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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1906)
!3s1 T- lf "V ,' t .a?' ai- . j . Z4&1? j. Vh rt :.. t tv UMB. . ft - r "K a i. "" , Ell - - J , r ' v t-f unr . A Y6LV.No.fll. T' UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1906. Price 5 Cents pSbe 3Daih IFlebraehan BSF.S ' w i X. MUST REGISTER IIEGISTRATION SYSTEM FOR ATM- LETIC BOARD ELECTIONS. Students Register from May 2d to 5th, J InclusiveThis System Adopted by Unanimous Vote of Board. Tho committee appointed by llie Athletic Board at Its special meeting last Friday, April 27, .made q. report-! o'the. Board at Its regular meeting yesterday morning, May 1. This com jnitteo consisted of Dr. R. G. Clapp, Jr. T.t L.. Bolton and William Hoar, and thoy wero instructed to dovlse and recommend to the Board some scheme by which the "petty politics';' and 'slush fund'' element of the eolctlon of 'student members to tho Athletic Bpard $5ould be, eliminated. - h The following recommendations we're accepted, and approved by the Board Rules for Registration of Voters for Election of. Student Members of the jjAthletlc Board To be .eligible) vote (for a student member to the Athletic 0p0000000000 O 0000OffiO0000000 v . TENTH ANNUAL I; PR H.ELENIC h;op J ; ;' "AXTOITORIUM . 1 I '""MAY 25. $2.00. VALTt 7 PIECES, 0000000000000000000000000pi .Board all personsUntist bo registered Ikai pay a fee of. Iwenty-flve cents, njfjdca-Bhall.makBWm eligible to vote at such elections.. f Students, ex-students, .alumnae and jjyebrgjQfiheTrfculty- mkf tibcomo tquaUflipd to partake flak;8iclxilecUons by.complylng with rules governing reg istration. . - ' V v , Persons wishing to bocome qualified voters shall present themselves in per son to the registration board herein to he provided -for. A student shall v lnscribe his name, class and school- in a book kept for that purpose. Ex-students shall In scribe their names, school and year or years of attendance. Alumnae shall inscribe their names, school and year of graduation. Faculty members shall Inscribe their names, school and the department In which they work.- '- Identification of any person attempt ing to register or vote may at any time bo called for. --- The registration .board shall con sist of three' men, who shall sit two' hours allay, from eleven a. m. to one p". m. each day,' from May 2' to May 5, Inclusive, for the purpose-of-registor-lng all those who wish to vote for stu rent, members of the Athletic Board on Wednesday, Maltr. The committee rccommended-appli- catlons of nominees for Athletic Board ,v members be accepted as late ani May ,8, instead of- May 1st, and In conse quence of this thcrolectlon date was stponed from May 9 .to May 16. V. M. C. A. Meeting. The prayer meeting tonight led by-Mr. Jas. Andorso'n. A discus- . slon as to how college men hsould spend their Sundays will be taken up . ' and; .this will be of interest to a great --' number. The meetlne will beeln. ,- - . .. ,. . , ,, !- -- j promptly at 7 o'clock with songs and .Twill conclude at. 7:30. All men in-"- ylted. It is" held in the Association brooms. .. PRELIMINARIES 8ATURDAY. All Entries Must Be In by Thursday Evening, May 3d. All men Intending to enter the home meet next Saturday, May 5, must havo their, entry, blanks In the hands .of the athletic department before six o'clock next Thursday evening, May 3, In or der that proper arrangements for tho meet can be made and that all entries may appear on the program. Lest someone may think that "pre liminaries" means that a few old men will got out next Saturday and com pete for places and that new men will have no show, the department wishes to lay stress on the fact that Is to bo a home-meet. Very often men, who are out under doctor's orders, orl"juat for recreation and exercisQ, surprise themselves 'and .develop into first place men and there fore Captain Penrod Is voir anxious to nave all candidates enter some event. Every, year means much for a man on the track and every real test such as one gets in a meet means even more, for although he may finish last, ho has done .something If ho haB fin ished tho event it'll help nlm de velop a determination to enter the fol lowing year and stick to it until he 'does win. . NOMINATE TICKET FRATERNITY MEN NOMINATE TICKET YESTERDAY. .A - . Tennis. Interest in tennis is growing. Each day sees a greater number of players on the courts, west of the library. Tho courts' are in much better shapethia year than ever before. Tho rairuhof the past week havo placed them in ex cellent condition. Tho backstop along .the north side Is nearly completed. ' "Avprellmlnary tournament will prob ably take place the first of next week to select a team to' play Doane, tho latter part of the week. Definite ar rangements havo not been completed, but it is likely that .matches will be played with Minnesota, Iowa, .Kansas and Missouri, and possibly othor schools; Persia Stables, llTery, call a4 fcac . gate, ilf P St. , Bell Wt. uU 1KI. Y. W .C. A. The Sunday service's during tho month of May aro to bo in charge of the different classes. Next Sunday, May 6th, will be "SenlorVSunday, and we are expecting that this will be ono of the best and one of the largest meetlrigs-of the year. .JTheuSeniors have secured Dr. Swearlngen to give a message at that time and no girl can afford to miss-hearing him. Espe cially let all Senior girls BhowthoIr colors and be 'present at this meeting. Beet of reeling Prevails at Meetlnf AH Men Are Elected Unank'- mdusly by Delegates.- - iw . "Tfio fraternity men mot yesterday and elected their candidates for the Athletic Board -election. Tho repre sentatives this year aro'mombors of fraternities who had no man In the. ust jast year. Tho best of spirit seemed to prevail between tho frater nities at their meeting yesterday, and tho nominations were all unanimous. . Tho following: men w'era tha nonrU- ates selected: FASchmidt. - - t- r.-j LloydTJenslow. , r-far.-"; JX U..'JLfUlUV ' E. E. Spraguo N. N.-Welton. .J I 'V. ' rv Those Proposals. As promised in Saturday's Nebras kan, there Is more said about "Tho Evening of Proposal8'-whIch Is to be given May 5th in- Memorial Hall. - First, as the. title Indicates, there will" bemoro than one, proposal upon that occasion. Usually one proves very lnterestlng.jmaglne the three-fold interest and -oxcitemen when 'it is. known that there wlllbe three in- the same evening'. The three Splays in which these events occur are Brleht and entertalnlngr-The titles are ThoT;oJlcernIng tho religious character -of Morning Call," "Tho Last Waltz," and "A Proposal Under Difficulties." Then the price of admission' Is small, only twenty-five cents, so that everyone may cpmo and bring seyoral friends. . -' It behooves all prospective peda gogues' to attend Dr. Luckoy's lecture on the "Making of a Teacher" at con vocation this morning. Junior Committees. President Myers of the Junior class yesterday appointed members of. tho two committees as follows:-- ' Committee on Amendments Wolfo, chairman, Campbell, Hannah, E. M. Davis, H. CCourrlor. Committee on Reception tolSenlora 0. P. MoWllllams, chairman, Cheney, Potter, Rush, Josie Frazier, Lott, Grace Denny, Beatrice Clarke, Alice Agee. Union ShlalDg Parler Saime, Its cents; chairs for lafles. 1011 O St I1111111111W t---". LWllllVLllWllllllllM NOTICE All Cadets who have paid up their subscrip- a tion before May 27th will have their paper delivered daily at camp. A sW T iiiiiiiiiitiiiiEiiiiga L..e-iMi mmmmmmmmm bB y. ii. Defends University ' It Is encouraging to find suchvsup portors ;of the' University . througSbu tho state as is the editor of the Ash land Gazette. The following is an ed itorial which appeared recently la the columns of that jper:. , Some weeks ago a local preacher attacked thejellglous.splrit of the state university in. an open" address at a union meeting of the city churches, asserting that tho institution was a "hotbed of infidelity," and that its stu dents and graduates were generally- infidels of "the worst type. The Ash land, dazetto challenged the statement atxd made -Inquiry of the" registrar of the state university for Information W theMIfe at the Inatitution., The Gazette has slnceprlntedsa.statement from the registrar thatT makes an ' interesting showing. It shows that, of all tho in Btructlonal staff with the rank ofi pro fessor, associate professor,- 'assistant professor and adjunct professor, sixty per cent are members of some church and nearly af are attendants at-omo church. The university Y. M. 0. A. has 300Tmembers, the, university Y, W. C. A. .360 members. Of the' 594 fresh men 373 "are church members, 187 church .adherents and 34 have no af filiation. , The other classes run- about., the same. Of the total attendance but; five pec cent have noafiliatton with 'any church. Almost every church In iiincoln Is shown 'to have a university class in its Sunday school. Out of the eleven fraternities, seven have weekly Bible classes cbnducted by the secre tary of the university Y.M. Q4 A. or one of their members, These classes meet in thV chapter houses usually Sunday afternoons or oa some evening in the week. In addition the Gazette calkf attea tion to the fact that Chancellor 9. "BenJ. Andrews 'is ome of the best, known Baptist preachers la the west, while the largest Bibto'claes ia the First Baptist Suaday school U eoat- posed entirely of ualYersity students. Religious exercises are conduct every morning Ja ike state university chapel by the dlffereat paetots' otlJmr cola. " , .' " --' ,lzJ' V r ' A' 7! A '. v s v- ( .i f xi s , 'Sk.l A -N .. jM K. i -ii fr "W 1' AV t $ . , V, 4- J 'f- XI J -, . -1 .1'" -i i. , 'C av