tiMtsf.... : n 7.T. .ft, Ai'; j .j.' ' : ryK' ' , Vol; V. No. U J. UlsrifKi OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1906. Price 5 Cents - . . . -,,,, , , j .v. I'W V iS" ti! fc' i ' J -:. : ' W &y.: 9 Jf "NEWORGANIZATION WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, NEBRAS KA, ILLINOIS AND IOWA. Debaters of the Five Largest State Universities to Organize New Debating League. .xA now debating league, to be called the Five Cornered Debating Club and to be composed of tho Ave largeBt ptato universities of tho West, Is to be organized In, the near future Minne sota, Illinois, and Iowa have already signified their desire to enter into such a compact as has Nebraska. The only Institution not yet heard from is r the University of Wisconsin. The. formation of such a league was proposed curly in the year when the , , North Central Debating League, com prised of Michigan, Minnesota, Chi cago and Northwestern Universities, was disbanded by the withdrawal, fori financial reasons, of' Minnesota. At 'WKtho time of the organization of Pelta iBpSigma Rho, the new debating froter- nlty,, in Chicago last April tho matter J was again taken up and discussed with k the result that tho league will in all i probability bo formed bofore tho close .- of the present schooVyear. - Similar ' organlzatibrisiia5". .already - "?"ycenb Eastern schools, in 190 uie coiunv bia-CorneH-PorinBylvnnla ' Triangijtr Debating League was formed. Brown, - Dartmouth and Willla , " r rmmt Vslmilar compact In 1 Indiana and Ohio la There nlso,exlstB ri? among tho colleges tho withdrnwal"of Gophers-frj I tho North Central Debating j .. .- . ... . ,..,.: mo universities oi iuicntpnnTv A . . . - jv' r- anu iNoiuiwuaiurii uuvuiwu u .; similar-compact. In al ngups debates have been carri sue- - cessfully that there c. ; mere 'canp )08p bo.llttlo doubt but Uiat tho Ivo Cornered League will bo ms-eVtcclMatb . . r. jiiiBW: This am wamiw l h . HHK' ( .. .sY Hi xjnmnnpfq linwftMpco LeiaHaW y.S'TIKlBIIHIUHl the ? . - -i erxifSTBo ,tr. c.- ., - " "wi - i Tho. advantaees oi. sucli an-drn tloa aro many. in the flrstp)a --.--- . -, 1 -, -- - -- slmuitaneous debating of the - que8tlira"at flvo different univorsltl oe the same ovonlnjDanMOiolp but aroHso. increased enthxmitMKramong the- students of, those insluutlons. Again tho necessity, of two- debating teams, one to dofend the ncgatlvoTsldo of" tho question abroad and tho other tKo" aftlrmatlve at home, will give aspirants more of a chance to win var sity lienors than when only one team is chosen, as. is often atho case omder V the present system. Tner.e wm niso ue n greaiec ten- icy to give opponents' a fairer start that tho question for debate will be .'limbmittod to -all five universities at the same time. A fourth and perhaps most Important advantages of all is the .offeejt such an organization will. hvo upon the quality o dobates pro- 'duced. Since there will unquestion ably be, keener,, competltion.amongthe .caadldates for places oh, the teams and Ukewlso more thdrourwkrnes yayi Mkewlse more thorough drill given taaeo teamstherb being a teanito defead both sides of. the questlpa. H Via trMaiim T rflnlf I TENTH PAN HELLENIC HOP AUDITORIUM MAY 25. $2.00 0000000000009 & DR. LUCKEY TALKS AT CONVOCA TION. Gives Valuable Suggestions to Will-be Teachers. One oC tho most Interesting as well, as instructive, convocation addresses of tho year was delivered by Dr. Luckoy yesterday morning on "Tho .Making of a Teacher." Dr. .Luckey talked straight to tho point through out" the entire lecture and every word was one of sound, advice. After discussing what qualities a toachor ought- to possess In order bo a successfuf pedagogue, Dr. Lu gaye' a fow suggestions relative development of those qualities: The address, although mean clpally for those students plating teaching upon leaving theUnfr verslty, was .well ntto'ndsjL. iiio lowe .flwrheinfrimicticalirflliPrl" Tho Hagenow String .Quartctwlll play at conv'ocaU y. VgiMBfc'm; loathe ,Linco incoln and ague teams will line up for econd gaiafcofUuj serle3. Lin mo opening gameyosierua t 4-u, lsyior pitciuj r the local team akes theso camea of. sb; erostisTiiio fact that Bender: vin the Qmaha: Una. up, arid will bo' Dikind the .Vat today. Bender's great vork'inktbletlcs while In thUnivera- ityvmaks him a goneralfavorlte, and CMfstudlent wIlLriotlPQon forget hl specttmilar football runsiof sixty and 7 m- "U eventy yards, or his home runs on o base "ball diamond. All the stu nts are anxious to see Bender and Bt, playing with -aprofesslonal team.- Cadets to Be Inspected,. nt 2:ft0 n. m. 'thfltTTnlvTirflUv Bnrtullon ,of Cadets. will udMasne'ctod )iy MajoK Mium of tho Ualfetl States Army General Staff. Tho cadets are to assemblo ,at 2 o'clock In tho armory and prepare-for inspection and, reviost oTTtho athletic field. All tho cadets are excused from their clnsses from 2 until (.o'clock. jMt 4itP JSSi THKO. MMVJ'J &92vw mm conteni -. n hi aafe- fcUimiii..AAAmmmmi NOTICE All Cadets Vlio have paid up their subscrip tion before May, ,27th will Nhave tjieir paper delivered daily t cariip. H ..,! K I Himummmwmumatly ANNUAL jf x WALT. 7 PIECES r O 0&00OQO03 o$ooso30o Medical Convocation. A special convocation of tho Collego of Modlclno was 'held yestorday in Ne braska Hall for tho purposo of Intrant ducing to tho medical studentswe Omaha members offiugf medlamrfac ulty who are lntjndanejat tho meeting of thoJZfateiMedkftl Assocla tlon. Dean WafflJunffoducedDr. Palmor janwu Flndley andfVrd7Twho addressed tho students Dr. Flndlekas but reccntlv lolnod tho facultyjcpmlng from the Collego edlclne.of tho University of'Chl- feTmerly Rush Medical Colloce. WlaKOlK. chair of gynecology and bb8t,etrlcs In our own institution. Ho Is,i:one of tho few lendors in his, lino o-work and Nebraska is to bo con-. grauunteu qiat uean wara wasfaoio to" secure him as n member of the corps'fcwedlcaMn-sn'ueiors; - " " Tho nddress of Dr. Flndiavwa ono of inspiration for. the sfBAati Ho look up in detail IhoadaTages of uie six?year courses onTereaS'iioro in medical study nnd omphnslzeiKtho aTPI solute necos8ityv.of n broad, strong foundation in scientific and academic empling technical re of the studentbe tesslonal success. f "1T Ho looks forward to tho day wheaVa ceilegodegreo for entrance and hospl tiffeacperience for -jiSjplotion-bo re qiUreclta grachMBhyslcInn or surgeon. . - rsKaav Dr. Flndloy is eiithrHSancl In spires lifs-listeners withTinejSme spirit of enthusiasm nnd ,loVo for the profession, ' 'Thcj lack of time proventod an nd dress by Dr. Owen, but ho spoke a few words in-why ofgyeetIng as this Is tho first time ho Las' mot the Lin- oo'ln students. ' Dr. Owen is a special ist In cortal'n lines of stirgery, his su periors bqlrig""hnrd to find, and his chair 'is one of the strong ones in tb faoulty. . , u Remember the Union 'Palladfan pnttyjit the State Farm Friday even Jingpiy 4tn -fc-fcii-fcliav4 cv M H of M L study ' l)efQraaaeii, Hill !mu&"3Qie desi tiinim TRACKMEN TRYOUT MANY ARE OUT FOR PLACES ON TRACK TEAM. ' Preliminaries on Saturday Wfll Settle Pretty Definitely the Make Up of Team Registration Hours. The mori who tiro working coriBclpn- tlously on the tracl and think that tliV homo meet next Saturday will end their chances for making tho team are laboring under a false impression, for on May 12 another meotwl.li bo held ;&n will bo picked In ad to the wlnno'cB of'noxt. tur-. day's events for "theifMlnkoaoli mf, to bo held nt Mlnrtenpollsjpho 19th of May. Regular try-ouislwlll bo hold bofore each ihtot .-. ..... : . ,ji man gets a frfir chance. Th tho dppart- mont wishes' mim o matorial to work out s--y re, so as many care o( without team-work will men as eg rotardlhrft be encouraf ejftokeop up training. The,HUarydopivrtm6nt wlir con tinue to excuse those who show by -thgrtwork thnr they hean bUBinesa, nunlcs8 tho squad, becomes jia wjfjdy no one will bo senlback to4,ho' battalion. ilSSi :. . Tliplr hrovfivo meets in view at pros Jnfeludlhgs thor try-out8".fcand' thiaS :- J School-mcebon FotoayTnbf M-".. S;J (Driti High will bo' hold on"Iay5, homo moot: May 11 , High Schooinejbt;vMay 12, yarsltytry-oyts; May 19, Minneapolis; May 26, Kansas University, tcbehQl on. tho varsity campus, Tho following events make up tho program for the preliminaries on May 5: I00vyard dash, 220 yard dash, 440, 880, mlhviwo milo, 120 and 220 hur dies, running high jump, running, broad ump, pole vault, shot put, hammor and discus. " Tho sprints and long dlstanqo .races promise to bo the closest andmost Interesting oientsof tho day and this is especially truo of tho Jong distance events, for a largo number of mon aro 'working on each of thom. Not for many years has tho list of candidates for tho two-mile run been so largo and promising as it is this year and this fact will mako the winner earn his plnce and. -make the race interesting to the spectator as well. "The" most promising sprlersraro Winters, Wallace, Craig, Smith, Hughes and Coo, and among the-two-mll.ers are Havens, Alden, Strom, Har rison ami TnlM All entries mu be in at Dr. Clapp's office by six o'clockrtonlght, Thursday) May" 3, " I " . i The registration off voters for tho Athletic Board election began yester day at 11 a. m. in, Dr. Clapp's office, but Was changed from that place to the registrar's office, where It will be held, today and May 4 and 5, The hours of registration were v also changed and now It will be possible to register 4from 16 12, as beforebut in the af tern&qnf today and hereafter, ' the, registration board will sit from 3;30 tq 4:30; ;Those wisbing to regis; ter are urged to come as early as o slble la. order to avoid a" big rash oa , the ckwlag day;, . V "." ' " "v . (ft'ii j .. ',;! f i. Hw J. 1.-I . v r ' i tf 1 V v v ?S i ' wi ( v. . r . a ,'-r rSA'j. ."'..i ?V 4 r"4 'i A f x'' U , V i'i 4r -J im 1 .."o . -f, - i :, f -vr' '" 1 r. 4? U tf' yr,rv 'A, ; ' Z:. .if&. .1 Jv &$m V& '; " j. " . ' v ', .,: