(W ev-. t -. i '.' - ' ' u. . ' sy kingg , Vol.V. No, 95. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1906. N1 Price 5 Cents i 'all) iRhrflsban M.aSt- ' a"1 ff .x ; -. h j.- ik LJ',. . ! .- . I ... i ' i " " X. x r" I'.v P l.U &' w V'.- NELL ATTENDED LARGE CROWD ATTEND8 GYM NASTIC EXHIBITION. A Very Good Program Rendered Gymnasium' Classes A Suc cess Financially. by The gymnaBium exhibition, as pre dicted, was one" ot the most enjoyablo university functions of the year. The largest crowd of the year, with the exception of Charter day, was crowd ed' Into the Armory every Boat of the five hundred was occupied and people were standing. The crowd started to .gather about 7:15 and by 8:00 p. m. tlio seats were all full. There wore two or three little inconveniences which prevented, the program from beginning at 8 o'clock as advertised, but these woro inadvertlblo. Tho first event on the program was the drill by tho first-year class, led by Mr. Hawthorne, Dr. Clapp, assistant. Over one hundred men participated In this, and the precision and uni formity with which they performed every part of tho drill won for them much applause and pralso. The drill yraa given by music, and tho men kept in perfect time. This' was followed closely by a boxing exhibition from the class In boxing conducted by, Messrs. Best, Hewitt and Halo. After the general exhibition, Hale and Hew itt "mixed" for a lively .bout, and tho men" proved to tho spectators that they, had more than tho ordinary abil ity. The ducking and footjwork of those men was exceptionally good, and they did not appear to bo afraid to land on each other when the oppor tunity presented itself. The glrlB second-year class in gym nastics gave a drill led by Miss Towno. This, as well as tho weaving dance by tho girls, was the strong feature of tho program. They .showed tho course of training that tho students have undorgond to bring about so nearly a perfect drill. Tho applause was very liberal when tho girls loft the floor and even more so after tho weaving dance. Tho weaving dance was something now to Lincoln people, as It had never beep put on boforo in the Armory, but it Is quite likely that It will become a permanont feature-in, gymnastic entertainments horo- nfter, . , Following tho girls' drill thoro was .an ovont which furnished as much en tortalnmont as 'anything on the pro gram. This was the apparatus work dono by tho first-year students. Squads of ten had been selected for the six different pieces of work, and with the Cadet Band playing, this part of the program was indeed very good; The second'year class gave some long horse "w.orJc Immediately- After this part of the program. The Hamburg r drill, given by these students, was one of the prettiest drills- on the list. The , raef" dressed in white duck trousers, shirt waists and canvas shoes, and drilling without any commands, brought forth many exclamations of praise, from the audience? The Inter-class relay race proved to be a victory for the. - Freshmen, with Intcr-fraternity EAST Alpha Theta Chi Beta Thela PI Alpha Tfaeta Chi. Saturday April Beta Theta Pi. Saturday April Delta Tau Delta. Saturday May 10 Thursday April Sigma Alpha Epsllon Saturday May 5 Thursday May Phi Kappa Psl. Friday April 20 Saturday May UEST Alpha Tau Onega Delta Upillon Alpha Tau Omega .. Thurs. April 5 Delta Upsilon Thurs. Apr. 5 Kappa Sigma Tuesday Tuosday May 16 Maya Sigma Chi Tuesday Saturd'y May l April 21 Saturday Tuesday Phi Gamma' Delti. May 10 May b Phi Delta Theta. Thurs. liVi i1n.tr May 10 May 18 tho Sophomores a close second. Tho classes finished In their "numerical or der, ono, two, throe, and Seniors, or fourth-year students, last.. The time was very good, being 1:0G. Tho Soph omores had some hard luck, for two of their men fell. Just boforo tho relay race tho gymnastic team that will roprosont Nebraska in the West ern Intercollegiate Gymnastic meet gave two stunts each on the horizontal and. parallel bars and the flying rings. Tho work was very good, although some of the men were unfortunate In having tho mats slip. Dr. Clapp closed tho, program with an exhibition of fancy Indian j club swinging. Ho had tho clubs Illumi nated with gasoline, and tho electric lights being turned out, this ma'do a Very pretty effect. ' Tho exhibition was as much of a success financially as It was otherwise. Something like $100 will be cleared, as $125 was taken- in at tho door, and tho expenses wore very small this year. This will be sufficient to bear the expenses of the gymnastic team to Madison, Wis. Dr. Clapp wishes to thank tho stu dent committee, Crltes, Myers, Van Orsdel, Jorgensen, Lundln and Ram soy, for their help n carylng on tho exhibition, . CXX)OCOCOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOCOCXXXXXXXXDCOCXXXXXXXXXXX) o o 1 ENGINEER'SElANQUET . 1 8 - I ' - ' 1 . '8 O LINDBLL HOTEL Q O ) .-'' J . o 8, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 9:00 P.M. 3 8 - ' 8 p . $ R . i-SiP" "-' " Baseball Schedule SIDE Delta Tau Delta Slg. Al. EpsllOD' Phi Kappa Pal Saturday Saturday Friday 7 May iu Mayo April 20 Tlmrsdav April 10 Thursday Saturday May 17 May o Tuesday Saturday 10 April 24 May 20 Tuesday April 24 Friday 17 April 27 5 Saturday Friday May 20 April 27 SIDE' Kappa Sigma Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Phi Oanma Delta Tuesday Tuosday Saturd'y Thurs. May 10 May 1 May 10 May 10 Thurs. Saturd'y Tuosday Friday May 18 . May 8 April 21 May 8 Tuosday Saturd'y Saturd'y May 21 April 28 April 7 Tuesday Tuosday April 10 Friday May 22 May 4 Friday May 25 Satnrd'y Tuosday April 28 April 10 Saturd'y Friday May 4 Friday April 7 May 28 Glee Club. TbeN Glee Club met Sunday at tho Llndoll, and it was decided' to leave tho management of the club In the hands of thX Executive Committee, which Is composedof Ageo, chairman, P. W. Motz, A. J. Cobb, Ireland, M. L; Klmmel, and from all Indications the trip will bo made to California and. back, and this will cut off -nn additional ten days that was Included In thQ old Itinerary. Tho boys aro Working hard to soir tickets and clean up all tho homo In debtedness before leaving. , Although It was not tholr Intention to give a matinee, It hns been request ed by a good many and as tho house is nearly all sold out for tho evening, It has boon decided to glvo ono. Tho matinee will bo Friday, April 6th, and a fine concert will be given. The seats will bo 50 cents and $1,00. Every ono should go It possible. Notice.. All . thoso men graduating In Juno who have held commissions in the Battalion are requested to turn In their named., to- the! Commandant as soon as possible. JNO. Q. WORKIZEIt Captain 2nd TJ. S. Infantry,, Commandant. DEFEATALUMNAE 8ENIOR8 WIN A CL08E GAME OF BA8KET.BAj-y 8core of 21-19 Result of 8enlor Girls Vs. Alumnae Gamo on Satur day In the Armory. Tho vnrsity girls defoatod tho alum nae at basket ball on Saturday aftor noon. MIbs Pound and Mrs. Clapp had gathered In nil their old protogos from out over tho state for this contest, but thoy woro unablo to conquor tho Ne braska varsity girls. If reports aro true, tho alumnae team lacked a llttlo In wind whon it came to playing tho fast first team. Tho score at the end of tho game stood 21-10. At tho start of tho gamo It looked as If the varsity girls woro doomed to their flrBt defeat in sovoral yoars, for tho opponents seemed to rush thorn off their feet, and tho score was all for tho alumnao. But the team -work of the varsity girls soon came into uso and. thoy played all around tho old stars ot tho gamo. It appoarod -as if. somo of tho alumnao wore, glued to tho floor from tho way thoy moved. Again and again tlmo was called for rest and tho opponents of tho varsity . would quietly steal away for a few seconds of fresh air. At tho beginning of tho second half the alumnao mado tho samo phenome nal start, but, alas,, they must soon tiro from the stronuousness, and tho v varsity again obtain -a bad.. From this until tho end the varsity wore tho winners, although It wasvdry close. Tho alumnao contend that thoy did not want to spoil the record of " tho varsity, consequently thoy did not rush tho gamo as -much as thoy would have .otherwise. But thoy must bo tJL commended for the excellent gamo thoy put up without any previous practice, A few years ago dn alumnao ff' team attempted to lower the varsity' banner, but thoy woro hopolossly de feated by arscor& ot 43-4. Some of the alumnao who mado up tho toam woro: Misses Pound, fJansa,, Sly and Towno. To Award Medals. x Captain Worklzor has decided upon tho medals to bo given at competitive drill on May 25th. Besides1 tho regu lar medals glvon to those winning, In individual 'competition, ho has added a trumpet for tho best trumpeter In tho squall, This Is a personal gift from.l Captain Worklzor and ho off era ' iti'to urge tho trumpeters to strive for excellence in tholr work. Novor boforo has any prize been offered the men for this work and this should bo the means of reviving much lost spirit among the trumpeters. Tho regular prizes of a gold medal for tho best "drilled man in Individual competitive, and a silver medal for tho second best will be awarded this year. Besides this, a gold medal will be giyen tho best drilled man In the ar tillery. As tho time for competitive drill nears thoro is considerable enthusiasm shown by the cadets, and this year should see the same old spirit 'that has been manifest i ntho past. .4 a Nf vN. s ,). 'J '.' a - .4 '!,' v-: 5. 4 1 . t . s. ;. . X 1 v I- m "ft. .? ; v'i. i I