'itPNi , "" . r ' " - .I.. iii- . . 'Vfl'wiff ijf- ' . - 'ii- 'js' nf.;.-" jg .-! , iK" -V-.'tr t Jr v N THE DAILY ISEBRASKAN, y CJc Daily Uibraskan A consolidation of Tho Hcsporlan, Vol. CI, Tho Nobmskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Publlflhed dally, excopt Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publlah ln Co. Entered as Bocond class matter, Mnrnh 14 IflftR. at tllO Post OfllCO at Lincoln, Nob., under tho Act of Con gress, March 3, 1870. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Laurence Fossler. H. P. Loavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. 0. Schrelbor. Manager, Fred Naughton Circulation W. E. Standovon Telephone Automatic 1521 Night Telephone Automatic 2385 Subscription Price, f 2 er yx In advance Dean Rlngor was recently appointed doputy city attorney of South Omaha. This come as a surprise, since tho city attorney Is a democrat In politics and Dean a ropubllcan. But this moro than anything olso testifies of thb ster ling qualities of Nebraska's former football star and all round man. That ho is making a success of his chosen profession is without a doubt true. Those who know Dean when in school are not surprised at his rapid advance ment, and thoy only congratulate themselves upon having him as a friend. Such successes as this more than anything else make tho Btudents feel proud of Nebraska, and the men and women sho Is sending out. These tes timonies of Iho work of tho Institu tion tend to make her moro and moro appreciated by thoso In attendance. Thoy realize what great opportunities aro in storo for them If thoy will only go after thorn. Tho spirit of "Nobras- $2.50 - WHY PAY MORE $10.00 Cravanetted Rain Coat. 50c Neckwear $1,00 Shirts fca forever" seems to bo growing stronger every year among tho stu donts. and s.uch wb sincerely hope will contlnuo to be tho case. Today marks a now era in tho his tory of Btudont affairs in Nebraska. Professor Grovo Barber, chairman of tho committee on student organiza tions, has called a mooting of all tho treasurers of classes .and managers of student publications and functions in his office. This list does not include managers of athletic teams. Tho aim of Dr. Barber in his meeting today Is to tell the student managers simply of the aim of tho commttteo and not in any way censure them. From now on it Is safe to say that student affairs' will bo run on a moro safe basis. Managers will bo moro careful about appropriating money for their own use or for purposes of un necessary valuo to affair thoy are handling. It will bo a moans of puri fying every student concern, and stu dents relations In a financial way will bo moro business llko and aboveboard. Tho students have taken this move ment on the part of the faculty In a very kindly way. Thoy know tho spirit In which tho thing is intended, and aro. Willing to meet It half way. Tho faculty have in no way antagon ized tho students and tho students aro ready to reciprocate this friendly spirit. THE PROFESSOR'S LOVE STORY. Dally lowan Explains a Recent Mar riage In the Faculty. Leslie McAuliff has a new model for his part in the Dramatic club play, soon to be given, and will not need to take Wlllard as his only instructor. Ho should at once wirite to Prof. Hen drlxson of Iowa collego for pointers. Two or three summers ago the pro fessor started to Beek recuperation after a year of arduous work In tho class room and laboratory, In tho mountains of Colorado. The little god of love smiled as his victim locked the door upon his choice assortment of test tubes and retorts and chemicals of noxious smells, and sharpened his. arrows for tho service that was ahead of them. The professor journeyed westward, all unconscious of tho fate that was to befall him; the little god went with him. Tho professor mounted a stage- for a ride through a mountainous country. There were others on board; among them a young lady. Her name was Miss Elizabeth Bradley. Now it Is Mrs. Walter S. Hendrlxson. Tho little god smiled broadly and perched him self upon tho driver's seat. At the )CXXXX5000COOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO - BUDD MY OTHER SPECIALTIES ) ooooooooooooooooooooocxxx right moment the horses gave a sud den plunge and (Jarted down the steep defllo a.t breakneck 3peed. There was a crash; the stagecoach disintegrated; its "passengers, were violently thrown out. Tho little god picked himself out of tho ruins, sawi Miss Elizabeth Brad ley with a broken ankle, and tho pro fessor, armed with the kit of a doctor, who was among tho Injured passongers, hastening to her side, spread his wings with a broad smile and hied him away to find other work to do; for now there was nothing more for him there. But one of the characters In tho Wil lard play, tho scheming widow who sought In vain to marry tho professor, revealed a great truth which has been further proven by this little chapter in real life when he said: "No man can carry an unconscious woman In his arms without proposing to her." But tho curtain fell on tho "Pro fessor's Lovo Story" In real life Wed nesday In Linous, Mo., when Prof. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers in tho World of Official Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNI8 FOQT BALL ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF QUOITS CRICKET LACR08SE CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOR ALL SPOUTS 8paldlng's Official Base Ball Guide for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad wick. Tho most complete and up-to date book over published on the subject. Fully Illustrated Prlco 10 Cents. Spalding's Official League Ball Is tho adopted ball of tho National League, and must bo used in all match games. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. (8889 Spalding's Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantage over tho other play er, as you have a better articlo, lasts longer, gives moro satisfaction. Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis, New Orloans The Underwood Visible.. The Underwood I36 North 11th St., Walter S. Hendrixson, for tho past ten years head of tho chemistry department of Iowa collego, was united In marriage to Miss Elizabeth Bradley. Juniors. In the dark brown shades or worry, Whore tho Juniors loiter- dally, And tho lessons growing heavy Make their hearts o'erflow with sorrow. Bright the day and soft tho laughter Prom tho Freshman as he slufeth, But the day Is dark and silent In the class-room of tho Junior. Come "sad heart and ceaso repining," Toil not on the 5thoMay; Fold your books and llko the Arabs to the State Farm steal away. Cast your sorrow and your worry In tho dim torgotten past, Joining hands and hearts as children, Children of tho Junior class. "Circ," in The Asylum-News. Carbon etchings by Townsend aro portraits that speak for themselves. Studio, 226 South Eleventh street. Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath House Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Saline, Salt Glow. Hot and Cold Baths New and Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627. Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. Corner 11th and N Lincoln GREGORY THE COAL MAN ," CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. 01. BOTH PHONES, 1G44 O STREET For over a quarter of a century Spalding's Trade Mark on Base Ball im plements has marked the advancement of this particular sport. Typewriter Co., LINCOLN, NEB. weMster INTE8NATI0ML DICTIONARY! "Nr is UP TO DATE. AND v RELIABLE, RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 New Words and Phrases ALSO ADDED New Gazetteer of the World New Blographlo&l Dictionary Editor In Chief, W. T. narrli, rh.D., LL.D., United Btatu Commtuloner of Education, 2380 buarto Pages. 5000 Illustrations. IT IB A PAOKCD STORIHOUH Or AOOUBATi INFORMATION Qramo Prixi (IHifhctt Award)WonUD-8 PAin Or.Louia Also Webster's Colleglate.DIctlonary lUSriffei. liOOIUuitratlons. Regular Edltion7zl0xtHlnchei. ! binding. De Luxe Edition 6tf x Sft x 1 J In. Printed from same platca, on btblo paper. 8 beautiful blndlntrar FREE,"Dlctlonary Wrinklo." Illustrated pamphlet. G. t5 C. ME,BJPsIAM CO. J Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U. &. A. VGET THE BEST ehapln Bros., FlorlBts. 127 So. 13th. nwBk? sa K&I .j v.. "i ,1 -. JU.,