The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1906, Image 1

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$be IPail IFlebraehan
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Vol. V. No. 87.
Price 5 Cents
.Rivalry Among the Greeks Begins to
Be Shown In Baseball
Friday, March Twenty-three
,. The Greeks are lining up for Intor
Craternlty strife again and ero the
snowdrifts aro well on their way to
the ocean the lnter-fraternlty baseball
league will havo definlto form. Sev
eral of them are already whittling out
their hickory cudgels. Tho Alpha
vraus have elected E. J. Shamway as
manager for the tcum and tho Betas
selected Hubert Bell as manager and
James Macrae ns captain of tholr
bunch. All report progress and a great
deal of interest, and say that although
some havo only reached' tho talking
point as yet, organization Is near at
The Athletic Board meeting last
night was truly a busy one. A. vote
of thanks was first tendered to tho
student members of the Athletic Board
-tfho so successfully carried out the
football benefit. Then a vote of thanks
was tendered all those who helped
make It a success by taking part.
Nex't-in order "was baseball business,
and when It -was "concluded P. Parr
was assistant baseball jrianager, six
games with "Ducky" ;HjOlmeXwero ar
ranged for and thcy'wllj behfdayed In
9:00 p. m.
fe fc fc
Tickets 50c
C. R. WeekB Elected Accistant Mana
gerClass Party nt 8tate
Farm In Aprlt.
Arrangements Made for Music Fes
tival. Final arrangements for tho May
musical .festival, ono night of which
Is to take tho place of tho graduation
musical, havo bpen completed. Th'e
Theodoro Thomas Orchestra of Chi
cago, tho finest orchestra In America,
has been secured, togethor with the
soloists, some of whom havo world
According to present arrangomonta,
tho festlyal will bo held in tho Audi
torium Ma20th and 21st, with a mati
nee on the 21st, making threo per
formances in all.
That the festival will bo the greatest
musical success ever given In this city,
or for that matter in tho statethero
can be little doubt. Tho orchestra, is
compose! of fifty pieces and la accom
panied by America's leading soloists:
Glen Hall, tenor; Wlthorspoon, bass;
Convocation Today.
Theregular music program of Fri
day will bo given this morning In
chapel. Mrs. Holyoko and Mr. Geo.
Johnson will sing tho first, sccno of
Act three of Wagner's 'Valkyrie," and
Professor Grummann will give a short
Introduction beforo the program. This
should bo' of special value at this time,
not alone for Its musical worth, but
as a sort of introduction to those who
intend to hear tho opera as It will be
rendered at tho Oliver noxt wook.
a series of doublo games.' TtfeVfirstjChar)otto Maconda, soprano, and
two will bo played Orf.Aprll 0 and 7
the second, on the 19th and 20th of-
April and tho last two;on tho 23d anil,
24th 6f the same month. The trip
south during vacation for Morse and
his sluggers was approved when tho
question of two games with the Ne
braska Indians wero decidod upon to
be played on tho 20th and 21st of
Th'ia'out of the way, track' work was
taken up and Denslow was chosen as
track manager to succeed J3wIght;-raT
mer; The track meet with Kansas is a
reality, but, .the -board approved the
meet without making any more defi
nite date than, sometime in May.
Football matters got their share of
uttentIon,ffor.afterJ: Kf. Morrison was
olocted' to -succeed MorrlsBenedlct -as
it member of thq Athletic Board, fhc
Kansas fodtball date) Novombor 17th,!
at Lincoln, was approved. On October
0th, at Lincoln, Knox College will en
t.tertain on tho gridiron. ,On November
2ith, Donne is slate'd and although the
Minnesota- -game Is - arranged - for;- -It
'was "impossible-to- -get "nn- authentic
statement -of "the date, .- -
' tW bnskdttiair team left yesterday
at 2 p. mrover tho Burlington for" Oma
ha, where thoy play ono gamb. From
Omaha they go o'ye.r the Groat West-
or", jaljy lPS.thxe.ol, games before Jhpjr
, raeeyWtnineHp.taj&L6Un;ujapplls '.Qg,at:
urday night.. Tho men who went were
Manager 'Yn Orsdel,. Captain Hoar,
"Mpser, Bell, Meyer, Hagenslck,,p. Bell
' and.,Walsti. Tfie boys were all irifinb
condf(Iott'lmfd lVexpectotHtial? th'by
Grace Munsoh, contralto.
Ono pf tho evenings, It has not yet
beenleflnitely decided which, tho Uni
versity chorus will accompany tho or
chestra, thus combining the graduation
musical, to which one ovenlngr has
heretofore boen devoted with tho fes
tival Itself.
Thomas' Orchestra is without doubt
th$ foremost of all American orchps
trqs. ,hojnag"gRentvths,,larger part of
his life In its organization. It is com
posed of tho best musicians and raus;
ical productions to be had after twenty
yoars of ' travel and study in Europe
and America Since tho death-oJt Mr.
Thomas, h few years ago, the orches
tra has been' steadily forging Its way
to tho -front untll-todaylt stands with
out on equal in thd World of music
-a monument to its 'founder and life
long director, Theodore Thomng. j
' That tho festival will bo tin event of
the year Is proven .by the fact that tho
railroads have already agreed to fur
nish reduced rates within a' distance
ofonoTiundred mflus of"thocity."'
Pan-Hell. Play'
Daily practlco is being held by those
in chargo of tho girls' Pan-Hellenic
play, and tho dato has been set as
noxt Saturday afternoon. Tho play
will bo given In chapel and an informal
recoptidn will follow. The namo of
the play Is suggestive of a great deal
of HghJ. merriment, and it has thus
far bocn withheld from tho general
public. A Nebraskan reporter, how-
evonsBUCceeuea yemuruuy in uuuiub
out thatvtho namo of tho play was
"Bubbles."Ho was also able to get
a complete casleof tho characters, but
by request It Is ,not printed.
Candy and Popcorn.
. Tho Y. W. C. A. will gtvoanother
of thoso onjoyablo candy sales onF.rl
day. This time variety Is given In the
shapo of popcorn balls.. What tho
shapo of the balls will be, whether
round or square, has not yet boen de
termined, but they arp guaranteed to
bo toothsome and healthful. Arrange
ments have also been made to havo a
large supply of candy on hand so that
late-comers will not bo disappointed.
Tho fame of these candy sales Is con
stantly growing ind each seemp to
prove 'oven moro successful than Its
predecessor.' j
Tho Junior class mot In Momorinl
Hall yesterday morning. Tho commit
tee on clans party reported that thqy
had decidod on art outdoor party to
bo held at tho Stato Firm somo timo
In April. Something of tho less "for
mal" naturo seomod to uo desired by
tho class, and tho report of tho com
mittee was well rccolvod by tho class.
Tho committee, consisting of Missos
Helen Huso, Myrtle Kauffman and
Messrs. H. Stelnor and W. B. Stand
oven, which reported tho plans yostor
day, will havo chargo of tho party.
A report of tho Junior Prom was
called for, but tho chairman was-pot
proaent. After somo discussion It was
voted to Instruct Sargoant-at-Arras Do
Young to see that tho chairman Ih
present at tho noxt mooting with a
report. Tho constitution of tho class
requires that the chairman of each
class hop shall mako a report to tho
class and all profits bo turned over to
tho treasurer of tho class.
' Tho election of tho Junior assistant
manager was men miien up. ropi
uem Myers nominaieu unao. it. wee,
and Albert B. Wolf; Tho balloting vo
suited in tho cholco of Weeks by n
good maJoly. Mr. Weeks is a monv
iter of the Kappa Slgmafraternltyr
Ho has had consulorablo,oxporienco aH'
a school teacher and' newspaper man -and
will doubtless mako a worthy as-,
slsjtaftt to Manager Burr.
A meeting of the class has boon
called for tomorrow morning In Me
morial Hall. Tho report of the Junior
Prom, whlch has beoa delayed for. a
consldorablo .time, is expected at that
time. Tho delay .scorns to havo caused
certain members of tho class to be
como slightly irritated and the chair
man will bo given a chanco to prove
that tho Prom has been prop'orjyfjp'a-
ducted. Some other business will also
come up at tho meotlng.
Several now Incandescent 'lights
havo been tfut fn tho library ind some
rqpalrs havo been made that It is
hoped will do away with tho occa
sional sinking to whlcji the lights have
been subject tho last few weeks.
Prlntlng-Georgo Bros 13th & N.
- '. '
Tho class of 1896 Is arranging for
itaf tenth annual reunion, to bo bold'r
in June. The committee is. busily en
gaged .in compiling a class history, -which
will "be published. A largo num
ber of tho class have signified tholr
Intontlon of participating in 'tho re
union. The class-history is unique. ih
that it will, glvo tho present '.'statu v
quo" of all the members about' whom
1 a if f ' ii ti ' "' M
iiuuruuiuuii is uvuuuuiu. f
' : hghym;; RESER;tHis;riATJ,;;j
- A request has beon posted by Jtho
librarian that students leavo -books
on the tables when through reading
them. Though tho Intentions of (ha
student may bo, good when ho 'returns
a bo6k,ktho"odds"aro-8o great that .tb!p'
book- will not: get into rits own place
Ujat tho ..request, 4o.lot tho, HbrarJariB
return, them,;.hasbeen found.- ncces-.
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