Tt$7tt!f!!$fi&4wiFyF, A I . .if St " ... ..? . -ft .V THE D. d w' La - M W i V ? . w4 - r1 w 4 J Si ffr.J k K K IV i y ? t 36 & '; Sam Wester field Proprietor ot Sam's Cafe 117-121 H. I3lh Little Gem Hot Waffles "Sam's Cozy Corners" EASTER OXEORDS ROGERS & PERKINS CO. 1129 0 Street How to , Attract and Hold "an Audience TtVeRY teacfier, rery clergyman, every -" lawyer, .trery man or woman or youth who Is likely ever to have occumoci In commit tee, or IrTpubllc, to enlist the interest of one or more heat era, and convitcr thein every A:i ' win who ever has to, or is likely to have to "sptak" to one or more listen ra will Cud In our ne.v book a clear, concise, tamlet hand book wtll cuabto him to tuccttdl rRicx-$x.oo Postpaid-cxoTu HINDS & NODLB. Publishers JlOJ-35 Wet 15th Street, N. Y. City Schtclbks f all fublithtrt if ont itan QUALITY OUR 80DA TA8TE8 LIKE MORE Rlggs, Tbi Drug Cutter US (J 1321 6 St. a I "Robert Burns ," the Leading I OcCIgi When down town moot .your friends jU t3EO. M. CONWAY'S i O 8TREBT Tfe only e-xolaalvo cigar and tobacco atoro in Uio city THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO "lia UnltrenUy year 1 dl.Uc.l Inlufaur Quitter. Winter. Spriac, Satamer, nd Autumn, Admltitoa U Rranteil at the opealac Jtnuuy aJ. April ad, June Kith, and October m. Gradual Instiuctlon It offered In the Graduate Scltooh or Atti aad Uteriturti and lu the Ogden (Graduate) School of Sciatica. rWeulorUl Instruction l offered In the IMlulty School, tfcetair School, Ruth Medical Collceo- (affiliated), and the Sdiool of Education. 8jimmef Quarter lJo. June 6-Sr)tereber t. I'lrttTetmi Jiiaa i$-Juljr Cf Second Termuly a7-Aucut jt, Ueghtra. UAi la pvaaHted for the entire quarter or for 'either trriu. I'uM and Tabular, crtdlt I uUea for work done, Seclal cowtea are offered fdr teacherc. Par Information addreta K THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO - ILLINOIS (c&SSSLyi7BSSSSS I;jSJBBHra2jBBBBB KaranlfiBBBBBB v' jBtTssBBBsj OSTlSiGEj Eat at tho Unl. Music Cafo. Wirick 1030 O Traveler's needs. Printing Oeorgs Brsa.. 13tk & N. Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Typewriting, J. W.- Brewster, Rich ards Blk. Best 10 and IS rent meals In the city. The Phoenix. Don Cameron's now lunch counter; quick Horvlco. 119 So. 12th St. Have you seen the new effects pro duced In photography by Townsend- A complete English Dictionary for $5.00 at tho University Book Store. Union Shining Parlor Shlno, firs oonts; chairs for ladles. 1018 O St. Forhes Stables, Hrory, cab and bag gage, 1125 P St. Bell 550, Auto 1550. Dr. Woodward, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Richards block. When you como back bring enough money to buy that now spring suit from Ludwlg. Going home for vacation? Take homo a souvenir of tho University. Somethlug new at tho-Unl. Book Store. You ought to take home a souvenir of the University to tho folks. They will appreciate It. Get It at the Uni versity Book Store. Track Men Meet. Dr. Clapp met with the track men yesterday, April 10, at chapol tlmo and urgod them to adhere strictly to train ing rules, especially in eating and sleeping. Every man should get out if ppsslblo every day and those who stay In Lincoln during vacation will meet on the track field as usual at 4 p. m. Tho authorities have promised tohave the heating apparatus in run ning order before school takes up again. Tho difficulty in tho past has been that In order to heat water for tluTatnletlc department It was neces sary to heat tho entire plant, but Mr. Fee is installing an individual steam pipe which will work independently of tho main plant. 'so that In the fu ture thero will beJiot wator to burn In Jack Best's department. Engineering Notes. The class in Field Geology, under the leadership or Professor. Condra. will imiko a tour of the lower Platte country wltha view 10 studying the structure of cue rocks In that region Tho will muko traclngs-of tho differ ent beds of rock and will visit the quarries In tho region. A complete camping outfit will bo tajf.on along, in cluding tent3, stoveB, etc., and the bovs will cet a taste of real camn life -They will bo gone tho remainder of this weok. Charles E. Downton bf the Wedllng house Electric company gaveji lantern slide lecture to the Engineering stu dents on Monday aftornoon. Ho was hero in tho interests of his company and Is Interesting the boys In their collego apprenticeship courses, Their course is much like that outlined a few weeks ago for tho Alls-Chalmers company. Mr. DpWnton stated that tho boys who wont io his company from Nebraska last year are all doing well and ho hoped to get as many as possible to go this year. He expressed tho bollof that the boys from thb. Western schools wore much betjr than those from tho Eastern schools?. He said thero was no marked differ ence In the training or ability of tl0 two, but the Westerner's push un'd energy nmdef him get Ulong faster than tho n.oro easy-going Easterner. Chus, P. Craft, 03,-wA8 a campus Visitor yesterday. , wATED Evory tlser or prospec flvA"u8er of n typewriter to have ft frco trial of tho VISIBLE Underwdod. .Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phone No. 348. Y& No. lllh St. C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To tho Amorican Colleges and Unlver ilttci. Class contracts a specialty. Rel labia materials. Reasonable pries. w? GEORGE A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUpCR Kathuntea furnished upon npjrilcnU n. Job work promptly Attonclo-l in 339 Sculk Tenlh. MM J m T.J.TH0RP&C0. Rubber Slamis, SUncllt, Seals, Trad Checks, Keys Lock Smithing, General M&chlns Works, Mbsei Makers, Etc. 301 Si, llti, LINCOLN ALLEQRETTI AND OWNEY'8 GHOCOLATE8 AT RECTORS 12th AND O OCXXX)OOCOOCOCOOOCOCOOOOCO SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS 0 ELECTRIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BARBED SHOP, 1206 0 STREET, BUM UOCK -XXXODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ R. H. GILLESPIE Bookbinder , JB24 0-Strasr T : Uicoli, Mr, !booooooooCrOOcobocooooqibo jjjajjjjgaBBSCSSESSBi 113 LsmJsBBBsr MKbiBbbbbbbbbb! Dawson's Aqtia Pura Bdtix House Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Saline, (Salt (How. Hot arid Cold Batte New iid Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627:- Jas. T. Dawsonr, Prop. . Qorner i)thanctAf JjblSfh pPATTQ. When in need of i WHITEBFJEAST GOMPAN, Wp.wui t Office 1106 Q.. .. .h . i "F . i .'. ....:.'... BTsBtsBtssfssTlitsBTH What's a dance without Tommy? ; , . n Thos. W. Coleman, better knowjuas. "Tommy," at Miller A. faint's. ,in, s, The Ensign Omnibus OC25SVCOOCCSyS;1 and Transfer Co. yyyNA.ryvvJNAyvyvvNAAAA will call and got your trunks and $ take them to any depot; or will move them to any part of tho city- will call and get your checks without extra charge and deliver ; your baggago. We furnish hack? , nny time day or night. Our offlc' Is never closed-. Fine carriages for funerals a specialty. Both phouCB DR. JOHN J. PAL1& Gfidiiti Rflfractionlst AJD OPTICIAN ' iaaa o St., tiKcoLN W 28. Jtifi. rUlt, ftfflco 3821; Rtl. Ml CXXXXXXXXXXX)OCXDOOOOCOOOr Nrvr-vr-virr-vv-yv,irv,rvvvvr LUNCHEON jCtALfflES 0. J. KING & m nan at' uwrnur OC)CCXDX30Cki6oCOC WAiTERS,' BUREAU " tvD'r'oiiATMalnoBet Pirat cliw aorvlco Ruaranteod. at allTS aAntinnsl. finrtlfta- .nnlittlrtna tirltiiriniti ,Vr.ajoru.ionr,nSjujv , S-7r J V ''VV -ww,,.ww uu .. AMtOllBOBe 3S3 ISO tto. lOtU ' L. M. bbbbbbbmIbQsbbbVvbbbbbbI BBBBBSIKBfSliM'txiBBBBBBBl IvHjMIkM' '-4JsBBBBBBsl BBBBBBBBBBBBBE9sBKifi&4.'SSBBBBBBBBBB ISBBBBBBBBBBff w nvTKMc'aRC'uBSB ksBBBssw '. : te&v&JtiBBztM SBSSSSBST " 5t .flBPtiaFa3MBBBSBSBBBBl -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBstL : coLtiMtilA National bank V OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA g ; CAPITAL - $100i000i00i I - ' , v f VsT . K lwcJil!?L-"' f LF nBBf' 2i If Sf SiSf SfSi sTm SI Sf WTk Aft'it w it A Sf Si Sf "h A A "A t rKJPran.FrK9irr4rtaaFF7rSrraa llQsflliSO Hi IftiMri $Mh ' i COAL" call and see the 1 m r. l treat you right Phbaesj Bell 234; AutoliSioJ.) :j ft H VI 8 A 1 ' if 4 -i.,.V- j- 4r- . -4a-..M-.-1 i.