rv, y,w' y'' - N u? !' ' "v. X' TIbe SDails IFlebraekan Vol. V. No. J09. ' UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, J906. Price 5 Cents ,? v fAIL TOABOLISH ATHLETIC BOARD WILL REQUIRE TAX AT NEXT ELECTION. Do Not Think It Advisable to Remove the Tax at This Time Result of -Board Meeting Yesterday. The Athletic Board at Its meeting yesterday considered the petition pre sented by the Associated Barbs for the removal of the twenty-five cent tax on the ballot at the election of student members of the Athletic Board and by an almost unanimous vote de cided to retain the tax. The reason for their action seems to be based largely on the present -condition of the finances of tho Board and the need of raising money to pay off the de ficit. There Is now a deficit of about eight hundred dollars, and It Is prob able that this amount will bo In creased somewhat l)y tho end of tho track season. With these facts In mind the Board did not soem to feel that It could remove the tax. In view of the action taken by the Associated Barbs Thursday, It Is with considerable Interest that the students await the next meeting of that organl zatlon. The members of the associa tion feol a little indignant over the action of the Board and a few are ad vocating quite radical measures. It has even been suggested by some uf the most radical that they boycott ath letics until tho fee Is removed. A num ber of other plnna"havc boen suggested. No definite plan of actlon has been .agreed upon among the leaders as yet. "President Myers, when asked what action would likely be taken, had the following to say: "If the Athletic Board retained tho fej5 as a money making proposition I fear that they will be disappointed. I cannot say at thIstlmo 3ust what ac tion the Barbs will tffko. A meeting of the Association will be held noxTweok and some action taken. A number of courses of action have been suggested and these suggestions wlllbo threshed out at'that meeting. We shall stand by the actum Thursday and do all In our pow6r to make Unit actloa offec--tlvo. The Barbs will have no ticket in tlo field at tho coming election if the twenty-fiyo cont tax Is not re moved." Wo shall not only not put up a ticket but shall try to keep our members from voting7 Such other ac tion will betaken as seems advisable." The. Athletic Board, at Its special "meeting yesterday .morning, appointed a committee to settle upon tho method of election. The concensus of the members, was that the election should bo madp more orderly. It was also thought that toll voters should register provlous to tho election, and pay fees at this tlmo, and on election day no unregistered studont should bo per mitted to vote under any circum stances. The registering Is to remove any suspicion of purchasing votes. Tho subject was vory thoroughly threshed out and the majority of tho sentiment was that the abolition of the fee would not correct tho evil. It Is no secret that tho board Is In need of tho money and it feels that, the stu- OSO-IQ&0GeffiOQ&Q000 O FOOTBALL ' TO TEST INE1A7 RULES NEBRASKA VS. DOAINE ATHLETIC FIELD, SATURDAY, APRIL :28 ADMISSION 50c ososo3ooooeofflOfflooaoo dent body should be loyal enough to contribute at least tv.ent y-flvo cents each towards the cause of athletics. And If the previous registration sys tem, which is the spirit of the present ruling, Is carried out It will eliminate petty politics from student board elec tions as nothing clso'can. In view of this fact, a motion was passed that tho "present rule of tho board with refer ence to the qualification relative to voting, lor student members of tho Athletic Board be not changed. BATTALION CAMP. Beatrice Is Selected for the Encamp ment This Year. Although it has not been officially announced, It Is very probable that the University battalion will encamp in Beatrice, j. For some time Captain Worklzer has had two places undo' consideration, Ashland and Beatrice. Tiir citlzons of the latter city arc do slrotts or haying the cadets come 10 that place, and the majority of tho men are In favor of Beatrice. In case tho battalion does go there tho tents will bo pitched at tho Chau tauqua grounds. These grounds are an ideal place for tho building of a tented-city and the holding of aiuen- rnd his serious remarks wore listened campment such as Is planned for theto with great attentlveness. Professor members of the battalion. It 1b located in tho southern part of tho city, and it is planned to have exhibition drills In the evening. The full University band of over forty pieces will accom pany the battalion and give dally open air concorts. May 29 to June 2 has been selected for the encampment. Fraterpity Games. Games. W. L. 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 P.C. 1000 iooo- 1000 1000 1000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Delta Tau 2 2 Delta Upsllon.... 1 1 Alpha Thota Chi. 1 1 Phi Gamma. Delta 1 . 1 Phi Kappa Psl..., 1 1 Alpha Tau Omega 1 0 Sigma ChJU 1 0 Sigma Alpha Ep- sllon 2 0 Beta Theta Pi... 2 0 CXXXX)COCOCOCOCX)C)OCXXXXX)CXXXXXXXXXDCOCXXXXXXXXXX50 Company B Hop Fraternity Hajl $'i.oo. walt. May. Four COOCOCXXXXXXXXXX)CXOC 00000000000OSO o ooo6oooooooo THE Y. M. C. A. DINNER. Committeemen Spring a Pleasing Sur prise in the Shape of Ediables. In spite of the inclement weather, tho committeemen's dinner, given at St. Paul's church last evening, was one of the most successful projects yot un dertaken by the association. Tho at tendance was large, 125 being present, the speeches rare, the vltuala splendid. Every one present which Includes many enjoyed himself to the fullest extent, which speaks well not only for the speakers and tho cooksr but re flects credit upon the association as a whole. It was tho general concensus of opinion by all who attended the feast that If the Y. W. C. A.'s May breakfast excels tho Y. M.'s April dinner It will be the best exhibition of chef artistry ever given In Lancaster precinct. Thore were those present whd claimed It couldn't be done. The Y. W. cooks, however, are confident that those en thusiasts will bo proven In error a week hence. State Secretary Bailey of tho Y. M. C. A, was-prcsent ana "acted as toast master. Balloy's Jokes wero always proouctlvo of good hearty laughter, Condra also spoke, and lie, as usual, received' tho best of attention from the fellows. Many other short speeches wero made which "Kept the nffalr one of Interest throughout. Sigma Alpha Epsllon Smoker. All tho fraternity men of tho Uni versity met at the Slg Alph house on Thursday night to enjoy a smoker given (o them by tho Slg Alpha. A larger and more agreeable hunch of fellows have seldom got together In tho history of the University, and all the men. casl aside formality and good fellowship -ran high for a fow hours. The'SIgT Alphs need no pointers as en tertainers, for every man present ex pressed himself as having one of tho most pnjoyablo times or tho year. BASE BALL TRIP TO MAKE TWO .WEEKS' TRIP, AND PLAYING TWELVE QAME8. Cooke Doe6 Not .Accompany Toam Ten Men Leave With Manager Eager Ames Today. The baseball team loft today over the Burlington to Omaha, whonco thoy will go via tho Northwestern to Ames, Iowa, for tho first game. And at last, insplto of tho dark foreboding clouds that have been hanging over baseball, the eastern trip Is a reality. And it Is a matter of general satisfaction that the trip Is assured, for tho knockers havo been busy tolling tho troubles of tho Various playors that nov'er existed, as if men had not played baseball be fore without sacrificing their prlvllego of graduation. Morse Is bringing out as good a bunch of men as has left Lincoln this season and unless the fact that they havo been shifted so often makes too great a difference, It is only reasonable to expect a victory In tho majority of the games. The men will lino up and play as follows: Rlne, shortstop; Barta, first base; Hyde, catcher; Carroll, catcher and right field; Denslow, center field; Bel lamy, left field; Nlllson, pitcher and second baso; Doit, pitcher; Morse, pitcher and second base; Gaddls, third base, and Davey, right field. We haven't grounds for basing too great hopes for winning tho majority of tho games, for tho teams which Ne braska will meet are all making good roport of themselves and tho Corn buskers nro traveling anil meeting theao teams on their homo diamond. Tho Eastern schedule Is: April 28-30 Iowa Stato Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. May 1 Grinnell College at Grlnnoll. May 2 Unlvorslty of Iowa at Iowa City. May 3 Knox College at Galesburg, 111. May 4 Open date. May 5 Purduo at Lafayetto, Ind.1 May 7-Indlana State at Blooming ton. . Mny 5 James Mlllikln University at Decatur, 111. May 9 Illinois, Stato University at Champagne, 111. , May 10 Wabash College at Craw fords, Ind. . May 11 Notro Dame at-South J3end, Ind. Z May 12 Crolghton University, at Omaha. Theso games on tho homo diamond will close tho regular season: Kansas University, May 18 and 19, and Crelghi ton College, June 2.. Phi Pais 'Win. Phi Kappa Psl defeated Sigma Alpha Epsllon yesterday in a five-inning game. Tho score at tho end of tho game stood 11-6. Both pitchers wero hit pretty freely and long hits seemed to bo tho feature of tho contest. The game could not be finished on account of tho Lincoln High School class meet which was, to occupy tho grounds from 2:30 o'clock on. 1 t .i Mfc.i.vl TTl . . - v-h- .i'ti M ' i y '3 ,i; .' 4. f ,il 1 . . i ' 5T f - '-. m ,r A 'Vi ,!,. - .-" v, , tr V , -.: Js t. -'., .