The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1906, Image 3
'.in , TV ?- r.J:''j.tri, f -'' v T i.. '. V Ha THE DAkLY INEBRASKAIN. ) CLASSIFIED COLUMN BUSINESS DIRECTORY c Kverjr1 JLrl Unlvaralty StwAcat U J rc t ptreaK0 thetv.Kfbnia- A kan atlrartUera, aad I aaaatlaa X - papr wall doing i'e. I I 1-5 March 16. Junior basket-ball, Frl- Senior day, 5 p. and m. "i I'i . I bUll j C, A,Ttfcker, Jeweler Dr.Saml S. Shean : . ...OPTICIAN... , 1123 O STREET ' Cj Your Patranafo Solicited C .. - - I c IT'- it LLr:. - . u vZ1'" If'-'- r s; . : t t' l$ r lu. V.t dTn h'. k u: i w !)- cr L: ,r KC ilfc ''''''' m aaa?ata! ' 'A 'Aal 'al BARBER SHOPS Aristo, Greon's Palace; Mogul, Richards. BAKER Mrs. Petry. BOOKS-STATIONERY-- Co-op, Liu colti JJook .BtbrcUnl. ..Book Store, Brown, Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPlTALr-Glllespie, BANKS Columbia National, Firs Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Croscent CAFE Sam Westcrneld. Don Cam eron. , r CARPETS Rudgo & Guenzel. TJARPENTER Geo. A. Wilson. nATiKlri'TCR Trttm'U at M.'llni- P. h5-". Paino's Fountain. ' ' CHINA Rudgo fe Guenzol Co. CIGARS AND TOBACCO G(o. M. .Conway, Co. GLEANERS AND DYERS J. C. Wood CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma- geo & Deomer, Ludwlg. COAL-i-Gregory, Whttebreast. CONFECTIONERS Maxwell, Tho Fol- DISEASES OF EYE. EAR AND THROAT Dr. Erlo B Woodward. DRY GOODS--Mi:ior & Paine, Horpol . sholmer. Rudge lb Guenzel.. y rlORUGOISTS Rlggs, Brown, Rector. R-l I " EX.jril.8 juincom - J-OCUl. '"rw,KiAMaa'i-a unnpin uros. GROCERS O. J. King & Son. HABERDASHERY 12.50. Hat Store. HOTELS Llndell. ICE-CREAM-AND ICES Franlflin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallctt. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros. NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. OCULISTS Dr. Davis. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond. N PRINTING New Century, King & ar Jeasun. Greer Cooper -Co., George Bros.. i RESTAURANTS Don's Cafe; ROLLER SKATING Auditorium Rink, SHOES-Snnderson, Rogers &. Per kins., v BHINING PARLOR-rUalon Shlnlag Parlor. TAILORS Unland, Union College -, Tailors, ,LudWIg. , v ... TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type ' writer JDp. " TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewster. ' SPECIALISTS Dr. Erie B. Wood ward. WAITERS' BUREAU Grant. - Street Railway Time Card. B. Sf. MPepot. CapltoTand South 17th Cawleavo B; Si M, .depot and South St. at min.past tho hour and cachton mln ujoa. First C:05 a. m., last 12:00 p. m. B, & M. Depot, Capitol and Sumner via Sun., H p. m. 34thCars ovcry 20 mln. First 6:20 a. m., IrtSt 11:20 p, m. Tiitlpn,. CoHc'bo , and Normal via 17th Cjira ,oyery Q rnliu First C;60 a. m.-laqt li:'Cp.p. ni.. B. & Mr depot-loop. U," St V. ifPOt, 25th and, Sumner via ljfti(i ; fren,vo j. O nnd-25th eyty20 mln. First car"6;50 a. m., last'lOjCO p. m. Cemetery Cars' leaver P, p. overy 15 minutoa. First C:25 a., m., lanl 11:25 p. n. B. & M-dopot loop. ' , Havelock-and Uni. Place Cars leavo P. -&r-and -Unl. Place 20 nnd ,C0 mlnr past houi:. Cars leave Havclock 5 and 35' mln. pant- th'o hour. First car leaves P. O. 6:G0 nvm., last 10:G0 p. m. First car Jcayoa Havc(ock 6:35 a.nn., last il;35 p. m. Sor vlco to Unl. Place, every 16 mln., 5; 20, 33 and to minutes past the hour. First car C:50 a-. m.r last car 11:05 p. m. . N, W. Dopot. Capitol and . So. 14th Cars to 14th and A overy 10 mln. To 14th and South cvory 20 mln. First 6:20 a. m.. last 11:40 p. m. 14th and South St, cars makq.N, W. depot loop. bPnltont!ary-10th and O ovory 40 mln. First car leaves 6:4tTa. m., last 10:40 p. m. Stato Farmr-10th nnd O eVen. hour and every Iff1 minutes. D, & M. depot loop. South' 10th Cars to 14th and South ovory 10 mln, First 615 a. m.. last 12:00 p. m. Sun, 11:00 p. m. Park ovory 40 mln. First 7:00 a. m., Inst 11:60 p. m. South 10th street cars mako N. W. depot loop'. Stato University, R and No. 10th Cars every 15 mln. First 6:23 a. m., last 11:07 p. m. H ' , SUNDAY Cars start 1- hour later and stop 1 hour earlier, ' All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. rtnto one cont per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. BATHS CHRI8 BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-sallnc, shower, plain. 11th and P Sts. SUITORIUM. TIAVT3 your clothing oleanod and .pressed at the Weber SuItorlUm, 11th and O Sts. CLUB RATES Throe suits nnd O'coat cleaned nnd preBscd, 1 per month. JE1 liott's, 1138 O St. BAGGAGE TRAN8FER. FAQER BROS.. Basement Winder hotel. No. 11th St. Baggago nnd parcels, DENTI5T8. BOSTON 'Dentists, 1319 O St DR. II. A. SHANNON, 2823; Bell, 2126. 1130 O. Auto, 08TEOPATH. Dr. E. M. Cramb, A. B., U. of N. 09. Burlington Block. 8PECIALI8T8 DR. W. J. WELT..8, stomach, skin and blood. 1216 O Qt. kidney, TAILORING R. C. HUBERT. ladloR' and Konts? tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. JEWELER. JEWELER Deloss Smith, watch maker and jowoler, 138 So. 12th St Lbw rates to students. L08T. LOST A black chango pocket-book on the campus, containing a Yalo key. Finder please return to Nobraskan of flco and rccelvo reward. MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll Bond free) la worth $10 a copy to any man who. Intonds to In vest any money, however mnnll; who hao money Invcetod unprofltably, or who can save C or moro per month, but who hasn't learned tho art of Invcutlnc for profit. It demonstrates tho REAL cam Ins power of money the kno'wlcdgo Unnnclors and bankers hldo from tho masses. It shows how to lnvost-small sums and how to mako them grow IFTto fortunes tho actual possibilities of Intelligent in vestments. It reveals tho onormous profits bankers mako and. shows how ono can make tho samo. profits safely. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes nro. mado and WHY thoy arc made how 11,000 grows to $22,000. To Introduco my magaslno wrlto mo NOW, mcotloning thls-papor and I'll oond It SIX MONTHS FREE EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jaclcsort Blvd.. ChlcagOr. " FRATERNITY TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. -- Automatic Alpha Tau Omega 3623 Alpha Theta Chi 7. . . . . . .2683 Bota -Theta Pi ..... .7111Q Delta Upsilon . 2100 Kappa Sigma .". .'......3853 Phi Delta Theta...; 4049 Phi Gamma -Delta. -...,... 4035 Phi Kappa Psi ,.'...4297 Sigma Alpha Epsllon.. ..,., .,...,.2917 Sigma Chi 2898 Chi Omega-, f , 4p93 Delta Gamma 3983 Pi Beta Phi ...3375 Bell. Alpha Theta Chi 11,23 Bota Theta Pi, . 775 Dolta Tau Delta 832 Delta Upsilon , 1108 Plii Delta Thota ."..'.. 855 Phi Gamma Delta ;. 1109 Phi Kappa' Psl ,.,,,..,. 80S S.igma Chi ......1111 Pi Beta Phl..c.4 ;. 834 Unl. Y. M. C. A. . r ...;.... , C52 t WANTED Every user or prospoc tlvb user of a typewriter to havo a frco trial of the VISD3LE Underwood. Uiidorwood Typewriter Co,, Bell Phono No, 348. 136 No. 11th St March 17. Non-Coni Hop. Fraternity Hall. English Club meets with Misses Ro man nnd Pope, 133G E streot. March 18. Nnshvillo reports, union meeting of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., 7:30 p. m. Memorial Hall. March 22. team try-outs. Gymnastic 8 p. m. Armory, March 30. Exhibition. Gymnastic p. m. Armory, April 6. Glee Club homo concert April 7. Engineering banquet April 11-18. Spring vacation. April 20. Sonior Prom. Lincoln Hotel. May 29. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. Convocation Program. March 16 Music. Thp musical program arranged for convocation tomorrow consists of Ru bensteln's D Minor concerto by Miss Alleycno Archibald, with the orches tral parts by Professor Eames. March 19 Mr. A. E. Sheldon, "Tho Music und Litcraturo of Nebraska In dians." Illustrated with photograph and stcrcoptlcon. March 21 Prof. F. C. French, "Do mocracy and Culture." March 23 Music. Mnrch 26 Prof. aurcncc Fosslor, "Henry IbBen." March 28 Prof. G. W. A. LUckoy, "Tho Making of a Teachor." March 30 Music. A collection of Russian -documents and state papers has bcon presented to Columbia University fry M. Wittc, tho Russian premior. Tho collection includes all tho Russian stato papers now inpTint, as well as copies of tho Russian codes and reports on agricul tural, consus, finances and Slborian affairs. M. Wltto last September re ceived from tho unlvorslty tho degree of doctor of laws. Cornoll won tho championship of tho intercollegiate Triangular Debato leaguo on Friday night by defeating both Columbln and Pennsylvania, on tho question. "Resolved. That Amor- lean pities should seek the solution of tho streot railway, problem In privato ownership and operation." Pennsylvania took socond by defeat-" Ing Columbia in Now York. Tourist Cars Popular. Tho idea that an inferior class of people patronize, tho tourist sleepers Is an error.. On many trips only tho bet class of travelors aro found. They aro merely men and women of good sonso who would rather- travel to Cali fornia in this manner and savo a snug sum of money to bo UBed elsewhere. It is beg!nbIng"to bo understood that it Is by no means necessary for tho traveler tp,, speada largo sum of money in order to enjoy a trip to tho Pacific Coast. If you cross tho continent in one of the tpurist sleepers of tho 'Union Pa ciflo you will enjoy your trip and savo considerable money. Inquire of E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. CX30COCOCOOOOOOCOCOCOCOOOO SPECIAL ATTENTION TO STUDENTS ' ELECTPIC FACIAL AND SCAIP MASSAGE ARISTO BADDED SHOP, 1206 0 STREET, BUM tiLQCK ss $ FOUNTAIN PENS! ft 0 Special prices io 0 Students 2 $2.00Pcns $.S0 9 $1.50 $1,000- RECTOR 1220 0t QUALITY OUR SODA; TASTES LIKX, MOK Blm, III lrnc Cirtiir 132f 0t. cc ))KH ' t -km OLIVER THEATRE r M)HinpTTTTll,1,l,T',''',Vf f 1 TMteM; Silirh ni Silmiij HilliH David Harum Prices: Eve, 1.00, 76,50 A 25cf Mat.', 50 A 26c. j Tuts., Wed. Wed. Mar. 20:21, Mat. "When London Sleeps" 8ATMRDAY. MAT. 'AND MARCH 24" NIOHT Mr. John Griffith Op adnock mm M.Or yJmUW Ll .' :li :- .! Vl I A ARROW I I CLUrECOHUROHU MJMl-TKH BIZKft I ijceutHcacli r aforsccut CUUETT. l-ABODV & CO. L jmj Makers of Qhittl ami Monarch SMrti, g . M ' t m x A v. i HI o -l J "v M N .i Vis, '. ' -'.' " - :., V-. .'. - --y ri f: '... iM "i .-. tJ .'5j. A- : $ -------fl--.uiiife.'.',-fl " t.. lid -" K"U je& r, EST