and Keoler. Theele and Person. Second game: Phi Kappa, Psi. ..'.,. ;;i 3 1 Jf 1 2 11 Beta Theta P1.........0 0 0 10 01 V TJTUr, TIKI ir.' TII in T'l rrit-i PI 4. Errore Phi Kappa Psi 2, Beta Theta PI 7 " -", , Batteries Bowman and Huse, Bell ana vyyma.n , , i ?. fp .Senior. Book wllboout naxt !?l;Ttf6aay tcUapel time : ''Price, "-75 Thursday afternoon a reception for sorority girls twas hold at the chapter ihouse by heTketas in.fconor of Mrs. Laura H. IoUoHof Chicago, the dU tfict prWhjjent'bt thV Kappa Alpha ."HfajVn; ,' '' viv y v ,.. 'ftyr , Fraternity .Games. qames. W. jfm .iappa JPl..-2 Delta Tau ....... 2 Kappa Slgma. . T AlphaTheta CEit 1 Phi Gamma Delta 1 Delta Upsilon ... 2 Slgma-Chl 2 Phi Dolta Theta. 1 Alpha Tau Omeca 1' Sigma Alpha Ep- silon 2 Beta Theta PI... 3 That. May Morning. BreakfaW Aa was predicted, the May mqrsing breHfaat b,ejd 'at. St., Paul'a ckurcli this morning wag, a aucceas la "eyery way. The attendance wa large, the food well, donp and the service splen did. It Is a shame ? Yf W. C. A. girls cannot, gee. at., to etabli8ha boarding club pear the UaiyarsJJy, tt woum oea paying unaeruwng, to say w. U P.C. 2 0 . 1000 2' 0, 1000 i - a iooo l- o iooo i . p iooo 1 . 1 ' r ,$ot 1 1 " .500 0" 1 .000 e i .oo 0 2 000 0 3 ,000 This "afternoon, .the track men, will ,, bo put on tnelritnetal for the (ItiM? llmo this seasdn. The ''beautiful spring weather has been so favorable to track work this week that today's meet is oxpectod to bo a very befltllng climax, -and finish of the preliminary' work. , Tho local try-outs arq usualiy lboftbd upon as tho-contcst to dotormitotho members of thq track team. But such Js not the case, for tho men who Work cohsistqritlyVtihrpughout tho season nfo very likely to bo first, team men at tho end. ' . Circumstances wore hover., mtfro fa- vornoio lor a record proaklng;.eJMilpI tion. The weather condition and tho flno condition of each man is bound to glvo the spectators thoir ;raonoy's worth. All:tho men Have had more jfn-. door traclcwork tills ypa'r-than usual. The Charter Dayrog'ram an wU "aa the Western AratqurAthlotIc ,Onibn meet at Kansas Qliyhas .boen ;tho means of giving much "ihsldo work 'to the men. DrClapp has watched the men In their oVory niove, and ovorj manhi8 had more individual attqn-tion-this; year than ever. The sprint ers have been- given a half hour work out atstartlng ; every day and tbio dis tance jnen timed in their dlfferdnt ovonts. w The jclosest event of the daywill In all probability bo tho hundred-yard dash. Winters, Cop, Wallacp and Craig are th6 men struggling for first placo, jxnd since all have a record 'bettor than 10 seconds, there should bo some thing doing. Coo is a freshman, and a rather indefinite quantity, but if re ports from out. over the state aro true, he "has run the dash in ten fiat. TJie 220 and 440 will bo races between Winters and Smith and. Uie-chances for either one winning are about oven. Jn tho, hurdles, Hauser and Peck should prove the speedy ones, although u mgensictc goes in there Is likely to be a change The distance evat will also be very hotly .contested and sonic good time shouldbo made in-the 880. milP ;and two miles. ' " " The officials for ytho meet wete ,de-clded-tipo1nlkst night, and are as 'fofc lo'wsr SUrter aad referee, Dr. Clapp; Jpdgos of track" oyeats, Max, Wester mann, F. D. Cornell and Dr. Dales; judges of field events, Irene: Hewitt, Phvslnal r)lrnnr- PlntiAn nt tho iim Y. M, C. A. and Bowman; timers, Pro- lessors unatburn -aad Richards; clerk pt course, Denslow, jnaaager ,ot -track iuui; scorer, Max wesiermaan; in spector, Heath; announcer, Van.' Ors del, It-fa to aim of tlje oilclals to pull the meet off .as promptly as pos sible in order that interest .will be kept "up. - , The order or events as they Vjll ap pear la this afternoon's program are as fojlows: 100-yard dash, pol .vaalt, half mile, shot put, 130-yafd hardies, ruHniag high Jump, 2J0-yar ' daea, hammer throw, mile rus, . raaaJag proaa jump, zao-yard hu,rim, ,, -'... .'Vir i7 " . -. . ' ur"u iumPr swyara aqrste.,qigem, noW? yueaiq beaelts Uiat 440-yard Sash, aad two Mile rnVhi wqujd be.derived by ,tfce boardees.,-' esats .lll "b so calldtw a UiA-md J .V;v .r : ,. tra("eytlm Ut-liff'of i. ' .v ;.-r.' " .' -; .. - - w- i""t i . . . ,s. , n v;m ; ! vfi V H:.j rJ "' . J (I -H & I' - , - l V . ", ' " t'i ?w-? VW-- "i" y4 xa . !, (r .ym 4 $- tirilZki &M 4, . $ ?&& "!.'. ', ' xfA MSLN-iK -Wu wwnai.iM