fr'tir-- i- "rfw-r "" .rsnvr-r. .iWWrfijWwWfrfr iv-EjPTSrw )--1 , -- '- rlT A I it l.. d THE DULY INEBRSKIN. U P f fr ,E 4 i C;c Da7$ ncbraskan A consolidation of The Ilcsporlan, Vol. 11, The NonruBkan, Vol. 10, Bcnrlot and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nob., by the Hesporlun Fubllsh Ing Co. Entered as second class matter, March 14, 1906, at the Post Offlce at Lincoln, Nob., under the Act of Con gress, March 3, 1879. Board of Directors. X WP. Stout. Laurence Fosslor. H. P. Leavltt. Dwlght Cramer. A. G. Bchrolbor. Manager Fred Naughton Circulation W. B. Standevon Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, $2 per year In advanco With tho breaking of ground for the Temple tho University takes Us first stop In expansion. By expansion wo mean the loavlng of tho space of ground two blocks square and going mpon other ground for building space. For tho past forty years tho University of Nebraska has been satisfied to limit her campus-to this small space. It was ovldent to all that Biich a change must come soonor or lator, and the breaking away from tho old boun daries would 80onuo demanded. Tho Temple Is to begin a new epoch in Nebraska, for already are plans on foot to condemn tho land Just north and west of tho football field Tor build ing purpose. Tho Tomploeyen, contrary to the World-Herald, Jato uopne of the finest buildings that Nebraska lias over erect ed, and it will, In future ycafs,bo one of tho monuments of our University. Such gifts aro tho means which othor schools nro using to forge ahead, and there is no sensible reason why our University should not bo benefited Jf tho gifts come this way. Any univer sity, If It must compete with tho uni versities, must uso ovory honorable means possible to attain the greatest prominence possible as an educational center. Tho cry oj "tainted money". Is usually put up by the envious ones, and comes not from those who aro really and truly Interested In tho pro ject for which Biich money Is given. Chicago University, with Its mil lions for building purposes, and the securing of tho strongest profossors J possible, -has caused the State legisla ture of Illinois to aid financially Its State University In Its race for a place on the samo plane as Chicago. Like wise California has been forced to ox pond vast sums of money to compete with Leland Stanford, Jr., University. It Is true, of course, that Mrs. Hearst has helped financially tho work at California, but the university has como from a comparatively second-class in stitution to one of the first rank as a result of the educational contest. Ne braska would likewise profit if she had a private school to fight, but since such ' is not tho case, we must not ho roluc , tant in the accepting of gifts which will bo to our advantage in later years. 81ngle Tax. Tho April "Arena" will bo especial ly attractive to frlonds of tho single tax, aa It contains a very Interesting and lucid paper on tho single tax by Mr. John Z. Whlto, and also a full page half-tone portrait of Mr. White. An extended editorial considers the admirable letter recently addressed by Mayor Johnson to the Cleveland clergymen in response to their criti cism of him. In this editorial Mr. Flower wakes an appeal to tho clergy men of America to act on the mayor's suggestions and engage In an earnest crusade for the bettering of social conditions. In view of the crusade In augurated by certain Cleveland clergy men against Mayor Johnson, after he had addressed the lotter to them, the editor of "Tho Arena" addressed com munications to Hon. Frederic C. Howe, Rev. H. R. Cooley nnd Prof. Edward Bomis propounding questions relating to social conditions and others points at Issue. The answers from these three distinguished gentlemen also ap pear in this ldsuo of "Tho Arena." Academy Notes. In spite of. the Incloment wonther there was a good attendance at tho meeting of the Debating Club Satur day evening. The question discussed was, "Resolved, That It Is for the best Interests of both tho United States and Canada that Canada be annexed to the Unltod States." Mr. Neff and Miss Stevenson ably defended the af firmative and Mr. Willis and Miss Mc Cooden the negative. After the debate Professor Hodg mnn made a few Interesting and In structive remarks and concluded with tho notice that Mrs. Hodgman was ready to servo tho members of tho club with Ice cream and cake. A contest hi telling stories was then engaged In with tho result that Mr. Willis com pletely" vanquished all and carried off tho prize an extra dish of Ice cream. Tho students were all enthusiastic In their praise of Professor and Mrs. Hodgman for their kind nnd cordial treatment. Ayote was taken ombody lng this sentiment. Mr. Peterson led tho chapel exer cises yesterday and tho students were quite urgently warned to ,tako no more time for vacation than was granted them. Professor Hodgman also post ed tho notices that absences, which took advantageof the allotted time, would not heexcused. Tile majority of tho students are re covering from the effects-of their ab sences occasioned by the recent epi Phi Geta Kappa Election Tonight. Tho annual election of tho Nebraska chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will take place this evening. Tho announce ment of candidates elected will be made tomorrow at convocation. ocoooooooooooooocxxxKxx6ooooooooocooooooooooooocooca EASTER SUITS Many fresh arlvals and dainty de signs, as plain as the strictly tailored girl wants or as elaborate as the most dressy occasion requires. All In the little pony, Eton or bolero styles. There never has been such a wide range of colors shown in suits. Many shades, of gray, reseda greens, Alice blues, rose shades, lavenders, plumsr and white, together with the usual serviceable dark colors. Shipshape for wear these first bright days. Dozens of prices between $13.50 and $55. White serge and panama cloth suits, $20 to $35. Miller & Paine Lj"a"rt"yjjjyjffffjfjj?jt iOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC" "The Good Coals People" will supply you with the best in lucl at right prices GIVE US YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL AND WOOD UNION COAL CO. Auto 3236. Dell 335. 1014 0 STREET TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM CO. FOR ALL ICE CREAMS, ICES, PUNCHES AND FRQZEN DAINTIES Reduced prices in large quantities. 1316 N Street. Both 'Phones I LINDSEYS PLACE1 M ERWIN & PERKINS, PROPRIETORS RETAILORS AND JOBBERS OF (I I TOBACCO - CIGARS - NEWS 1 "Wo carry all the loading branda of Cigars and Tobacco, Special attention given to box tradd. I Professor French t'o Leave. Professor French will leave for Madison, Wisconsin late this week to attend tho annual meeting of tho Western Philosophical Association. He will probably remain during the Easter recess to visit with University friends. Y) We bulletin all League-and University Base Ball and Foot Ball Games g 118 No. 11th. Bell 888; Auto 4672. vsrvvr55rv'cv.'.s5.'Nv 7 '; The Latin Club will meet Tuesday evening, April 10,. at 8 o'clock with Miss Patterson, 022 South Thirteenth street. GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91. BOTH PHONES, 1044 Q STREET norxDooonooroooooooooonoooo Ice Cream and Ices.., :xxoooooooooo(xxxxxxo(xrc fe T " Daked (joods X 1307 0. Auto Phone 2214 VOnfectfons X Z y M . .v , - ..-rr' - i i I,.., i,t iTiii,, i