-jmiim jryr 4 WGlnHt r"f i -- V I 3 ,iJ TEbg; 3ail IRebrasftan Vol. V.' No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1906. Price 5 Cents t K ., . , i f Q1RL8 OF '07 FORM NEW 80CIETY Object to Be Promotion 8plrlt. of Class A now honorary society for girls In the Junior class said to havo boon In -contemplation for some time, has just been organized under tho mysterious name of the Ordor of Silver Serpent. The pin Is to bo a small colled sor pent. Colors are silver and green. Ten Sophomore girls are to be chosen each spring by the Junior girls In tho organization. . Tho Junior girls composing tho or ganization aro no longer shrouded In mystery. Tho names of Juniors are Eleanor Andrews, Louise Brace, Eva Casey, Beatrice Clark, Georgia Field, Vlnda Hudson, Helen Huse, Florence Parma leeBeth Parkinson, Margery Rich ards. Ton senior girls have been elect--ed to honorary membership. They aro: Pearl Archibald, Ruth Bell, Mary Bldwell, Harriet Hutton, Edith Butler, Ethel Poke, JulIaDeweoso, Olive States, Ina GIttlngs, Leta Stot ter. Junior societies aro very common in larger schools for girls as well as tor men and Nebraska has beea-rathor late in organizing. der of the Slivor'S$vi)OUt'''proiuigC3- atone for the deficiency in a manner thatJs all that could bo asked. Tho election of the Sophomore girls who will be active members of tho Silver Serpent next year will be hold later and an Initiation and banquet is being planned. Tho object of tho Silver Serpent oemB shaded in as deep a mystery as are its founders, but tho information was volunteered yosterday by one of the newly elected memebrs that it was to promote student enterprises, espe cially those undertaken by the coeds and to create greater class interest. Battalion to Take Part The. ordor was road yesterday after noon at drill, commanding the bat talion of cadets to fall in Friday after noon to take part in tho funeral cor tege of tho late Hon. John M. Thayer, former governor of Nebraska. The funeral services will bo in charge of the G. A. R. and interment will be at Wyuka cemetery. Juniors Today. The Junior class will meet today' at 11 in Memorial Hall. A report of tho Junior Prom will be glvon by tho chairman and other class business will be taken 'up. Tho delajr on tho part of tho chairman of the Prom hay caused a little irritation among somo members of tho class. This has brought forward the usual, charges of "graft" and tho managers pf the affair will bo given a chance this morning to make a report and clear thomselovs. Mrs. A. J. MorHs, at University School of Music, will give a recital for graduation, tonight in Memorial Hall, Public cordially invited. N k Maxwell, 13th and. N. Fresh candy. BAND INFORMAL MEMORIAL HALL Friday, March Twenty-three fc fc fc 9:00 p. m. Tickets 50c OOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)CXXXXXXXXX)COCXXXXXXXXXXXX) Botany Club Celebrates. The Botany Club, with malice afore thought, gathered Monday evening at their accustomed stamping grounds in costumes rivaling tho Norwegian. And it was a goodly company of maidens fair and manly youths, twonty-flve strong. Subdued titterings of the damsels, Important pnclngs of the halls by said manly youths betokonod some thing of importance in tho wind. Twas tho occasion of tbjfannual bob sled party. Twenty-live in. one old bobsled didn't give much clianco for prome nading. But oh, It was delightful! You couldn't fall out, any moro than tho printer's "wodgod form can escape. Some kind soul had nailed slats length wise of tho seats to keep one remind ed that ho was still hero. Songs and yells, jokes and jeering, scraps and However, tho J'eivWuabbles, ' an, .pooanloaalvrrburat-gof niuiiiil ilijim i Uhi hiinan tjflnijJMnM.H r"""" a series or Lectures at into a trot niado th6 perfect snow sceno brim full of "dolns." But good enough was not enough. Tho generous hearted ladles of tho club had propared a "feed" at tho hos pitable homo of one, of them. Few wore tod bashful to indulgo In that feed. Nothing but' joy would have como of it had not tho ladleB mag nanimously insisted in allowing the follows part of tho honor "by calling on them for impromptu toasts. Zooks! Registration 8lips. Tho call for delinquent registration came forth from tho ofilco yesterday in stentorian tones. Lists were posted on tho bulletin boards yesterday con taining names of thirty-eight students who had neglected to turn in their registration slips. The call Is sup plemented by a suggestion that credit will be withhold from- tho students whoso names appear on tho list, un til tho slips aro turned in. Honor Ex-Governor. Tho University flag waved at half mast yesterday, in honor of John, M. Thayer, former governor of tho state, who died, Monday. ' ocooocococoocococxxooooooo GYMNASIUM EXHIBITION BIGGEST QYM EVENT OF the YEAR ARMORY, MARCH THIRTY ONE EIGHT P. ML' RESERVE THIS DATE CONVOCATION. Valkyrie Given In Part by Mrs. Holy oke and Mr. Johnston. Tho musical program, which was to havo been given Friday, was given' yesterday at convocation, Mr. George Johnston and Mrs. A. R. Holyoko ren dering the third sceno of act one 'of "Valkyrie." A brief account of the plot of tho drama was given by Prof. Gumman, after which Mrs. Raymond gave tho three climaxes of tho piece on tho piano. The attendance was large, a fact which speaks well for tho enthusias tic qualities of tho student body. Dr. French will speak on "Demo cracy and Culture," Friday. DR. R088 AT WA8HINGTON. 8eattle During the Summer.' Dr. Ross will give a throo' weeks course of lectures at tho University of Washington during thor summer. His subjects will bo "Mob Violence" and "Race Suicide." When seen yesterday relative to this announcement, Dr. Ross stated that ho would leave for Seattle, whore tho uni versity is located, late In Juno and after delivering his course of lectures would spend a week in tho mountains of that state. Upon his return to Ne braska In the latter part of July or the first part of August tho professor will remain 'in Lincoln until September 1st when ho leaves for his new residence In Madison, Wisconsin. Tho Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. will hold a joint meeting in Memorial Hall, Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. The gathering will be addressed by Miss Llvormoro, who rec'onty returned from India, where she has been doing mis sionary work; Miss Llvormoro is a speaker of moro than ordinary abil ity and has many interesting things to tell of her adventures while 'abroad. Don't forget tho dale Sunday, March 25, at 3:00 p. m. ' ATHLETES BUSY FRATERNITY MANAGER8 TONIGHT. MEET 8peclal Work In Gymnasium Exhibition. J . for "Pat" McLaughlin, chairman of last yoar's Intor-fratornlty basoball man agers, has called a mooting of tho pres ent managers to bo hold at tho Dolta Tau houso tonight. TJioro are many points to bo brought up and Bottled. Tho schodulo was not finished last spring and tho ponnants wore not doflnitoly awarded. Tho Phi Gams, who won on tho "South Side," woro glvon tho second pennant, and Pat has tho first hanging up in his room. Ho sayB, rathor than mako a mistake, ho will koop it. A silver cup was purchased sovoral yoars ago and is at present nl the hands of Dolta Tau Dolta, who woro tho last to win tho championship. Just what will bo dono about last yoar Is not known. Tho loading teams on tho North Side say they havo some claim, and Phi Gam says, as it had tho only team which was not dofoatod, it deserves first placo. Many minor affairs and a now sched ule for this spring will bo acted upon. Dr. Clapp calls especial attontlon to tho mass, dumb-bell drill and tho work 6f the" boxing class, which wilL be two features of tho gymnastic exhibition which will bo hold in tho Armory on Saturday evening, March 31. Tho mass dumb-bell drill will bo carried out by as many of the first-class men as can find room on tho floor and about one hundred! and twenty-five will tako part. This work is strictly class work, spe cially developed to add Interest to tho exhibition Tho work In boxing will show tho development of this now departure which I. P. Hewitt and Jack Best havo beon working with all winter and will consist of class work and a series of leads, parries and other fistic maneu vers that will ploaso tho most elite. Tho boxing stunts will concludo with a bout between Hewitt, former under study of Gebhardt at tho City Y. M, C A., and Hale, a Lincoln man.- of, somo roputs in tho boxing fraternity. The gymnastic team try-outs, which woro to havo been hold tonight in the armory havo been postponed until Tuesday, April 3. This has beton nec essary because of a bad cut which Klosselbaoh received yesterday while working in tho chom. lab. Patterson also is suffering from a sprained wrist, and with two of the contestants in bad shape, It was thought beat to postpoae tho trials. , On Friday ovenlng Miss Maude' Ken dall of University Place will give one of her popular' recitals .consisting of solos; readings and impersonations, at 'Assembly Hall, Agricultural College, under tho auspices of the Y. M. CA. Admission, 25,centa. Take State Farm Cire ll ; Union Shining Parlor Shims, tje cents; chairs for ladles. 1011 O ML ti J 4 i i M IV-r .- LL