Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1906)
rvc f ": y ' ' - . ' - . L . s'. ' n - " ,.4 . ' .-- ! -'V , I - f .l-. . t .' J . ' ,. -' 'i?i Mto,? ,-3W4 " PI :. - -". "1 i,,. . Pi. lM 'f Vol.V. No no. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY i, 1906. -Etict6 Cents t V ' :- , "- . 'V'. I -i ' ' , V Ji W " ' T . i i 7 ' . .."--." .. " 'T .' " . x. ' ,,'... ' 1, t&be Bailg THebrashmt J',' V f M I. ."7 r I -4.-v ' W1 s. pi .?: MORE RESOLUTIONS PALL'ADIAN, UNION AND STU DENTS DEBATING SOCIETIES ADOPT RESOLUTIONS Condemn the Present System of Elect 1 Ing Student Members to the Athietlo Board Still the system of Introducing and .adopting resolutions goes on, and to day promises to see still more of It. The Barbs aro out with the "big stick" and with today's classlheetlng should have succeeded In overpowering this monster which thoy call "graft and coruptldn." The Union, Palladlan and Students Debating Societies all adopt ing resolutions on Friday night. Prom the tono they aroHound to put down the evil. Tho following aro the resolutions as adopted by tho three societies: Whereas, The organization of non- fraternity men has seen fit to adopt resolutions condemning tho present system of electing student mombers of the Athletic Board; and Whereas, Said organization has de termined to In no way participate In the election of student members of the Athletic Board until action is taken by the authorities to remove the re quired tax; and Whereas The present Athletic Board, has refused to remove tho tax. .Therefore, bo It Resolved, That wo are heartily in sympathy with both tho resolutions and tho report of the committee there on. And bo furthfer Resolved, That this Bocloty also ..condemn tho-tax which is responsible 'for tho corruption and questionable campaign methods used in tho Athlet ic Board elections. And, Anally, bo it Resolved, That It is our opinion that the tax .should bo removed and that wo will not participate in nor havo anything to do with tho ejection until tho tax Is removed. Glee Cub Returns. Tho Qleo and Mandolin Clubs re turned Sunday noon from the Koarnoyt Central City and Fremont trip. Tho boys Jeft Thursday morning aVJ o'clock over tho North Western for Kearney by the way of Fremont. The concert at Kearney was heartily enjoyed. by the audience and it was due to tho superintendent t of schools, "that tho .house was as well". filled as it. was, taxing into consideration mo iacc that there w.oro three other attractions going on in the city that evening Thursday. Friday evening found the Club at Central City but a hard rain and wind storm set in a"bout 3 o'clock and con tinued 'till midnight, so? that th,e at tendance was much less than antici pated. But eyeryono enjoyed them selves, and pronounced the entertain ment the best that had ever been there. The Club arrived at Fremont in time for dinner, and in the afternoon tho .Mandolin Club rendered a couple se lections for the Woman's Club, Tyhich jiiwivtiivirarawvfciVL:ccB NOTICE All Cadetvho have paid up their subscrip tion before May 27th will have their paper delivered daily at camp. tAft-H.. ivr was fully appreciated by the applause that followed. Both clubs dined at tho church sup per In tho Congregational church when the boys ato so much that It was moro of a missionary act to feed them than a paying proposition to tho church. Several songs woro. Bung Whllffat tho tables and the meal was heartily enjoyed. After the evening perform anqp the Club was given a reception In tho basement of tho Carnegie LlbraVy bunding by tho Girl's Musical Club f Fremont, under Miss Maxwell. Tho half was decorated In fraternity pennants and University bunting and ferns. Punch was sorved and tho boys spent a very enjoyable hour and a half chatting with old University stu dents and those that Intend to bo. " MR. FORD ON REVIEW Part of "Modern Dramatlsts'-i-Serles 1 Given at Convocation Yesterday. The last of the "Modern Dramat ists" series of convocation addresses was given by Mr. Ford of tho Rhetoric department on Arthur Wing PInero yesterday morning. "Arthur Wing Plnoro," said . Mr. Ford, "Is at tho present time flftyono years of ago. "Of Portugesse-Jewlsh stock, ho began his theatrical career as an actor at tho ago of nineteen. A few years' later ho entered the em ploy, of Henry Irving and soon tried his hand at playwrltfng. So success ful was he in his flrstr attempts that the great English actor engaged tho young writer to compose his curtain raisers." Following a brief suryey of tho dramatist's life, Mr. Ford gave a -criticism of his three best plays: "The Magistrate", "Sweet Lavander," and "The Second Mrs. Tanquery," all of which are masterpieces of their typo. Tho-address was by far the most in teresting of the series -and was well attended. CXXXXXXX3CX)COb(XXXXXXX3CXX)CXXXXX)CXXXXXXXXXX)COa I Company B Hop : I . Fraternity Hall I $j.oo. walt. ' . May Four $ iTT tfr'Mli' in i "" ii'mm i i ii Yiiiilijyiil'lliiiiiiliriltii V iwiiwvvw;; Government Inspection. University of Nebraska, Department of Military Science. Lincoln, Nob., April 28, 190G. General Orders, No. 14. 1. Tho Battalion of "Cadets, Detach ment Signal Corps, and .Artlllory De tachment, will bo reviewed . and In spected on May 3rd, 1900, by Major William A. Mann, GenpVal Staff, U. St Army. First call, 2:00 p. m. . Assembly, 2:10 p. m. By order of Captain Worklzor. (Signed) M. B. QORNBLIUS, ' 1st Lieut. Battalion of Cadets, Adjutant. ' Eastern Trip. Tho 'varsity oponed up tho Eastern schedule fast Saturday, AprH 28, with a Victory. It won the first of tho two games to bo played with tho Iowa State Agricultural Collego by a score of 4 to 1. Tho muddy condition of the field made .fast playing impossible, buttwo of tho Cornhuskers made tho best of) thelF opportunities at tho stick. TJhcso batting stunts by Hydo and Gaddls were the features of the game, each making Jthreo hits. Nebraska landed o'n Rilo for six more, however, and Dort only gave tho agriculturists five. Tho first .two innings caused no commotion on either side, but in tho third tho 'varsity brought two men In. In the fifth another run was made and this was followed by a fourth one in tho seventh. In this, the seventh, Ames also got one, tho only ono thoy woro able toTUrlnff in. Score by In nings: 123456789 Nobraska 0 0201010 04 Ames .."r..v 0 0 0 0 0 01 0-01 Hits Nobraska 12, Ames 5. Errors Nebraska- 3 Ames 3.' Batteries Dort and Hyde, Rile and-Gotton. Tho second game with tho Ames team was played yesterday, Monday, April 30, and today the team plays1 at Grlnnell, la. !.! LIBRARIAN HERE i , DR. WALTER K, JEWETT ASSUMES CHARGE TODAY. Successor of Professor' Wler OnS' oft "..' tne ueaaing f Librarians of- XV the Country. ?. "T-Sli':. 'SS ':- Dr. Wfllfnr V .Tnwnff rnnnntlv an T w-.r .vvww, ,- -.-!H ijuiuiuu uy uio uoaru or uogents o'j succeod Professor Wlor as librarian oC.. this Institution, arrived in thev'clty yesterday and yrl assume tho, dutle of his ofllco todny Dr. Jowott comes to this University with credentials which bespeak him a worthy-succ6ssbr of Professor Wlor. He is a graduato of Brown, class of 1891, took his M, D. at Harvard iu 189G,safter which ho studied abroad. Ho fccdlvcOls training as librarian at tho Now YbrkStato Library School, tho best school of its kind in America, and in various libraries throughout the countryr Up to thotlmp of hls election "as librarian .at Nebraska, Dr. tfewott had chargo of the John Crerar Sclentlflt Library in Chicago. The -position ot librarian is at pres ent of full professorship rank botlujn title and in salary. At tho timo of Professor Wier's election, in 1899lt was a professorship in namo only, Two ydars ago, however, the Board of "Re gents raised Its salary to that of a full professorship. Cpon his arrival t-thls institution Dr. Jewctt' assumes chargo of ono of tho best equipped and. most conserva tively managed "libraries in the West; Since Its reorganization by Miss Mary, .L, Jones, in 1892, when Its volumes numbered hut 16,000, tho library has been steadily growing until, with Its. present collection of 70,000 volumes, it ranks high among the university llbra rlesof tho country. In the number o . its volumes, Nobraska ranks aboyo" both Kansas and Iowa, tho-lattor hav ing 45,000 and the former 50.000; while in the quality of lta-collectlons it com pares favorafily with Michigan ' arid Wisconsin. " , ' . The management of our ""library, with one exception, has been-of the highest order over since the year of its; reorganization. With Miss Mary Jones at its head from 1892 until 1896 it experienced a' rapid growth 'both in number of vo!umcsand in improved library, methods. Following therather. eventful administration of J. W. Epps, inr 1897-98, came Professor Wier, under whom tho library has reached Its presv ent high efficiency. The Pi Beta Phis havo been, tha hostesses of many visitors for the past . few days. Many of their former num ber have been in, town for the pur pose of attending the banquet 'on Fri day night and dancing party at Walsh Hall on Saturday night. Besides the alumnae, several of the active mem bers of the chapter are being visited by out-o-tow girls. Those from out of town, both alumnae and others, are: Misses Elizabeth Heacock, Siocuw, JesslB, Young, Gertrude Rd, Yair, Pil, Jfoore, Martla, Butta, ,BBdlct, aad Lidll. , , ?.. ;-"f. iirS t," Mi "- . . u i . d -- . ' ' fl ? ,A .. "S. "SrS ";. .' x -TJf? " '? a M . '' ".1hM. '-'11