The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1906, Image 3
, 'C " . THEDAkLY NEBRA8KAN. ? - A v'. " " tta)t(fr)tttt))tt u 4 it it it it it it it !l BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Lorl University BtacUmtJa argd patronise these Nsbnts ka Advertisers, nad t mentlea he paper while dels; se. I s i It it It It It lit tttttttti BARBER SHOPSArlBto, Green's Palace, Mogul, Richards.4 BAKERY Mrs. Potry. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAlrGillesple. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tlonal. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CAFE Sam WeBtorneld. Don Cam eron. CARPENTER-Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at JHller Palno's Fountain. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conway, Erwln & Perkins. CLEANERS AND DYERS J. 0. Wood & Co. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma goo & Doomer, Ludwlg. COAL Gregory, Whltebrcaat. CONFECTIONERS Maxwoll, The Fol som. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND, THROAT Dr. Brie B. 'Woodward. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Horpol shelmor, DRTfGGISTS Rlggs, Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. GROCERS O. J. KIng-& Son. ' H HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros, NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Tewasend. PRINTING Now Century, King & Jcbsup, Greet. Coopar C., George Bros. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. , ' SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins. SHINING PARLOR Union 8hIniHg Parlor. SPORTING " GOODS Lawlor Cycle . Co. TAILORS Unland, Unloa . Colloge Tailors, LudwJg.. TYPEWRITERS Underwooi Type writer Co. TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewster. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Woai- ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant What's a dance without Tommy7 ' Thos. W. Colemaa, better known as "Tommy," at Miller. A faint's. i i i i Remember tho Union Palladlan ' Jparty. at; the State. Farm Friday even lug, May m sLLLrvJt&&r JEmmSNlffUmUm CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Itate ono cont per word each insertion; minimum, ten Cents. BATH8. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-sallne, showor, plain. 11th and P Sts. - 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at tho. Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. CLUB HATES Threo suits and O'coat cleaned and pressed, 1 per month. El liott's, 1136 O St. BAQGAGE TRAN8FER. FAQER . BROS.. Basemont Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggugo and parcels DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. DU. H. A. SHANNON, 1136 O. Auto, 2823; Bell, 212C. 08TEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., V: of N. '99. Burlington Block. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT-, ladles' and gonts tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER. , JEWELER Deloss Smith, watch maker and jowelor, 138 So. 12th St Low rates to students. LOST On campus, pocketbeok containing Jewelry, mileage book and $5.00. Finder return to Nobraskan of fice and receive liberal reward. WANTED. Four students, ladles or gentlemen, to act as local agents, representing a large business house, Gus Sodorberg, 1335 JN St. Street Railway Time Card. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and South 17th-1-Cars lcavo B. & M. depot and South St. at 'mln. past tho hour and each ten min utes. First 6:05 a. m., last 12:00 p. jn. Bt & M. Dopot, Capitol and Sumner via Sun., 11 p. m. 14th Cars every 20 mln. First 0:20 a. m., lost 11:20 p. m. Union College and Normal via 17th Cars every 40 min. First 6:60 a. m., last 10:60" p. m. B. & M. depot loop. v. B. & M. Depot, 25th and Sumner via 17th Lcavo P. 6. and 25th every 2ft mln.' First car 6:50 a. m., last 10:60 p. m. Cemetery Cars leave P. O. every 15 minutes. First 6:25 a. m., lost 11:25 p. m. BrSt M. depot loop. Havclock and Unl. Placo Cars leave P. O. and Unl. Placo 20 and 60 mln. past hour. Cars leave Havclock 6 and 35 mln. post the-hour. First car leaves P. O. tf :E a. m., last 10:50 p. m. First "car leaves Hovolock G:35 a. m., last 11:35 p. m. Ser vice to Uni. Placo every 16 mln., 6, 20735 and 50 minutes past. the hour. First oar 6:50 a. m., last car 11:05 p. nv N W. Dopot, Capitol and So14th Cars to 14th and A every 10 ml. To 14th and South ovory 20 mln. First 6:20 a. m., last 11:40 p. m. 14th and South St. cars moke N. W. denot Iood. 1 ePnitontlary 10th and O every 40 mln. jtfirsc car leaves u:v a. m., laai j.u:up. m. StatO Farm 10th and O even hour' and every 10 minutes. -B. & M. depot loop. South 10tli Cars to 14th and South every 10 min. First Csl5 a. ml, last 12:00' p. m. Sun. 11:00 p. m. Park every. 40 mln. -First 7:00 a.'m., last 11:B p. m. South 10th street cars make N. "W. depot loop. - , Stato University, R and No. 16th Cars every 15 mln. First 6:23 a. m., last 11:07 p. m. - SUNDAY Cars start 1 hour later and stop 1 hour earlier. MY MAGAZINE. "INVBSTTNa FOR PROFIT" (which I'll send free) is wsrth 10 a copy to any man who Intends to in vest any money, however small; who has money Invested unprofltably, or who can savo 15 or more per month, but who hasn't learned the art of investing- for profit. It demonstrates the REAI .earning power of money the knowledge financiers and bankers hide from the masses. It shows how to Invest small sums and how to mako them grow into fortune the actual possibilities of Intelligent In vestments. ., .... Tt t-AVMila the enormous profits bankers make and shows how one can make the am nrofltd HATOIV. It exnlains HOW stupendous forturia are made and WHY they are made how $1,000 grows to $22,000 , .4 To introduce my magasine write me NOW. mentioning this paper ana iu mi it BDC MONTHS FUEixi. , HDITQR GREGORY, 11 Jsokson Blvd., Chloaa. May 3. Government inspection of Battalion of Cadets. Major Wm. A. Mann, gen eral staff. May 4. Union Palladlan party. State Farm, B Company Hop. Fratornlty Hall. May 5. "An Evening of Proposals." morlal Hall. Mo- Track preliminaries. Yi W. C..A. girls' May morning .breakfast. "Junior Doings." Stato tho evening. Farm. In May 11. High School Foto Day. Field meet. May 21-22., Thomas Orchestra Audi Theodore torlum. May 24. College of Medicine Commenccatcnt Omaha. - May 25. Annual competitive drill. v Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 29-June 2. Cadet .Encampment. v June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 12. Senior Play. Oliver Theatre. June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Convocation. , Wednesday, May 2 Prof. G. W. A. Euckoy, "The Making of a Teacher." Friday, May 4 Music. Monday, May -7 Chancellor An drews, address. Wodnosday, May 9 Hon. Ralph W. Breckenrldge, "Federal Control of Life Insurance." 8ame Old Story. v Iow that every other affair has-been .. .1 . - smctraciceu ror tuo junior ivm jParty, and now that the weather man has promised. to be on our side, there can bo no possible .excuse for any Junior to stay away. Wo havo doveloped Into a peaco loving people. Never decorate campus fences with hideous mono- grapns, nor do we go around lifting freshman caps from tho heads, .of the fair impudejits. All these evidences of barbarism are gono,- past' and for gotton, But wo musj havo dome "way of dispelling the excess of childish en thusiasm that our unfortunate ' ances tors, havo called class, spirit. WoHnius do something to relievo our minds from the burdens of our dally grind, and ,tho only thing loft to us now is to go back to the farm". Don't forget when -wo start,' May 5th at four p. m. Magniloquent manuscript- miserably - fall Adequately to tell,-the Maybreakfast tale. Yosf May 5th, hut don't Interrupt' t Fatuous friends only are missed In this sumptuous time on May 5th;, Foppishness, ''fallacy, fake not found k there Thoroughly satisfactory as you ylll de clare Hobble down " dont miss It. This Is ' th season everybody sits for portraits. Beo what Towmsemd Is producing and- mako appointment far your slttlag. Studio, ?2 South 11th street Townsend's jeputatlo for artistic photography is known throughout th Qtatt, Studio. 234 oh KJovwith it. OOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ it n n it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it " it it it )i it it it it ii it t it it vt it it it It H it it it it it it it it MKERBROS MGKaVJAG COMPANY OMATHTA it it it i - s 2X8OOO000000000 WE MAKE EVERYTHING WEvSELL Not Lovet Saver Kravt Molasses Kisses High GratiG Confections Fine Box Candy trora 30 to 75c pcrpovnd The Olympla Candy Co 11310. Auto 3596 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl STUDENTS 11 1 11 1 ' ' - For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see. Union College Student Tailors. Automatic Phone 3255. Union College Tailors post OFrio'K nf Jin. OQOOOOOO60OOOOOOCOOOOOOO ii RrtirtBir("t)ieLiailelOcC!i Wkom dowa towa BMt yoar friesd tH GEO. M. CONWAY'S CMW O WXWMWt Tko oaly x1m1vo eimr w4tobio otoro voeigwriM rtM-rfty a i -S"'2 I4lff km ml XMwWl I n Vllff wmMmWlr r S LmVHftH DhV seBeBrJBseY utlmBmWm , H t V Md Md "" tM mm. APNocK Wm W Hk:. H:: .-lammf ? .. :m I 9mmmimUmummM fB I- arrow! V- -T isccbUcbcU 1 tor $cMi. ,, .' 'WL J.CCUCTTEABODVACO. SjKk WSJJBJBJJHBJJJBJBJJBJBJBBJJJHBJBHMIW " W',W ' - -m. t A 'I.; . rt . S4 . Jhl I Vi, f -1 k i ' ' v 'V: rn j , "' h U wl J V.i i . ., .. SO v V '-. s.