i X THP DAILY NEBRASKAN. WFR . h: OF is v , , X J & ,' ' t. tc Da p Ihbraskan A consolidation of The lIcBperlan, Vol. ."!, Tlio Nobrunkan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. i. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the UnlvorBlty of Nebraska, Lincoln, Web., by tho HcSporlan Publish ing Co. Application made for entry at the pOBtofllco nt Lincoln, Nobrnska, as second-dnss matter under act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout. Lauronce Fosslor. II. P. I,cavltt. DwlKht Cramer. A. 0. Schrolber. Manager ". . .Fred Naughton Circulation y.W. B. Standovon Telephone Automatic 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, 2 por year In ndvanco Once more tho unpleasant echoes of Kraft nro vibrating In our dignified walls. Just now It seems to bo nbou'. tho exorbitant prices charged for Unl- verHlty dances. Tho expenses of an ordinary University hop can, as shown by past experience, bo kept well un der the $100 mark, and at none of tho .regular dances this year has there? been less than a hundred couples on the floor. Why Is It then necessary to charge $1.50 per couple for audi ufnirR? And vhy should $2.50 bo charged for a Junior prom when the oxponuo accounts Hhow that tho danco could have been conducted for $1.50 per couple? Perhaps $2.50 Is not too much for. a Junior Prom, but If that ' price is paid tho patrons aro justified In asking for their money's worth. Th. wholo evil seems to Ho In tho fact that one-third of tho people who attend these affairs nover pay for their share of tho enjoyment. At tho last Junior Prom thoro were, twenty-seven mem bers ol! the dance committee. Each of thoso members were entitled to comps. That such a ,large committee Bhould be appointed Is an absurdity In Itself. At tho same danco over a hundred couplo attended and only sixty-ouo tickets were paid "for. A danco com mittee need not of necessity consist Arc Americans Intelligent? As an echo of tho visit paid ub by tho Imperial Chinese commission last January, ve find tho following In the April number of tho Metropolitan, written by n member of tho commis sion: To be a good story tollor has an Im portant bearing .upon a man's career. Ho becomes famous as such and it Is not too much to any that you read ttnorc about tho stories told by dis tinguished Americans than any of tholr acts, Tho stories of Daniel Webster and Abraham Lincoln aro told today with Infinite gusto, whilo the story of George Washington and his hatchet is taught in tho schools. "You have In America a population f ninety millions, more or less; ac cording to your claims, nine-tenth of these-, would ho above the average. What are tho facts? Out of this enor mous body, you have but' 12,000 or 11,000 men nnd women who have achieved enough Intellectual promi nence to lift them above the average; of all these, but a twelfth or fourteenth are women, so out of 90,000,000 of souls, you have but 1,100 women who have shown brains sufficient to placo them on u piano above tho comnfon herd, who llvo und die without being hoard of. Of this small group of pseudo intelligent people, about a fourth live In New York, and Now Eng land produces the most. "In China ve have 000,000,000 souls according to some estimates, and 400; 000,000, according to others, and the percentage of ultra-Intelligent men is fifty times as large as In America. Our principal Is education; true, it is not like your own, and some of your Illit erate politicians appear very strangely educated to. me, as In our country we have had what 1h virtually civil ser vice for ages, and overy office holder keeps his position by virtue of his hav ing passed a very severe classical ex amination. My ancestor of particular nolo In what would bo fifteen hundred years ago, was an astronomer of dis tinguished parts, and we have had many of your arts and scencos for ages. "Chinamen visited Amorlca a thous and years bofore Columbus was hoard OOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $2.50 HATS - $10 CRAVENETIES A. couple of'winnors oasy on your allowance-not too largo for any body nnd good .enough for tho best WHY PAY MORE? BUDD S2-.50 HATTER 00XXD900CXXXX)OOOOOCOOOOOOOX , . corners o z O am yyes ter field' s NEW ATTRACTION y z o bniversilp Students will find tticm. f Especially Attractive SAM'S cafe A. 7 f 7-2 North Thirteenth- Corners t&zgtgoccccvct&oogo$vgtgct$i markablo originators, you aro adapt ors. You devour tho Idea of somo ono else and present It In a new and charming guise." The hats and dresses of tho aris tocracy come from Franco. Franco establishes the fashion for America. Even .their olive oil which they Import is made of cotton seeds raised in (jeorgia and sold to tho Europoan olive oil men, who send it back. Did you ever hear of so strange a people? Are Americans really Intelli gent? Metropolitan Magazine. "Spring is came" as anyono can toll by noting tho numerous patches of verdant green which protrudo on sun dry places on -tho campus. Already 5 he long-sighted sluffer is staking out his claim, and a fow moro days liko this ono will sec all tho desirable bpots taken. It seems inevitable that as surely as spring "Bpringoth" that tho usual number of .erstwhile willing workers suddenly find themselves In need of. a vast amount of freBh air, and seem unwilling to sacrifice their studies for tho benefit of their health, alone, but must needs tako some fair one out to enjoy tho balmy air with them. Plenty of such treatment Is a tufncloncy, but enough Is too much. of moro than three' persons. A larger committee exists simply as a means "whereby tho appointLvo officer may re- ward his constituents. That each fraternity and socloty must havo a representative on 'every danco commltteo is another absurdity, and a person that advocates such a ayetom only widens the breach that now exists between tho members of our various organizations. These dances aro given under the auspices of somo school organization, and yet these organizations ropudlato all finan cial responsibility, a fact which In Itself leads tho chairman to a con servative policy In expenditures and an exhorbltant policy In charging. We want our University functions to bo good. Wo want them to cqjual similar functions at other colleges, but wken wo pay for tho real article wo don't want any Imitations. . , Junior. of. Your nntivo Amorlcan Indians could trace their ancestry back to far Cathay thousands of yoars ago had they preserved tholr annals, and so I might go on and Bpoak all night, toll ing you of the Inventions which fill your patent offlco which wero stolon from China. Tho Yankeo Is famous for his 'cuteness,' but it does not stand Investigation. When tho first Yankee sea captain entered China, he made a list of all our inventions and appli ances, and, when ho returned to Amer ica, ho began to Invent things arid got them patontcd. I have seen scores ol patented articles that havo been known In China for two thousand yoars. Tho .patents your Inventors did not discover in China, they found in the Porapellan Museum In Rome, As suredly, you Americans arc t not re- Edith Abbott of tho class of 1901 University of Nebraska, and who re ceived tho Ph. D. degree from tho Uni versity of Chicago last year, has just been appointed to the European fel lowship of American Collegiato Alum nae. Sho will attend tho London School of Economics and also attend the lectures under Alfred Marshall at Cambridge, As there Is only ono of theso appointments oach year, It la conaldored a high honor. f Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean 8 ...OPTICIAN... Q 1123 O STREET Q Q Your Patronage) Solicited H OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOO SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ELECTMC FACIAL AtfD SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BAKBER SHOP, 1206 0 STREET, BUM HL0CK I Maxwell, 13th and N. Fresh candy. ALLEQRETTI AND LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th AND O Artistic Photography Tha Klad Mint Fleaeoa ..Kennedy 8TUIIO - 130 BO. TWELFTH GREGORY THE COAL MAN CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. fN. 'Of. BOTH PHONES. . ' 1044 O STREET a S 4r. & 8 a Wl r1 .- 1 1 I . " '- fc ILF j- , r , r .r '. , . , , ,, iTj,i.. rv.i .. 7 .. ,..- ,n,i,....t ft . di w ...i. ; i i Hi Ofa