( -'-' -T iTiTT " m V"-,lttTiT 1 ',".' 5v' ....t..ii.. 'ye.yvr ?wr "', , , rt.iy.Wiyl .T.HJB 'DAVLY 1NEBRKAN. CLASSIFIED COLUMN It II if 1t n it it BULLETIN mm TlftATRE if II It It it If If All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Rate ono cont por word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. Ryt7 XojraJ University Student U erged .to -patronise theta MbMf .;Ma ftdvarUssrs, aad to rasaUaa tba .paper while dales;. a. I I t March 28. Annual election of Y. M. C. A. ola-. cers. '-' wtsjuy-"' aMifcaiiiia-aiMattaa BUSINESS DIRECTORY I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaar '-V K fr' -A' &!. BARBER SHOES Aristo, Green's Palace, Mogul, Richards. BAKERY Mrs. Potry. BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coin Boole -Store, Uni. Book Storo, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK -HOSPITALr-tGllleBpIo. BANKS Columbia National, Firs Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAFE Sam Wosterfleld. Don Cam eron. CARPETS Rudge & Guonzel. OARPENTER41eo. A. -.Wilson. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller &. Palnefs Fountain. CHINA Rudge & Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conway Co. CLEANERS AND DYERS J. C. Wood. & Co. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma geo '& -Dodrner, LudWlg. COAL Gregory, tWhltebroast CONFE.CTJONERS-T-Maxwell, The Fol sqm. DISEASES OF EYE. BAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Woodward. DRY GOODS-r-Mlller & Paine, Horpol shelmer, Rudge & Guenzol. DRUGGISTS Riggs, Brown, -Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS fChapln Bros. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY 1,20 Hat Store. HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros, NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. PRINTING Now Century," King & Jessup, Greer Cooper Co., George Bros. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins. SHINING PARLQR Union Shining Parlor. TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type writer Go. TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewster. SPECIALISTS Dr. -Brie B. Wood . ward. WAITERS' (BTREAUr-Grant. ' . ' 1 '??..''. '.'fi' i ,'. I J . . 1 ! ' ' ' "Mi ' t ... .ifcWy'.MAQAZirjE. "INVESTING ,FOR PrSSI5r" (which I'll aond freo) sis ,:worth SlO.a-copy.to.any man wIjo intends to, ln VjBt.ftn,y money,, however $mall; -who han roonoy .Ipvoptoa" unprpptably, or who ,'can sayo$5or ,inoro ,per ,nionUi, ;bt 'who hasn't' 'learned the art of 'investing for profit. ' It demonstrates 'the "REAL, earning1 jpower of money the knowledge financiers (and bankers hldo from the masses. p It shows how to invest small sums and iow to mako them grow Into fortunes tithe actual possibilities of Intelligent 'in-j p.yestmcnt. jjji It reveals the eiflrmous profits banltorsf make and shows how ono can make the Vsame pfrffllsvBfoly., ''"J? ;; It dxplolns HOW- stupendous "fortunes1 "tare made and WHY they are made how ,vJl,000 grows to 22,000. rj To introduce my magazine' write me 'jNQW. mentioning tbla;paper and I'll send Jt SIX MONTHS FltEE, , ., . EDITOR GREGORY , t , 81Jaokson -Blvd., Chicago BATH8. CHRIS BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-salino, shower, plain. 11th and P Sta. 8UITORIUM. " HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber 8ultorlum, 11th and O Sts. CLUB RATES Three suits and O'coat, cleaned and pressed, $1 per month. El liott's, 1136 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. PAGER BROS.. Basemont tfndsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggago and parcels. c DENTI8T8, BOSTON DonUsts, 1319 O St. DR. H A. SHANNON, 1138 O. Auto, 2833; .Bell, 2120. 08TEOPATH. Dr E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. '99. Burlington Block. 8PECIALI8T8 DR. W. J. WELLS, stomach, kidney, sum ana oiooa. azic o au TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771.- JEWELER. JEWELER Doloss Smith, watch maker and jowolor, 138 So. 12th St Low. rates to students. L08T. LOST A black change pocket-book on the campus, containing a Yale key. Finder please return to Nebraskan of fice and recolvo reward. . . . ----- i i i i i i i . i,M LOST Monday, March 20, lady's small gold watch and fob. On tho campus, or between U. Hall and Four teenth and Q streets. Return to Nq braskan offlco for reward. Street Railway Time Card. B. & M. Dopot, Capitol and South 17th Cars leave B. & M. dopot and South St. at 5 mln. past the hour and each ton min utes. First 6:05 a. m last 12:00 p. m. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and Sumner via Sun., 11 p. m. 14th Cars ovory 20 mln. First 6:20 a. m., Inst 11:20 p. m. Union Collcgo and Normal via 17th Cars ovory 40 mln. First 5:G0 a. m., last 10:50 p. m. B. & M. depot loop: B. & M. Depot, 25th and Sumner via 17th Leave P. O. and 25th ovory 20 mln. First car G:50 a. m., last 10:50 p. m. Cemotery Cars leave P. O. ovory '15 minutes. First 6:25 a. m., last 11:25 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. Havelock and Uni. Place Cars leave P. O. and Uni. Placo "20 and 60 mln. past hour. Cars leave Havelock 6 and 35 mln. past the hour. First car leaves P. O. 6:50 a. m lost 10:50 p. m. Flrst car loaves Havolock 6:35 a. m., last 11:35 p. m. Ser vice to Uni. Placo ovory 15 mln., 5, 20, 35 and 50 minutes past tho hour. First car 5:50 a. m., last car 11:05 p. Vn. N. W. Depot, Capitol and So. 14 th Cars to 14th and A ovejy 10 mln. To 14th and South every 20 mln. First 6:20 a. m last ,H;40 p. m. 14th and South, St. cars make N. W; depot loop. pPnltontlary 10th and O every -40 mln. First car leaves 6:40 a. m., lostlOMO p. m. Stato Farm 10th and O even hour and every 10 minutes. B. ,& M. depot loop. (South lqth Cars to 14th and South every 10 mln. First 6:15 a. m., last 12:00 T. m. -Sun, 11:00 p. m. .-Park every 40 mln. First -7:00 a. m dast .11:40 ip. m. South 10th stroot .cars make N. W. depot' loop. . . Stato University, It and No. 16th Cars; every 15 min. First 6:23, a. m last 11:07 p. m. SUNDAY-KJarB start 1 hoUr later and atop 1 hour earlier. ' WAITERS, BOREAS W, JD. Oil AST, Manager First oIms service guaraateed at all re. eeptions, parties, coutloas and hnU9t. For information ring up ' .Atf)ajt .3383 lMJfi0vl(h M. March 29. Sophomoro meeting. MomorlnlHall; 'March 30. Y, W. C. A. nt homo for Unlvorslty girls. Y. W. C. A. rooms. March 31. English Club meets with Miss Joffrdy, Twelfth and Q streets. Qymhastlc Exhibition. .Armory, 8 p. m. April 3 Gymnastic team try-outs. Armory. '8 p. m. April .6. Glee Club .homo 'concert. April 7. Engineering banquet. April 11-18. Spring vacation. April 20. Senior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. Nebraska-WlBconsln dobato. Madi son, Wis. April 28. Senior party nt Stato Farm. May 4. B Company Hop.. Fraternity Hall. May 21-22. Theodore Thomas Orchestra Audi torium. May 25. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. Convocation Program. March 28 Prof. G. W. A. Luckoy, "Tho Making of a Teacher." March 30 Music. AnotherVerslon. Willie and two other brats Licked up all tho rough-on-rats. Papa said, whon mamma cried, "Don't you care, they'll die outside." Unlvorslty of California Pelican. Willie tied the baby's ear Firmly to the chandelier; Baby chuckled, full of glee 'Twas his oar of corn, you soo. Princeton Tiger. " Willie pulled him by his tongue; Round and round the room they swung, Baby seemed to like it, though 'Twas his wngon tonguo, you know. Chicago Trlbuno. WUllo, having done theso two, Looked to find what else to do; Cut his hend up half an hour 'Twas his hend of cauliflower. Now York Evening Mall. Willie poundod baby's heady And thejlnfant, smiling, sJafd: "Google, Joqglo, umpty um" Twos tho head of. baby's drum. Rochester. Democrat-Chronicle. Wllllo don't like baby's fnce, Keeps his nose smashed out of placo. Will don't care, how this ono grows; Baby has some doml-noes. Dally Nebraskan. , A Year In College. S250 .cash nr rt vnnr In- onMn&a .nnni be 'easily earned by one young man or lady in each county by September, 1906r Plan does not Interfere "with other employment, and student can select the school. v State name of institution you wish to attend. 'No money required. For .particulars address, MORTON H, PBWBERTON, Qentralla, Mo. Last week we. sold nnnnntita onriitisVv! paper. "This week we will Mil gc4d v"i rhu auver broobs, ac tfl UnlVMV' T- T T V V njfl' fl W WW"IIP FRIDAY, :AT. & 8AT. MAT. LYMAN H.' HOWE'S EVER N EWER LIFORAMA Prices: Mat., Adults 25c, Children 16c Evening, 60c, 35c, 25c. THURSDAY NIGHT, ARRIL 6. ."The Holy City" SAT. MAT. & EVE., APRIL 7. RIQHARD CARLE IN "The Mayor at Tokio" QUA14TY OUR 80DA TASTES LIKE MOKE Rlggs, The Drug Culter 1321 O St. We have always been known as the STUDENTS LAUNDRY Wo want your businns. VOLK 11 U OH. HAND LAUNOJIV AM O Street. Auto 3754, UH a74 T FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 9300,000.00 Hurplm aud Profits 800,000.00 Dcpoalti 93,00,000.00 HrtT T H WlHTfrit 7fl ffi'Jft fi JM HE SEES BEST it it it it I WHO 8EE8 THE CONSEQUENCES. it it it ktsiusk it it it it it ih it Do you realize the serious con sequences of continued eye- j it it sixain r SCIfHTIFIC'EXAMIIIATie FREE. H-HALLETT, it it it it it it . OPTICIAN ' 1143 O 'ftTkWfr WWfr wa,VkV,VkVfr yL Or y kV itf w yr "ir m ' PMOLGrYIM 'ANri ri r."v Cuftci'in&-Qiilct i.,l a j !, . ; wan a-, Hfjarwf. JftT CLUtTTr FCAaODY.AXO. . r,w;-.-iWtT',-.ivHMu, Miwr7 CAJuefcer, Jeweler j j Dr. Sam'l. S. Slican !;! ...optician... J; i 1123 O STREET : V Your Patronage Sollolted q TXaBBBBBSaaBBBESaaaaaaSS4 aaaam''' .."S?. ' I aBaaaaaaaaaaaaw !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawBBBBBBBBBBBBBal aaaaaaBBBBBBBBaBaaBaBaaBaBBBaBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM f BBl r5ilVjYV 4 - 1 Vvl H l J. 1 1 i'l . 5 y " - i wt; 0VW, aujrf, -, .i " -, v . v - cr.t. --. . - . . wfifi.; .1 . .! JL ..r.. it"-sS4aa fi-JT-Jt Lh,l . .. i.A.t'-,'a. if mi ! a: