.'J- -, c v.' ,i'"' V i , f -, . p-3 . - ,..- - r,,l Vol. V. No. i06. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, J9Q6. Price 5 Cents "!-,. Wm Wmlv flebraekan rr '& v. tvt BRYANITES' GAME VARSITY DEFEATED YESTERDAY AT ANTELOPE PARK. Leaguers Wak Away With Victory by 8core of 7 to 1 Bowman Pitched and Makes the Only Score. The varsity mot defeat at the hands 4t the Bryanltes yesterday it Ante lope Park. The score at the end of nine Innings stood 7 to'l lnfavdr of the leaguers. Prom a spectator's .point of view the game was rather a poor exhibition,. -for the varsity failed to-hold-the -professionals dawn suf ficiently. tomake the .affair very ex citing. rBowman pitched for tho varsity, but was not effective at any time during 'tUo game. "Ducky" IJolmes' men fpund""hlra alhibst at will 'and some ilmeB they were able to land on him Hard and heavy. Bowman has a few good curveB but has not 'the control or speed to make them effective. The Support given him was fairly good, but tho strong, wind made It almost impossible for tho players to judge the true course of tho sphere. 1hlsriB the last ganto EagdrB 'ball tossors will play before they go east, the Jast of thlB week. It is sincerely hoped that the varsity will take a decided brace on tho trip. The men are getting their positions 'down well, and less errors occur in every game. Of course tho wealc places on tho team are those filled by now men. In tho infield, Denslow at short and Karr behind tho bat show up to the best advantage. In the outfield Bellamy and Dovey of the new men are probably tho best. But It is doubtful whether tho latter will bo taken bn'-the trip, since oIQier Nllsson or Dort play a godo fielding game. The Athletic Board in its mooting Monday evening took up tho eastern trip and considered the advisability of sending tho bunch of men that are now out on A trip. This was brought about by some of tho varsity players themselves, who thought It was hard ly advisable to go on tho trip. Up to this time there Is nothing very definite as to whether tho trip will bo taken or not. The line-up In yesterday's game was as follows: ' Varsity. , league; Bowmair. . . . .777. p Holmes Carroll c. M...,..r..,2ilman ,-Barta 1st . . . . . . . .Thomas nine. t 2d ......... Shugart Holmes 3d Gaddla Russell, Denslow. ss Flllman Cooke . of, , , n . . Ketchom Dayey . If Qulllltx Bellamy rf. . , ..Harms Score by Innings: 1 2 34 56789 Varsity .'...00001000 01 League 0 0011320 7 Summary: Hits Varsity 5, League 12v Errors Varsity 2, League 3. Two-base hits, Cooke. Three-base hits Qulllan, Thomas, Zlmran. Home runs Bow man. Double plays Bowman to Rlno to Barta. First base on errors Var sity 3, Loaguo 2. COMMITTEEMEN DINNER ST. PAUL'S CHURCH FRIDAY, APRIL TWENTY-SEVEN 6:15 P.M. C-0000 o ooooooooo TENNIS PRACTICE MANY OUT FOR TENNIS TEAM THI8 YEAR. . Raquoters Again Busy on the Courts Several Proposed Tournaments Are Up for Consideration. 80PHOMORE8 MEET. Hold Interesting 8ession. Yesterday Morning Committees Appointed. The Sophomores met in Memorial Hall yestertlay morning and Htfard President Yodor's committee appoint ments arid decided to have a double header picnic at the State Farm about tho 18th of May, Tho finance committee of tho class of '08 for this semester will be as fol lows: Chairman", B. A.- Baton, Chas. Overman, F. N. Menefee, A. H. Miller and H. L. Wilson Long w'afe appointed baseball mana ger for the class team and the cap tain will bo elected by tho playerB. The manager urges all SophB whe are Interested in Uie game to get out and try for tho team, since he has a good schedule In view. Besides a genuine old-fashioned basket picnic, with social stunts to please the most exacting members of the classman-informal hop will be given for those who wish to "trip the light fantaBtlc." M. J. Hughes has "tho en tire affair in charge, while Hugh Wal lace and Esther Wood will care for the social stunts of tho picnic proper. The entire committee is: M. J. Hughes, chairman, Hugh Wallace, Esther Wood, sub-chairman, M. O. Joslyn, master of ceremonies, Miss Mcintosh and F. A. Crltes. up as little fellows, it will bo best to soo ono of tho boys on the committee, as they have an easy plan up their sleeves ready to spring it on you any time. The price Is fifteen conta, contrary to tho fact that it was first announced as twenty conta. Lot every fellow boo that hojs there. Tho girls claim they can tako care of themselves. April 28, Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock sharp, is tho time. Big Doings,- Great events happen only raely. It Is now nearly a year since the last dinner of the Y. M. C. A. committee men and it has been reported, though perhaps falsely, that some of the fol lows have ben starving the "inner man" ever since in order to do justice to tho dinner Friday evening. To meet such conditions great prepara tions are on. Tho social committeo is busy preparing a spread which they guarantee will satisfy tho demands of tho most hungry, even, such men as "Doc" Sidwell and "Fritz"' Lundln. Tho call for dinner will be given promptly at 6:15 next Friday, April 27th. A special program of music and toasts will bo announced later. - Tho tonnls season has begun. Threo courts have boon put Into condition west of the Library building and threo now nets stretched, all of whloh, Judg ing from prosent Indications, will bo in constant uso until tho close of school. . Although no definite plans havo as yet been adopted rolatlvo to an Inter collegiate meet, it 1$ qui to probable that a series of games will bo played with teams from somq. sister institu tions lato n May. Last year and tho yoar beforo we mot the Universities, of Iowa and Mlnnosota, but whether we will meet either of them this year is vory doubtful. For some cause or othor, tonnls tournaments havo not proved oxponso-payora. in the past and It Is for that reason that tho Tennis Association-!! slow about onterlng into negotiations for an intercollegiate match this spring. There is much good tennis material In tho University this year, however, and should a tournament bo arranged Nebraska ought to stand a fair chanco of repeating the little feat of 1004, when Cassady and Scrlbnor so handily defeated the Gophers. Senior Party. Some have even dared to ask If there was a good time assured for thoso who attend the Senior party. Wo' are bo sure of this fact that if any one does not havo tho best time they over bad wo will see that that one is fully com pensated for their expenditure of time and money. The date was secured so far in ad vance It was hoped that no one would make other arrangements. Aa there are so many" things on for that night and we find, some have made arrange ments to attend some other school funotlon, it Is up to every ono who possibly can to bo out. New Debating League. A new debating league has been formed by three western colleges. The league will be a triangular .affair be tween Northwostorn, Michigan and Chicago. Each university will have two debating teams, one to support the affirmative and tho othor tho negatlva of the" same subject. One. team will re main at homo while tho other will de bate with a team from one of tho othor universities in tho league so that each member of the league will have two teams debating on the Bame night x This plan is in operation in Iowa with Grinnell, Drake, and Ames as principals. It works well. Just received, a big shipment of fine "Old Plymouth" linen writing paper. Best quality on the marftet, only 60c If tho boys think it is hard to fix per box at tho Uni. Book Store. &&x&ate Interscholastlo Field Meet Tho program for tho interscholastlo field meet held In Lincoln on May 21sthas been decided upon. It is too same as last year, yet there 1b some possibility that tho discus throw will be added. Tho program Is as follows: Track events 100 yard dash, one half mile run. 120 yard hurdle, 440 " yard run, one mile run, 220 yard dasib, 220 yard hurdle, one-half milo relay race (teams to consist of- four men, each man to run 220 yards). If neces sary, preliminaries will be run in 100 and 220 yad dash, also in 120 and 220 yard hurdles. Field events Polo vault, 12-pound shot put, running high Jump, 12-pound Ihammer throw and running broad jump. Field and track events will go on together. So far as pusslblo allowance will be made for contestants where events conflict Contestants are ad vised -not to enter more than three events. Each sotiobl is allowed to enter ten men. Only two men from each school to start in any event. O ' - -m t r , tm - . v 8 BAINO lINI-wreVVIg W F.'.?..: J' ..'.Hi. . ! I" ' ft g ' MEMORIAL HALL Q g ATURIDVY, AJPTRIL :28 8 8 $SIIN13 F. JVl. - , K S o X ..,,, , ' ' ' Q X S Piece Orchestra. Tickets) SOc X Fraternity Games. Games. W. Delta Upsllon.... 1 1 Alpha Theta Chi. 1 1 Phi Gamma Delta 1 1 Delta Tau ,2 2 Alpha Tau Omega 1 9 , Slgiria Chi ...:.. 1 0 ' Beta Theta Pi... 2 0 Sigma Alpha Ep sllon 1 0 L. 0 0 0 i 2 P.O. 1000 1000 1000 1000 ..000 .000 000 ,000 Carbon etchings by Townsnd are portraits that speak for themselves'. .Studio, 226, South Eleventh street. A ; :,. j i r l.w" " 7. --w ..A J&Jm ,M I A i. " i