rrwfJ-)(WW-jr"' rt"" ff;"jB "iymJt T"?'yjff) & Ttyt- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. J tfv 1 ' Sam Wester field Proprietor o! Sam's Cafe 117-121 H. 13th Little Gem Hot Waffles "Sam's Cozy Corners" EASTER OXFORDS ROGERS $ PERKINS CO. 1129 0 Street tVv fTpp nn W PEOPLE it it it it it it it it i it it it it realize that the proper fitting of glasses should never Be guessed at. We have a skilled optician who is competent to ex amine your eyes and supply the needfuTglasaeo. n it H H H H it it if it l H it it H it. Halloft, -1143 0 JEWELER -OPTICIAN )p3fJC)y()(J(()(C)(()f()fCi())()f( C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. SamM. S. Shcan .vOPTICIAN.:. 1123 O STREET Your Patron ago Solicited QUALITY OUR SODA TASTES LIKE MORS Biggs, The Drug Cutter 1321 O St. DON'S CAFE 1t4 S9. 11 J. Wifchl, Htr Ullit' Dlilng Rotin In Gomiectloi OPBM 6 A. MTO t A. M. rJfiMaVY"aA I Wt Vlt tf ,bsbbbB .BLLLw.jBBBBBSBmf fWISE 'r --- -- - - OaSTSSgO Bat at tho Uni. Music Cafo. Wlrlck 1036 O Traveler's needs. Prltlc Goorc Brs.. 13tk Jk N. Ohapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. Tho Lincoln Local Express, 1343 O St Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Rlokivrda Mk Fine stationery for fine people nt tho Unl. Book Store. Typewriting, J. W. Browstor, Rich ards Blk. Bast 10 and 15 cent meals In tho city. The Phoenix: Fine Btntioncry for fine people at tho Unl. Book Store. Don Cameron's now lunch counter; quick service 119 So. 12th St. Nothing more dainty than those ice cream cones. On sale at the Co-op. Have you seen our new spoons? The University Book Store. Nothing more da'nty than those Jcc cream cones. On sale nt tho Co-op. Have you scon the new effects pro duced In photography by Townsend- Nothlng more dainty than those lec cream cones. On sale at the Coop. Union Shlnlne Parlor Shlme. flr conts; chairs for ladies. 1018 O St. Nothing more dainty than those ico cream cones. On sale at the Co-op. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag Cage, 1125 P St. Bell 550, Auto 1550. Nothing moredainty than those ice cream cones. On sale at tho Co-op. Dr. Woodward, diseases f the eye, ear, nbso and throat Richards block. Time to-be thinking about pennants. You will bo pleased with ours at the Uni. Book Store. Carbon etchings by Townsoud are portraits that speak for themselves Studio, 226 South Eleventh street. Time to bo thinking about pennants. You will bo pleasod with ours at tho Uni. Book Store. Townscnd's reputation for artistic photography In known throughout the state. Studio. 226 South Eleventh S. A picture of : group Is one thin? and a group-portrait another. Town send makes the latter. Studio, 22G South Eleventh street. Tho Sonhomoro meeting, to havo been hold this morning, Has been- postponed on account of the special convocation. This is tho season everybody sltn for portraits. See what Townsend is producing amL make appointment for your sitting. Studio, ,.220 South 11th street. - " - Don'L forgot that May 5th Is the time set apart for tho May morning break fast given by tho Y. W. C. A. Watch tho papers for further notices. Don't you wish you had some of "them" strawberries row? Notice. Men of Sonlo class, Law and Aca demic departments, meet Tuesday in U. 207 to decide ns to the wearing of cap and gown at Commencement. Pedagogical Club. Tho University Pedagogical Club will meet in room 212, Thursday even ing, April 19, at 7:30 p. ni. The exor cises will consist of a number of short addresses by different professors, among whom arc Professors Barber, Caldwell, Fosslor, Stuff and French. TIiIb Is to bo an open meeting of the Club, and all students interested' in the profession of teaching are cordial ly Invited. ULLNJ April 20. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Nebraska-Wisconsin dobato. Madi son, Wis. Students' Debating Club. Saturday evening there will be a debate In Union Hall on the question of railroad rate regulation now before congress. Tho speakers are thorough ly prepared on the subject, ns judges will be present to determine the rep resentatives who are to meet Wes leyan and Doano In our annual debate. Everyone is cordially Invited. Flno stationery for fine people at the Uni. Book Store. How to Attract and Hold an Audience T7VERY teacher, every clergyman, every -' lawyer, every man or woman or youth who la likely ever to bave occasion in commit tee, or In public, to enlist the interest of one or more hearers, and convinct them every poi son who ever has to, or Is likely to have to " speak " to one or more listeners will Pud In our new book a clear, cancoc,"eotnffU hand book which will enable him to tueutdl raics-$X.OO Postpaid-CLGTH HINDS & NOBLB. Publisher 31-J3.35 West 18th Street, N. Y. City SchocUctkt .alt fu&lithert nt en tlcrt Wa hava always bien known as lha STUDENTS LAUNDRY Wa want your business. VULK IinOS. HARD LAUNDRY 3U O Street. Auto 2704, OtU 574 QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXX C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To tho American Colleges and Univer sities. Class contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prices. WE KNOW HOWTO FRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPER CO.. -1134 O STREET. r iiaxsr Tnltc Your Clothes uuil go to j J. C. WOOD & CO. Successors to Soukuj) & Wood , Expert Cleaners and Dyers llell Telephone 147. Ante ISOIi SSWSMSMWBMSMSSMMMMBSMIII 111 I Hi Ml.', kwana FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 3300,000.00 Surplus mid profits 8'iOO,00O.U() Deposits 83,030,000,00 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK $ 5 OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 8 JCAPltAl "- $100,000.00 cpi1" ie pnpT rJp"'Fr"r'"rw1' OLIVER THEATRE NAT M. WILL8 -In (( THE DUKE OF DULUTH" Prices $1.00 75c, 50c, & 25c. FRIDAY NIGHT, APRIL 20. JAMES L. HACKETT Presents "THE LITTLE GRAY LADY" . Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. SAT. MAT. AND EVE., APRIL 21. THE HOMESPUN HEART Popular Prices. Style 0647 No. 0647. Patent Kid Vamp. Dull kid top, fug welt sole, Stylo 0G47. Sizes 2 to 9, AA to E $4.00 No. 064S. Hanan's Patent Colt Dull kid top, welt solo, Elite toe, Stylo 0649, page 10. Sizes 2 to 9, AA to E. .5.00 MsN'5 See Our fWfiwsttfO iii:jY,i,o. VYIUUUWd t3-O'snrsr. Lincoln, Neb. THE NEW GRAYS Decidedly gray is t;he favorite color in Spring Suits. If not gray, then blue. We have plenty of- both. $15 to $30 "Kensington", SuitsHEKey fit. Magee&Beemer 1109 O A Clnpeco Shrank ?narter he ARROW 15 Cents eacb, 2 lor.25 Cents CLUETT. PEABODY & CO. Maktrt of Clueti andMonanh Shirts. UBBSBBMBi bbbbbbbbbbbsbkW lUSr jgAaaWssMsssMsWIEflf" asBsasn M aa lArclay IL,JI....y laBBBBBBBBBBBBaPr ll aHslilsl5 .n VA v 1 fcWWUHWJ-'i-a-t" H"f!u ' - Tli n-mv n..i .. i, i V" waw 1