The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 20, 1906, Image 3
mar pJBRWP? ihyjTlf ",. rff?l3!t-H. - 4fc THE DAiLY NEBRASKAN. VjP" IT g)i()(! l r If It It BUSINESS DIRECTORY ! Kvory Loral University Student U I ( arrd to jiatroalae then Mbrau- j kn advertisers, and to mentlea It b paper wuue aaing so. i I i jnLauiiiiftiaiiiiuiilfauiijatj,.iJti.jJjJj.. BARBER SHOPS Arlsto, Green's Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL GHleflplo. BANKS Columbia National, Flrsf Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAFE Sam Westorfleld, Don Cam eron. CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson." CATERER "Tommy," at Miller & Paine's Fountain. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conway, Erwin & Perkins. CLEANERS AND DYERS J. C. Wood & Co. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma goe & Deemer, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whitebroaat. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Poi sons. DISEASES OF DYE, EAR AND t THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol shelmer, Rudge & Guenzel. DRVGGISTS Riggs, Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapln BroB. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HOTELS Lindoll. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, HalletL LAUNDRIES Yule Bros NOVELTY MACHINISTThorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. PRINTING New Century, King & Jessup, Greer Cooper Co., George Bros. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per . kins. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. JPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. BAILORS Unland, Union Collego Tailors, LudwJg. i TYPEWRITERS Underwood Typo 's writer Co. 'YPEWRITING J. W. BrewBter. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wei- rard. .WAITERS' BUREAU Grant What's a dance without Tommy? w 3m KTivr 5 rjT.I Thos. W. Colemaa, better known, an "Tstmmir ' LI1II.K M. ,tn.l. iAUUiuijf ml VTVIIIWI v m CLASSIFIED COLUMN 'AH advertisements In this column must be paid for in advance. Ilato one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. BATHS. CHRIS' BATH - HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-saline, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. SUITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. CMJH RATIOS Three suits and O'coaC cleaned and pressed, $1 per month. El liott's. 113C O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FADER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel, Nor 11th St. Baggago and parcels. DENTI3T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. DK. II. A. SHANNON, 1138 O. Auto. 2S23; Boll. 212C. OSTEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. '99. Burlington Block. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and Rents tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER. JEWELER Deloss Smith, watch maker and Jeweler, 138 So. 12th St. Low rates to students. HOLD MASS MEETING. Badgers Have "Jolly Up" for Debating Team Before the Great Debate. "Interest in the Nebraska-Wisconsin debate Friday night is coming to a climax. A mass meeting will be called tomorrow night nt 7;30 o'clock at Library Hall and prominent alumni, professors and debaters will deliver addresses. Efforts are now being made to secure the University bond and Gleo Clubs. Professor R. L. Ly man will preside." 'Che above was'tnken from the Wis consin Cardinal and shows how they aro preparing for Nebraska. It has been and is quite evident that Wiscon sin is doing all within hojr power to defeat Nebraska tonight. Theirteam has been given dally foronslc fencing by Mr. Michael B. Olbrlck, Prof. R. L. Lyman and Grovor G. Huebner. Noth ing has been left undone and if No braska wins tonight she wins against the strongest debaters Wisconsin has ever had In the field. DELTA TAU WINS FROM BETA. Much Interest Shown in Inter-Frat Baseball Large Crowd Out. Delta Tnu Dolta won a close game from their old rlvnls, Beta Thota PI by a score .of 7 to 4. Much Interest was taken In tho game yesterday, as Delta Tau was the old champion and Beta tho runner up. Tho game was evenly played -and thoresult shows tho comparative strength of-tho teams about as it should be. "Fat" Stratton llmplrod the game- Tho line-up was as.folldws: Beta. Delta Tau. Wyman c" Carroll Bell, D p ......... .Jennings Raber..... ss ..... ...Wilson, D. Browne 1st McLaughlin McCrao 2d Little Clark 3d Denslow Pratt If Learner Bell, P cf Drain Murphy rf Wilson Cheered Debaters Up. Madison, Wis., April 18 The Uni' verslty of Wisconsin students held a great mass meeting tonight to givo the Madison debaters enthuslnsm for their contest with the Nebraska debating team on Friday night. Members of tho faculty and several student orators spoke in encouraging terms. -Nearly 2,000 were present. TlS April 20. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Nebraska-Wisconsin dobatc. Madi son, Wis. April 24. Competitive drill. Stato Farm. Senior men meet. U. 10G at 11 a. m. April 26. Ass'jclated Barbs nominate Athletic Board ticket. Memorial Hall. April 27. Agriculture Commence- School ment. of April 28. Senior party at Stato Farm. May 4. B Company Hop. Fraternity Hall. May 5. "Junior Doings." Stato Farm, the evening. In May 21-22. Theodore Thomas Orchestra Audi torium. May 24. College of Medicine Commencement. Omaha. May 25. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment. June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 11. Senior Play. Oliver Theater. June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Convocation Program. Friday, April 20 Music. Monday, April 23 Dr. H. B. Lowroy, "Stephen Phillips." Wednesday, April 25 Prof. E. A. Rosa, "Political Decay." An interpre tation. Friday, April 27 Music. Monday, April 30 Mr. Daniel Ford, "PInero." 1 BAKER BROS MQRSvme COMPANY HARKERBLSCKs OMATTA "--- ju. ,"i ry jlx jl. v1 Artistic Photography Ogpo I ! nooooo(X)ororKXxcvxxxxxxxxoooooooo il ICE CREAM )-rr Baked Goods 8 lCES,., mi 9. uknm mi ' vJonfections X ;r . .j You are not well dressed unless you have one of UN LAND'S NEW STETSONS We have other kinds of hats, too, that will suit you in every way. Re member the place .... U N L A N D ' S New Century Printers 1841-N BTBEET-iliU Especially solicits tho trado of thoso who wish it well printed. "Robert Burns," the Leading 10c Clga Wbea down town moot your frionds at GEO. M. CONWAY'S 1443 O STREET The only exclusive olgar nnd tobacco itoro in tho city WAITERS' BUREAU XV. D. Git ANT, Manager . First clivw Horvlco cunrAntoed at all re. cojitlom, parties, eolations and banquets. For information ring up Autoptione 2383 ISO No. ItHls St. fUUMAINITOl g Special prices to B ifA Sitriirlw c W Jftt $150 .$1,001 I RECTOR 12200 1 Tin Kind t'jnt PJeate ...Kennedy STUDIO . 130 SO. TWELFTH $ vM -1-. 3