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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1906)
c V.-,A i ? ? - -; . A . "t : ',' - ' V ,i - ..-J - A- . ebraehan t -rt fS'ii 'iv! -t -1" VoLV..No.S3. UNIVERSITY OF "NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY. MAY 4, J906V Price5Cnts f Sl Ik? , IV ".'! i iV.t. - . vtr-. IBV-V ; -a : t ' ii & Jv nv :"& 'ft:-. MEET TOMORROW TRACK MEN TRY OUT TOMORROW, FOR PLACE8 ON THE TEAM. Largest Number -of Candidates Ever Entered for Tryouts In the His--.. tory of Track Athletics ooooboqooboooooococxxx Company B Hop Fraternity Hall Dr.Clapp yestorday announced that about forty men had signified their in tention of trying for a placo on the team which will represent Nebraska in track athletics during the coming meets. The number of men who were on last year's team and who are out again tHis year is gratifying to those interested, and the largo crop of now contestants bids fair to dovelop some material which will make the old men bucklo down hard to hold their places. Many of the now. men have had con siderable experience in high school work and should not lose their nerve -during, a close -meet t . Tomorrow the mon will assemble on tho athletic field at .2:15 and will lino up as follows' in the different events: 10'0-yardvdash .Winters.,. t Smith; .Chappel. - Hughes.. Schmidt. . Knode. ' v '"-.. Craig. . - .. Wallace.- ,. . oe; x TTho 'contestants In tho 220-yard dash will be -the same as in the 100-yard cent - inthd '440-yard run nine men will trjr.aafdllows:, ' , Drakev r". Weber. r Wilson. H. D.x . - - (loo- s. Chappel. $J.O0. WALT, OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOCXXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXJOOOOOOCO May Four '-Ht-Wl . , -Ma mm , Clancy. (S K 7. 'IJ.t chmidt Bontley. Winters. In tho half-mllo the entries are ex ceedingly good, and sbmo fast 'time should be mado." Entered are: Morgan. "Bentloy. Bmlth.0 -Craig. TCuhH?' -J K "". Wobqr. Penrod. rl Mattlson. . Morrpw. Mile runf Kavan. Swan. , Morgan1. Bage. . -4T" Allen. ' Stromo. ' Maiden StancIIff. Prltchett Tbelson. t Two-inile: ! Kavah. ', Harrison. : Jfoung. ' Swan. . - Kuns. . Mattlson, Morgaa. ' Strdme,. , Aritchtt -. ,'AllMll. ;Hl-Vrd kurdlw: Keating. Mosor. Collins. Chaloupka. Discus throw: Samo as shot put Hammer throw: Hauser. Matters Running high' jump : Meyer, G. A. Craig. -Wallace. Knode.. , Hagehsick. Broad jump: Wallace, Winters. Meyers; "Craig. Hagenslck. Pole vault: Hagenslck. Phelps. Gibson. The order in which the events will bo pulled, oft will be as follows: 100-yard dash Polo vault. . Half mile. Shot put 120-yard hurdles. High jump: 220-yard dash. Hammer throw; Mile run. Running broad juirip-? ,220-ard, hurdiest Discus throw. 440-yard, run. Two-mllo run; This gives an nnterestlng card of fourteen, events, every ono of which should be snappy and interesting. In neaflyvevory event there are at least a few of the old familiar faces. In tho hammervthrow the greatest weak ness will probablybo found, as the old weight mn are" not-back. -h In the pole vault tho absence of Morse and, McDonald w.lll bo felt butyMorse-sau be homo from tn"e baseball trip in time to help hold up our. high vault record.. rne -iirsi meet mm yuur coiuuts wxiu Minnesota atMlnneapolIs on May 19 and the week following we meet Kan-V sas on our own ground. 7 Manager Denslow has picked out two.of, neighbors with whom- to- try conclu sions on tho cinder path and tho in terest which Is already being mani fested in the coming meets is en couraging the men t6put forth every effort - A large crowd is expected at tomor row's meet Time 2:30. Admission, 26 cents. ' ' " FAREWELL APPEARANCE?" CADETS INSPECTED . ' MAJOR MANN IN8PECT8 THE BAT- TALION YE8TERDAY. Army Equipments, Books,, Cadets' Ap- pearance, Company and Battalion Drill Are All Looked' Over. Dramatic Stars to Retire. May 6 Last Performance Tomorrow Night. Students, Attenttonl Tomorrow night at. 8 o'clock (sharp) the Dramatic Club of tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska will offer tho recontly im- Tho University cadets "with many misgivings fell Into line yesterday af ternoon at 2:15 o'clock. At -2:30 all thd companies, and the band, woro as soqbled on tho athletic field. Maiojr Mann, United Statos Army, who In . spected tho v mon first, called for re view, and tho cadets passed twlco the review stand,; the last time at double quick. Tho companiesswore thon in- , spected in tho following order: D, A, h, and Ct, after which eaclT:company gavo an exhibition drill. sv , All the companies drilled very well ported 'rencn comeaettas, ';An iayen- m oatorday.fl In8poctlon and the bat ing of Proposals" and "Tho-Morning nllnn'S'rm wab nTrAntionniiv eood. Call." .The castes are guaranteed to Ma1or Mftn.ckrrled GVGrv feature of ho all-star and the pieces exactly as the inspeoUbn'out 14 a very military manner, and, in much less time than tho- averagesgovernment Inspector 'i AUiiftM. nlkitnj tm 13a.!.;. 1m fAnc. muy.TVCiu jjiujruu iu traiio wai, ouaouu, whoro they made the phenomenal rec ord of four hundred performances. As this will 1)0 ihe final appearance of the Dramatic Club this season, it is Imperative that all students turn out and attend en semblev ' t requires but a glanco of the eyo to decide the truemofits of the even ing's performances. In "Tho Morning Call" wo notice among others on the long list of stars, the names of Miss May Edholm, as "Mrs. Chllllngtono!' and of Mr. Harry TCeyser In tho rplo of Sir Edwin Ardent" Equally as encouraging are the per formers, of "An Evening of Proposals," among whom such stage-famous names as Haskell, Fenlon, Hanlan, Drew and Irving hold our attention. To be 'frank, these two plays will bo the best ever, put on by tho Dramatic Club and are guaranteed by7 that or ganization to be the cleverest; the most brilliant and tne most unique production ever stages within the con fines of Nebraska Fence all of which Is saying a great deal. " " Yes, that's it! Memorial JIallr iB p. m. (sharp, Saturday. Admission, happily, wlthin-the reach of all. P .8. In anticipation of the already enormous advance sales, it is request ed that seats be reserved at your earli est possible convenience. uses. N Tho cadets have but three, weoks left before competitive drill. Owing to the weather it has been Impossible for the cadets to havo as much time for-outside drill as has been desired and as a result the captains will have their companies out at least once a day from now on. Tho work of the cadets yestorday is a manifestation of tholr appreciation of what Captain Workizer has. done for them during the past year, He hxs spared no pains to .make the Military department one of the most popular in tho school and to a vey great extent , he has realized his end. Every cadet takes up his work with an earnestness that is indeed' vory gratifying to those t Interested. The close union between , the 'Military department and other de partments Is also one feature of Ihe , commandant's work which -Is worthy of much praise. ; Next year will see many advances,, over this, as his system of controlling' the battalion will be much better known. Then, again, the antagonism which existed against the department this year will not no there to cope with. Those wishing to avoid the rush may have their Senior Book -reserved by applying to any member of the board; Price,-76 cents. MUllVLllllllltlllHAllVLl' l H 14 r L.-..----''J NOTICE 1 M All Cadets who have pnid lip their subscrip tion before May 27th will have their paper delivered daily at camp; SLA ' i- . . BB1 BELLAMY RETURNS. Injured lal I flayer Arrlved.ln.Lince.ln " Yesterday. "Slip" Bellamy, the Corahusker fielder who suffered a broke ankle while practicing at, Grinaell early in the week, returned to Lincoln yester day afternoon. The team will be con siderably handicapped by Bellamy'! absence, as he Is one of the heaviest hitters on the team, '" "" Register Teeay. Registration for participation la the election of student members of the Athletic Board will be held today a4T tomofrpw from 3:36 to4:Wv Lower J" hall, . main 'buildiag. Cocne ia with t n .-V jt '. r d 'A ? V.: I .'l i .v - -,-.H v; 'i r ? KYH -$. -3 ;tt '; .a a MJ -"rf :..: Btt will try la the 220- v ." 'j ..i .'-t: A.lV.rt V yujif-? .. v '- -, The IJneoln'Loeal ! f, '.. v 1- :' t- ;Tl5uS k-s; sfe. . Ji '!. ' your quarter. :-Kmmmm' i 7wmBKB"