The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 19, 1906, Image 1

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TIbe 5)af t IFlebraehan
Vol.V. No.J02.
Price 5 Cents
. r-
Test New Rules in Game With
Doane on April 27th Large
Sqiud Reports.
Once more the pigskin is seen up
on the athletic field and the padded
warriors are doing some miff spring
practice. The sweat simply rolls on?
them as they practice punting and
catching tho ball, bill the men do not
seem to mind this, for they are out In
largo numbers and willing to do most
any kind of football work to give the
rules a thorough test.
When Manager Morrison and Cap
tain Mason issued tho call a week ago
, but few thought that they would be
able to arouse sufficient enthusiasm to
getrout a corporal's guard. Tho agi
tation of tho pajt few months seems
to have had little effect upon the
spirits of the football men. Seven of
tho twenty men who were out last
night are old "N" men, and tho ma
jority of the rest are second team
men or substitutes. ;
The practice will be short, as the
game Is to be played one week from
Saturday, April 28th, on the Athletic
field. Doane and .Nebraska will line
up against each other and the new
rules will be given a thorough tost In
every department of tho game. Coach
Fuhrer of Doano has boon giving his
men a very stiff course of training for
spring practice, and It Is his hope to
hold Nebraska- down to -a closo score.
Tho Doane -players have always been
a gopd bunch of scrappers, and If
they, exhibit the same old spirit this
year there Is sure to bo "something
dolh' " tfn tho 2Sth.
Captain Mason and Cotton, the var
Blty tackle, arc working with the Ne
braska men In order" to bring them
Into good shape as soon as possible.
The most serious question will be the
line-up proposition. It Is very hard
to placo a man at" anj; position without
first giving him a thorough trial. Tho
hack field will likely be as follows:
Fullback. Captain Mason; halfbacks,
Schmidt, Little; quarterback Drain
or Benedict. For the line positions
there are such men a.s Taylor, Rice,
Porrln, Harvey, Cotton, Denslow, Lun
din. and McDonald. Drain will, InjtU
probability do the punting.
Tho men who reported forjmictlco
lastnlght nro: Drnir., Branson, Lun
din, Rice, Grunden, Benedict, Over
man, Byrno, Cotton, Mntti3on, Rickey,
Flannlgan, Harvey, 'Pc-rrln, Little.
Schmidt, Lamb, Frazler, and Captain
Name of Honorary Fraternity for De
baters Interstate Teams Eligible, v
, A meeting was held at tho .Hotel
Victoria Chicago, last Friday, to or
ganlzo an inter-colleglato association
for debaters. Representatives from
olght of the leading universities of
'the mlddlo wost wero present: Pro
fessors Adams of Illinois, Trueblood of
Michigan. McDermott of Minnesota,
O. R
Walt's full orchestra.
French of Nebraska, and Kellogg of
Northwestern, and Messrs. Barker of
Chicago, Files of Iowa and Loeb of
Professor Trueblood of Michigan
was chosen chairman. An Informal
discussion followed on- the character
and aims of the association. It was
pointed out that students frequently
lost nn opportunity to join Phi Bete
Kappa or Sigma Chi because of their
devotion to- debating and oratorical
work. It seemed eminently fitting
that an Association should bo formed
to show proper honor to work of this
kind. Committees on constitution and
a badge for tho society were appointed,
to report at an adjourned meeting In
the afternoon. The committee on. con
stitution, consisting of Professors Mc
Dermott, French and Adams and
Messrs. Barker and Loeb, by working
diligently up to the time for tho after
noon session, without oven stopping
for lunch, succeeded In drafting a
constitution which was accepted with
out Important modification. Tho name
of tho society provisionally idppted
is Delta Sigma Rho. Tho society Is
to consist of chapters already formed.
or to be formed In tho several univer
sities represented, and In such other
universities and colleges as may be
from time to time admitted. AH stu
dents who have served as authorized
representatives of their college In any
Intcr-colleglate contest In debate or
oratory shall be eligible to member
ship In the local chapter. 'The-members
of the local chapter thereby be
como members of the general society.
Tho affairs of the society are to be
managed by. a council consisting of
ono representative cliosen. by each
chapter. Until tho council shall" bo
organized tho representative from
Minnesota shall seuvo as .general sec
rotary. The committee on badge wore not J
Varsity, vs. Western League Bryanltes
1 1
Tickets $2,50
able In the brief time at their disposal
to fix upon a design, but it was tho
general sentiment of tho conference
that a badge should be chosen.
Select Their
Ticket Next Thursday.
President Meyers of tho Associated
Barbs announces a meeting of the
Barb Association at chapel time next
Thursday to select a ticket for tho
Athletic Board. Five non-fraternity
men will be placed In the field and ar
rangements for the coming campaign
for the election of student members of
the University Athletic Board will bo
Tho organization known as tho As
sociated1 Barbs was organized among
tho hon-ffatornlty men of tho Univers
ity two years ago. Since Its organiza
tion the fight over control of tho Ath
letic Board haa vaxed warm and tho
honors between tho barbs and tho frats
has beoiOibout even. Two years ago
tho barbB elected the full quoto of stu
dent membors. Last year the election
was virtually a victory for the frata,
though the barbs succeeded In electing
one of the five members. The barb3
are entering Into the fight with a de
termination again this year and It is
expected that tho race ylll prove as
exciting as last year.
The experiment tried by tho barb3
last year of nominating a ticket repre
senting both the barbs and frats will,
It is said, be abandoned this year.
Loading -barbi say that though the ex
periment was entered Into with the
best of faith It did not prove satisfac
tory, and will not bo tried again this
year. A straight non-fraternity will
probably bo put In tho field.
Time to be thinking about pennants.
You will bo plensed with ours at tho
Unl. Book Store.
Will Arrive at the Home of the Bad
gers Lato Thursday Night Mr.
Waldron Accompanies Team.
Tho debating team, consisting of C.
A. Sunderlln, A. C. Hough and E. M.
Marvin, left Wednesday ovonlng over
tho Burlington for Madison, whero it
will meet the University of Wisconsin.
In debate tomorrow night. C. L. Wal
dron, secretaiy of tho Dobatlng Asso
ciation last year, accompanied tho
team, Professor Fogg bolng unablo to
got away. Tho team will probably
nrrlvo at the homo of tho Badgers
somo time this afternoon or evening.
Up to tho time of tho d'eparturo of
the fprenslc warriors no Judges had
been chosen and unless a trio dan be
got together during tho two days re
maining, the battle will bo waged
without official umpires, In which case
It will bo a very difficult matter to de
termine which school wins.
The question of Judges has been a
perplexing ono from the very first
Although two sets of nominations
some forty-two names In all have
boon exchanged by tho two Institu
tions, no agreement was reached until
a few days ago, when Governor Cum
mlngs of Iowa and Hon. Frod Howe
of Cleveland were chosen, neither of
whom was able to sorvo. This news,
coming as it. did so lato in the weok;
loaves the debating boards of the two
institutions at sea as to what course
to pursue. It Is hoped, however, that
tho matter will be adjusted boforo tho
debaters arrive in Madison, or, at the
latest, In time to provide judges-for
tho battle Friday evening.
Philosophical Association.
Tho Western Philosophical Associa
tion, which met with Nebraska last
year, hold Its annual meeting last
week with tho University of Wisconi
sin. Professor F. C. French, tho vice-
president of the Association, repre
sented' tho department of Philosophy
of this University. Tho principal ad
dress of the meeting was an eminent
ly scholarly ono, by the president, Pro--fessor
J.' H. Tufts, of tho "University
of Chicago. His subject was "Some
Contributions of Psychology to tho
Conception of Justice," .Tho now
president chosen for next year Is Dr.
W. D. Pillsbury, professor of Psychol
ogy in tho University of Michigan, a
graduate of Nebraska In tho class of
A meeting of thoNorth Central sec
tion of tho American Psychological
Association was held in conjunction
with that of the Philosophical Asso
ciation. Somo fourteen or fifteen col
leges and universities of the middle
West wejre represented at tho Joint
Fraternity Games.
Games. W. L. P.C.
Delta Upsllon.... 110 1000
Alpha Theta Chi. 1 1 - -'1000
Phi Gamma Delta 1 1 0 1000
Alpha Tau Omega 1 ' 0 1 " .000
Beta Theta Pi... 1 0 1 .000
Sigma Chi 1 0 1 .000
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