The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1906, Image 2

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tbcDaify Htbraskan
A consolidation of
Tho Hesperian, Vol. CI, Tho Nobroskan,
Vol. 10, Scarlot ana Croam, Vol. 4.
Publlshod dally, oxcei
BDt Sunday
HTnnri.iv. nt tho University of Nobraaka.
Lincoln, Neb., by tho Henporlan Publish
ing Co.
Application made for ontry at tho
postofllco at Lincoln, Nobraakn, as
eccond-clasB matter under act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
Bdard of Directors.
0. V. P. Stout. Laurenco Fowlor.
II. P. Leavltt '
Dwlcht Cramer. A. a. Schrolbor.H
Manager Fred Naughton
Circulation W. B. 8tandovon
Telephone Automatic 1528
Night Telephone Automatic 2365
Subscription Price, $2 per year In advance
Tho nominations raado ycatorday by
tho University Senate of tho profes
sora from whom tho chairman of tho
Fraternity Council is to bo chosen,
fes.s tho reault of a plan formu
tod by tho fraternities to raleo tho
eenoral standing of tho Groek letter
i.i- l 4t. ITnltinmlt.. tniAnfa
of 8omo of tho FroBhmon entering
achool Jiad complained that tho flrst
ow weeks of. Unlvexslty llfo encoun
tered, by youthful .fledkers after knowl
edgeiimbled too Inuch tho "Btronu
(UB life." Thoy claliucdHhat tho fra
ternities and sororities made llfo so
Interesting that many now students
got practically no benofit from thelr
first Bomeatcr'B work. Claims wore
also made that tho fraternities tended
to detract members from tho straight
and narrow paths oflearnlng and that
too much tlmo and strosfrwns put upon
tho lighter and brighter sidoof life.
Whllo theso claims wero notalto-
. . ,
gctnor true in an cases, atin uio mr
dencoseemed to siiow that Uioy wero
true1 In "many cases, far too many to
mako th fralernitlcs very beneficial
to school life, from tho standpoint of
the professors and porenb. Too many
youthn and maidens, away from tholr
mother's apron s'trlngs for tho first
time in their lives, permitted them
selves to bo carried away., by the
glamour and gaiety of "rushing week,"
and-BO neglected their Btudlcs.
It Is -the purpose of tho councils to
pass some regulationsrestricting the
rushing season, giving the. now stu
dent" tlmo to becomo thoroughly ac--climated
and well acquainted with his
nowurroundlngs before being calleu"
upon to- judgo of tho merjts of-any
fraternity. .
" Tho Greek letter men seem to be en
tirely satisfied with tho prospects and
feel that if all rcceivo tho same treat
ment no one should have any caus
to complain. Tho fraternities and
8ororjtes are to bo comtnended for
tho willingness they havo shown in
taking up tho task of regulation, with
out calling on tho University authorl
ties to lay down hard and fast rules,
which might work a hardship on some
Tho recent cold weather has brought
forth tho usual, number of reports of
missing overcoats and other wlntor
woftthcr ' apparel. It scorn's ..strange
that tho human mind Is so prono to
beliovo In tho honesty of others that
desplto tho warnings that coats and
hats hung In tho halls aro hung there
at tho owners' risk, the various own
ers serenely disregard tho warning
and contlmto to hang.
It seems stranger still that in a
university wQicro tho flower of the
younger generation of tho whole state
Is supposed to bo gathered that thero
aro thoeo Bhort-slghted persons who
aro unable to tell their own coats from
their neighbor's, especially If tho
neighbor's coat happens to be a bit
nower than their own.
In former years the University has
furnished a check room whero wraps
could bo left, but this year every nook
and cornor was so crowded that no
placo could bo set- aside as a check
room. Consequently the trusting stu
dent Is called upon to bear the burden,
and If ho cares not enough' for hl3
coat to carry it with him ho must
tako tho consequences. Let us hopo
that In futuro years, when new -buildings
aro available, that a placo will
be provided to hang one's coat, with
a fair assurance that It will bo there
when he returns.
rS2 tJ
; .
tSain y ester field's,
bniversity Students will find tlem
' Especially Attractive
.... . SAM'S CAFE
liy-121 North Thirteenth
Delegates Will Report.
It Is somewhat unusual to havo a
Sunday evening scrvlco at tho Univer
sity, but the Importance of tho ocea
slon warrants this step for next Sun
day. Tho Nebraska delegates at. tho
Nashvlllo convention1 will give a re
port of tho proceedings of the COnVOn
Hnn nni) avm-v TTnivAmlt.v atinlflnt l
urged to hear them. The service will
bo run as nearly as possible like ono
of tho convention meetings, tho great
convention hymns will be sung, and
throughout thoNuidlenco will bo made
to feel- tho convention spirit. Short,
earnest and enthusiastic talks will bo
mado by several of the delegates.
Music will be furnished bytbe Young
Mon's Christian- Association quartot
Tho mooting will bo lield in Memorial
Hall andwlll begin promptly at 7:30
ii x
Y. W. C. A. Cabinet. x
The ex-members of tho Y. W. C. A.
cabinet who went out of office a few
days since had their pictures taken
ensemble at Townsend's yesterday.
They wero: Misses Barton, Archibald,
Trigg, Prestont, Kaufmann, Agco,
Stuart, L. Bonnet, Henrlch and Vlb
bard, secretary of the association.
Y, fo. C. A. Notes.
Tho 'finance committee, under the
leadership of Mr. I. U Thompson, Ik
starting a special campaign for funds.
Tho fiscal year of tho association ends-
April 1st and it will bo a great favor
to tho committee and to the officers if
all thoao who are. indebted either bj
subcsrlption or by momberahlp will try
to sottlo" by thai. time.
Tho prayer meeting Wednesday
night was In charge of tho Nashville
delegate. Tboso present enjoyed a
ory profitable and instructive half
Tho time fr tho annual election ot
officers is drawing near. Members of
the association should bo thinking
this matter over In order to decide on
tho students who will be tho right
men for tho positions.
And believe that every loyal University
student should patronize Nebraskan ad
vertisers. They will find them to be the.
leaders in their particular lines and will
ing to do everything possible to please
you. Why not show.your loyalty to the
University and to your
Forbes Stables, llvory, cab nd bag
gage, 1125 P St. Bell B50; Auty 1550,
nmrfororet the TJni. School Of Jjuslo
Dean Pound will deliver an address
.before the Missouri Bar association at
Kansas City nuxt week. Atto'rncy Gon
eral Hadloy, of Standard Oil famo, and
Dean Pound aro to bo tho speakers of
tho occasion.
Every student in the eastern colleges keeps one
Our representative wiM call on
you with the -
The College Memory Book Company
Champaign, Illinois
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