tJSSTJrvrcs mMwm m mnsvm hi THE DULY NEBRASKAN. LWk H i. & tttt)t( BUSINESS DIRECTORY '' - u Every Lojrnl DnlTcnlty BtucUnt la urged to patronise theia Nebrai knn advertisers, and to mention tbe pnper while doing so. I t t r JNfJMMt-)MH((ef BARBER SHOPS Aristo, Green's Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKERY Mrs. Petry. BOOKS-STATIONERY Coop, Lin coin Book Store,' Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie, BANKS Columbia National, Flrsf Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. CAFE Sam Westcrllcld. Don Cam eron. , CARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. ,CATERER-,"Tommy," at Miller & Palne's Fountain. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conwny, Erwin & .Perkins. 3LEANERS AND DYERS J. C. Woo-1 & Co. PCLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma- goo & Deomer, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whitebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, The Fol- som. DISEASES OF EYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erlo B. Woodward. DRY GOODS Miller & Paino, Horpol- shclmer, Rndgo & Guenzcl. DRVGGISTS Riggs, Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. GROCERS O. J. King & Sob. HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Stere. HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Fraaklln Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Tul Bro, NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Darls. PHOTOGRAPHER ToTmiead. PRINTING New Century, King & Jessup,Greor Cooper Co., George Bros. RESTAURANTS Doa's Caf. ROLLER SKATING AudlUriwn Rink. , SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins. SHININd PARLOR Union Sklnlmc Parlor. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Co. Cyclo College TAILORS Unland, Union Tailor8r Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Co. TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewator. SPECIALISTS Dr. Erlo B. Weei- ward. ' WAITERS' BUREAU Grant. ' e- 5 MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll cnd fpeo) li warth $10 -a. copy to any man who Intends t In vest any money, however small; wh hno money Invested unprofitably, r who can save $5 or more per month, but wh hasn't learned the art of Investing "far profit. It demonstrates the HEAL earning power of money the knowledge financiers and bankers hide from the masse". It shows how to Invest small sums ad how to make them grow Into fortunaa the actual possibilities of Intelligent in vestments. It reveals the enormous profits bankers make and shows how one can make tha same profits safely. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes are made and WHY thoy are made how $1,000 grows to $22,000. ; To Introduce my magazine wrlto ma NOW, mentioning this paper and I'll Bead it SIX MONTHS FIIEE. EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Have you seen the new effects pro. duced In photography by Townsend- CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Ha to one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. BATHS. CHRIS- BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-sallne, shower, plain. 11 ih and P Sts. SUITORIUM. HAVE your clothing clcnnod and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sta. Cl.V.n RATIOS Throe suits and CTcniit cleaned and pressed, ?1 per month. K- iiott's. o st. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. FAGI3R BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel. No. Uth St. BuRgngo and paicels. DENTISTS. BOSTON Dentists, 1319 O St. DR. II. A. SHANNON, 2S2.T; Boll. 1M2G. 113C O. Auto. OSTEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Crnmb, A. B., U. of N. '0J?. Burlington Block. SPECIALISTS DR. W. J. WI3LLS. stomach, kidney, skin and blood. 12 1G O St. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and fronts' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER. JEWELER Deloss Smith, watch maker and jeweler, 138 So. 12th St. Low rates to students. LOST. LOST On the campus, a black Waterman "Ideal" pen. Finder please return to Nehraskan office and receive tTcward. Street Railway Time Card. B. & M. Depot. Capitol and South 17th Cars leave B. & M. depot and South St. at G mln. past the hour and each ten mln utefo First G:05 a. m., last 12:00 p. m. - B. & M. Depot, Capitol and Sumner via Sun., 11 p. in. Kth Cars every 20 mln. First C:20 a. m.. Inst 11:20 p. in. Union College and Normal via 17th Cam every 40 mln. First 0:50 a. in., last 10;G0 p. in. B. '& M. depofloop. B. & M. Depot, 2.rith and Sumner via 17th Leave P. O. and 2Gth every 20 mln. First car G:D0 a. m., ltust 10:50 p. m. Cemetery Cars leava P. O; every 15 minutes. First C:25 n. in., last 11:25 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. llayclock and Unl. Place Cars leave P. O. and Unl. Place 20 nnd SO mln. past hour. Cars leave Havelock 6 nnd 35 mln. past the hour. First car lcnvos P. O. S:Ct a. in., last 10:50 p. m. First car leaves Havelock 0:35 a. m., la"5t 11:35 p. m. Ser vice to Unl. Place every 15 mln.. 5, 20, 35 and CO minutes pnst the hour. First oar 5:50 a. ni., last car 11:05 p. m. N. W. Depot, Capitol and So. Hth Cars to 14th and A overy 10 ml. To 14th and South every 20 mln. First C:30 a. m., last 11:40 p. m. 14th and South St. oars make N. W. depot loop. ePnitcntiary 10th and O overy 40 mln. First car leaves G:40 a. in., last 10:40 p. m. State Farm 10th and O even hour aa'd every 10 minutes. H. c M. depot loop. SouthlOth Cars to 14th an South every 10 mln. First, 0:15 a. m., last 12:11 p. m. 'Sun. 11:00 p. m. Park erary 40 mln. First 7:00 a. m., last 11:9 p. m. South 10th Btreot cars make N. W. depot loop. Stato University, R antLNo.- ICth Cars every 15 nun. First C:28. a. m., last 11:17 p. m. & SUNDAY Cars start 1 hour later and stop 1 hour earlier. ALLEQItETTI AND LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th ANP O ulln April 6. Glee Club homo concert. April 7. Engineering banquet. Opening' gnmo of Intor-fratcrnlty baseball schedule. April 9. Meniminl Hall, 2 p. house lecture. m. Westing- April 10. Mooting Board of Regents. April 11. Phi llotn Kappa announcements. April 11-18. Spring vacation. April 20. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Nebraska-Wisconsin debate, son, Wis. Mndl- April 21. Junior parly. Stato Farm. April 25. Senior Hook ready" for sale. April 27. Agriculture School nicnt. of Commence- April 28. Senior party at State Farm. May 4. Hop. Fraternity Hall. B Company May 5. "Junior Doings." State the evening. Farm. In May 21-22. Thomas Orchestra- Theodoro torlum. -Audi- May 24. College of Medicine Commencement. Omaha. May 25. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment. June 4-9. examinations. Semester June 11. Oliver Theater. Senior Play June 14. Thirty-fifth Annunl Commencement. Convocation Program. Friday, April 6 Music. Monday, April 9 Mr. A. E. Sheldon. "Songs and Literature of the Nebras ka Indians." Wednesday, April 11 Prof. Guern sey Jones, "The Recent English Elec tions." Wednesday, April 18 Prof. W. G. L. Taylor, "The Boston Metropolitan Park System." Friday April 20 Music. Monday, April 23 Dr. II. B. Lowrey, "Stephen Phillips' Wednesday, April 25 Prof. E. A. Ross, "Political Decay." An interpre tation. Friday, April 27 Music.' 'Monday, April 30 Mr. Daniel-Ford, "Pinero." C. A- Tucker, Jeweler 8Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean X .,.OPTICIAN... y jjj 1123 O STREET C Ysur Patronage Sllltrf v Jj t pitffn OLIVER TUEATRfNI -& - TONIGHT, 8:15 "The Holy City" SAT. MAT, & EVE., APRIL 7. RICHARD CARLE In hlo Latest Triumph "The Mayor of Tokio" WEDNESDAY, MAT. & EVE., APR. 1 1 AL G FIELD'S MINSTRELS Prices: Matine, $1.0, 75c and 50c Evening, $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Gome in and See Our Swell Spring Oxfords frW" $ IB23 0' STREET. & H 7 1 yv i Jt ff Wf y j 4 tj f y p sj p jv H'l 1 1 T " K Our Optical l work la done as thoroughly, as though it were the only business we did. If your eyes bother you in the slightest degree, corns in UIIU llllVO IIICIII CAUIIIIIICU. NO CHARGE FOR IT. Halleii, -1143 & K--, -!. fct "K TBKi iBSI - M . .& iaiv,,'roRij:STO rj " V n m n n " FRESH EVERY DAY! Our (kindle and Baked Ootids are Always Fresh and Good CatorlinJ our sptclulty. THE'MAXWELL CO. Roth Pboaci, 13tpi nd N Sis. Xi SK adnock IK &' . K. 'si' -'ailW I A" ARROW! I CLUPBCO SHRUNK QUARTER 8IEBS ' is cents each aforasceut 1 CLOITT, PCABODY A CO. Muktr f CUieit mud Monarch SMrti. J ! v a . t. jt si 'V &tie j 4-a