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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
wErljpKirlirrssn W- F jj vri" " , 7V 'jvvT ''. ? - T - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. - " ? i Zbc Daily Ucbraskan A 'consolidation of The Ilcnpcrlan, Vol. ?1, The Nobrankan, Vol. 10, Scarlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hcsporlan I'ubllsh Ing Co. Entered as second class matter, March 14, 11)00, at the Post Office at Lincoln, Nob., under the Act of Con gress, March 3, 1879. Board of Directors. O. V. P. BtouL Laurence Fosslor. DwlRht Cramer. II. P. Lcavltt. A. 0. Schrolbcr. Manager Fred Naughton Circulation W. E. Standovon Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone.. ......Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, $2 er year In advance Again politics begins to hum and those Interested uro gathering around tho official kettle waiting for u hand out. On May 10th the student mem bers of tho Athletic Board will be elected Tor tho ensuing year. Nearly every student remembers tho election of lust year, and how the cry of cor ruption In Unlvorslty politics went up after tho olectlon. Wo do not wish to say anything about this "so-termed corruption," but there Is another mat ter of more vital Importance. Lust year both 'factions placed In tho field very capable men. Men who were broad In their views, and who could not be Influenced by trifling jealousies. The result was that n good bunch of student members wore elected. This year It should be urged that tho utmos't care bo exercised In putting up men who are most capable of handling tho work they would be called upon to undertake. These men should bo ones of mature judgment and absolutely without any prejudices ugnlnBt nny porson or any matter ex cept bucIi prejudices be justifiable. that tho remaining weeks of this year would be mado tho most profitable of his college life. Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores, wake up and givo signs of life. Are you going to let a first year man sot nn example that you should bo setting? It seems as though the Seniors generally feel that they have worked hard for seven seniostors and that the last should be a period of relaxation and good fellowship. But there Is ns much for the ..Seniors to do in his last semester as In tho first. Tho Idea that a "sheepskin" Is soon to bo forthcoming does not signify that tho race Is run and that your future is to bo over a broad and golden path. Not only does this apply to tho ScnTor, but also to tho entire student body The four yeai's of University life are, without a doubt, the happiest of a life time, yet they should be tho most profitable. To those just beginning let us urge that you appreciate your surroundings and make the., best of them, and to those in the midst of your course and just finishing, tnko a braco and concentrate your best ef forts along the most beneficial lines of work. STUDENTS' DEBATING CLUB. Preliminaries Held Saturday, April 21. Teams Will Be Chosen. Saturday night, April 21st, in Union Hull, there will be held the prelimi naries for the intercollegiate debates. Eight men ; six speakers and two alter nates, will bo chosen to represent the Student.' Debating Club in their an nual foienslc contests, which this year will he with the Dialectic Debating Club of Weslcyun University and the Alpha Omega Debating Club of Doane College. Any member of the club is eligible to participate In the preliminaries. Any student not yet a member of tho club may arrange to enter tho try-outs on application to tho secretary of -tho club. Competent judges have been chosen and all will bo given fair play. OOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXDCOOCKXXXDCOCXDCOCODOOCOCKXXXXXX), BAND INFORVVALJ Q tvyemoriAl HALL 8 8 SATURDAY, APRIL :28 8 NINE F. m. - X Q S Fgo& Orchestrar, Tickets SOc TljeTo are plenty such men In school and it only rests with the two factions to select them. As tho nice spring weather manifests itself there is a general tendency among tho students in the University toward "Bluffing." They can not bo censured so severely for this, either, for tho flno spring weather we have been having hns been very conducive to recreation and rest. But the stu dents should shako oft any weather disease that may be bothering them, and keep earnestly at work. Lot tho next two months bo two of the busiest months of your school life. A Prcshman was heard to resolve Tho question for debate is the Hep-burn-TIHman rato bill, and roads as follows: Resolved, That tho railroad rato bill as parsed by the house of representatives on Jnjiuary 20 should become u law. The date" of tho intercolleglato de bates has not been permanently de cided o"n yet, but in all probability will bo In the latter part of May. Both of tho other clubs have strong repu tations for debating and a lively con test is expected. Tho Alpha Omegas locked h6rus In forensic work with tho Students' Debating Club la,st year and the "Students" won by only a small margin. Time to bo thinking about pennants. You "will bo pleased with ours at tho Uni. Book Store. Young Men's Sack Suits At $15 A minute's examination of the materials and workman ship of these suits will con vince you that you never saw their equal at the price we ask. There is an'exceptionally big assortment of fine worsteds in "Smart" English plaids, stripes and mixtures. Also, blue serges and black tweeds. There are both ex treme and conservative stlyes in single and double breasted sacks. These suits are really worth Twenty Dol lars; at this store only $ 5 Jilt $plS '(cr A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers In the World of Official Athletic Supplies BASE BALL LAWN TENNIS FOOT BALL -M ARCHERY ROQUE, GOLF QUOITS CRICKET LACROSSE CROQUET IMPLEMENTS FOlt ALL Sl'OIlTS Spalding's, Official Base Ba Guide for 1905. Edited by Henry Chad wick. TJie most complete and up-to date book ever published on tho subject. Fully illustrated Price 10 Cents. Spalding's Official League For over a quarter of n uun la uiu uuupiuu uau of tho National Leagife, and must be used in all match games. Every requisite for Lawn Tennis and Golf. Spalding's Trade-Mark on your Athletic Implement gives you an advantage over tho other play er, as you have a bettor article, lasts longer, gives more satisfaction. Every Base Ball Manager should send at once for a copy of Spalding's Spring and Summer Catalogue Free. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. I Now York, Chicago, Kansas City. Denver, St. Louis, New Orleans KWtt century Spalding's Trade Mitrk .on Base Ball im plements has marked the advancement of this particular sport. GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. 'Of. ' BOTH PHONES. . 1044 O STREET 4 Nl 1 Pn . , ij ;? ,.-. rvftnV y., . ? .? ;'."Jm;j i.t,j, .. v r V? i I r. - . . .... i.tofVw-t