t?0ffi':&'vj('$ffjii " s ". 2S. THE DAkLY NEBRASKAN. w fs i H.W, BROWN Drug & Book Co. University Text Books, Drawing Instruments, Drawing Paper, Tracing Cloth, Cross Section and Profile papers, and other Engineer's Supplies. Waterman Fountain Pens. 127 South llth Str. STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. Automatic Phone 3255. Union College Tailors POST OFFICK IlLDU. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO New Century Printers 1241 N STREET- 1241 Especiiilly solicits tho trndo of those who wish it well printed. You Patronage Solicited ooooooooooc WEKNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING? LET USCON VINCEYOU . . . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. DON'S CAFE 114 So. 11 J.WrUM, Hgr Ladles' Dining Room In Connection OPrtN 6 A. M. TO 1 A. M. We have always been known as (he STUDENTS LAUNDRY We want your business. YUX.BJBROS. HAND AUMDRY IBM O Street. Auto 3754, BM 874 C. A. Tucker, Jeweler f I Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean 8- -..OPTICIAN... . S 1123 O STREET 8 u You patronage Solicited O CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements in this column must be paid for In advance. Itato ono cent por word each lnaertlon; minimum, ten conta. i..i - I Ml I II II I iT I - I. . BATH 8. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-salino, shower, plain, llth and P Ste. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at tho Wobor Bultorium, llth and O Sts. 1 CLUB RATES Three suits and O'coat cleaned and pressed, $1 per month. El liott's, 1136 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FAQER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel, No. llth St. Baggago and parcels. DENTI8T8. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St DR. H. A. SHANNON. 1138 O. Auto. 2823; Bell, 2126. OSTEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. '99. Burlington Block. -SPECIALISTS DR. "W. J. WELLS, stomach, kidney, skin and blood. 1216 OSt. . TAILORING T R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and Konts' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER. JEWELER DeloBB Smith, watch maker and jeweler, 138 So. 12th St. Low rates to students. LOST. The person who stolo from Pnlla dlan Hall a silk hat will kindly return same at once. It Is an old relic money cannot replace. MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll Bond free) Is rrth $10 a copy to any man who Intends to In vest any monqy, however small; who hao money invested unprofltably, or who can save $5 or more per month, but who hasn't learned tho art of Investing for profit. It demonstrates tho REAL earning power of moncyr:tho knowledge financiers and bankers hide from tho masses. It shows how to invest small sums and how to mako thorn grow Into fortunes tho actual possibilities of Intelligent In vestments. It reveals tho enormous profits bankers mako-.and Bhows how ono can mako the samo profits safely. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes aro mado and WHY they aro made hpw $1,000 grows to $22,000. To introduce my magazine write mo NOW. mentioning this paper and I'll send It SIX MONTHS FREE, EDITOR GREGORY. 81 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Lawyers, Attention! Tho Law Year Book has some Lawyer's Co-op. pub lications at a bargalnr At tho Co-op. Tnkc Yonr Clothe uml go to J. C. WOOD & CO. Successors to Soakup & Wood Expert Cleaners and Dyers Dell Telephone 147. Auto tZQ'.i lU'iO N STUEET es3ZSEr' FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 9300,000.00 Surplus nnd-Froftts 8200,000.00 , " Deposit $3,020,000.00 TIE JIT PUIS THE IVY PRESS NEAT PRINTING LATEST STYLES AND gg COURTEOUS TREATM'NT AT KING & JESSUP'S 12S . 12th St. Mffll 12S 1. 12th St. SV$?SSr?S7 uovAovuovuovuoyuQwuovutfo MM 25 8m UaUUovuSS vawaawiirouou BLnNl April 10. Mooting Board of Regents. April 11. Phi Beta Kappa announcements. April 11-18. Spring vacation. April 20. Senior Prom. Lipcoln Hotel. Nebraska-Wisconsin debate. Madi son, Wis. April 21. Junior, party. State Farm. April 25. Senior Book ready for salo. April 27. School of Agriculture Commence ment. April 28. Senior party nt State Farm. May 4. B Company Hop. Fratornlty Hall. May 5. "Junior Doings." State Farm. In the evening. May 2122. Theodore Thomas Orchestra Audi torium. May 24. Collego of Medicine Commencement. Omaha. May 25. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment. June4-9. Semestor examinations. June 11. Senior Play. Oliver Thoator. June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Convocation Program. Wednosday, Abrjl 11 Prof. Guern sey Jones, "Tho Recent English Elec tions." x Wednesday, April 18 Prof. W. G. L. TaytoTr "Tho Boston Metropolitan Park System." Friday, April 20 Music. Monday, April 23 Dr. II. B. Lowroy, "Stephen Phillips," Wednesday, April 25 Prof. E. A. Pvoss, "Political Decay." An Interpret tatlon. Friday, April 27Muslc. Monday, April 30 Mr. Daniel Ford, "Pinero." If 'you want to keep in touch with Just what to buy In men's wear up-to-tho hour goods watch our win dows Paines. Wo nfcT showing a Kchoico lino of now weaves and color ings in men's Easter neckwear. i Having sold tho Eleventh street lunch .counter somtrtlme ago, I opened a table restaurant "on South Twelfth street. I have now removed tho tables and put In a lunch counter. Don Cam eron, 119 South Twelfth street. The active members of "Phi Beta Kappa will meet this evening at- 8 o'clock In TJ. 109 for the election of ofiloers and of new members. Several new patterns In souvenir spoons at the Uni. Boole Store. Posters Colored posters In colored mats just -the thing for room decora tions 15c each or two for 25c. Tho famous "Cow Girl" poster, 20x24 In matted, $1.00. The Lincoln Book Store. : iMHHHKlH OLIVER THEATRE ifr 1 b l j jj 1 L lirf ioiokiii WEDNE8DAY, MAT. & EVE., APR. 11 AL G FIELD'S MINSTRELS Prices: Matlne, $1.0, 76c and 50c Evening, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. THUR8DAY NIGHT, APRIL 12. MME. MANTELLI And Her English Grand Opera Co. of Ten In 'El TROVATORE' Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c & 50c. it it it it it it it a n it it it it a it it of the common eye troubles may be cured by wearing the right it glasses. .j We will fit you to proper glasses, or fill oculists' prescrlp- tlon for you accurately and it economically. Hallett, - II43 0 I fi ft W T 1 WE MAKE EVERYTHING WE SELL Not Lovet Saver Kraut Molasses Kisses High Grade Confections Fine Box .Candy trom 30 to 75c per pound The Olympia Candy Co 1131 0, Auto 3596 FRESH EVERY -DAYl Our Candles and Baked Goods areAlways Fresh andjQood Catrln our specialty. THE MAXWELL CO. Doth PlioMei. 13(h and N Sta. MOST it it- n JBHggjjjjjjjJlJ 25. WPBKKKKEKEIr cons' ABCORTA ANARRDW I CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZE9 I CLUETT, PEABODY A CO. J MAKiae or ciurrr aho mowawch tHUTa ii ,i 1 s: wi 1 WT I a A .III Y i tf m Wlrido-Trunks and Bags. 1036 O. Ml v- VV w. j S it . '"r:rfi