, ."V. i. a t t ' "Hi THJELDAILY NBBRASKAN. mr .',. f.' v- 2 pi Wi. v W. t-t s 'ft K & v r. i' i t Sam Wester field Proprietor ol Sam's Cafe 117-121 N. 13th Little Gem Hot Wattles "Sam's Cozy Corners" STEVENS v WHEN YOU SHOOT You want to HIT what you are aiming at be It bird, beast or target. Make your shots count by shooting the ST1SVJ5NS. For 'it yenrs STEVENS ARMS have carried oft PREMIER HONORS for AC CURACY. Our line: Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Ak your Dealer In tlitontheSTBVUNA. If you cannot obtain, wa llilp direct, frm frtfaiil, Upon rceelptofcaulosprl' ? Semi 4 ctt.ln tliinpi for no-p3c Catalog of complete output. A TatuahletiooU ofrefer. ence far preient anil projpe'tho (hooters. ' Beautiful three-color AlumlnumJIancer will be forwarded lor xo centt in itampt. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P.O. Box 4090 OmCOPEE FALLS, MASS., U. B. A.' WEB-STIR'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY! IT IS UP TOD ATE, AND RELIABLE, RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 foew Words and Phrase's ALSO ADDED New Garetteor qf tho World New Blographlo&t Dictionary Editor fn Chl.f, W. T. IlarrU, Ph-D., T.L.D., Unlta! BUU CommlMlouer o( Education. 2380 Quarto Pases 5000 Illustrations, rr it a PACKto BTOitmouai or AoounATC mroitiiATioN Qrano Pnizi(niirhMt AwarJ)Womo,a Pair OT.Looia Also Webster's Collegtato Dictionary llliraeti. IJOOllhutratlor RecularEdltronTzlOxtKlBchet. Sblnduiff. Da Luxe Edition 6H x IJi x 1 H In. Printed from uma plate, on bills paper, 8 beautiful bludlnjt. PREE-,'DlcilonM7WruiUv"IUatral6apinjU6U. .1 G.6CMERRIAMCO. PubUsiiera, Sprlnefleld, Mm., U. S. AT .GET THE BEST School Books W " "uiaj And t Nuw YotV prices,- singly or by the dozen, may be obuined ttCOItd-JlilHil of lirtv. Iiv nv hn nr fiirl In the remoicu hamlet, or ar.y tt3s$ teacher pr ofikUI auywhere, snd Delivery prepaid ' Brand new, complete alphabetical rataloeuetr.of school books of alt xiuAtrt, if you mention tha ad. ITJIDS 9c XOBLB l&& W. 15th St., Nott Vork City, Best 10 and 15 cent meals In the city,, The Phoenix, i 'M. '. .j -f , . t. .i v- ,i.x&Jil ""-M"."'1. ""..4 t'lirniasslfiniV tfJlMm-MmarT fctMe.1 w w i Q00000O0CXXXXX30O000Q0000CX) M Eat at tho Uni. Music Cafe. Priatlag Hergt Brs.. 13tk lc N. Tho Lincoln Local Express, 1343 0 St r. Haggard, 312-213 JUhojrU Mk Chapin Broa.,Florlats. 12X So. 13tk. Fino tea and coHoo at Unlvorslty Dining Hall. Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Rich ards Bile Flno tea and coffee at University Dining Hall. i, ' " . " Como in and have lunch at the TJnl Dining Hall. Don Cameron's now lunch counter; quick service. 119 So. 12th St. Havo you soon the new effects pro duced in photography by Tewnsend- Como in and havo lunch at the Unl Dining Hall. "Union Shining Parler Shimo, five conts; chairs for ladies. 1018 0 St Forbes Stablos, livery, cab and bag gage, 1125 P St. Bell 560, AuU 1551. A picturo-of a group is ono. thins and u group portrait another. Town send makes the latter. Studio, 22G South Eleventh street. Notice. Freshmen who havo ordered caps must get them Jhls week or they will bo sold. Miss Sarah Martin of South Omaha ill visiting MIbs Pearl Fitzgerald at tho PI Phi house. AN IMPROMPTU DONATION Disappointed Dancers Give the Ath " letlc Board a Lift. Total expenses..., $1Q. 50 Total rocelpts 27,50 Balauco donated to Athlotic Board $17.00 Thefceare tho figures which repre sent what wasto have been, a Band Informal last Saturdayhlght. Some threo dozen couples, gathered at Mo mortal Hall Intent upon enjoying an ovonlng's fantastic and incidentally to glvo tho Band a lift. But the or chestra which tho Band management had ongaged failed to appear; where upon tho students prosont, rather than lose their contemplated enjoy mont, took charge of affairs, rustled together a two-piece orchestra and, even though tho hour was late, pro ceeded to trip tho fancy wlnsomes. Tho result, as Indicated above, was a generous donation of seventeen uol lara to tho Athletic Board, Fraternity Games. . dames. W, L. P.O. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 .000 .000" .000 .ooo Delta Tau ...... 2 2 0 9 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 Delta Unsllon., . . 1 ir Alpha ThoU Chi. 1 1 JL 1 0 Phi Gamma Delta 1 Phi Kappa-Pel... 1 Alpha Tau Omega 1 Sigma Chi .'. 1 Sigma, Alpha Ep- sllon 2 Bota Theta PI. . . 2 0 0 MYSTIC SHRINE CONVENTION. Excursion to San Francisco and Loi Angeles. On April 25 to May 5, inclusive, the Union Pacific will sell round trip tick ets to the abovo points for 950, going and returning direct. Portland and Seattle may bo, included at a cost of $12,50 additional. Final return Jimit July 31st Reservations are now be ing made. Gall at City Office, 1044 O street, for full -Information'. E. .B. SLOSSON,, Qen. Agent. j'.i.7 .l. , ' " ' A tyiifcaaj Ml -;.,,," r, jyyasaaET. ...MJuma.i mini iiiihir'islTO',' School of Agriculture. Tho fourth annual commencement of theUnlversltySchool of Agriculture occurred Friday last. Tho exerclsea wero hold in' Memorial Hall. Diplo mas were awarded to forty farmers and commissions for military servico wero given to six. Following la tho program of exer cises: Mlslc-Plano Solo Spanish Caprice Moszkowski Miss Frances Gage. Invocation Rev. B. M. Long, D. D. Music Songs '..jj .Rubinstein (a) Tho Asra. (b) Yearnings. Mis3 Francolla French. Commencement- Address ".Leader ship on iho Farm." Konyon L. Butterflold, President Rhode Island Agricultural College. Music Duet 'Neath tho Stars.... Stars Thomas Miss Florence Wohn. Miss Francella French. Presentation of Certificates. Pipeentation of Cadet Commissions. Music Organ Cor tago .Russell Miller Miss E981-) Bell. Benediction Dr. Long. Carbon-etchings by .Townaend are portraits that speak for themselves. Studio, 226 South Eleventh street. Time to be thinking aDout pennants. You will ho pleased with ours at tho Uni. Book Store. DON'S CAFE 114 to. 11 a J. WrfcM, Uv Lidtes' Dining Room in Connsctloi OPEN O A. 81. TO 1 A. AX. Wo have always boon known as the STUDENTS LAUNDRY Wo want your business. YULsnmos. hand ivaundky 3M O Street. Auto TfJSA, DU 874 CXX)CCOCOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 WAITERS BUREAU W. D. GRANT, Manager First class Borvico guarnuteod at all re. captions, parties, eolations ana banquoiB. For Information ring up Autoplione 3383 180 No. lOthSt. O.VAL1TY OUR SODA TA8TE3 HUB MOUB DE Rlggs, Tbe Drue Cutter 1321 O St. LINDSEY ERWIN A PERKINS, PROPRIETORS KETAILOKS AND JOBMBI OB" TOBACCO - CIGARS - NEWS - i , . ., ii i We earry all tk leaain brand of Olgara and Tobaooo, Special HnUon glre totx toad. Wi lillitln ill Liigit ul UnlYirslty Basi Bill ud Foot Bill 6un 110 No. 11th. ,,". f.-f OLIVER THEATRE u u u fc ti. y xi i ! I U A l i t fcJb FRlbAY NIGHT, MAY 4'- KUBELIK Tho Great Bohemian Violinist Prices: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 .and 50c ' TUESDAY NIGHT, MAY 8 ,, LEW DDCKSTADER and HI8 GREAT MIN8TREL8 . Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25o ixiiiiiiiiiiiniinmix7 M M M M H BICYCLE SALE at slaughter pricesjto. make' room for a new stock of RACYCLES $50 Eagle Bicycles $25,00 Shapley Specials. 17.50 HURRY! -M M M M H K M M M M M H H M ' H M N H H M H H M M M M M M LAWLOR CYGLE COMPANY, Suceiu ir ti A. L. Glrard Cycli Ci. 1324 0" STREET M TTIIITTtllTITHltMtTTTT ITT IS . it a it it t fc it it it it it it it it it t it it it goneraly conceded that wo-havo tho largest stock and tho hand somest assortment of rings to bo found anywhero in town. Any taBto may be suited, any fancy pleased. l it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it Hallett, -1143 0 JEWELER-OPTICIAN it. JK)KX()K3otoKXoolOK)lcXoK)K!ii(y PLAGE I !( 888; Auto 4872. ' ssgg 'Ii 1 -- oocxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooocooooo w 8 C.A-Tucker.J8Wfilp(f8 8 w. cu t? ru S ' . I o in. .fiiH I., .v ?ir,fiii : ; 8 ...OPTICIAN g ' !M! ' ft 1123 O STREET 8 '' j I' ": 1 1 g Your Patronaae Solicited Q , '& i . J " -J :- 4 m h) ')' (mi , 'i