wttftrH t vrn twgiGP&ii w f r" w m'STSF' 4 ",-" " A THE DAILY NEBRASKAIN. lV I L; Sam Wester field Proprietor of Sam's Cafe 117-121 N. 13th Little Gem Hot Waffles "Sam's Cozy Corners" TitrturTiilllliniXIlIU BICYCLE SALE at slaughter prices to make room for a new stock of ' RACYCLES $50 Eagle Bicycles $25.00 B Shipley Specials. 17.50 Hr HURRY! LAWLOR CY&LE COMPANY, H tseemtr li'JU L. Glrird Crcls Ci. 132(4 i" STREET TTTIIIITXT11XXIIXIXITTTS4 To Speechify Thinking speaking on one' feet Somo splendid books to aid you 20 discount (o teacher IIotV Attract anil Hold ad Audience $1.00 itiOi'it Bc.ouco and A. t (if Kiucuilou... 1.23 OU' How To lnoiliu Voice 1.83 Oil How To Oesturo 1.00 t) mi.non Krror In Writing, Speaking 60 It I'lford'a composition and Ubetorlc 1.00 II li'i lbe Wottn orWonli 1.S3 Lllcoi and Opposite (synonyms and opp.) .50 ! ttritntcr (epigrams by hundreds, tndtxtd).... 1.60 1'roaand Com (cotnnluto debates)... 1.80 :nnmencement Parts (ull occasions)..., 1.60 1'loce That Have Taken Prlzei 1.33 Thn Host American Orations of Today ,. 1.13 How to Btmly Literature , .13 Inuantaneou Parliamentary Quldo .10 HINDS A NODLB, Publishers 31-33-35 W. ISth St. New York City Schoolbookt of all publither$ at on tier V i 4'i i ? H K sMUslHiVllHk4 Tho difference between lllttlngand Mining Isthedlf 'Herence bct cen an Accurate, ami n Inaccurate Arm. CIioum lely-lltcrlmlnatel Get a STUVHNSI Forty years of csperlencelt bcblnd bur frit J and vvfrflliieof RIFLES, PISTOLS, SnOTGUNS nine Aeieacopeg, jstc Ask yuur.tealer and Insist ini tlie STKVKNS. If you (annoolniln,wslild. rect, txn iirtj,f,on receipt ofci Uloff price. Ssud 4c In atstiip for 140 page catalog describing ilia entire S TBVHNS line. I'rorutslylllustrsUd.and contains points on Snoot. In. Ammunition, Etc. ILoautlrU) thtte-color Aluminum Manser will be for. wanted for 10 cents In stamps. T. 8TBVXNS ASMS AMD TOOL CO.. r, O.Dosagsa J Cutcoraml'ALLS, MamU.S.A. DON'S CAFE 114 to. 11 i. rkM. Bfr Lilies' DIiIh Room In Cotikectloi PBN A. M. TO 1 A. M. bbbbbjJ'Ibbbb bbbbbbbbbbbV ' s1H IHBk, 4 fBBBBM FEtv-iBBBBB 4aBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBJ 8tudents at Dismal River. (Continued from pago 2.) force, which Is now very bUBlly en gaged In planting pine tree seedlings In the sand-hills. The student is ex pected to inspire his men with the en orgy necessary for the planting of two to throe thousand trees dally, and that moans considerable work for all. Sev oral men are kept busy handling the soodllnga In the bods, and these will take their turn In the flold. The men employed here are for the most part young fellows living in the towns ,or on the ranches nearby. While quite willing to do hard work, as they must bo to remain In employment, they seem to take no particular Interest In doing tho work thoroughly. The student finds that ho must koop after them con tinually or tho troeB will bo planted In such a way that they will have no chance to win out In their struggle with the elements. A largo part of the failure's of trees to grow In tho sand hills may bo attributed to carlessness In planting. Beside tho regular flold work of eight hours, tho students have some office duty each evening. Accurato data aro kept regarding tho work of each man employed, concerning the amount of work dono on each species of the trees which aro handled on the Reserve, etc., and those figures must bo worked up ovory evening. On rainy days tho boys aro given odd Jobs to work at. After suppor, tonnltf or somo similar recreation Is In order. There is a very good court near tho headquarters building, and in tho excitement of playing tho students are very likely to forget how hard they have worked during tho day. On some occasions) they have made tho midnight air to ring with a good old varsity cheer, which tho natives do not take at all unkindly. These provincials seem to respect tho students, merely becauso they aro from tho University, and the fortunate onos will take pride in sus taining tho -reputation that has pre ceded them to this place. MYSTIC 8HRINE CONVENTION. Excursion to 8anvFranclsco and Los Angeles. On April 25 to May 5, Inclusive, tho Union Pacific will sell round trip tick ets to tho above points for $50, going and returning direct. Portland and Seattle may bo included at a cost of $12.50 additional. Final return limit July 31et. Reservations are now be ing made. Call at City Ofllce, 1044 O street, for full Information. E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agent. Gymnastic Association. A meeting for the organization of a gymnastic "association Is called-for next Thursjlay, April 26, to bo hold at chapel time. Everybody Interested in gymnastics Is urgod to attend. A per manent organization with constitution and by-laws will be perfected as soon as possible. To Go to the Philippines. Arthur Sampson, '07, has been ap pointed Instructor In agriculture In tho government school at Manila with a yearly salary of $1,200. Ho will sail fpr tho Philippines from San Francisco June 15th, arriving In tho Islands early lp July. Postponed. Owing to a confllctlon of datesk "Tho Evening of Proposals" has been post poned. The tlmo will bo definitely an nounced within a day or two. Forbes Stables, livery, cab ami bar gage, 1125 P St. Bell 550, Auto 1569. PjsrsEiii f Bat at the Uni. Music Cafe. Talk to Ludwlg about your clothes. Frimtl 3eere Br... 13tfc fc K. 9hapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. IStfc. - The Lincoln Local ExpreeB, 1343 O St Br. Haggard, 212-213 Rtcktvrts Bile Fine tea and coffee at University Dining Hall. Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Rich ards Blk. Wo have an assortment of over 50 NEW ponnants at tho Unl. Book Store. Flno tea and Dining Hall. coffee ' at University Best 10 and 16 cent moats In the city. Tho Phoenix. Come In and have lunch at the Uni Dining Hall. Come ln-and have lunch at tho Uni Dining Hall. Don Cameron's new lunch counter; quick Borvico. 119 So. 12th St. Garrets, of Michigan, recently throw tho disous 149 feet in praotlce. Havo you seen tho new effects pro ducefd In, photography by TownBerid- Unlon Shining Parlor Shlme, fire cents; chairs for ladies. 1018 O St. Townsond's reputation for artistic photography is known throughout tho state. Studio, 226 Seuth Eleventh St. A plcturo of a group Is one thing and u group portrait another. Town send makes the latter. Studio, 226 South Elovonth street. The California Freshmen recently defeated the Stanford Freshmen in a dual moot. California scored 73 points, while Stanford only scored 48. This Is tho season everybody sits for portraits. See what Townsend Is producing and make appointment for your sitting. Studio, 226 South lltli Lstreet. IN OTHER COLLEGES. Iowa played the Davenport league a tie game last week. Score, 13-13. Fraternity baseball Is In vogue at Iowa. The scores of last week's games were: Phi Delta 14, Tau Delta 9; Sig- 4ria Alpha Epsllon 4, Phi Psl 3 (eleven Innings) ; Sigma Nu 9, Beta 8. Tho second debate between tho Uni versity of Washington.! and Pacific University of Forest Grove, Oregon, was held Friday at Forest Grove. The question discussed, was: "Resqlved, That tho Fifteenth amendment to the constitution of tho United States should bo repealed." Pacific Univer sity held the affirmative and Washing ton defended tho negative. Tho copy stolen from the Gopher Hole the first ipart of last week was in duplicate so that tho loss was soon mado good. Only one of tho pictures stolen can cot be replaced. Howover, a flashlight of .the robbery has been prepared to take the place reserved In tho book for the stolen pic ture. ' The. Gopher Is being printed at the rate of thirty-two pages 'a day. Four teen hundred and fifty- copies havo been subscribed for and the entire edition will reach tho fifteen hundred mark. Minnesota Dally p TWWWWWWTwKKWW'WWIsWW'lTjBrB'MsywITsWjswi t 1 OLIVERTHEATRE ji W MA I NIGHT 8tl "Little Johnny Jones" Prices Mat., $1.00, 75c, 50c. Evening, $1.50, $1.00, 76c, 50c. FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 27. KOLB & DILL in tt I - o u Prices $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. 99 SAT. MAT. AND EVE., APRIL 28. "What Woman Will?" No. 06206. All Corona Patent Colt. Hand sewed sole, mil itary heel, four large eye lets, ribbon lace, swell ox ford. Sizes 5 to 12, AA to E , $5.00 No. 06207. AH Patent ,Polt...... . Welt sole, Stylo 06206. Sizes 5 to 11, AA to E 3.50 No. 06208. All Patent Coltr Wolt-sole, rlckoy too, Stylo 00200. Sizes 6 to 11, AA'to D ....., J..... 4.0fc No. 0C209: Stetson's All En amel Colt. Hand Bdwod sole, Style 06206, only little wider toe. Sizes 5 to 12, AA to E 5.00.' No. 06210. Patent Colt. Dull Pahnel top, welt sole, Stylo 06210. Sizes 6 to 12, A to E ., $3.50 idDEue18 See Our 323 Windows 223-0 Lincoln, Neb. QCOCOCKDCOCOOOOCOCOOOOCOOOO" n a n n it it it it it it it n it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it n it it it it it it it . it it it it a it it it it it it BAKER BROS vmwnm COMPANY HARKERBIGCKz OMAHA it it it it it it .SCO00000000000 V V"l . The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co. xocccccxoccooocc will call ana) got your trunks and take them to any depot, or will move them to any part of the city --wlll call and got your chocks without extra char go and deliver your "baggage. We furnlsb. hacks any time day or night. Our offlc Is never closed. Fine carriages' for funerals a specialty. Both phones. ii i ' ' vW -V, m i a "SI 4 I J 1r k. y K - v VJ ' . ' i. c'yi &jJ8uCmJJ& i. ...,:. I.. . , t ,ri .it, '. . . 4 .,-.. .'4A J.I. f ,. .-. , vy 'OJKpSrt ' - '..i sw t i. . . , . Ji . k U..f, k. .i .. . u ..- ,f tv'ftv'.w:,.V ' -sjr'n. .' 'n.- . iv : m p W-r ',MlWp0H T?mSX&&iWbMhm