The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1906, Image 1

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Vol.V. No. JO J.
Pf ice 5 Cents
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'The Junior Class Accept It After
Very Le.ngthy Discussion Affi
davit Presented by Chairman.
Following 1b the cssentinls of tho re
port qf a committee appointed by
President Myers of tho Junior class to
investigate the expenses of tho Junior
Prom, as reported by tho chairman of
jthe'prom. Committee:
First We wish to commend the
Chairman on the great Bdccess of the
Prom, nnd tho general- satisfaction
jbhatMyaa voiced by its patrons. The
number of couples In attendance and
ihe ""treatment accorded them sur-
that of any provloua Junior
No complaints have been reg
wlth the committee on this
J Second Between tho officers of tho
class! ywho appointed tho committee
a,nd the committee Itself wo can find
no specific previous agreement or ar
rangement as to the division of the
frrofiW or losses of thc$ dance. The
chairman" was given' hb Instructions as
to the turnimyiover of such profits or
lsseVto the class, and there wore no
TOstrlctibns or rules, laid down by said
Qrocrjs( of tho cIbbs. Nolther was any
a$tldri takdn by tho claBs whereby the.
committee was instructed or restrict
ed in nny manner, elthor wero tho
lumber of complimentary tickets to
1$ Is3ued by tho chairman limited in
aiiy way by tho class. In view of tho
said facts in 'conducting tho dance, tho
chairman seems ln havo felt that ho
was simply to follow the precedents
of other Junior Promb given in previous-years
and in dealing with him tho
class should bear these facts in mind.
Onnhe other hand, wo find that it has
been customary Tor tho chairman of
bach party given by this particular
class to submit a report and turn-over
the proceeds to the class treasurer.
This has, in ,tno knowlod'go of the
dommltteo, been dono on two previous
..decagons. . - i
Third1 Two witnesses. have testified
tometnbcrs of tho committee that the
chairman told them tho morning after
the Prom that one hundred and six
(108 couples wore present. Tho4
.chairman now says that ho stated to
these men that about one hundred
(100) couples wero present, ho having
courted, .t,hem to, .ascertain tho num
ber,.TJjo. report, .submitted to tho
claslB shows that tho number of tickets
tkken'tint "tho door was eighty-nine
' ViA ' ' jt'.l .i.i .:t;n. .nVu,t
(ii) wero complimentary. The chair
man in making his report stated that
temmpre couples were, on the Moor
thW'ttie eighty-nine (&9) accounted
for in" Ke report and thai thoonly way.
taat hd cbiild account fdr them was
thit thoy 'must have "sneaked'' In.
TllatT ten fcO) men could sneak in
vfithout paying is readily accounted for
li1 that, 4he "ticket-taker wasvplacod At
ttfe dressing-room door to ro'colvc tho
; ttcketa. Tnls was done by Ihb chair
nlitn(voyer the protest of the .tlcket
tltertndi"ho c'diild hpt properly per
mKH M. m M Mf
form his duty at the drcsslrig-room
door. The chairman makes no defense,
simply stating that tho mistake was
his. Tho class is left to assume how
far his responsibility extends, but we
would, assume that if ten persons did
shoak In, It was the fault of poor man
agement on the part of tho chairman.
Fourth Tho twenty-eight (28) conv
pllmentary tickets were distributed as
follows :
Junior Prom. Commlttco 7
Kendall,, M. of C 4
Cornollus, M. of C 1
Exchanged with other dances. .'.... 7
Dally Nebraskan 1
' . 20
Making a total of twenty 20) tick
ets accounted for out of the twenty
eight (28) reported in the roport. The
chairman states that tho remaining
eight (8) tickets wero distributed to
his down-town friends and fraternity
brothers, whom he states would not
havo come otherwise on account of
lack of finances, and for this reason
he says it did not deduct, from the
otherwise gross receipts of tho dance.
Then, a total of ten (10) compllmen-
tatleB went to members of the commlt-
tee nnd for advertising, while eighteen
(18) went to tho chairman's friends
and fraternity brothers -and to pur-,
chase his admission to other dances;
It is lieyond the province or youY com
mittor to state whether the pbwors-of
complimentary giving was nb'usod to
tho disadvantage of those whb paid.
Fifth The repdrt contains an item
of twenty (20) dollars for refresh
ments. Two members of tbc-xommlt-teo
visited "Tommy" Coleman, tho
caterer for the dance, and asked what
had been his charge for the Junior
Prom. He replied eighteen (18) dol
lars. He was explicitly asked If this
included his own services and those
of his wife, and he answered emphatic
ally that it did. The next day ho was
asked for a written statement of tht
fact and he then said that ho bad on
tho previous occasion forgotten to in
elude his own services for two (2)
dollars, making the bill as pqr report
twenty (20) dollars. He alsoT stated
that ho had talked with tho chairman
In the meantime. The chairman,
when asked to explain this discrep
ancy, claimed that the two (2) dollars
difference was for extra punch. , The
committee Is at a loss to know why
tho explanation or the two. parties is
so diverse. . Also proof has been found
that this Caterer has cqnsldered It a
part of tho. plan oh other occasions of
University affairs togIve two bills for
the same occasion. Tho two differing
fro mtwo- (2) to. three (3) dollars In
amdunt, ,t he. object Is, of course, mere-
(Continued on page 2.)
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To Make Southern Trip During Vaca
tion Play the Jayhawkers
Two Games.
Tho Cornhusker hickory-stick manip
ulators left Lincoln this morning, April
.11, for tho southland, whore they will
spend their Easter vacation gamboling
on tho green. The initial game will bo
with Manhattan Agricultural today
and tomorrow Kansas University will
be donlt with for the first tlmo In n
baseball way since relations wore re
sumed. On Friday, tho 13th, a second
game will bo played at Lawrcnco nnd
on Saturday the soldiers from Fort
Riley will bo excused from drill long
enough to find out that Morso has
been feeding and watering his cubs
regularly and that thoy havo wiggled
the stick eoniG already this season. A
good day's rest on Sunday will put
tho bunch In shape to hand It to St.
Mary's on Monday In a way that will
mako them wish they had never been
Cnrr, Hyde, Nlllson, Morse, Dort,
Bar.ta, Rine, Denslow, Carroll, Cooke
and Bellamy will make the trip and
Morse saya It Is possible that ho will
do some outflclding besides his work
In the box.
Thoy have something besides books
to think about when thoy get back, too,
for the Bryanltos are laying for them
on tho 38th nnd 19th, nnd rumor has
it that the Nebraska Indiana are on
the warpath again nnd will bo aftor a
pair of varsity pcalpsvon tho 20th and
21st. "Ducky" Holmetfoxpocts to get
what Is loft of tho students! scnlps, if
the Indians leave any, and accordingly,
dii tho 24th and 25th, the fans will bo
served another square meal and It will
not bo soup served with a fork, either.
Tho 28th will find Eager leading hla
wlgglera toward tho rising sun for a
long selge
Visits Doane, Grand Island and Other
Nebraska Colleges.
Mr. Swearer, who lectured at con
vocation Monday and who has been
conferring with the students of this
institution relative to Volunteor work
for the past two days, left for Do"ane
College yesterday, morning. Mr,
Swearer will spend tho rest of the
Week visiting Nebraska colleges In
tho Interest df tho Volunteer Move
ment. It has been a long time since such a
noted mission worker as Mr. Swearer
has vlsjted tho University and very
few men have wdn tho Interest of the
.students so completely as ho.
Mr. Swcarei has been In this conn
try but a few months, having returned""
from Korea on a furlough last win1
tor. He has been engaged In Vdlun
teor work since his graduation . from
.Allegheny College in 1895,
Rewards for High Scholarship In Unl
verslty Given Four Men and
Fourteen Women.
Following la the list of thotiowchoson
last night for Phi Beta Kappa honors:
JUlla Bednar.
F. IS. Denny.
Alma Erlckson. ":"
Grace Ernst. :
Inn Glltings.
Florende Hirst.
H. Tj. Holllngsworth.
Margaret McLuoas.
Leah Meyer. '
Vera Meyer.
J. C M'oorc.
Efllo Morgan.
Lena Nelson,
Emma Schrciuer. " '
Mildred 'Slater. X ' x
Mlllicont Stebblna
Leta Stetter.
I. j. Thompson.
Vbout one-Hoventh of ttih graduating
r class wa elected to the 8ocloty.xand
many who had high enough mark
failed in election because their courao
liad not Included the brdft'd courso of
study prescribed for eligibility to tho
Defeat 8Iflma Chi by a Large Score In
What Was a Very (Close Gtime.
Phi Gams, 14; Slgmit Chi, 3.
Tho Phi Gamms defeated -the Slgs
yesterday aftcrnodn In one of tho most
cxcltl:tg games of iritor-fratornlty base
ball ever seen on tho homo field Bolh
teams played good hard bail, but the
wlnnors aeemed to bo a llttlo bdtter
with tho stick nnd have bettor luck Iri
fielding thanjthe Sigma Chls.
The pitching of bofh Newman and
Caughay was or a high older. These
inen seem to keep most fraternity-team
players at their morc. Tho work of
Persons and Van Buvg- lor tho sigs
and Lott for tho Phi-Qamfi Is especial
ly worthy of mention.- Tho resiilt of
tho gamo came much as a surprise
to those Interested In the gamo for
they had oxpocted an easy victory for.
the Slgma-Chls.
Fraternity Games. ,N . . ' 1
Games. W. L. P;C:
Delta Upsllon.... 1 1 0 1000
Alpha Theta Chi. 110 1000
Phi Gamma Delta 1 v 1 0 ' 1000
Alpha Tau Omega 10 1 .000
Beta Theta PI... 1 0 1 .000-
Sigma Chi 1 0 1 ;000
International Student Secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. Visits University.
Charles D. Hurrle, ono of (he Inter
national student secretaries o'f thS if. '
M. C. A., stopped off to visit the 'uhl-, .
verslty, yesterday !wlille on his wgy,
from Denver to Chicago. Tlid object
of hla visit, was, pdriclpally to cooler'
with the advisory board or the-Y. M.
C. A. relative' 'to hiring a secretary
for next year,
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