v THE OAkLV INEBRAISICAIN. 1 : j BUSINESS DIRECTORY I Ut "--s-s-B9Bsbshssbshbsbssbsssssss 1 1 K--rj Lojral University Btadsnt U j 1 ra;d t patroalso the Mtbm- j A kaa advertisers and to aaaatlaa , I j ( lb paper wall delag so. I I I It M u j "T" "" " i- ' BARBER SHOPS Arlsto, Green's Palace, Mogul,-Richard. feAKERYMrs. Potry. BQQKp-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin- coin Book Store, Uni. Boole Store. 11 'Bcown Drig Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. BOWLING. ALLEY Crgcont OAjFJD-am Westerfteld. Don Cam eron CARPETS Rydgo & QueaeL CARPENTER Geo. A. WJlaom. CA!PfJRB).JV-,'TpInmy, at Miller & Palno's Fountain. XHIN A-r-itudger & Guensel Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO-Gc o. M.' Conway Co. CLEANERS AND DYERS J. C. Wpod jfcjOo. CLQTHlNG--rArinstronj:, Unlaad, Ma goo & Deemer, Ludwlg. OQALGregory, Whltebreast CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol- flom. DISEASES OF BYE, EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erie B. Wpodward. DRY GOODS Millor & Paine, Horpol- shelmor, Rudge & Guenzel. DRUGGISTS Rlggs, Brown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. LORISTB Chapln "Bros. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY $2.60 Hat Store. HOTELS Ltndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. . . JEWELER Tucker, Hallett LAUNDRESS Yule Bros, NOVELTY MACHINIST TJiorp. QGULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsend. TRINTING-rtfew Century, King & .Jessup, Greer Copper Ce., George Bros. RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe. ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink. SHOES Sanderson, Rogers & Per kins. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining , Parlor. ' TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwlg. TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type- vripot Co. TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewster. SPECIALISTS-rDr. Erie B. Wood ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant . V II"1. . T"! T- " MY MAGAZINE. ''INVESTING FOR PBpjfl.Tl' (whloh-.I'll Bend. freeIs worth SoVaopy, tQ, an man who intends to In y.af?yvmqiey,. howeyor small: who haa roonQy Invited 'unprofltabily, or who. can etive ,5 or v more, per month, ,J)ut who i hain't learned' the art of investing for r prbnt It domonstratea the REAL earning power of money the knowledge financiers' , and bankers hide from the masses. It shows, how to .Invejit small sums and how to make thpm'sTOW Into fortunes "'the actual possibilities of intelligent In vestments. It revealB the enormous profits bankers make and shows how one can mako the same profits safely. It, explains,, HOW stupendous fortunes are .made and WHY they-are made how $1,000 grows to 922,000. --1 To introduce my magazine write me ,.NOW mentioning "this paper and I'll send' it BIX MONTHS jnREE. " ' ' 'EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jackson Blvd.; Chicago. Dr. Woqdward, diseases of the eye,' ear, nose and; tnroat Richards block, CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Rato onq cent per word each insertion; minimum, ten cents. "' ' BATH8. CHRIS BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-sallno, shower, plain. 11th and P .Sts. 8UITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cloancd and pressed at tho Weber Sultorium, 11th and O Sts. i i CLUB RATES Throo suits and O'coat cleaned and pressed, SI per month. El liott's, 1136 O St BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FAGEB BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel. No. 11 th St Baggage and parcels. DEMTIBT8 BOSTON Dentist, 1$19, 0 St, DR. H. A. SHANNON, ll3 O. Auto. 2823; Boll, 2126. OSTgOPATH Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. '90. Burlington Block. 8PECIALI8T8 DR. W. J. WELLS, stomach, kidney, skin and blood. 1210 O St. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladlos and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto. 3771. JEWELER. JEWELER DelosB Smith, watch maker and jowelor, 138 So. 12th -St Low rates to students. L08T. LOST A black change pocket-book on the campus, containing a Talo key. Finder please roturn to Nebraskan of fice and receive reward. LOST Monday, March 20, lady's small gold watch and fob. On tho campus, or between U. Hall and Four teenth and Q streets. Roturn to Ne braskan office for reward. 8treet Railway Time Card. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and South 17th Cars leave B. & M. depot and South St. at 5. min. post tho hour and each ten min utes. First 6:05 a. m., last 12:00 p. m. B. & M. Depot, Capitol and Sumner via Sun?, 11 p. m. lUh Cars ovory 20 min. First G:20 a. m., last 11:20 p. m. Union College and Normal via nth Cars ovory 40 min. First 5:50 a. m., last 10:50 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. B. & M. Depot, 25th and Sumner via 17th Leavo P. O. and 25th evory 20 min. First car 6:50 a. m last 10:50 p. m. Cemetery Cars leavo P. O. evory 16 minutes. First 6:25 a. m., last 11:25 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. Havelock and Uni. Place Cars leave P. O. and Uni. Placo 20 and 50 min. past hour. Cars leave Havelock C and 35 min. past the hour. First car leaves P. O. 6:50 a. m., last 10:60 p. m. First car leav.es Hayolock 6:35 a. m., last 11:35 p. m. Ser vice to Uni. Placo every 16 min., 5, 20, 35 and 60 minutes past tho hour. First car 5:60. a. m., last car il:05 p. m. ' N. W. Depot, Capitol and So. 14th Cars to 14th and A ovory 10 min. To 14th and South every 20 min. First' 6:20 a. m., fast 11:40 pv m. 14th and South St. cars make N. W. depot loop. oPnltontiary 10th and O every 40. m'n. First car leaves 6:40 a. m., last 10:40. p. m. Stato Farm 10th and O- even hour and every 10 minutes. B. & M. depot loop. South 10th Cars to 14th and South ovory 10 min. First 6:16 a. m., last .12:00 p. m. Sun. 11:00 p. m. Park every 40 min. First 7:00 a. m, last 11:90 p. m. South 10th street cars make N. W. depot loop. Stato University, R and No. 16th Cars every 15 min. First 6:23 a. m., lost 11:07 p. m. SUNDAY-rCars start 1 hour later and stop 1 hour earlier. TT 4UAAITY OUR 80DA TASTE IiUOQ MORS Mas, III Dm Gutter 1321 O St. March 22. Gorman Club, Miss Radomachor, 1401 D street. March 31. Gymnastic Exhibition. Armory, 8 p. xn. April 3 Gymnastic team try-outs. Armory, 8 p. m. April 0. Glee Club home concort. April 7. Engineering banquet. April 11-18. Spring vacation. April 20. Senior Prom. Llacoln Hotel. Nebraska-Wisconsin debate. Madi son, Wis. May 4. B Company Hop. Fraternity Ha,ll. May 21-22. Theodore Thomas Orchestra Audi torium. May 25. Annual cpmpotltlvo drill. Pan-Hollenlc Hop. Auditorium. Convocation Program. March 23 Music. March 26 Prof. Laurence Fosslor, 'Henry Ibsen." March 28 Prof. O, W. A. Luckoy, "Tho Making of a Teacher." March 30 Music. THE UNIVER8ITY OF CHICAGO. Tho, University year is divided Into four Quarters, Winter, Spring, Sum mer, and Autumn. Admission is grant- ed at the opening of each, on January 2d, April 2d, June 16th, and October '1st. Graduate Instruction Is offered In tho Graduate Schools of Arts and Lit-. veraturo and the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science. Professional Instruction is offered' In tho Divinity School, tho Law School, Rush Medical Qollogo (afllliatod), and tho School of Education. Summer Quarter 1906, Junol6-Sep- tomber 1. First Term: Juno 16July' 26; Second Term: July 27Auguat 31. Registration is permitted for tho on tire quarter or for either torm. Pull and. regular credit Is given for work dono. Special courses aro offered for teachers. For information address THE UNIVER8ITY OF CHICAGO ' Chicago, Illinois. Tourist Cars Popular. Tho Idea that an Inferior class of people patronize tho tourist Tsleopers Is an error. Oh many trips only the best class of travelers aro' found. They are merely men-"and wonienvof gdod sense 'who would rather travel lo Call fornia In this manner dnTsdve a snug sum of 'money '6 'bo 'used elsewhere. It Is beginning; to bo "und'erstoo'd that "It is by'rio means 'necessary for'lhe traveler to spend alargo sum of money. In order to enjoy a trip to the Pacific Coast If you cross theco'utlnont In 'one of. uid luuiiai uiuujJurB uj. ine tunion I'a c!0c you will- enjoy your trip and save considerable monoy. Inquire of ' 'B.. B. SLOSSON, General Agent WANTED Every 'user or prpspec tlve; user of a typewriter to have a free trial 6t the VISIBLE Underwood. Underwood Typewriter Co., Bell Phone No. 348.v 136 No. 11th St T Sa sV fa V U tsW A ti w X si tLiUiLtL fejk, kkU ah Ajj 1 OLIVER THEATRE bkJ4Vtf tod tlclf Sid ti jlitli ilub tA b it lAtti TONIGHT, 8:15 TtieGiner BreadMan Prices: $1.60, $1.00, 75c, A 60c. 8ATURDAY MAT. & NIGHT JOHN "GRIFFITH IN KING RICHARD 111 Mat, 25c, 60c; Eve., $1 to $25o. MONDAY MAT! A EVE., MARCH 2$ Henry W. Savage's Combined PAR8IFAL AND ENGLISH GRAND OPERA CO. Matinee Preude at 1:30 VALKYRIE Night, Overture at 8:15 FAUST PRICES $2.50, $2, $1.60 and $1.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 1300,000.00 Bnrpltii and Profits taOO,000.00 Deposits taaooo.oo ' We have alwsys betnitnown as Ihs STUDENTS LAUNDRY We want your business. YUJLIC BllOS. HARD LAUNDHT BM O StrMt. Auto 704, BsM 074 .. l "Rotert Bins," theleadlig IOcCt(i When down town mefet.yoar'frlenfif.at . . MM AA.IIIIB'.tlM ' fl Gl0 M CONWAY'3 ': 4 lV V 1THBBT i j The oaly exclnwre figw and tobaooo store '- lathe cltyT,v-nr- "J ARGYJLE AN ySRRDW ;.CJpf?o Sfarask Qanler .Slzei H earn- wbii-iwu tvr m bm. CVCTTf .RCABODY ., CO., ' MMHt er eiuiirf nut momaich mmu lmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmB Ijj C A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Shean I V '- .mQpticiajv... ;j !;! 1123 O STREET .jij ?v I1 Your Patronage Solicited, v 'K I. I I I I- .1 ' 2j 'ilia n'fiTRBBV' t-" r.xiwopi4i,j!!' bsSW s-r?:!??.'.tvj' 'BBBBBSal BBBBBBB. "fzT ' 'IbBBBVII BSSSSSB .- vn. ' 'SSSSSSSSf BBBBBBS . V. 'SBBBBBIB1 BBBBBBBa. ..F-0v.V- . VmSBBBBBIbI ., VBBBSttBBSW'. ''4bBBBBbI I A K 7 S-j vw.' 'A i J- ' i' ' is :'& :vv ! , '' 1 'if- ' V .. , X, ' -uJ V. " ' -.it' . ' " 'v t fr h,. a. ''i-t.. t-v $ a"" i.j' ;-A -tf...v KLT,"jaa.gs-a-i SLlsJ-wK''!-ss.p,.t:L,Jaa4-?gAJ:JBvJv:J,ultt