iJL.MJ WVV"V v- .., if.-5(a " gj . jjm rt -.r,,j "V. i. XH1B OkJUY INEBRASICAIN, XXWL CLASSIFIED COLUMN ' II If It II It BUSINESS DIRECTORY WE MAKE EVERYTHING WE SELL Not Lovet Saver Kraut Molasses Kisses 1 it All advertisements' Inthjs column ' E : Krery Loyal University Student U ' It arg-s)d to CAtronlse theto Ntbm it j kat advertliera, and to mantles j 1 1 tha paper while doing so. i I I f . If must be paid for In advance : stsW. April 24. Competitive drill. Stnto Farm. Senior men meet. U. 10G at 11 a, m. Itato ono cent per word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. V u BARBER SHOPS Arlsto, Green's. Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie, BANKS Columbia National, Firs Na tlonal. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAPE Sam Westorfleld.Don Cam eron. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Palno's Fountain. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conway, Erwin & Perkins. CLEANERS AND DYERS J. C. Wood & Co. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee & Deomor, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whitebreast. - CONFECTIONERS Maiwell. The Fol- sona, - . DISEASES OF EtB; . EAR AND THIIOAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRY GOODS MU'& 'Paine, Herpol- shelmor, Rndg & Guenzel. DRQGISTSf:RIgg8, Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. GROCERS 0. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, HalletL LAUNDRIES Yule Bros, . NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. "i rmii Tomo r Ttn.i uvuiuaia ji, vaviD.- PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. , v PRINTING--New Century, King & Jessup, Greer Cooper Co., George Bros. " RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. . ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per klns SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. TAILORS Unland, Union College t Tailors,' Ludwig. ' TYPEWRITERS Underwood , Type writer Co. - TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewuter. SPECIALiaTS Dr. Erie B. Wo- ward. " WAITERS' BUREAU Gradt TIE IVT MUSS THE-IVY PRESS HEAT FR1HTIHB LATEST BTYIiES AND D& COURTEOUS THEATM'NT Sg KING & JESSUP'S f69Co9uo3iovao 121 N. 1M St. 126 n. 12th si. T.J.TH0RP&C0. Rubbw Stamps, Stencils, Seals,' Trad Cheeks, Keys Leek Smithing, General MachtRa .Weeks, Model Makers, Ett. 308 Si. lit!, LINCOLN fffMAaUouaou IS AT 5(3 Bjfio sjvsjpsnvs daVffoVUQVUQV UtfvaQVWQV uqSSuovuou WW BATHS. CHRIS BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-sallne, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorium, 11th and O Sts. CLUB RATES Three suits and O'coat clcancfl and pressed, $1 per month. El UotfB, 1136 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. PAQER BROS.. Bnsomont Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O-St. DR. II. A. SHANNON, 113C O. Auto, 2823; Bell, 2126, OSTEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. '99. Burlington Block. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER. JEWELER Deloss Smith, watch maker and jeweler, 138 So. 12th St. Low rates to students. Sampson Goes to Manila. Arthur Sampson, '07, has been ap pointed instructor In agriculture in Manila College at a salary of $1,200 per annum. George Pepperburg, assistant in Geology,- left for Wyoming yesterday, where he will spend tho coming week In tho interests of tho Geological de partment. Frank Peterson, '05, has been elect ed superintendent of the Crolghton schools. Mr Peterson is ono of the strongest men in the University and well deserves this recent promotion. He has been Instructor In the classics at tho Academy during tho past year When weary with studies that 'bur den and distress you, stop at Paino's and look at the 190G spring suits. See tho new shades of gray, correct in length not overdone, but In good taste. This is tho season everybody situ for portraits. See what Townsend Is producing and make appointmont for your sitting Studio, 226 South lltli street. Br. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Mfc CXXXX)COCOCOCOOOOCOC)OOOCOO SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ELECTRIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BARDEP SHOP, "1206 0 STREET, BUa UL0CK THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO f -Tl)sVnlreriltyyearls divided Into four Quarter!, Wlnler, Spring, Summer, and Autumn; Admission It Kranted at the s opening of each, on January ad, April ad, June roth, and October tit. i , Graduate instruction It offered In the Graduate Schools of 'Arts and literatures and In the Ogdcn (Graduate) School of Science, ' Professional Instruction Is offered In the Divinity "School, the Law.Scljool.-JtoiU,Medlca), College (affiliated), and the .School of Education.' Summer Quarter 1006, June 16-September r.. First Termi ijune lo-July at; Second' Termi July tj-Auguil y, Reglstra. tlon Is permitted for the entire quarter or for'dtber term. Full and regular credit Is. given for work done. Special courses are offered for teachers. , For Information address THE UNIVERSITY CHICAQO - OF CHICAQO ILLINOIS ' Associated Barbs nomlnato Athlotic Board; ticket. Memorial Hall. April 27. School of-. Agriculture Commencement. April 28. "An Evening of Proposals." Tho Dramatic Club will present a trio of plays in Memorial Hall. Senior party at State Farm. May 4. B Compnny Hop. Fraternity Hall. ,r May 5. "Junior Doings." State Farm, the evening. In May 21-22. Theodoro Thomas Orchestra Audi torium. r May 24. - College of Medicine Commencement. Omaha. May 25. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment. June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 11. Sonlor Play. Oliver Theater. June 14.. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Convocation Program. Monday, April 23 Dr. H. B. Lowrey, "Stephen Phillips." Wednesday, April 25 Prof. E. A. Ross, "Political Decay." An Jntorpre tatlon. Friday, April 27 Music. Monday, April 30 Mr. Daniel Ford, "Pinero." Senior Party. The. Seniors lmvo lmd arrangement! mndo for some time for a children's party nt tho Slate Farm anHn cqdso quenco are not plagarlzing tho Idea wlilch tho Junior are using in arrang ing for their blow-out. As both classes have hit on tho same plan, It Is up to every Senior to bo out and help make their party surpass tho ono tho Juniors give. Don't bo always looking around for now worlds to conquer and a chance to show class spirit. This Is a chance thrust in your face. As tho girls have decided to como by them selves, as they did nt tho other Senior party, tho boys don't need to hang back. The girls will all bo out. Tim nrlrn hnn hfion roilnnnrl fr 9fl conts andj3UU you will have enough to eat and absolutely tho best time you ever had. Those who' were at the pro ylous party need no urging, but wo would llko to see absolutely every Senior there. Clyde, Mooro will bo there as the original llBuster- Brown" (maybo his dog Tigo-as well), and others of tho County Pair Baby Show famo will help to initiate you Into the childish pranks and show you life In a new light. You should sco the committee at once about purchasing a ticket. Miss Cllna. Miss Nora Davis, Mr. Krajacok and Mr. Sidwell are tho people in charge and if you ,seo them coming, reach for your money. Remember tho date, April. L'X, and bo there in your best kid's clothes. Time to be thinking about pennants. You will be pleased with' ours at the yni. Book. Store. B "High Grade Confections Pine Box Candy trora 30 to 75c per pound The Olymp'a Candy Co 11310. Auto 3596 Vv New Century Printers 1841 N 8TREET-1241 Especially solicits tho trado of thoao who wish it well printed. "Robert Burns," the Leading lOcClga Whon down town moot your frion'ds at GEO. M. CONWAY'S 1349 O STIIKET The only ezolaslro cigar and tobacco itora In tho city WAITERS' BUREAU W,,D. GRANT, Manager First cliwa Bor.flco crunranteod at all re coptlons, parties, eolation; and haniuoU. For Information ring up Autoplicme 3383 120 No. lOUi St. FOUNTAIN PFNSi I8r I WwH I fl 111 I Isa 1 1 W ja Rnopnl nrlrpa fr & k LWViUl iy4iVVW wv ww B Students- 1$2,00 Pens $.50 I $1.50 1...$l.00 g RECTOR 1220 oS H.W. BROWN Drug & Book Co. University Text Books, Drawing Instruments, Drawing Paper, ! Tracing Cloth, Cross Section and Profile papers, and other Engineer's Supplies. Waterman Fountain Pens. 127 South llth Str. L -i -7 " X -1 "-N 1 "! I f : 1 . m . V' , -dw AA'fci - 1 'i" -y .iV - ' . A ftJl ,' L-ajyyjjfe,;. ". J f.