t THE DAILY NEBRASKA IN. K If i If li"- H in l; It V F Ml ' "rl ' . M. cooooooooooooooooooooooooo .0TIIE Michigan will meet Wisconsin In de bate ill Ann Arbor tonight. Andrew Carnegie has donated $-ir,-000 to Coo college for a hall of Hclence proi(U,d t ho Hchool Will raise a like (nun Tor support and maintenance. ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP lie U-io l( lio proir'v c dnv 1 .1.aln t' ITI'.V. hNSuml )ml,NVM-l lUKuMi. c I o BIFLES . . . from $2 ?.5 to $100.00 riH'i'OLS . . . lrom 2 00 to 60.00 SHOTGUNS . . troul 7.00 to 25.00 AUmir'fxltfnn.liHt 1m f.ir uofajro lllus. tm our i'i '.'r imike. Il.ti.ite'.l fftt.t '. li Inter, y ciu ,iiwi. ti.iiitiileOitijeirit In hilooTlNf.. im illrecl. rurri.r th,trf, 1 1. ijittoliate It. Mailed fetfalit, iimii rr.cl.t of'f rtwrcent In tuini to iul(jfpili. Uorcr postage. Our atti. tUo tWc-rnlnr Viimlnum Hanger will be nt ant i.cip ( r i run In ttun. J. BTEVBN8 AUMS AND TOOL CO., Ohloopoo Falls, Mmi., TJ. S. A. Washington, Oregon and Idaho will this year fengugc In a triangular do bite. The question 1h, "Resolved. That tiie inUrstnte (onimerco commission should be granted the power to fix a maximum railroad rate In cases brought before It, If It considers the existing rate too high." A WELCOME GIFT IN ANY HOMh SONGS OF ALL THE .COLLEGES T.vcryor.p lik-i A college song, and tills lxo!c is an Meal gift to plate on the piano for on&'s friends to nijojr, een though one lingj not at all himself i rvrn, w TAsrrrt f, ih-jmuk ron chmstmas on huvtiidat All tlm jr:w una '$1 GO postpaid- All tlie Ol.li onm AT ALL HOOK STORKS and MUSIC DEALERS cr if tit t affivtiiH-y tht PiiHisitrt HINDS & NOW E 31 33 35 W 15th SL, N. Y. City, Si hetlbrvkt rf c!l putlisktrt at one tltr Illinois defeated Ohio University in debate on Friday night last ou the question: "Resolved, That the Inter ests ol the people would be subserved by the enactment of federal legisla tion regulating the life Insurance busi ness, ll Is agreed for the purposes of this debate that the Insurance busi ness Is an instrumentality of com merce." Illinois defended the. nlllrmn tlve. Two of her speakers, Wiley and McGlnley, were on the team that de feated Missouri last year. One of the Ohio debaters was a lady, Miss Colin Schanfarber. QOOCX)OOOCXXXXCXXXXXXOOOOCX ..CAMPUS GLEANINGS'.. OCXDOOOCOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Eat at the Unl. Music Cafe. A number of new benches are being installed at the State Farm In the shops. Tlio benches were designed by I rofesaor Richards and wero made by the Lincoln Sash and Door company. Roller skating at the Auditorium. Word has been received from Mau ilce Benedict at Hawthorne, Nsv. He reached his destination safely, but will have to wait some weeks for the snow to melt, before being nble to continue his Journey into the mountains. Roller skating at tho Auditorium. WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DtCTfO IT IS UP TO DATE. AND RELIABLE, RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 Now Vords and Phrases ALSO ADDED Now Gazetteer of tho World Nw biographical Dictionary Editor In Clilf, VV. T. nurrU. Vh.l)., I.L.D., United titttei CmniaUiloucr of KJurttlon. 2380 Quarto Pcci. 5000 lustrations. rr (3 a PACKto cTonoicuct cr accurate mrontMTiON QnAMifPniitCiilk-lM . Ar-.vr )Wont.O'3 Fair Ct.louij Also Webster' Collejjlato Dictionary lllClVr. llOOIlliutratluui. Regular Edition 7 x 10s CJi Incbos. 3 blndlmp. Dc Luxe Edition l.yt xthx ,ln. rrlnlwl from lainopUW.uuLil.li-pmwr. tlwuiitirul bludlnji. FREE,,H);ulonairWrlnllc."llluitrtKlpamphl-t.. G. d C. ME.IUV.IAM CO. -. Publlihor.i, Springfield, Masi,, U, S. A. GET TIIE BEST Minnesota defeated Iowa in debate with the negative of the .question, "Re solved, That tho Unltod States Hhould establish a Hscal protectorate over any West Indian, South or Central Ameri can Republics which shall manifest a chronic fallme to meet their foreign obligations. Granted, that neither these republics nor any other foreign nations object." The question Is the name us the one on which Northwest ern defeated Mlnnesotu on J an miry 15. Northwestern also had the negative. Lecture at Kearney. Dr. Condra and Mr. Fee leave Sat urday for Kearney where Dr. Condra will give ' an Illustrated lecture on scenic Nebraska at the boys' state In dustrial school. Typewriting, J. ante I3llc. W. Brewster, Riih- Scnior Book. The editors of the Sonior Book an nounce that those wishing to got ma terial in the book will have to hurry, as the material is now being printed and the managers expect to get the book out shortly after spring vacation. Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St. C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, IM.Y. Makers of CAPS GOWNS arid HOODS To 'tho American Colleges and Univer sities,. .CJacs contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable) prices. Tho question of Governmental regu lation of railway rates seems to be the most popular or all the questlbns for Intercollegiate and interstate debates that has come, up for some time. Last fall Harvard and Yalo locked horns over the question, Harvard winning with the. afllrmatlvo. Michigan and Chicago then tried It, .out" this time Chicago, with the negative, won out. Besides being tho subject of Jtio tri angular debate between Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho, it will bo the subject of debates between Missouri and Kan sas, Missouri and Texas, Texas mid Tulanc, Idaho and Whitman College, Whitman College and Pacific Univer sity and Iowa and Notre Dame. With one victory for and one against rate regulation, ifwjll be Interesting to watch tho outcome bf those other contests. Classes Excused. All two and three o'clock classes are. ex.cu.sed today, out of respect to the memory of the late Hon. John M. Thayer. The merchants down town have' agreed toclose from 1:.'50 to 2::i0, and all business vll bo suspended. The gentleman who took- ,thc hnt from the Nobniskan olllco yesterday morning will do a charitable act by' returning it as I think that I need It worse than he does. THE OWNER. Considerable interest was manifested in the trial In tho police court yes terday of tho proprietor of the pool hall whom the fllgh School authorities are seeking to oust from his place oi business. A number of University i.tudent.1 attended the tiial, and two had the. pleasure of testifying in tho case. Tftlic Yonr'Clotlici ami go to j. o.. wopp & CO. Bhacissors to SoUktlp'JL- Wood Expert Cleaners and Dyers IlcIl-Tleiittoli'tl7. An(i i laQ-'J j xtf.ty n a in. mux.- Wisconsin's Graduate Club Arranges For Play. . Tho graduato club is preparing for a performance of . Georgo Bernard Shaw's brilliant comody, "You Never Can Toll," which will bo given at the Fuller opera house- in tho latter part of April. Mr. Arnold Daly, who has been conducting a highly successful tour with this and other phiys i by the samo author, has given hlf tonBent to its production hero. The cast hap been chosen,. and rohearsals are now being held. What'o a dance without Tommy? HSP?3'ft tf'fiMMII Thoa. W. Colemnn, bettor known fta "Tommy," at Miller S. Palno's. ooooooooooooo o o o YOU Will take a fit when you see those swell tailor-made suits at ' Printing George Bros.. 13th &. N. lUNLAND'S! 000000(0000000 A little way from right & wronr is n great way with JVye-tflasses a n d Spectacles. Here t h e skill, the will and facih- g ties are ititt rierht and don't forget, the sooner the easier in Eye care. I Hallett , Jeweler-Optician 1143 O St. -))e3HNlCE OOOCXXXVYVYYYXXXXXXXXyXXXX:CXXX)CXXXXXXDCXX)OC.C Ice Cream and ICES,,, 1307 0. Auto Plisne 2214 Oakcd (joods and Confections WANTED Every user or prospec tive user bt a typewriter to havo a freo trial of tho VISIBLE Underwood. Underwopd Typewriter Co., Bell Phone No.- or4S. 130 No. 11th St. Union Shlnl'ig Parlor Shine, five cents; chair3 for ladles. 1018 O St, DCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3COCOOOOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOOCOCOCOOO Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath House Turkish, Vapor; Sulpho-Saline,' Salt Glow. Hot and Cold Baths New and Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627. Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. .Corner 11th and N Lincoln TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM CP FOR ALL ICE CREAMS, ICES, PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES Reduced prices in large quantities, R ii mm iiimhihii bi ntiM iiiwiim imimiiwmlulJ . 1316 H Street. Both .'Phones J$r :4 'i 4 . -- ; -'- - -f tattir"" ""- '"' '""" "p.-"wf"-r j.