The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 15, 1906, Image 4
' iW$)tfrwnQ$ j. L THE DULV NEBRASKAN. i I r V fr It K - jK CSJ' fc 't - ir KL!LJ Kcop a Momory Book. VnPsjB Eat at tho Un1, Muslc Oafo. 4. iKriMlSiil SHCitaH iT- Hl El Roller skating at tho Auditorium. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 -Richards Blk ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP .Beture to be properly eu(pnt obtiln he BTBV. UNaerwl you cannot cowkono. W-iiuAa KITTjES . . . from $2.25 to $100.00 riBTOLS- . . . from 2.03 to 00.00 SHOTGUNS . . from 7.00 to S0.00 Alkraurdeterininilit Send tut no-pejro lllut onoinpoMilr uike. If tr.ted catalog. If Inter jniiiinn(.l()tililn,vroilili etteJ In SltooTlNO, vou direct, rarrftif tltnrgit ought to hero It. Mailed -, uoa receipt of for four centt la (tamp to ctulotf price. cover pottage. Our attnctlre ttir-e-colnr Aluminum tiinger wilt bo tent anywhere fur 10 cent In umpt. J. 8TEVBN3 ASMS AND TOOLlCO. r. o. Hot 4090 Ohioopoa Vails, Mass., U. S. A. Whether Speech Sermon or Essay If fntiWo a mond to point, It inu-would enfon e your aruument or ontlrnn your itjflo by precept or oii'i-rain. wot and keep at your elbow Varnum Mifirnoicr." Ovor4UOpgeibrli.tlln- with "point ' foravnry -nrtof wrllton or unA-Ktffort.n Alpha liHlml iNOKX to ovcry one of hundred! of terteiy uuvl cliaraiortralis, toxu, topic, precopti, tpl gritns. 20 dUcount to teacher Vtirnum'adliarACicr: A Moral Textbook $1.50 Hour 10 A timet and Hold an Audience l.rtt Fdiino'artclenrftand Art of Klooutlon 1.23 Oil's llnw To Ifsetho Voice 1 n fa How To Ueiture I.U) lroa and Cona (complete debate) 1.90 Coinmnnco'iient I'arta (u other nccailuni)... 150 ItutantaneoHM Parliamentary Guide 10 HINDS & NOBLB, Publishers 31-33-35 W. 15th St. New York City Schoolbook$ of all publithen at one flora WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY! Roller skating at the Auditorium. Don't forget the TJnl. School of Music PrintingGeorge Bros., 13th. & N. Ohapln Bros., 'Florists. 127 So. 13th. Don't put It off got a Momory Book now. Students' 'wants-satisfied at tho TJnl. Book Store. Doesn't this book for '$1.00. Interest See ad. you? $1.60 Walkover shoes for college men. Rogors & PerklnsOo., 1129 O'St. Eat at Don Cameron's new rostau rant, 119 So. 12th St Dr. Woodward, diseases of tho eye. oar, nose and throat. Richards block. Union Shining Parlor Shlno, five conts; chalrs-for;lad!es. 1018 O St. A young soman's 'Shoo, Soros Is. Rogors & Perkins Co.. 1129 O Street. Yale defeated Columbia in a basket ball game recently. Dartmouth ; has offered Minnesota on the football soason. to meet field next Miller, of Indiana, broke tho state record In tho high jump, at 5 feet 11 Inches. Mare Catlln, tho star Chicago foot ball player, Is coaching the Iowa track team. , American Rhodes scholars captured three firsts and ono second In tho Ox ford field sports last Monday. Syracuso has been given the gift of a stadium to cost $200,000. Tho ath letic field In tho center will bo 626x3, 337 feet. Forbes Stables, Hvory, cab and bag gago, 1125 P St. Boll 560, Auto 1550. Miss Vorno Hall spent several days last week at her homo In Creston, la. ! I IT IS UP TO 1) ATE, AND RELIABLE, RECENTLY ENLARGED WITH 25,000 New Worcls and Phrases ALSO AOOEO New Gazetteer of the World New Blosraphioo.1 Dictionary Editor In Chief, W.T. Rftrrb, ITCD., LL.D., Uolud Bute ConmlMiorMr of Education. 2380 Quarto Paces. 5000 Illustrations. (T I? A PAOKtO BTOWMOO SC Of AOOUKAT IHOHHATIOH rOnAita Pmzt(nicheai Awart:)Wonu'a FAin Ot.louii You lose lots of Interesting keep Bakes and souvenirs If you don't keep a Momory Book. At Chicago tho Philosophy College consisting of women have formed a dramatic club which has boon named "Tho Sock and Buskin." Tho George Washington University has received $1,000 each from E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe to estab lish a chair of dramatic art. Doan-Judson of Chicago University" has announced that "Absolute freo speech will bo permitted to t'uddnts and faculty members alike. "On 'tho strength of this, a. student -.delivered an oration which was an 'eulogy.- of Robert Ingersoll and a positive en dorsement of hid' rellglousuvlews. Try-out for, the American team, which will cpmpete at-Athens,-rwlbo held In Now York; this, imoijtlv and the., team wllMeavo for Athens the- eoobnd week In April. Hugo 'Frl6nd 'and James D. LIghtbody of Chicago Uni versity, have been extended invitations to compete by -the "Athenian feames committee. Chicago Unlver<yhas'a'ddecLanow course to Its curriculum, called '"Va cation Days in 'Fjrancea'tsTtip or Study and Pleasurd'PTheTcbtirao'.win cover a ten week8say'lnPtirls,'.bn der tho direction 'Jand'.'Sjiporylsioo. of French professors, there,-iandjuponrox-amlnat!onr wlll.count foncrodltrr toward a school of education' degree. Will Casey, tho Bt'ar-'tacltlo 'dfttho Iowa Normal College"at'"CdairBipIds, has arrived In tho cltyfand.iias:ontorod college. Ho is now lopated atttho Phi Delta Theta house amdor'tho.TJrotqt' lng wing of Gaptv-Joo-Curtls; . - x . Casey Is about 6 fGQt7vlO1incb.cs1.tall, weighs 210 pounds, Is very fast-on hla feet and was a sonpatlonal- ?playerr la the Towa game last year. Michigan 1 Dally. Got your tickets resorvod at once for tho Glee Club concert, as tho seats are going llko "hot cakes." Just as soon as class layout go to tho Co-op and got ono of thbso Som breros. You may be too lato. " -Every Unlvorslty follow should buy two Glee Club concert tickets and taKo his girl. You will not regret It. Also Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 1110 race. llOOIUut-ailona. Regular Edition 7 a lOxtHlncbea. 3 binding. Do Luxe Edition 6j.8ttlM ! Printed from iroe platra, on bible paper. beautiful binding. FREE,"DlcUonar7Wrlnklea."IUuitrate4pampbleta. G, d C. ME.KKIAM CO. Publishers, Sprlngflejd, Mass., U. S. A, OCTTHB DEST C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. -Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To the American Colleges and Univer sities. Class contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prlcM. Memories of your college days ap propriately kept In a Momory Book will ploaso you In after yoars f T-I TTHrlrn mnnnfrnr et thn Olriri and Mandolin Clubs, was-ln. Omaha yesterday on business connected with the clubs. Next Mondaypvonlng, March 19, tho Athletic Board X-H Jneot and elect a track manaKer to succeed D. Li. Cramer, who has loft tho Unlvorslty. Who Is to bo the. Unlvorslty gym nast "for this year and wear tho "N" from that department will bo docldod Thursday evening, March 22, when tho second of two contests will bo hold. XX)00000O0000000000000O3 f j; R.H.GILLESPIE $V.. '"' Bookbinder ji 7 Pedagogical Club. Tho regular meeting of tho Unlvor-' slty Pedagogical Club will bo held In University Hall this ovenlng. After the business of the club has been transacted, Dr. Wolfo, formerly of the University of Montana, but at present professor In tho dopartment of Edu cation, will deliver an address on "How Teachers Secure Positions." From tho nature of tho lecture It is expected that a largo number of stu dents will attend and the dopartment, with this Idea In mind, has urged, that those Intending to teach next year como early. The meeting will be 4 called at 7:30 o'clock lrt room 212, University Hall. 1 Chicago .hascforever-lo8t the serviced Of Hugo tBezdek, tho star fullback, as ho haslgnlfled his Intentions 'df'tflay-; lng 'professional baseball 'this sum'mei'i Delinquency 'In work will notpefmlU him to matriculate untll' noxt'fall. BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. , EQUIPMENT, RIGHT, . TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT. ITS ALL RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE I5J2 FARNAM ST. UNION- DEPOT OMAHA. y? X TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM CO. FOR ALL ICE CREAMS, ICES, PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES Reduced prices In large quantities, 1316 N Street. Both 'Pieties Dawson's Aqua Pura Bath House Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Saline, .Salt Glow. Hot and Cold Baths New; and-Modern. Open all Night. 'Oood Beds. 'Auto Phone 3627. das. T. EDawson, 'Prop. Corner 11th and N Lincoln HOW IKE CO l MAN , teHAtfLESrtfS GREGORY, U. of N. '01. BOTH PHQINES. ' , 1044 O STREET J. I t -T'.- j II - .v. it ' ; t j V . ;.-f -. V-t.u 'iJL.liU, ij. - J '' .-5 Id- ' U Jt, '."E Sls&?