, -' . ' "vs S i ' T THE DAILY NEBRASKAIN, "s h X K r fc t if.. ' . .'& ' a u: Et---4 V ,'l Sam Wester field Proprietor ol Sam's Cafe 117-121 N. 13th Little 6cm Hot WalHcs "Sam's Cozy Corners" IS Cents each, 2 lav 25 Cents OLUETT, PA0ODY St CO. Multrrvf-VlutU ami ihnarth .SVuMi. OOCXXXXDOOCOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXDO SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ELECTRIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BARBER SHOP, 1206 0 STREET, DUJ CLOCK PR, JOMIN J. DAVIS Graduate Refractionist AD OPTICIAN iaa o St., Lincoln Rwb 20. Aulo. Pbooa. Olflce 3021; Has. 2818 ( QUALITY OUR SODA NrT j ' TASTES LUCK MOKE Rlggs, Tha Drug Cutter U 1321 O St. WEBSTER'S JNTERNATtONAL- DICTIOl for,.. IT 13 UP TO DATE, AND RELIABLE, RECENTLY CtlLARQED WITH 25,000 Now Words and Phrases AUCO ADDCO New Gazetteer of tho World New Biographical Dictionary Editor la Chl.f, W. T. nrrl. Th.n., 1X.D., United Btktot CoimulIoaor of IMacatloa. 2380 Quarto Paces. 5000 Illustrations. it it A fAOKta aront houcc or Accuruu itronumoM Qaamo Prixi (Hlghr;! Aimru)VoiiLO'3 Tain dr.Looia Also Webater'a Collegiate pictlonory- 1116 rKM. HOOllliutntloiu. Regular Edition 7 x I0x Ji Inchtt. 3 Modlng. Do LUXO Edition 6)i x i x 1 J5 In. Printed from atnoplite,onllblppr. 8 beautiful blndlnft, ; FREE,"Dictloaarr Wrinkles." Illiutrated pamphleti G.aC.MElVRIAMCO. - Pubilsbers,'Springlleld, JHas., (J.3. A,. ' $5ET TUB BBST AR"ROW i JL. A, --- -W- ' HL Brenkfaot and Supper. With tlio "May morning bveakfust" and tho "Junior kid supper," May 5th, ccilnlnly promises to be an eventful day. Tho Junior "kid" supper Is to bo a "big" food, but the May morning breakfast will bo a "bigger" food. You Juniors say that hucIi will not. bo pos sible! The Y. V. C. A. girls Hay that Hitch will be prinible, and they know "For when girls will they will, And you can depend on It, ' ' Hut when they, wont thoy Hlmply wont, And that's the end or It." The May morning breakfast will "tie hold in the parlors of St. Paul's church from 7 to it a. m. Tho Junior "kid" party at tho State Farm from 4 to 10 p. in. Thus by a simple mathematical calculation there is found to be ap proximately three miles and ten hours between tho two times and places. Hence there is no possible chance for collision or earthquake. There will be a Junior table at the "breakfast," prepared expressly for the Junior boys, and -smiling, winsome Junior girls from the Domestic Science school wTIf be on hand to appease the voracious. appetites. And although It Is some time yet before the event, yet as tho boys anticipate its many pleas ures their feelings find expression In tho words "Oh, how I long to bo there." But, best of all, with the' May morn ing breakfast and the Junior "kid" supper, coming -us It does on tho same day, the boarding house hash will rest undisturbed for a whole day. Glee Club Trip. 'IM, N'..K...w,l... ril.. .,.! M.....I.!)., III.- 1-M'lJI limvtl VIIl.:i- 11IW lililllllUllll Clubs left yesterday for a three' days' trip. This is their last trip of the sea son, and includes Kearney, Central City and Fremont. Thero were thirty men accompanying Director Gillespie whon the train .pulled out of the depot on Thursday morning. They were as follows-; Caloy, Holland, Duer, Mold, Williams, Parks, Crablll, Plumb, Johnson, Stahl, Klmmel, Ed. Johnston, Walker, Todd, George Johnson, Cobb, Dorwart, Caughoy, Ireland, Burkey, Sprague, Meyer, Motz, HIgglns, WoodaT Post, Schmidt, Mills, Wilson and H. H. Brown. Senior Baseball Team. Tho Seniors are about to f?et busy In tho. baseball line. Ray Dumtmt has been appointed manager. Candidates for .the team will meet Monday at chapel time on the athletic JleJd to or ganize and to elect a captain. The' Seniors believe they can put together a winning bunch. They declare It will take a mighty lino "showing" to con vince them that theirs Is not tho-best classteam In the University. They will doubtless make a good showing. MYSTIC SHRINE CONVENTION. Excursion to San .Francisco and Los Angeles. On April 25 to May 5, Inclusive, the Union Pacific will-sell' round trip tick-. ets to tho abovo points for $50, going and returning direct. Portland and Seattle may bo included at a cost of $12.50 additional. Final return limit July ul&t. Reservations are now bo Ing made. Call at City Offlcc, J 014 O street, for full information. ' E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent. A. H. Lundin will tell the follows about his trip to LakoGenova at the committeemen's dlnnor'ln tho dining room of St. Paul's church tonight at G:15! " i . S' Townsend's renutntion for artistic photography s' known throughout the state. Studio, 226 South Eleventh St. I C25L!3 Eat at the Unl. Music Gafo. Talk to Ludwig about your clothes. Printing George Bres.. 13th & N. The Lincoln Local Express, 1343 O St Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th.' Fine tea and coffee at University Dining Hall. Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Rich ards Blk. Wo have an assortment of over 50 NEW pennants at tho Unl. Book Store. Fine tea and coffee at University Dining Hall. Best 10 and 15 cent mcatB In the city. The Phoenix. Come in and have lunch at the Unl Dining Hall. Don 5ameron'B new lunch counter; quick service. 119 So. 12th St. Have you seen tho new effects pro duced in photography by Townsend- Come In and havo lunch at tho Unl Dining Hall. Union Shining Parlor Shine, Ave cents; chairs for ladles. 1018 O St. Forbes Stables, livery, cab'and bag gage, 1125 P St. Boll 550, Auto 1550. Remember the Union Pallad'an party at the State Farm Friday even ing, May 4th A picture of a group is one thing and a group portrait another. Town send makes the latter. Studio, 22G South Eleventh street. Notice. ' Freshmen who havo ordered caps must get them this week or they will be sold. Time to bo thinking nnout pennants. You will bo pleased with ours at tho Unl. Book Store. Carbon etchings by Townsend are portraits that speak fqr themselves. Studio, 226 South Elevorith street. Just received, a big shipment offino "Old Plymouth" linen -writing paper. Best quality on tho marnet, only 50c per box at the Unl. Book Store. Sophomore party committee meet In Chem. Lecture room at 11 a. in., Tiies-. day, May 1st. M. J. Hughes, Chair' man. This is the season everybody situ for portraits. Sec what Townsend Is producing and make appointment for your -sitting. 'Studio, 22G South 11th streeir Union Program. Friday, April 27 1 Music Fay Hartley. Reading Miss Patrick. Rxtem'po Hr A. Brubaker. Violin Music D. D. Gibson. , Reading F. A. Ptpal. ' Reading Nina Smith. - - Ten Minutes J. H-Shorlock. Reading D. B. Gilbert. Vocal SoloH. G. Highland. Pantomlnc Miudo Cooper Ethol Todd. and WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US QON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. XOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO R. H. GILLESPIE Bookbinder 1624 Q Street 'Ltscolo, Rabr. Js OOG( ik tit k tie tit tit i k ?V i .4, C & "At k k tit tit tit X tit tit tit tit tit & OLIVER THEATRE tf -f tit tiik tifitittittittittittittit- tit tie-tit tit 7v jv sj j .vj" TV1 Jf ! T p Jf Jf JIt r H T fi TONIGHT, 8:15 KOLB & DILL -Jn- 64 I . - O - U " Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. SAT. MAT. AND EVE., APRIL 28, "What Women Will Do" Prices Matinee, 10c and 25c. Evenft1, 10c, 20c, 30c. THURSDAY, MAY 3. KUBELIK T1ieEnsign0mnbus and Transfer Co. will call and get your trunks and take them to any depot, or -will move them to any part o the city will call and got your checks without extra charge and deliver your baggage. Wo furnish hacks any time day or night. Our ofllc Is never closed. Fine carriages for funerals a specialty. Both phones. COOOOCOOCXXXXXXXXXX)OOCOOOO H..UA .-.W TnUn Your rlr.llir mill pit to j Sticui mors to Soukun & Wim-l Expert Clemtcrs and Dyers y Itcll Tvlvpliuim 1 17. A.iJtf 1-i'J'i H laao n stiuset M FRESH EVERY ETAY! Our Catullos and DaVed GfooiTa aro Always Fresh aud Good Catorlnc our Hpclalty. THE MAXWELL CO. Ulloth lMiouea. lailinml N8ta. S Soins of Ail tw Collies IHir.ihto r.:Vi liln.tlH-c'nrinlnrilosUi .ai)0 HoiiKi-ivonliuntl HUMlc-.:iO.)pn5Di .in utxiKHora, n'i iiimiJc tturo. or fi.vt i;ojfia,( jrbx tht pulitlthtn ' i i n m t. p J. . 'm. T . -..... uSV. - W, n C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Sheanl Q OPTICIAN,.. 1123 O STREET Q O Your Patronage Solicited Q COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK 3 Q OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA X g CAPITAL - $100,000.00 N f h ft I .. asssm H.lJl" I.