f ' rw'vTr t.'hww- -mb- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. v1?EI"T'rT Zbc Baity Hebraskan A consolidation of Tho HcBporlan, Vol. rl, Tho Nobraakan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published -dally, except Sunday and Monday, at Jho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesperian Publish ing Co. Entered as second class matter, March 14, 1000, at tho Post Ofllco at Lincoln, Neb., under the Act of Con grcaB, March 3, 1879. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronco FoBslor. II. p. Leavitt. Dwlght Cramer. A. O. Schrolbor. Manager ' Fred Naughtoji Circulation W. B. Standovon Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Bubacrlptlon Price, 2 per year In ndvanco tho question should bo hashed and re hashed each year by tho Senior classes. If It -was a fashion that had lately boon Introduced then there would bo somo reason. But a custom which hns boon In voguo for over a century, and ono which Is still hon ored by all tho universities of both oast and west should bo permitted to stand, and followed at tho University of Nebraska. When any class at tempts to kill such a custom they are "up aqalnst it," for any Institution, It matters not tho size, will never permit of tho abolishment of tho custom. Tho wearing of caps and gowns will still continuo in Nebraska, and It matters not what may be tho dissenter's cry. A. Q. SPALDIMhS: BROS. Largest Manufacturers In tho World of Offlclal Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNIS FOOT BALL ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF QUOITS CRICKET LACR088E CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOK ALL, SrOKT8 Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad wlck. Tho most complete and up-to dato book over published on tho subject. Fully Illustrated Price 10 Cents. There has boon more or less com plaint from thoso in charge of football practlco this spring becauso more men do not appear. It seems as if tho can didates do not roalizo just how much this practice Is to mean to them for work noxt fall.- This much is true, that tho men who work hard and consistent ly this spring aro going to. stanu a much groater chanco In making tho team noxt fall than thoso who do not como out at all now. This is alto gether xa selfish plea for tho candi dates. But tho stronger nnd moro urgent argument is that college pride should bring you out. Tho man who will not answer to this ploa should novor bo allowed to roprosont Nobraska on any field of activity. At this timo especial ly Bhould tho men respond to tho call. Nobraska Is to make a tost of tho football rules as adopted by tho Rules Commlttoo and It is necessary that tho most formldablo team possible bo put May Morning Breakfast. There's music in tho air that Wis consin was not fair; for sho won tho famed debate. Say "Huskers," novor mind, for tho day of reckoning already has-been chimed. Remember that tho victories have boon nine; so lot's put tho sorrows of dofeat behind; for tho grub will bo just fine at that Annual Breakfast Time. Your debato will then gain time, for every plate will wjn a girl, at that good old Breakfast Time. But como "Husker," novor mind; "you simply did do fine; only bo there Just on- timo at tho Annual Breakfast of tho Y. W. C. A., May 5, In the St. Paul's Methodist church par lors. Thoro will be a meeting of the Nash ville delegates in tho Young Men's Christian Association room at cloven o'clock tomorrow. Every delegate's presence is desired. Every Thursday evening until the close of school there will bo hold a meeting in tho Young Women's Chris tian -Association rooms, to which every one I& cordially invited. Whether you aro. especially interested or not, como and "enjoy "an hour of quiet service Spalding's Official League Ball is the adopted ball of the National League, and must be used in all match games. Every requisite for Lawn For over a quarter of a century Spalding's Trade Mark on Base Ball Im plements has marked the advancement of this particular sport. Trade-Mark Tennis and Golf. Spalding's on yourVthletic Implement gives you an advantage over the other play er, as you have a bettor article, lasts longer, gives moro satisfaction. Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Now York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis, Now Orleans ERWIN & PERKINS, PROPRIETORS. RETAILORS AND JOBBERS Off I TOBACCO - CIGARS - NEWS I We carry all the loading brands of Cigars and Tobacco. Special attention given to box trado. I We bulletin all League and University Base Ball and Foot Ball Barnes i .. .... iiw lit imo. iitn. ueu uoo, nuto4t. yvri I OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOCXX MY SPRING FEVER HATS The lazy, Boft, easy kind light and dark greys look Ike the season might easily be Bold for $3.50 to $4.00. WHY PAY MORE $2.50 oooocoooooooocxjooocxx Modlcs out for tho remaining threo innings. Tho line-up was as follows: Medics. Wesloyan. Reed.. .-v. H White" Taylor. . . . . v . rf Wright Hickman. X-. .Vcf McCandless Miller lkt. L. Greenslit Newman 2nd r Hammond Hompes SrdXV. Weeks Olson ss. . . .V, . . .x. .Miller Reynolds c R. Greenslit Mullikon p. . .Trumbell and Jamison Struck out By Mulliken 13, by Trumbell 3. First base on balls Off Mulliken 1, off Trumbell 3, off Jami son 1. Hit by pitched ball Mullikon 1, Trumbell 2. Errors Medics 1, Wes loyan 7. Umpire Campbell. Score by innings: 123456789 Medics 2 0003800 013 Wesleyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 into the field. Our trial is being watched by all tho schools in tho we'st, and will effect tho gamo moro next fall than anyone can understand. Men como out and support your own.uni-J vorslty in thlB tesLof tho rules. The men of tho Senior Law, Aca demic and Medic classes meet today to decide whether or not they shall wear caps and gowns ati Commencement. For tho past three years this question lias required a special mooting in or der that somo definite conclusion might bo reached. It seems as If tho mqn aro always in doubt moro or less as to tho propriety of following such an. old custom. Tills question should bo decided onco for all, and tlnyt in tho affirmative. It seems hardly necessary to us that Tho meetings begin at eight o'clock sharp and aro conducted by tho Volun teer Band. Medics vs. Wesleyan. Tho University Medical baseball team defeated Wesloyan University av. University Placo Saturday by" a score of 13 to 0. Tho Medics played an ex cellent gamo, making but a single error, and securing twelve hits. Mul likon pitched a star gamo for tho Medics, striking out thirteen men and allowing but ono man to walk. "Cy" Reynolds caught his usual gamo and tho playing of tho rest of the Medics was equally good. Trumbel pitched a good gamo for Wesleyan, but did not have tho support ho deserved. Er rors cost tho Wesloyan team about four scores. Jamison, who took Trum boll's placo in tho sixth, was easily batted, tho Medics securing eight runs. Ho was replaced again by Trumbell, who finished tho gamo, shutting tho Agricultural School Commencement. Wednesday evening Professor and Mrs, Burnett and Professor and Mrs. Davisson will give a reception to-tho Senlorclass at tho home of Mr. Bur nett, 3206 Holdrego street, and on Thursday evening tno class dinner will- bo held at tho Lindell Hotel. Friday evening tho regular Com mencement address will bo given by President Kenyon L. Butterfleld of the Rhode Island College. His subject is "Leadership on the Farm." A class of forty men will bo graduated. WE MAKE EVERYTHING WE SELL Not Lovet Saver Kraut Molasses Kisses Timo to bo thinking about pennants. You wUl be pleased with ours at tho Uni. Book Store. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag gage, 1125 P St. Bell 550, Auto 1550. d High Grade Confections Fine Box Candy trom 30 to 75c per pound The Olympia Candy Co 1131 0. Auto 3596 C0TRELL LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To the American Colleges and Univer sities. Class contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prices. SBBHBlBMSBBBBkfe GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '01. BOTH PHONES. 1044 O STREET M' V t. & . .