SH&La wvj-Tjyp"T55'wi""r" r.5'mu? A ffn-"y" i THE DVILV NEBRASKAN. li. I i i K v IK to 5T'' P. ". ; ' K, . - ' Cfa Daily Dtbraskan " 5kM$ v . r m: Ntfermakaa,! Vet i; Sctrlet aa4 ,Crm. V.' 4. daily, cctet Sunday and M4r. at tho XJnlvrlty ef HjtefMfca, Application mad for entry at the poatoBce at 'Lincoln, Neorasica, as eecoad-clasa mat tor under act of Con cm- of March 3, 1878. . 4,, . I II ' . art af Director. O. V. P. Btout. Laurac Foi tor. n. p. Leavitt. Dwlcfct Cramer. A. O. gcbrelber. Managtr Frad Naughton Circulation W. B. 8tandeyn Telephan Automatic 152S Night Telephone Automatic 2S5 Bubeoriptlon Price, 13 per year In advance With Iho rapid growth of our insti tution and tho oroctlon of building aftor building, thoro is ono thing which is apparency forgotton. Plans aro ar ranged and porfoctod whoroby tho students may increase their intellec tual being along most any lino some times' wo think theso lines of learn ing aro beyond restriction and num bers. But tho fellowship of tho stu dent is almoBt forgotton and novor wjllviho studonta in this institution bavotho social fellowship until tho' dormitory system is installed. Studonta moot in classes and some times bocomo so intlmato as to havo npeaVlpg. acquaintance with ono an othor. iJiit how many lasting friend ships aro formed? Wo think thoro arc vory few as compared with other schools whero the system Is In use. It lo truo nomo raeot In fraternities and sororities, but this part of the studont ,body "la vory 'small, probably one-eighth; The other soven-oighths theoAjmuot go t,tholr own way, form frlonUs as they choose, and many Umoa theso. aro indeed vory tompor ary. With tho dormitory systom students , would moot In a common hall evory day and fellowship with one anothor. The "tablo would bo tho means of good f r sociability ono with anothor. Thoro ii would be a freedom among the men In frequenting each other's rooms for a good heart to heart talk, and in the end man would' learn to "know man, honca a ' lasting friendship. There would bo the close bond of loyalty existing, betwoen students that had lived in the same, hall for the four years of a' collego course -In a university the sizo of Nobras ka there is too much antagonism among the students, probably duo to tho wild grab after class offices and different organization control. This Is bound to cause enemies and espe cially bitter ones when there has been no .bond horetoforo to draw them to ge$cr. It is not claimed that theBa dormitories would form a close class poHtic'al "ring," "but it would tend to make tho students meet man to' man, and -a greater " regard would conso quently grow up. In- urging this system of bringing the -students- closer together it is felt ... that It wilt be for the University's benefit and wotiiA' tond In the'ioad'to give the a tudent.body greater' trBgih dnlcr at lbfl'thftdyionaf of the school. There has been more or loss specu lation among' those interested In ath lellcs as to tho probab'lo action of tho Athletic Board In regard to tho recent Conference rulos. The rufos passed bythe jjdonferenco colleges lnrogards' to 'football havo boon regarded fcj? many as moro or less radical, but thoro are somo foaturs' of these rcgu lations which are In themselves very good. The quostlon of a training table' as been the ono of utmost importance, and it Is genorally considered that Ne braska will follow tho Conference colleges and abolish tho tablo. It has boon thought for somo time that the training table had Its ovlls as well as Its benefits, but tho evils have all seomed to overbalance the benefits. Consequently tho training tablo muBt go, and but few aro of the opinion that without It Nebraska's chances for a championship team will be less ened. Putting the training table aside, the student goes into tho game from tho pure lovo ho has for It, and not from a mercenary viewpoint. Qo to Ml If on. Members of the University Dramatic Club loft this morning for Milford, whore they go to glvo the "Russian Honeymoon" tonight. Tho Y. M. C. A. quartette accompanied tho casto and will glvo several selections to fill in tho time between acts. According to word from Milford, tho play tonight will havo tho largest attendance ovor given any entertainment in that city. Tho Dramatic Club first trlod tho giving or plays out of town merely as an experiment, but thoy have bqen so successful that in all probability soVeral will bo, given during thoTest of the school year. Tho work of tho club has boon more extensive thin year than ovor, which is probably duo. to tho Increased interest among the stu dents in tho work and tho successful way in which tho plays havo been car Hod out. MrChas. Sawyer and Harry Keyser desorvo special mention for the way in which thoy have trained the castes in the two last pieces, "Rus sian Honeymoon" and "Tho Trained Nurse." Non-Com. Hop. Tonight at Fraternity hair the non commissioned officers of .tho Battalion; glvo their annual hop. Heretofore' this has always been a vorjj enjoyable affair and tonight promises to be no. excoption. Bent Slaughter .and D. C. "Wilson havo charge of tho dance, and thoy have left no slono unturned In ofdor to make this ono of tho most enjoyablo Informal parties of the year. Tho program consists of eigh teen numbers and two extras. This will bo tho last Informal dance of tho prosont school year, with the ex ception of Company B danco the first part of May. ' Tho Secretary of tho Nebraska chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. Clem ents, has sent notices to tho various departments requesting the grades of all seniors who graduate in June, he object being to enable him to decide to whom Phi Beta Kappa honors he long. Tho announcement of candidates elected will be made early in April. - t ' mtSJtmmmammmmmmnmmmKmmmomcmmmmmmzmam. 'J' t.. -- .. '"V'. - ! P 1 V X Buy Stationery Cheap 44 Persian Lawn," a good grade of fabric finished paper and 50 envelopes' put up in a neat cabinet expressly for 'Miller fc Paine. We had a very successful sale of similar, cabinets last fali at the same price. Tfiis however, is a' better, heavier paper than we offered at that time. A regular 50c 35c Miller & Paim ) 8 turners O z & am v Lnhcrsity Students will find fycm Especially Attractive V & o X. itt hm ftU to rMtlrmoB iIm a of pradactka ad Iff" W immtfr - ' "J &. wfey w in. ine ' UntU ji ntloed ve yow de ordet a (ec you. U:&MfS M I A V NEw:MODEi'mta, I. J 6 Opectally boted for tmolrUu vwll WJ-V tmwW ami kA rk.nlvM( tl.. ttTlLlZ ,' WotKsunthm and bnoh am MrfocL f Ilv WMit it oalv 7 muuk Tk. I.J9 l.L. ' 2iP.nch thellt may bo utoi. Several improYemenU in (he operant Pt ale k the etuiat. ieot I wlW?fV M wki pn. fa exktenco. Wo are Ud to tnako k pomble foi etety lortf'ol u 'I iIMUnitotMlh!ihttailerta&Utttatlow " W I Stndfot Iht Btar&t Catalotut and ExpcHtnc Book &. Pitt Jot 3 damn. YAr7JZarn2rrarms J K . . 4 Cabinet, special : Wr a- v ester rieia s ' k; WW w r c NEWATTRACTION ' VS3 CAFE .,i-.v, X Jl3-l2TJNbr4h Thirteenth ? f the umt jm Hvo itf tU mm w to ika & fanUr. Notice the cU mAr. -& y r1 ,- Co., irfaTOow Street, NeW Htved, Ct. f rjii' x i- J r- Hi w 4 . H -m v r K i s Ffr, K i '. 'i? u. K ', J ,J. -fi ... f . ixMK . i ii &-T-. LW..fJ 4.ivr Whxt Wr-.'Wt.