The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1906, Image 1

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tlbe 3aih IFlebraekan
Vol.V. No.J05,
Ptice 5 Cents
smi"- VtK-v$sig&nr'p
Badgers Treat Cornhuskers Well The
Dally Cardinal 8peaks Very
Highly of Varsity's Work.
Students and members of the fac
ulty, accompanied by the University
Cadet Band, which Captain Worklzor
dismissed for the purpose, wore at the
Burlington station at 5:30 last even
ing to givo a warm welcome homo to
the University's debating team that
onet Wisconsin at Madison on Friday
evenlnR. but the team didn't come.
Marvin stopped over at .Madison and
Chicago a "day, Sundorlln went to his
homo , at Clinton, Iowa, andHough
5a,rae by another route. The only
inomber of the Cornhusker party
tb, to be received was Clement L.
Waldran, who, in Professor Fogg's,
place, accompanied the team.
Mr. Waldron speaks very highly of
the cordial treatment the team re
ceived at Wisconsin. Ho says the
badgers declared Mlt was the warmest
debate they'd seen in years."
The debate was won by Wisconsin,
WaWron says,vby superior delivery.
Although they liad thresnod the ques
tion out for some ihwe-quarters of a
year before, they sent ibto Nebraska
and one member f the team was In
the society debate on the queBtionlast
December, the Nebraska team, haan
three months masterejl the subject as
thoroughly as had the Badgers, If not
more so. In rebuttal Nebraska was
superior, in Waldron's opinion. Wis
consln's caBe was In finely polished,
sot form, whereas the' Nebraska team
didn't get ltB case drawn together
finally until the morning of the debate.
"To our certain knowledge there
has not been so Interesting a contest
held here In many years," Is the ver
dict of Wisconsin, as voiced in Tho
Dally Cardinal, on tho debate with
"Nebraska. Tho University of Nebras
ka, up to Friday eevnlng, had succeed
ed In winning nine successive debates,
and Wisconsin haB good reason to
glory in tho fact that It was able to
win" from so powerful a debating foe.
"Nebraska, by this contest, has-suc-ceeded
in breaking Into the Big Four,
and wo hope that wo may be able to
meet them In a contest 'in tlys future
with a 'team aa-worthy of our stoolus
the one which fought us so well last
evening." The Cardinal In its news
column states that tho debate was
"one of tho warmest over witnessed
In Library Hall The Corn
huskers were given a rousing welcome
and were cheered throughout the even
ing." Tho team was banquetted on Satur
day by tho honorary debate society,
the JPhi Alpha, Tau, which Wisconsin's
debaters and alumni attended. A. C.
Hough rosponded to tho toast "Inter
collegiate Relations in Debating"; Earl
M. Marvin, "If We Were the Faculty,"
and Charles A. Sundorlln, "Alma
This debate ends the work of the
Interstate debating squad. ,Tho men
have worked hard for tho past ten
Bryan ites vs. Varsity
weeks and aro surely deserving of
much credit for tho work they have
Many Candidates Are Out for Places
on" the Team.
The football squad is so far worked
out that last night two teams were
picked and worked at the scrimmage.
Between twenty and thirty men aro
trying out and the captain wants mere
men. From tho material now at hand
the following men are showing up to
advantage In the following positions;
Center, Wllke and Harvey; guards,
Taylor and Rico; taclkes, Cotton, Bow
ers, Harvey, Porrln, Miller, Matters
and Overman; ends, Branson, Hlldo
brand; quarterback, Benedict, Drain
and "Pip" Cooke; fullback, Mason,
Craig and Branson; halves, Little,
Smith and Flannagan.
Nebraska High 8chool Day.
x. ,: : ; , .:..
neia j? i:iuay iay xx. iv uirgo uuou
danceisalready assured. Tho purpose
nt thin ilrtv In tn nffnr tn nfTIolnln nnd
Students of Nebraska -nigh schools an
opportunity to visit tho University and
Inspect Its equipment. In connection
with this day the Nebraska Ihtor
scholastlc Athletic Association will
hold their regular field meet In tho
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tho Nebraska
Interscholastic debate will also bo
held at this time and the Schoolmas
ters' Club will meet In tho evening.
Reduced rates have been granted on
all roads for all points within 100
miles of Lincoln.
Fraternity Games.
Games. W. L. P.C.
Delta Upsllon.... 110 1000
Alpha Theta Chi. 1 1 0 1000
Phi Gamma-Delta 1 1.0- 1000
Delta Tau Delta, 1 1 0 1000
Alpha Tau Omega 10 1' .000
Sigma Chi 1 0 1 .000
Beta Theta Pi... 2 -0 2 . .000
Come In and have lunch at tho Unl
Dining Hall.
jr nine f. m.
8 55 Piece Orchestra. TIcRote SOc q
3:15 P
Fourth Number of he "Modern Drama
tists" Series Given at Convocation.
Boforo ono of tho smallest audiences
In tho hlBtory of University convoca
tions, Dr. Lowry delivered tho fourth
lecture of the "Modern Dramatists"
series on Stephen Philipps at convo
cation yestorday. While not exactly
of a popular nature, Dr. Lowry's sub
ject was one which morltod much
greater attention from tho students of
this institution than it received.
Stephen Philipps, said Dr. Lowry, Is
ono of the very few successful modern
blank verso poets. Ho Is lauded in
press reviews, in literary magazines
and by the foremost literary critics as
being a poet of high quality, ranking
Ux many respects with Byron, Milton,
Keats and Wordsworth.
As a dramatist, however, Dr. Lowry
very frankly branded Mr. Philipps a
failure. HIb plays, although good in
spots, have never proved' successful
with the public, oven his lateajLnnd In
some respects best pleco,Nero," hav
ing failed when submitted to that cri
terion. This is explained In a number Qf
ways. In the first place, Mr. Philipps'
plays are classical both in material
and Inspiration, Hence, they appeal
but slightly to tho modern audience,
whoso tastes havojjeon greatly evolu
tionized since tho days of Nero and
his Grecian neighbors. Another reason
for tho failure of bis plays is tho fact
that they are not constructed accord
ing to tho laws of dramatic art. They
allow too much time to elapse between
the climax and denouement, and, most
fatally of all, contain practically no
manifestation of will-power, the funda
mental principle of all tragedy.
The next lecture of the series will
bo given by -Mr. Ford on Arthur Wing
Plnero, Monday.
A picture of "a group is one thins,
and a group portrait another. Town
"sond makes tho lattdr. Studio, 226
South Eleventh street.
Ma p
Manager Eager Will Leave With the
Tam on Friday Two Weeks'
Trip Bryanltes Today.
11 vl
At 2 p. m. on Friday, April 27th, tho
bunch leaves over tho Burlington for
Ames, Iowa, whore thoy will play tplr
first game of tho oastorn sohedulo
with tho Iowa State Agricultural Col
lego on Saturday, April 28. Tho soc
ond gamo will also bo at Ames with
tho same school on Monday, tho 30th.
May 1st thoy play Grlnnoll Collogo at
Grinnoll, la., and this gamo will bo
followed by ono at Iowa City with Iowa '
State University on Wodnosday, May
2. On tho following day tho team will
bo in Gnlosburg, III., for a gamo with
Knox Collogo. Mny 4 Is at present an
open dato and on May 5 Purdue will
bp takon on at Lafayotto, Indiana. In-
d.(ana State Is ln lino for tho noxt
gamo, which will bo played at Bloonf
lngton on May 7.
After tho Bloomlngton gamo Bagor
will toko 'em back to Illinois and. will
meet Jaq. Mllllken University team, o
Decatur on May 8, which gamo will
bo followed by another state university
game, namely, ono with Illinois Stato
at Ohampagno on the 0 th of May. Wa
bash College at Crqwfords, 111., will got
theirs, on the 10th, and this, brings, us to
tho Notro Damo mix-up at South Bond,
Ind., and from thonco thoy take a long
Jump and land in Omaha for the final
game of the schodulo, which will bo
played with Crclghton College on May
A(tor a few. days' rest at homo, they
will Interest tho fanB with a pair of
return games and Kansas University
will bo their opponents. Theso two '
games will bo played on the campus,
May 18 and 19, and will doubtless'
bring out a llkoly bunch of "rooters."
Tho closing gamo of tho season will
bo a roturn game on tho campus with
Crclghton Collogo and it will bo
played on Juno 2nd.
Ono more gamo with tho Bryanltes
at Antelopo Park this aftornoon and
tho baseball team Is off lor tho east.
Tho gamo with tho League yesterday
proved to be a victory, for tho city
team by a gcoro of 5 to 3,
Festival Chorus. .
i s
Tlie Festival Chorus, which is to
give "Olaf Trygvasson" with the Theo
dore Thomas Orchestra, May 21-22,
meets Monday evening at 8 o'clock
and Wednesdays and Fridays at 5
o'clock. This Is tho last week for
members outside tho University to join
the chorus. Regular attendance is Im
perative. All Interested in this great
musical project are cordially invited
to becomo members.
Dean Ringer, '03, law '05, was a
University, guest yesterday. Dean is s
practicing law ' in South Omaha at '
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