N. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. x. v W I ' tbe Daft Utbraskan A consolidation xt The Heiperlan, Vol; Cl.'Tho Nobnwkan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Publlahed, dally, excopt Sunday and Monday, at tho Unlvenfty of Nobraakn, Lincoln, Neb., by the Hepdrlan rubllih Inf Co. Application mado for entry at tho. iOBtofllce at Lincoln, Nobraska, as iiecond-cla88 matter under fact of Con Kress of March 3, 1879. Board f Director. O. V. P. Stout. Laurence Fowler. Dwlght Cramer. II. P. Learltt. A. O. Schrelber. niitinrriiiTTTPi'l'rTirivfit If r i . - held '.he -Nebraska Biao of any qties tion.ln dobato, Three alternates wcrj selected to hack up :hc first threo men. They are Levy, Swenson, and Wheeler. Levy nnd Swenson wore both on tho teams last year, and are strong men to rely upon. Thoro has be'en no words of con demnation against tho Debating Board, for everyone realists that thoy hnvo done their work' well, and selected the men who will uphold Nebraska's pros tigo to tho high standard already attained. Manager Fred Naughton Circulation W. "B. Standevon Telephone .'....Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 cr year In advanco Vw Editor Nebraska!: "VVd request spaco In your pnper for tho following: A majority of tho members of tho Junior . law claBS have endorsed tho following resolutions: We, tho members of tho class of 1907 of tho University of Nebraska Law School, deploro tho unmanly and un cleanly conduct of certain members of thlH institution which has necessitated tho authorities platdng cuspidorB in certain rooms occupied and frequented by members of tho Law School; there fore, bo it Resolved, That wo discountenance such unseemly practlco of these stu dents, as wto feel It is an unjust re flection on tho character and habita of the members of this class; further more, bo it ".Resolved, That we Implore, In the namo of Justice, of commonsenso and decency, that those who hcretoforo havo'engaged In such practlco will dis continue it whllo in and1 about tho buildings of tho University of Nebraska. n rW oX-. ' . o(83cg3!tgS9Bg Eeperanto. "Lau Boston Evening Transcript, la studontoj co la Harvard Unlvoreitato, post parolado kaj klarigoj do Sinjoro Profcsoro Ostwald, sorlozc- akceptia la lingvpn, kaj multo pli ot pledpllkludon 'football) nlrt RtitaHLa Kama lurnam MBmMiy - i ' i " diras, ko nln IllPty ' granoan Bultceaon en 'la llliiln WtiHiMl I I" i krorrt la Haryarda, kluboj en Jorko, BoBtoh, Brookline, kaj allaj urboj." Tho British "Esporantist. Oni estai fondlta en Boston nncla'n asoclon nonrntan "American 'Esperanto Association' La ndreeo do la sekre tarlo estaa: . P. O. Box 21, Boulovarl Station, Boston, Mass. La EkperantnJ libroj estas vopitaj, kaj la prczo estas 5 centoj. "Univer sity Bookstoro" havas illn. Nun ni povas komenci. Venu, mi " petaa, prokslman- Vcndrodon, la 30an de Marto, kaj nl komenqoj. La horo estas lu kvlna. No forgesu la tempon. Unu da la dekanoj do la Univcrsitato de Nebraska rlcevas Efcpcrantnjn leterojn de FrancaJ scleuclstoj. Esperanto is endorsed by Ramsay, of "the Royal Society; Ostwald, of the University of Leipslc; Polncnro and Berthclot, of tho French Institute. PRANK M, JOHNSON. Unlvorwlty Hall 203. rS - : CS Corners o z y &am yy ester field's NEW ATTRACTION V 4fll bnhersity Students will find them Especially Attractive y z s Corners AM'S CAFE 1 1 J -12 1 North Thirteenth lt$ttC83Cg3tlCgJg3g)3 THE UNIVERSITY Dl )fc5qDOOCX)OOOOOOOOOOOCXXXX) NiMoB00M: Tho Debating Board in the selection of tho members for the Wisconsin team has completed Its most difficult work of tho year. This year Nebras ka's inter-state squad has been com posed of n bunch of exceptionally strong men, and as tho tlmo canio for the .selection of a team the Board real ized the closo- work it would take to chooso tho best qualified men. The work' oL the men has been followed ..most 'closoly during ho entire season tnd LvSrv, noint of strength noted n:i vJmtxxecvwy point of weakness. The. men hayc- Entered the contest with thcr Is flourishing- under the new manage ment. Most popular dining room in the city for students. Give us a call. rf CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)OO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXX50OCXXX3 best of spirit, and have worked bard, consequently it has been one of the ' greatest intellectual -battles ever fought out for place on a Nebraska do bating team. Tho men selected: Hough, Marvin and Sunderlln, are well qualified for the position they have been given. Twj of. the men, Marvin and Sunderlln, , - - - have represented Nebraska in inter- state debate before. Sunderlln on the Iowa team of last year and Marvin on . tho same team. " Hough, tho oth'er maii oBtthe team, appears for the first, tlmo in debating, but ho is without a doubt one' of the strongest men that over up- kanoas Fellowships. Registrar Clark Ib in receipt of the following fro mthe University of Kan sas: Announcement of Fellowships. JJlevon gradjMte-teachlng' Fellowships, yielding 5215 each, are offered by tho Unlvernliy ot Kansas for tho year 1D0G-7, in the following nnmod depart ments: German, Romance Languages, English Literature, Education, Mathe matics, Chemistry, American History, European History, Sociology, and Eco nomlcs, Philosophy, and Botany. Fellows are required to devote not more thun seven hours per week to some service in connection with tho University, and uro supposed to give their time-primarily to the work of one department. A graduato of any college of good standing may become u candidate for a Fellowship. Attention Is called to tho largo and "noil equipped libraries and laboratories of tho University and the largo number of teachers offering work, all of which makes possible great differentiation of courses nnd specialization In the deslrod.lino of work. Applications for Fellowships must he made to tho Chancellor of the TInl vorslty, and should be on file not later than the first day of May. , Blanks may bejiad on application. OOOCXVyXXVYVXXX)OCOCOOOOOC LCE L-.REAM 8 ICE CREAM Baked Goods R R -and- gOTT) -- p ICES... 1307 o. uio Pioct 2214 vonfcctions X dcococoococoopooooooocoooo Artistic I I Photography wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tko lad thnt Pleneea ..Kennedy STUDIO 130 BO. TWELFTH TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM GO. TOR ALL ICE CREAMS; ICCi, PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES liimi prlcit li lirci iiitltics. - I3I6 N Strut. ' ItHi 'Pfemt Tho University of Pennsylvania bas ketball team has. succeeded in carry ing off tho eastern lnter-collegiate honora this year. Columbia, who won last year, has s'ecbnd placd, Harvard finishing third. , , Hate, you seen' that set 9f'?4 pen nants at Uie University Book Storo? GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES BOTH PHONES. QREGORY, U. ifN. '91. . 1044 O STREET 9 Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath mouse Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Saline, Sflt OIow. Het n Cola' Baths New and Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone' 3627.' Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. Corner 11th and IS Lincoln rr. Subscribe (or the Nebraskan 3 v. -s i EffliM tmm